Chapter 383 The Real Culprit Is Him

Walt didn't expect Aletta to guess it right away.

He remained silent for a moment and nodded in acknowledgment. "Yes. I know it may seem presumptuous to come like this, but I still want to ask for your help in treating me..."

He thought of something and added, "Of course, if you feel reluctant, then let's just say I came today to visit my grandparents. Let's forget about the medical treatment."

Aletta didn't respond immediately.

In fact, she only cared about her grandparents when it came to the Rogers family.

The others had nothing to do with her.

But this Walt in front of her was a bit different.

Although he was also a member of the Rogers family, he didn't treat her like the rest of them did.

He even came to visit and knew to bring gifts for her and the children.

Even if it was for a purpose, possibly related to his health issues.

But so far, her impression of him wasn't too bad.

After considering for a moment, Aletta decided to help him this once, taking into account the gifts he brought and the face of her grandparents.

Because Aletta hadn't replied for a while, Walt thought she was unwilling to help He lowered his eyelids and sighed almost imperceptibly.

Over the years, even though he hadn't been in the country, he had heard some things about Aletta

He knew that the Rogers family treated her poorly, So even if she didn't want to help him, it was understandable.

Thinking of this, Walt spoke, "If you don't want to, then forget it. I'll leave."

After saying that, he turned around to open the door.

However, just as his hand was about to touch the door handle, Aletta's voice came through, "Hold on."

Walt heard the voice and turned back to look at Aletta.

Aletta met his gaze and said, "I can treat you, but I'm doing it for the sake of my grandparents' face! I don't want them to worry about your matters."

Walt didn't expect her to agree. He was stunned for a moment and took a while to regain his composure. He nodded and said, "Thank you."

Aletta shrugged it off. "No need to thank me. Come to my research institute tomorrow morning and tell me the specifics of your condition. I'll give you the address later."


They made the arrangement and then left.

The four little ones were still busy comforting Edward and Cindy.

Aletta stayed up all night, feeling exhausted and lacking energy. She said to Walt beside her, "I'm going to rest. Do as you please."

Without waiting for Walt to respond she went upstairs.

However, she didn't sleep for too long during this nap.

She woke up after less than three hours.

Today, she had to make a trip to Alex's place.

After tidying up, she sent a message to Jason, informing him of the situation

Jason seemed to be busy and didn't reply promptly. She waited for a while but didn't receive a response, so she left.

Half an hour later, she arrived at the seaside villa.

Due to yesterday's treatment, Alex's condition had improved and there was no recurrence

From the surface, you couldn't tell that he had been infected with a severe cold Aletta conducted an examination to confirm that the cold virus had completely retreated, and she breathed a sigh of relief

She told Alex. "Try to stay away from cold places as much as possible and pay attention to keeping warm."

As she spoke, she handed the medications she had prepared to Alex.

"Ive labeled these two medicines. The one on the left is for oral consumption, and the one on the right is for soaking in a bath every evening

She had prepared everything meticulously However, to her surprise, Alex frowned and asked in a somewhat disdainful tone. "Won't it marinate me? After soaking last night, I felt like I was covered in the smell of medicine today."

After hearing his complaint, Aletta was speechless for a moment. She raised her head, glared at him, and retorted without politeness. "If marinating is better than being frozen to death, then it's your choice. If you don't want to soak, and if you feel uncomfortable later, deal with it yourself."

After all, it wasn't her own body that was being subjected to all this trouble.

Alex pursed his lips but still took the medicine from Aletta's hand. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Once his problem was resolved, Aletta changed the topic and asked, "Tell me about that thing you mentioned before, when I was abroad. Have you found any suspicious individuals? Are there any issues with Lewis and the others?"

Her tone involuntarily grew heavy, as she genuinely didn't want the people she trusted to be the ones hurting her.

Alex handed the medicine to Vincent, adjusted his expression, and replied. "As far as they're concerned, there doesn't seem to be any problem. However, your mentor... there's something off about him!"

The mentor had a problem?

Aletta took aback and asked in surprise, "How could that be?"

Alex explained. "I conducted background checks on the people you know related to your profession. I found out that your mentor had been to the hospital where you gave birth during that time, and he even had contact with the doctor who delivered your baby."

His tone became serious as he continued, "Later, I traced the whereabouts of that delivering doctor. Guess what I found out?" Aletta gestured with her eyes for him to continue.

"That doctor, who was just a minor director back then, has now become a member of the European Medical League, with a prestigious position

What does this uply? It means someone has been secretly supporting hum! As for your mentor, someone who can attain the position of a World Medical League mentor, his network of connections is undoubtedly extraordinary. It would be very easy for someone like him to collude with the black market. However, at the moment, I don't have concrete evidence. But I've already set people to investigate in that direction. I think we're close to getting the truth this time!"

Aletta didn't know when it happened, but she involuntarily let out a sigh of relief.

She remained motionless in her seated position, repeatedly going over the information provided by Alex in her mind.

Suddenly, a chill ran down her spine.

She recalled her interactions with the mentor over the years.

Perhaps... it was highly possible!

Observing Aletta's change in expression, Alex inquired, "Have you figured something out?"

Aletta nodded and replied, "Back when we attended the medical conference organized by the Medical League, after the group assignments, were done, the mentor inquired about our backgrounds."

"You know the five seniors I mentioned, their backgrounds were all extraordinary. I, on the other hand, had the most ordinary background. Later, before I gave birth, the mentor sent a message expressing concern. At that time. I thought it was just a casua greeting and didn't think much of it."

"Afterwards, our contact mainly revolved around the Medical League and medical exchanges. We didn't discuss other topics much."

With these words, Aletta had already reached a conclusion in her mind.


The more inconspicuous someone seemed, the more suspicious they became!

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