Wetness leaks from the corners of my eyes as Duke’s cock continues to jerk in my mouth, his orgasm intense and powerful. As promised, I’m quite literally trying to swallow him as well as everything he’s shooting down my throat. From the zoned out, shocked look on his face, it’s good for him. Very good.

“God, Mason, I think you sucked my brains out through my dick. I can’t—”

Easing him from the back of my throat, I swipe my tongue over every inch of him, making sure I haven’t left a bit of his cum behind. I can’t help but stare at his wet dick as I release it from between my lips. Fuuuck. He’s still half hard. I want to take advantage of that.

Duke has a look of dazed appreciation on his face. He doesn’t finish his thought but cups my chin in his hand and sweeps the pad of his thumb over my lower lip. The way he’s studying me is close to obscene, like he has thoughts of what he might like to do to me running through his head.

I’m one hundred and ten percent correct. In one swift move, Duke knocks me from my knees to my back, then yanks my jeans down. I hurriedly kick my feet free, a burst of lust slamming through my system at the realization that I’m buck naked on the lush grass of Bainbridge Hall’s back lawn. My chest heaves as Duke grips my knees and pries my legs open, exposing all of me to him and the quiet night. He crawls forward and braces himself over me, breathing hard, an animalistic, hungry look in his eye. Oh, fuck. All of this is too much, muddling my brain and making it go haywire as my cock stiffens to the point of pain. His voice husky, he murmurs, “I can think of another way to keep your mind off everything else.”

I shoot him a wicked smirk, feigning confusion. “Is that right?” His dick, still wet from my mouth, grazes mine, making my hips buck upward to seek out more of the agonizingly fucking good contact.

Duke lowers his body to mine, and both of us groan out our pleasure. Skin on fucking skin. Hot. Sweaty. Ripples upon ripples of muscle. So damn sexy. He grasps my hands in his, pressing them into the grass over my head. He stares into my eyes, a molten fire in his. “I think you need a reminder of what it feels like to be so full of me that you can’t remember what life was like before I fucked you.”

“Enough talk. Show me what you had in mind, fucker.” I don’t want Duke to say shit he doesn’t mean just because I need him tonight. I nudge him from below. We both let out heady moans as our dicks align, caught up between our abs. Sliding. Rubbing. Teasing. He’s setting my world on fire. And then, he begins to thrust, and I almost lose it. Wanting more of him and everything he’s doing to me, I widen my legs to accommodate his hips. He sets a fucking torturous pace, making me pant and whimper for him.

Just when I thought it couldn’t get better, he dives in, teeth nipping at my neck, lips kissing and teasing as he moves up to my ear, breathing hotly. It sends shivers down my spine and turns me into a mindless being ruled by my body and the rapture he’s bringing down on me.

I strain against him, our skin slick with sweat as we grind together. I want those lips on mine. Want him to taste himself on me. The thoughts running through my head are enough to make me come all over myself. Fuuuck. Not yet. I want this to go on and on. My chest heaves with need. The wetness of pre-cum on my stomach is definitely from both of us, and the idea of it brings me close to coming undone. It feels so good, so right to be with him like this. And the fact that he’s the one calling the shots is so fucking sexy and something I never thought would happen in a million years after our first catastrophic experience freshman year or the recent fuckening. Fuck. Maybe he meant what he was saying earlier. I shouldn’t have immediately tossed aside what he was trying to tell me. Maybe he did like fucking me and wants to remind me of how good it was. My brow furrows. Now is not the time to think about it. I can’t. There’s no way I could actually have everything I’ve ever wanted.

“Kiss me,” I rasp. Our breaths come faster and faster now, the backyard full of grunts and groans and glorious moans. Oh, god. I want Duke to fuck me outside like Bear and Lennon did. Before I can think how we’d accomplish it, Duke’s mouth crashes down on mine, robbing me of air and all logical thought. He’s like a whirlwind, his tongue there one second, gone the next, spinning, twirling, and twisting, as he licks inside my mouth. I’m convinced he’s seeking out everything there is to know about me. Eventually, he’ll know all my secrets. Every last one.

“Open your eyes, Mase.” He goes back to kissing me, watching my reaction to how he’s using his lips and tongue to drive me wild. The way our gazes lock on each other is everything. The intensity is ten times greater than it’d been moments before.

