I head to my office slamming the door closed on the way in. I go straight to my desk shove all my paperwork off and hit my fists on it. I'm so fucking confused and frustrated. I'm also fucking angry with myself.

I just lost my virginity to some random fucking she-wolf! But it wasn't just a random girl, it was Avery my childhood friend who claims we're mates even though I haven't seen her in years.

I was ten years old when she left. She was my first heartbreak and now years later she's still making problems. The little sex vixen seduced me. It wasn't hard to do since she's so fucking beautiful. Her body molded perfectly against mine and her soft fucking lips made me want to kiss her all day.

But it's fucking wrong!

I have no idea what the truth is. She claims we're mates and our parents are trying to keep us apart. Why would they do that? Our parents we're friends. Hell, we had sleepovers together almost every night and our parents didn't care.

She has to be lying but I'm not sure why. Maybe she's just another she-wolf who wants to be Luna. She wouldn't be the first girl to throw herself at me because I'm an Alpha. Only this time my dumbass gave in.

I remember I called her my little mate before I spilled my seed inside her. I have no idea where it came from. The words slipped off my lips before I realized what I was saying like it was just a natural thing to call her.

Still frustrated I leave my office and head to my bedroom. I need a fucking nap. My head is throbbing and weird images of me having sex with Avery keep popping up. Except it's not from moments ago. They almost feel like memories which confuses me more.

I haven't seen her in years, right?

As soon as I enter my room I strip down to my boxers and climb into bed. My eyes don't take long to close from the excruciating pain in my head and I go straight into a dream-like state. It's like watching a movie. Nine-year-old me is in the kitchen of the packhouse sitting at the kitchen bar. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

A younger version of my mom is smiling at me. Her raven black hair stops at her shoulders and she's wearing a yellow sundress with a ruffled red plaid apron tied around her waist.

"Are you guys ready for your baking lesson? Today we're going to cook one of my favorite desserts?" she asks and I look beside me to see a nine-year-old Avery.

Avery is wearing her favorite pink overalls with a white shirt underneath. She even has cute little bows at the end of her pigtails. She nods at my mom. "I can't wait what is it?"

"It's like those apple pies from McDonalds but ours will taste better because they are homemade and made with our special ingredient..."

"Love!" Avery shouts finishing my mom's sentence for her.

"You're right Avery. How about you take the caramel and cinnamon and Kai you can stir the honey and cut the apples."

Six-year-old me starts stirring the bowl. But I can't stop glancing at Avery who is super focused on her own task. I smirk and stick my finger in the bowl then wipe it on Avery's face making her flinch.

"Now you will taste delicious." I smile at her.

"Kai why did you do that?" she squeals and sets her bowl on the counter.

"Because this is my new favorite snack and I want you to taste like it." I laugh.

Avery narrows her eyes and sticks her finger in her bowl then holds it up. "Then it's only fair you taste like it too."

I quickly hop off the bar stool but so does Avery. She chases me as I run around the kitchen trying to escape her. My mom just laughs and continues getting the food ready ignoring our crazy antics.

When Avey corners me I hold my hands up in surrender. "Please I'm sorry, don't."

"Too late. You marked me now I have to mark you, Simba!!!!" she screams and wipes the food on my forehead in a straight line. When she backs away she stumbles and I try to catch her but we both fall with her landing on top of me.

"You're so clumsy!" I squeal and laugh more.

"Maybe don't try to catch me when I fall Kai!"

I scoff. "Please I'll always be here to catch you, Aves that's what best friends are for."

The memory slowly fades away and another one pops up. This time I'm lying in bed. My mom is sitting beside me reading me a bedtime story. I'm seven and surprised to see I'm alone and not cuddled with Avery like always.

Mom sets the book down and smiles at me. "So do you have any questions?"

"I do, but not about the book. What's a mate mom?"

She looks surprised by my question. "Where did you hear something like that Kai?"

I shrug. "April and Christina. They were arguing about who would be the best mate when I was playing Pac-Man."

Mom sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose. "Remind me to make sure the teenagers stay out of the game room when you and Avery are in there."

"But mom," I whine. "What is a mate?"

"A mate is someone very special. The moon goddess only blesses us with one in our lifetime. They aren't to be taken for granted and some people spend their whole lives searching for theirs."

"I'm confused."

She grabs my hand and stares into my eyes telling me this is serious. "Kai a mate is what your dad is to me, my special person."

