After breakfast we all head outside. We went down to the lake and played volleyball where we girls kicked the boy's butt. Now we’re headed back to the main area.

Kai walks beside me and I can't help but blush as he smiles at me. It’s so strange being so close to him again. The last time I saw him we were kids. We’re both all grown up now and I can’t help but check him out. He’s so handsome with his perfect face and chiseled arms. He even has tattoos now. Kai's the perfect combination of looking like a bad boy but as sweet as can be.

He wraps his arm around me tucking me into his side. “What are you thinking about Aves?” he says and his deep husky voice sends chills down my spine.

“Nothing,” I whisper but Kai eyes me like he doesn’t believe me.

“So you wouldn’t mind if I did this?” he suddenly starts tickling my sides and I try to squirm away while laughing but it doesn’t work.

“Kai stop! Stop! Please!” I scream and he just laughs.

The tickling seems to stop and I’m abruptly pulled against a hard chest. My wolf purrs and I find myself clutching onto his shirt. His arms are wrapped around my waist holding me in place. Memories of last night come back to me and I squeeze my thighs close together.

"I can smell you mate. Are you thinking about last night? I would have pleasured your tight wet cunt all night if you hadn't stopped me." he whispers.

Normally My wolf would want to attack any male close to us, but she just continues to purr. Of course, she likes Kai but we have no idea if he's our mate or not so we can’t act on it. His head buries into my neck nuzzling against me. It feels so good I can’t help but bite my lip. Kai slowly pulls away but still holds me close. He’s always been so affectionate. I’ll just have to get used to it again.

“It’s hot out here let’s get you a drink.” He states before walking away leaving me completely flustered. I can’t help but watch him walk away. His friend Matt catches up to him and they begin talking.

“Whoa, that was hot!” Bea says excitedly pretending to fan herself down as she laughs.

“You need to be more careful. Remember he may not be your mate and even so, he may be a complete jerk.” Kayla scowls as she wraps her arm around my shoulder.

I shake my head at Kayla's comments. Even if Kai isn’t my mate I still want him in my life. Being around him has made me realize how much I missed my best friend. I want us to be close again but maybe I do need to set some boundaries.

“I think Kai is good for you Avery. I have never seen you so happy. You can’t stop smiling.” Bea reminds me and I can’t help but smile more. I’m so happy to have Kai back in my life.

“He's an Alpha. They're players and I don’t want him breaking her heart! How do we know he doesn’t just want to sleep with her? That’s all guys care about now!” Kayla shouts.

“I know you're worried about me but I know Kai he wouldn’t hurt me. He’s probably the sweetest guy I know.”

"We'll see." Kayla scowls. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

After a short break, the five of us join in on the activities. We all end up on the same team and play tug of war against another team and win. Then we had a scavenger hunt where I paired up with Kai, and we won. Lastly, we all went on the giant obstacle course. I'm exhausted now and covered in sweat.

"I feel so gross now, I need a shower," Bea complains beside me.

My hands are on my knees and I'm bent over trying to catch my breath when I answer her. "Me too. I hate to see what the next activity is."

A delicious scent wafts through my nose and Kai walks up. He hands Bea and me a water bottle. He's shirtless only in some black basketball shorts and I'm trying not to drool. "That was fun I might go again," he says.

"Are you serious? I can't even feel my legs." I whine and he laughs.

"You always hated training. Want me to hold you, Aves?"

Before I can answer he's wrapping my sore arms around his neck and he's holding my waist. I'm pretty sure I would fall over if he wasn't holding me up.

"How are you not even tired? Are you even real? Maybe you're a robot or something?" I start touching his chest and he growls and places my arms back around his neck.

"If I'm a robot you're a little tease or maybe you just like touching me," he whispers against my ear.

I growl and fold my arms across your chest. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Sure." Kai rolls his eyes and runs a finger down his toned chest. "It's not like I didn't wake up to you cuddled up on this body. Heck, I didn't dream about you running your tongue all over me either."

I playfully shove him. "Shut up! You're such a tease. I'm never cuddling with you again."

"You know you like it. Maybe later I'll-"

"Avery is that you?" a voice interrupts Kai and I turn around to see Dean the next alpha of my pack, Stars Hollow. I had no idea he was even here. He's probably the only other male my wolf Raven can tolerate so we hang out all the time.

