Escaping Wildfire
Chapter 5: First Day


They had us on a pretty rigorous schedule. This week was a 5 am workout followed by breakfast and combat training until lunchtime. The afternoon would be virtual surveillance and tech training, and then we’d have supervision check-in after dinner with either Beta Gabriel or Alpha Kedrick. Next week, we’d switch out to physical surveillance and night watch duty. We were just settling in for lunch, and I was already beat.

“You guys did great out there today.” Luna Ellis encouraged us as she sat down with her food. Everyone at Harvest Moon is expected to go through training, but Luna Ellis was a beast out there, helping Gamma Isaiah, Alpha Kedrick’s younger brother, lead training. “I know it’s a lot on the first day, but it’ll get easier from here.”

The Alpha, Beta, and Gamma joined us as well with Oren following behind them. He seemed upset as he talked to his father. “But Aunt Liyah said she’d be here for my birthday next week. She promised!”

“I know, Buddy, but she ended up having to take an extra shift and isn’t able to get away like she wanted. She’ll be back in three weeks though, and we can always have another cake for you when she gets here.” Alpha Kedrick told Oren in an attempt to calm him down.

“Okay, but can we call her later?”

“Sure, Bud, how about you go get Auntie’s wolf she asked you to look after, that way you can tell her he’s safe when we call her.” Oren ran off after that and Alpha Kedrick sat beside Luna Ellis.

“Aaliyah can’t come then?” She looked towards her mate.

“No, she can’t get the time off.” Alpha Kedrick looked our way and explained. “Aaliyah’s my little sister, she just finished her first year premed, and she’s been interning at another pack this summer. She and Oren are really close, so he’s pretty upset about her not coming for his 6th birthday next week.”

Oren ran back into the dining hall carrying a stuffed wolf and sat down across from Jordan. Jordan’s eyes immediately widened and flickered blue as Neo came out. His nostrils flared, and he clenched his fist under the table. Jordan pushed his chair back. “I’m sorry, but I told my mom I’d call her today. I’ll just meet you guys at the tech building later.” He quickly took off before we could say anything.

‘What was that about?’ Cristian mind-linked me.

‘Don’t know, but did you see Neo?’

‘Yeah, should we go check on him? Neo’s not usually this erratic.’

‘No, let’s give him some time, we can ask tonight.’

He nodded, and we continued to eat, as we listened to the ranked members talk about their morning.

After we all ate, Alpha Kedrick walked us to the tech building. When he gave us a tour of the pack last night, he told us this was his favorite part of the pack. He said he was a bit of a computer nerd, but tech was always more of Cristian’s thing than mine, so he was hanging on Alpha Kedrick’s every word. I was always more into tracking and combat, but that makes sense seeing as I’m the Gamma of our group.

Jordan was nowhere in sight, which was unusual because he was big on punctuality. I tried reaching him through mind-link, but he had me blocked out. He’d never blocked me before, so I knew something wasn’t right. Just as I pulled my phone out to call him, he rushed in looking agitated as shit. “You good, man?”

“Yeah.” He swallowed hard and nodded stiffly. “We’ll talk later.”

It was after dinner on what felt like the longest day of my life, and the three of us were in Jordan’s room. Alpha Kedrick let us cut out early today as it was our first day, and we didn’t have a lot to go over. He said things would get more intense as time went on, though.

Cristian had kicked off his shoes and was on Jordan’s bed with his back on the headrest. While, Jordan was pacing the room, and I was sitting in one of the armchairs.

“So, are you gonna tell us what’s goin’ on, or are you waiting for us to ask?” Cristian cut right to the chase.

“I think Alpha Kedrick’s sister is my mate.” Jordan spits out the words in a huff. “Well, maybe more than think.” Jordan stopped pacing and sat on the edge of the bed with his elbows on his knees as he rubbed his hands together. “Oren brought that little wolf thing to lunch, and that scent…it was my mate’s. Neo went crazy in my head, so I had to get out of there.”

“ were right.” Cristian threw a pillow my way.

“Seems like I was..."I tossed the pillow back on the bed, turning towards Jordan. "You okay with it?"

“I want to say yes, but I should probably be honest with myself and say I’m a little freaked out about it. It’s crazy knowing she’s out there.”

“She’s always been out there. All of our mates are out there.” I chuckled at Jordan’s words.

“I know, but it’s different knowing I have a mate out there somewhere and knowing she is out there and will be here in three weeks.”

“Fair enough." Cristian stood and made a move for his shoes. "Let's go find a picture of her." Jordan has always been the lighthearted jokester of our group, but Cristian has always been the schemer, always coming up with plans and getting us in trouble when we were kids. “Come on,” he patted Jordan on the back as he made his way to the door.

“Fuck.” Jordan stood up and ran a hand through his curly hair.

“You good with this?” I asked

“Yeah, let’s go.”

We caught up to Cristian and headed downstairs. “So, what exactly is the plan here?”

“I saw some pictures down in the entertainment room during our tour. I bet there’s one of her there…if not we’ll ask Oren.”

“No,” Jordan said firmly, “we’re not asking Oren, he’ll tell everyone, and then they’ll start asking us questions.”

“Okay, so let’s each take a wall so we don't have to ask Oren.” The room was full of pictures on each of the walls, it looked like they had pictures of the entire pack. I looked on my side for a few minutes not seeming to find anything. I looked over at the guys, and Jordan was frozen to his spot. “Hey guys, I think I found her.”

