Embers in the Dust
The Isles of Homesteads

Do you think it’d work?

Honestly, I have no clue anymore.

Myla held her sister’s hands and concentrated with everything she could muster. In her mind, she focused on Darion, his features, his voice, his attitude, but felt no connection to him. After what felt like minutes of wasted time, she sighed, let go of her sister’s grasp, and looked to the others.

“I don’t think I’m close enough for a connection.”

“That’s okay. It was a slim chance anyways,” Lyla responded.

“Let’s use your other skills then,” Mr. Muffins stated while gesturing to the door in front of them. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Myla remembered being here only a couple weeks ago, when Leaf spoke to Cerrin for the first time. She didn’t know at the time, but the semicircle of homes that surrounded a large statue was the Deans’ homes, perfectly mapping the Isle of the Voided Ones. Starting with the home to the right, she pulled out her lockpicking set and got to work.

The entire academy had lost its arcane power, and that meant that Myla was specifically designed for this kind of work. Not having to worry about magical traps and enchantments, she was able to unlock the door quickly. Opening it before them, she found the room to be dark. What little light came from the windows was interrupted by overgrown vines and plants that took up most of the walls, countertops, and tables. They stepped into Onisa’s home and looked around.

“This place is filthy,” Mr. Muffins stated plainly.

She saw what he meant when she walked into the kitchen. Pots and pans stacked high in the sink, and stacks of paperwork were littered over many of the tables where plants hadn’t already conquered.

“I don’t think she’s been here since we left,” Lyla added.

“Let’s go to the next one then.”

Myla walked over to the next home, unlocked the door, and stepped inside. She was hit with an odd smell of incense, and was stopped by her lack of vision. She turned around and was unable to see the entrance. Confused, she hollered out into the dark.

“I think I’m blind?”

“You walked into a darkness spell. Walk back the way you came,” Mr. Muffins said.

“That’s easy for you to… Ouch!”

“You okay?” Rhokhishi asked.

“Stubbed my toe…”

With her hands before her, she felt the door frame and stepped outside. She was blasted with light, which caused her to squint against it as her eyes adjusted.

“That must be Rikgos’ home. Dark elves, darkness, and all that,” Mr. Muffins stated.

“Well, it’s definitely darker than I would have guessed,” She responded.

“The fact that it’s still dark means that some of the magic still works here. We should be careful,” Lyla added.

Going to the middle home, she remembered standing outside as Cerrin entered it once before. She could smell something rotten coming from the building as she worked on the door’s lock, and was blasted with it when she opened it.


It looked as if food had been dropped, placed, and thrown around, which were in various states of decay. While Cerrin was not himself for the past year, she assumed that the Shade that had possessed and taken his form for its own had no concern for the smell. Rather than waiting, she moved on to the next home and started to unlock the door.

“You know we should go inside some of these and look around, right? There might be a clue to all of this in there,” Mr. Muffins explained.

“I pick locks. You’re the one with the keen eye,” She stated.

“And I’ve got a keen nose,” Lyla added, pinching her nose shut and walking away quickly from Cerrin’s home.

“You’ve not had to clean Lopper’s clothes before. This is nothing,” Rhokhishi joked.

“And I never will.”

With the last movement, she heard the lock click. Turning the doorknob, she opened the door, but was stopped from entering as Darion stood before her.

“This is not your home. Please leave or I will have to turn you into an edible animal.”


“I repeat, this is not your home. Please leave or I will have to turn you into an edible animal.”


Myla reached out and tried to touch Darion’s arm. Instead of touching skin, her hand moved through the illusion and she grasped at air.

“It’s an illusion,” She explained, turning back to the party.

“It most certainly is.”

Darion stood with his arms crossed. The portal behind him closed as he stepped forward and stepped on the soft snow that coated the academy grounds.

“What are you doing in my home?” He asked.

“Things have been a little crazy here. We could use your help,” Mr. Muffins responded.

“What’s going on?”

“We’ll update you as we search Cerrin’s place. I hope you’ve got a strong stomach.”

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