"Dean?" I arch my eyebrow and he walks up and hugs me. There's a growling sound behind me but I ignore it. "I didn't know you were coming," I say.

Dean nods. "Yeah, my dad surprisingly sent all the unmated wolves from our pack. I didn't think you were coming though. I know your dad is hesitant about you finding a mate."

Since Dean will be the next alpha of the Stars Hollow pack and I'm supposed to take over for my dad we became close friends. Dean is one of the approved guys for me to date but I don't think he likes me that way. He always insists I bring my friends when we hang out so we're never alone.

"Yeah, he doesn't really know I'm here. You won't tell him will you?"

"Of course not Avery you know me better than that. I actually bribed my way in since I won't be eighteen until it's over so we both were never here." he laughs and I playfully shove him.

"You're so bad!" I laugh more and Dean's face turns serious as he grabs my hand and pulls me closer to whisper in my ear.

"I need to talk to you about something important when we get back. It's about my mate and-"

He's interrupted by Kai pulling me against his side and glaring at Dean. "She doesn't want to talk to you!" he growls.

Dean looks confused as he glances between Kai and his arm wrapped tightly around my waist. "Is this your mate Avery?"


"Yes," Kai answers at the same time as me.

I push Kai away from me. "We're not! Dean I would love to talk to you when we get back home. I'll call you."

Dean hesitatingly nods and walks away. Kai glares at him the whole time before he turns to me. "What the fuck Avery! You know we're mates!"

"We don't know that Kai. We're not eighteen yet. The pull we feel between us could be anything. We were best friends for so long and you were the first other werewolf I met. We're always going to have some sort of bond. It doesn't mean we're mates."

His eyes flash telling me his wolf is present. He lowers his face so his nose brushes against mine. His lips hover over my mouth as he growls. "You're mine Avery."

Without warning his mouth crashes onto mine and my body presses into his. His large hand wraps around my throat as he deepens the kiss. The kiss starts out brutal and hard like he's claiming me as his. But then the kiss slowly turns sensual and passionate as I dart my tongue in his mouth so it can dance with his.

My heart beats rapidly against my chest overjoyed I'm kissing the man of my dreams, the boy I always loved. But my brain is yelling at me to stop, telling me this is wrong. That Kai had stolen something of importance from me, my first kiss.

I somehow manage to push him away. My hand rises and I slap Kai across the face. He's breathing hard, eyes full of lust and adoration as his breathing evens out. My hand hurts but he doesn't even act fazed by my action.

"How dare you steal my first kiss from me, Kai! How could you?" the tears well up in my eyes.

His jaw drops and he seems to finally break out of the trance he was in. He takes a step towards me but I back up. "Avery I'm sorry. Aves I couldn't-"

"I don't want to hear a bullshit excuse that you couldn't control it! You knew how much my first kiss meant to me and how I was saving it for my mate! You just robbed me of that." I snap and begin walking back to my cabin.

I can feel Kai watching me the whole time, but he says nothing else. I start to jog as I try to reach my cabin before more tears fall but a familiar voice stops me.

"Kai has always been possessive it will only get worse," Scott announces."

"You don't know anything about him," I answer. Even being angry at Kai I will defend him always. Especially against an asshole like Scott.

He scoffs and stands up from the tree he was leaning against. "Please I know Kai more than anyone else. He's my cousin."

"Which you hate." I interrupt. Kai told me last night all about his arrogant playboy cousin. They have some insane frenemies vibe I sensed.

He just shrugs. "Regardless we're family. I'm the one who's been around him for the last few years. You've been across the country. Kai isn't the adorable little boy you fell for. He's dangerous. If you think he's possessive now wait until he takes you as his mate. You'll go from one controlling daddy to another."

Growling I wipe my tears away. "You don't know anything about my life or Kai. I guarantee he will be a better mate than you ever will be!"

Scott saunters over to me. He looks me up and down with disgust before he speaks. "I can't wait until he breaks your heart. Then we will see who the better mate is."

Before I can get another word in he walks off. My wolf is growling in my head wanting to go argue with him but I shake off his words and enter my cabin where more tears fall. My heart is torn at kissing Kai. I enjoyed it but without knowing were mates I also regret it.

If only midnight can come soon enough then I'll know for sure if we're mates. I really hope we are but if we're not... Well, I have no idea how I'm going to handle the heartbreak.

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