We joined him and saw a picture of Alpha Kedrick and Gamma Isaiah both with their arms around a younger-looking girl in the middle. She had the same warm skin tone and brown eyes as her brothers. She was tall and slender with long hair and plump lips. “That’s her.” Jordan brought down the picture to get a better look.

“She’s cute,” Cristian said looking over his shoulder. “Cute? She’s fucking gorgeous."

Before we could say anything more, a group of pack members around our age walked into the room. Jordan quickly put the picture back before anyone saw it in his hand.

I noticed Evie was with the group that walked in and I rolled my eyes as I started to make my way out of the room. She was faster, though, and cornered me by one of the pool tables. “Hey, it’s nice seeing you again.” She fluffed her hair and tilted her head, as she tried to smile sexily.

“Yeah, I was actually just on my way out...promised my girl I’d call her tonight.” I looked to Cristian for help, but Cristian was already chatting with some of the other girls. Luckily, Jordan had my back. “Hey bro, let’s go.” He pulled at my arm, and Evie seemed to take the hint as she stepped back and let me through. “Whatever, I’ll be around if you feel lonely after your little phone call.” She winked.

“I’m sure I won’t be,” I mumbled as Jordan and I made our way back to our rooms.

“So, she’s a bit–”

“Relentless.” I filled in for Jordan.

“I was gonna say crazy, but yours works, too.” He patted my back as he laughed at my predicament, and I laughed back with him.

We made it upstairs and we each said our goodnights as we headed off to our separate rooms. I needed to call Gema, I’d been missing her, and we’d agreed to video chat today.

I dialed her number, and she answered almost immediately.

“Noah!” Her hair was wet as if fresh out of the shower, and her skin had a dewy glow, even without any makeup.

“Did you just get out of the shower?”

“Yeah, my parents went out for date night, so I decided to take an extra long shower. No one can complain about hot water when it’s just me here.”

She started to braid her wet hair, and I noticed she had already put on her pajamas. A cute little tank top and short set. Even through the phone, I could see the outline of her nipples through her shirt, and my dick started to get hard as thoughts of her naked body ran through my mind.

“How was your first day?” She snapped me out of my thoughts.

“It went great, but I’m sore in places I didn’t even know could be sore. They keep saying it’ll get easier as we keep going, I hope that’s true.”

She subconsciously played with the neckline of her shirt, which just made me think of her soft perky breasts again.

“What about you, how was your day?”

“It was good, just hung around the pack house, went swimming with Jasmine for a bit, then we watched a movie." She paused as if thinking. "Registration for my classes opened up, so I looked at that, but I’m still trying to figure out what I want to take next fall--”

My eyes roamed over her body as she continued to mess with her shirt. She was sitting cross-legged on her bed, and I had a hard time focusing on her words.

“Noah, are you listening?”

“What? Yeah…“I cleared my throat. “It’s just a little hard to stay focused with you looking like you do.”

“And how exactly do I look?” She teased.

“Well, it’s kind of obvious you aren’t wearing a bra, and those little shorts you have on are sexy as fuck on you.”

“I don’t have any underwear on either, wanna see?” she said as she played with the waistband of her shorts.

“What?” My voice cracked, as my dick strained in my pants.

“Well, we could have phone sex…if you want?” She shrugged her shoulders but then reached down to the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head. She grabbed her breasts and pushed them together. A soft whine rolled off her lips as she pinched her nipples.

“Fuck…are you sure about this?”

She nodded “Yeah, my parents are gone, so it’s the perfect time, plus…“She paused as she slipped her shorts off to reveal her smooth pussy. “…Look at how wet I am for you.” She spread her legs in front of the camera and massaged through her folds whimpering in pleasure as she circled her clit.

I took a deep breath and squeezed my shaft through my pants trying to keep myself in check. “Okay, wait, let me make sure the door is locked, and I’m not sure if our floor is soundproofed so keep it down.” She nodded as she continued to touch herself.

I went over and checked the lock twice, not wanting to risk the guys barging in on us. I pulled my shirt off as I made my way back to the bed. She looked perfect, naked on her bed with her legs spread out for me, sliding her fingers in and out of her pussy. I pulled my sweats down and started pumping up and down slowly.

“I want to see you,” Gem said breathlessly. I moved my phone lower for her to see me better. “Yeah, right there. Keep going, Noah. I’m so close already.” She moaned loudly as she started moving in and out of herself faster. “Shh, baby, remember, we have to be quiet.”

“Mmhmm.” She nodded and covered her mouth with her other hand as she bit her finger to help her stay quiet.”

“Fuck, Gem, you look so hot right now.” She kept rubbing at herself and moaning softly through her hand. “I’m so close.” She whimpered.

“Then come for me, Gem.” And with that, she arched up from the bed a little as she shook with her pleasure. She continued to circle her clit and bite her finger through her orgasm. Just watching her come all over her hand got me mine and I grunted out my release.

Gem laughed, suddenly looking shy and not at all like the vixen she’d been moments before. “That was fun.”

“Yeah, it was.” I grabbed my shirt and cleaned myself off before pulling up my pants and sitting back up.

“Maybe we can do it again sometime.”

“Definitely. Can’t wait.”

“I know you’re tired, should I let you go now?”

“No. I am tired, but how about you stay on until I fall asleep? That way we can sleep together.” She agreed, and that’s exactly what we did.

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