"So like a husband or wife?" I scrunch up my nose because girls are icky.

"Yes, but their so much more. Our mate is our other half. They complete us. Nobody will ever love you more than your mate. So when you find yours you appreciate her. Tell her every day how special she is and protect her always. You're an alpha Kai so your mate will lead the pack with you."

Humming I can only think of one person I would want to rule beside me. "Can Avery rule with me?"

Mom chuckles. "If she's your mate sure."

"Oh, she will be Mom I love her the most even if she is a girl."

"So you love her more than your own mom!" she teases me and starts tickling me. When she finally stops I can't stop smiling.

Avery is my mate, I know it

I jolt awake out of my sleep. The visions I keep seeing of Avery and I together are real memories. She was right we're mates. That means she was also right about my dad wanting to keep us apart. I have to find her before anyone else does.

I rush to my closet grabbing a clean pair of jeans and a black shirt. I grab socks and put on my shoes. Racing to the bathroom I brush my teeth and put on deodorant. I even fixed my stupid hair wanting to look nice for her.

I'm such an idiot. I should have believed her. Avery never lied to me in the past why would she now? My dad had completely brainwashed me but not anymore. I never wanted a choice mate, he just wanted me away from Avery. He probably took Titan away also.

When I open my bedroom door I hear shouting coming from downstairs. I rush down the stairs to see what the commotion is all about. On the bottom floor of the packhouse, I see Lance being held down by a few of our warriors.

"What the fuck are you doing get your hands off my delta!" I shout making my presence known. The warriors stand taller but still keep a hold on Lance.

"Sorry, Kai we have orders to keep him away." A warrior named Chet answers.

I fold my arms across my chest my jaw ticking with annoyance. "Orders from who? Lance is not a threat."

"From the Alpha sir." Another wolf answers avoiding eye contact with me.

I'm pissed maybe if I had my wolf I could alpha command them to let him go but since Titan's gone my threats don't work as well. They see I'm not going to argue and start dragging Lance away. He starts fighting against them.

"Kai I can't find Kayla or Avery you have to find them!" he shouts as they drag him towards the exit. "Something is going on, you can't trust anyone, especially your dad!" he warns and I give him a nod before he's pushed outside.

Sighing I look at one of the warriors still standing around. "Have any of the intruders been captured?" I ask and he smiles.

"They got one she's in the cells. Are you going to torture her? Can I watch?" he asks excitedly. Normally I would be excited to torture someone also but not if it's her down there.

"I should probably do this one alone, next time though." I wave him off and head towards the cells.

Only one guard is standing outside the door to the basement where the cells are when I get there. He says nothing as I pass him and go down the long spiral stairs to our cells. We torture and kill rogues down here so it smells like death and blood.

I pass many cells looking for Avery when I stop at the last one at the end. The cell is completely empty except for a mattress on the floor and a body curled on top of it asleep. They have a chain covered in wolfsbane around their neck and bruises along their back.

I can't see their face but I know it's her. She's still dressed in her shirt and shorts from earlier but they're ripped like she was trying to fight someone off her. I'm so livid thinking of some huge wolf getting rough with Avery. I'm also disappointed in myself for letting this happen.

I drop to my knees and grab the bars of the cell. Without my wolf, the wolfsbane doesn't hurt at all. "Avery darling I'm here," I whisper.

She slowly sits up and her face has a fresh busted lip and scratches on it. "Kai," she whispers and crawls over to me. She puts her hand over mine and starts to cry. "What are you doing here?"

I'm so ashamed of myself. She's hurt because of me. I'm such an idiot. "You were right, we're mates. I'm sorry I didn't believe you before."

The sound of someone walking our way has us both turning our heads in that direction. The steps get closer and Avery reaches through the bar and caresses my face. "You have to leave Kai, save yourself."

A tear falls down my face as I turn my focus back to Avery. "No. I won't leave you, not again."

"You have to please, save yourself," she begs. Her hands are shaking as she cries uncontrollably.

The heavy footsteps stop a few feet away from me and I can feel his dominating presence. Avery just stares at him completely terrified while I ignore him hoping to spend a few more moments with my mate.

I slowly put my hand through the bar and cup Avery's chin making her face me. She swallows hard and I wipe one of her tears with my thumb.

"I love you, Avery Sinclair. I promise to never forget our love again."

"Kai I lo-" Is the last thing I hear before something hits me hard in the head and darkness overtakes me.

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