This man, my friend, and I are kissing and doing things that friends just don’t fucking do. My brain skids and swerves, wondering if his mind is going a million miles a minute like mine is. Because I want this. I fucking want him forever. It sends me precariously close to the edge, when I don’t want this to be over at all. “Fuck. I might come,” I breathe raggedly against his wicked lips. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

His brows lift, and I swear there’s something going through his head. The next moment, I’m proven right. “Nope. Not yet.” He stands up and kicks free of his shoes and jeans, then holds out a hand. “Shower. Now.” I’m in some sort of sex haze and don’t know what to think of his request, but I grab his hand and let him help me up, our hard cocks bobbing as they weep for each other. Duke slaps my ass, making me let out a choked gasp before he grits out, “Move.”

We race across the short distance from where we’d been groping each other on the lawn to the outdoor shower. Duke flips the lever, and water immediately sprays down on us. It’s cold, and I don’t fucking give a shit. I grip his hips and tug him firmly against me. At the same time, he grasps either side of my head, bringing his mouth down on mine as water tracks down our faces and bodies in rivulets. It’s almost like we’re outside in the middle of a storm … only the storm rages inside us, instead. Wet skin on wet skin. Slick. Slippery. Toned muscles and greedy hands. We tangle together for what seems like an eternity, our dicks rock hard between us. The longer we go, the more insistent our need grows. I’d been on the verge of coming just from rubbing my cock against Duke’s, from feeling the weight of him on top of me, from inhaling the masculine scent of him. He’d been merciless … and from the look in his eye, I’d say he’s far from done with me.

His strong hands travel my body, touching me everywhere. He glances toward the house. It’s almost completely dark. There’s a light that’s been left on somewhere on the bottom floor, probably in the kitchen. Otherwise, all is still and quiet.

With the exception of what’s happening out here, that is. I blink water out of my eyes, and when I open them again, Duke’s dropped to his knees. And there’s nothing he is if not aggressive. He slips a wet hand between my legs and goes right for my asshole, fingers probing lightly at first, and then more determinedly.

Lights burst behind my eyes as I stare down at him and take a ragged breath. He takes my dick in his other hand, working it at the same time he teases my sensitive opening. Nerve endings fire to life as he rubs his fingers over the puckered skin. A moment later, he takes me between his lips. In comparison to the shower, his mouth is hot, but just as wet. I drop my head back on my shoulders, looking up past the shower head toward the sky, willing myself to calm, and at the same time knowing it’s damn near impossible with Duke—Duke!—sucking my dick like a fucking champ and probing my ass with his fingers.

My chest jerks as I thread my fingers through his drenched blond locks, gripping the hair securely, and tug to get his attention. “You like driving me out of my goddamn mind, Duke?”

His blue eyes practically glow as he stares up at me, his mouth stuffed full of my cock. The tip of his finger penetrates my ass, and I gasp, my dick twitching and leaking pre-cum into his mouth. He’s like an animal, sucking me down, popping off, licking at me like I’m a fucking melting popsicle, using his fucking teeth on me to get a reaction. I shudder, all of it feeling so good, I find myself racing right to the edge of the orgasm I’d been denied earlier.

“Don’t you fucking stop this time, you hear me?” I grit between gasps, moans, and rolls of my hips. My heart hammers behind my rib cage at the bold way he’s touching me, tasting me, and working me into a frenzy. He’s a high I don’t know if I’ll ever come down from.

He slides me from his mouth, licking circles around the crown of my cock while he nudges his finger deeper into my ass. It makes my face flush with heat and my dick leak pre-cum, which he immediately sucks from the tip. “After you come, I’m gonna need you to turn around. Got it?” I know that look in his eye. Fuck. I blow out a few hard breaths. “You trust me?”

“Ah, fuck.” I hiss as his finger brushes my prostate. “Y-yes.” I’m caught off guard by the catch in my voice.

“Then do what I fuckin’ say, Mase.” He doesn’t give me a break at all, he takes me deep into his throat and moans loud and long, letting the vibration do its work on me.

A few moments later, I feel the orgasm building deep within, but fuck, it’s so good riding right here on the cusp of it, I want to feel this good as long as I can, so I grip his hair tighter as my jaw goes rigid. My lower abs tense up and my thighs fucking shake with the effort of holding back.

“Let go,” he growls around my erection, his eyes burning with desire. I begin to thrust myself into his mouth, and he sucks and licks and groans as he takes every bit of what I’m pumping into him. Hot cum spurts from my cock, making me cry out in ecstasy. His finger slips out of my ass, and I feel that loss, but then remember he told me to face the shower stall wall, so I do as soon as he allows me to slip from his mouth. I plant my hands on the tiles, and he smacks my ass, then yanks my hips backward, bending me over.

I’m still overwhelmed by the force of my release, so it takes me a moment or two before it registers that he’s spread my cheeks wide and is fingering my hole again. And then I feel it, his mouth on my ass. Lips. Tongue. So fucking dirty. My entire body seizes up, trembling, and I let out a strangled cry as now I’m almost certain what he’s done. Something warm and slick is in my ass. My own cum. And he’s using his tongue to push it farther inside me. “O-oh my f-fuck,” I stutter. If I thought my face was hot before or if I thought I was as turned on as I could possibly get … well, I was really fucking wrong.

Duke replaces his tongue with two fingers, working me open as they slide in and out. “You ready for my fat cock?” Cum is not lube, but right now, it feels pretty wild, and all I can do is grunt and nod. He stands behind me, then a moment later, he removes his fingers and replaces them with the blunt head of his cock.

I push back against it, wanting nothing more than for him to fucking fill me up. His hands find my hips, and he eases his dick inside me before pulling back, then pushing in farther. I’m fuckin’ impatient. “Fuck me,” I rasp. “I need you to.”

“You tell me to fuckin’ stop if you can’t handle it, okay?”

“Yes. Just fucking do it,” I grit, my body a live wire in need of him to take control of the energy whipping through me. I’m hard all over again. Because of him.

Duke growls, shoving inside me to the hilt. He curls over my back, then takes my dick with one hand, stroking me with just the right grip. His breath heaves from him at my neck as we rock together. “So good. You feel so fucking good, Mase. You gonna come for me again?”

My head feels like it’s stuffed full of cotton, and I can’t gather enough of my brain cells to answer him. All I know is that this is beyond anything I’ve felt before, and if he doesn’t stop touching me, I’ll come all over his hand. I let out a heavy breath, groaning. “Fuck, D. Give me that dick. Fuck me raw.”

With his cock sliding in and out of my ass and his hand keeping the same pace while he jacks me off, I’m at his goddamn mercy. And I fucking love it. I grunt, my body awash with sensation, all my nerves lit up and dancing. I told him he hadn’t seen filthy from me. But fuck, I had no idea Duke had it in him to do the things he’d just done, the things he’s still doing. Heat floods my body as my mind relives the last few minutes. My dick swells, and I lose it, I’m out of control, bucking in Duke’s arms, and half afraid I’m going to collapse from the pleasure being inflicted upon me.

“That’s it, Mase. I’m so fucking deep. Your ass is so tight, squeezing my cock. Fuuuck. I wanna fuck this ass every day.”

His words bring a fresh flush to my face, the wave of blood infusing my body, and if we weren’t fucking in the dark, I know he’d comment on how red I’ve become. I begin to gasp on every panted breath. “Please, D. Please.” The whimpered plea is wrenched from between my lips. “I can’t stop it. I’m gonna come.” My entire body shakes within his hold.

Duke plunges the entirety of his length into me, his hips snapping against my ass cheeks, the sound of water splashing only making the smacking sounds of our skin meeting pronounced and wild. “Fuuuck. Gonna come so hard in your ass, baby.”

I throw my head back as my orgasm barrels toward me. I gasp for air, and then it’s upon me. “Jesus, fuck!” I shout. Jizz hits the tiled wall of the shower, though more ends up on Duke’s fingers.

He’s stilled his movement, waiting until I’m done before he releases me. His dick eases almost all the way out of me, and my mouth falls slack. I can tell he’s touching himself, and I know why a moment later. My cum. Again. He slides his coated cock back inside me, and I let out a lengthy groan.

“Hold on,” Duke growls as he digs his fingers into my hips and begins to pump hard and fast into me. “Fuck, Mase. Fuuuck.”

“Harder. So much fucking deeper. I want all of it. Every goddamn inch.” My head goes hazy and all I can process is the way he’s filling me up.

“Holy shit. I’m sorry. Sorry.”

We’re no longer alone.

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