Chapter 386 How Can You Bear To Part

Alex responded angrily, "Who spread rumors? I just said you were sleeping in my room. Is there something wrong with that? They misunderstood it themselves. What does it have to do with me?"

His tone was defiant.

Aletta chuckled in anger, "Then you better make it clear. Speak the whole truth. Do you know how rumors spread? It's because of people like you who only tell half the story! If you spout nonsense again, I'll cripple your legs!"

As she spoke, she took a step forward, intended to step on him once more.

This time, Alex became alert and immediately took two steps back.

"Tch, coward," she muttered, Aletta withdrew her foot, paying no further attention to him. Instead, she turned around and loudly declared to everyone, "Back off, all of you! It's late at night, don't you think you've caused enough trouble?"

Aletta's command had left both sides of the conflict hesitating, unsure whether to stand down.

Finally, after stealing glances at their respective bosses and seeing that they remained silent, they obediently lowered their guns Aletta breathed a sigh of relief, turned back to Alex, and said, "I have nothing more to do here. I'm going back."

Upon hearing this, Alex clenched his teeth.

He could tell that she was going to leave with that man.

After a few seconds of silence, he kept a stern expression, averted his gaze, and coldly said, "Just go!" Aletta glanced at him but said nothing more. Then, she slowly walked towards Jason.

Alex watched her figure and felt his heart tighten with each beat.

In the end, she chose someone else.

Aletta and Jason quickly left with their people, and the villa instantly returned to silence.

Inside the car.

Jason tightly held Aletta's hand throughout the journey, as if afraid that letting go would mean losing her. His grip was so strong that it made Aletta somewhat uncomfortable.

She couldn't help but speak up, "Ease up a bit, you're almost crushing my hand."

Upon hearing her words, Jason relaxed a little.

With her hand freed, Aletta finally had the opportunity to hold him accountable.

"Do you really distrust me that much? Alex is unreliable, never keeping his mouth shut, but why do you believe everything he says?"

She questioned, feeling a bit exasperated.

If Jason had just thought things through, tonight's incident wouldn't have happened.

Jason was taken aback by Aletta's words.

He instinctively explained, "It's not that I don't trust you, it's just that I didn't think that much at the time!"

Aletta snorted, "Stop explaining. You simply don't trust me!"

Her face grew stern.

Thinking she was genuinely angry, Jason's tone became urgent as he quickly said. "I really don't distrust you. I brought so many people with me because I was worried about your safety."

He had hurt her in the past, and he felt remorse every time he thought about it. He wished he could hold her in his palms and never let her suffer even the slightest grievance.

That's why, when Alex spoke in that manner, all rationality left him.

In his mind, only her well-being mattered.

In truth. Aletta wasn't truly angry. She just felt that they had made a big fuss, and she was grateful that she woke up early. Otherwise, if they had actually started fighting, who knew what the consequences would have been.

With that in mind, Aletta couldn't help but sigh.

She turned around, looked at Jason and said, "Alex is just like that, he talks without thinking. Next time, can you not act impulsively? I don't want to see anyone get hurt because of me, okay?"

In order to prevent her from getting angry. Jason was willing to agree to anything she said.

"Okay, I'll do as you say!"

Seeing him obedient, Aletta nodded in satisfaction.

Jason saw that she was no longer wearing a stern expression, so he mustered the courage to intertwine his fingers with hers.

Then, he asked, "You mentioned that you fainted. What happened?"

When reminded of the matter, Aletta recalled the main issue.

"It was probably due to a stress reaction... Tonight, Alex told me something. He found out that there were problems with my mentor at the World Medical League. It's very likely that he was the one who took away the child and even targeted me! After hearing the news, I became extremely worried about Otto and Nina. I was in a hurry to go back, so when I got up, I felt unwell and fainted."

After listening to Aletta's words, Jason's gaze slightly darkened.

"The mentor you mentioned, what's his name? Tell me all the details you know, and I'll have someone investigate," he urged.

Aletta obediently nodded, "My mentor's name is Albert..."

During the journey back, she provided Jason with all the information she knew about Albert.

As they continued talking, they arrived at Spring Villa.

When the car stopped, Jason reassured her, "Don't worry too much. I'll have someone look into this matter. As for Otto and Nina there shouldn't be any major problems. If there were any health issues, they would have shown symptoms by now."

His reassurance didn't have the desired effect on Aletta.

She looked worried and said, "I'm still concerned. So, later, I want to take them for a full-body check-up!"

"Okay," Jason could only agree with her as she seemed genuinely worried.

Aletta got out of the car and entered the house.

To Part

The four little ones and the Rogers grandparents were inside.

Taking the opportunity, she spoke to her grandparents, "Nina had an allergy before, and I'm worried it might recur. So, I want to take her for another check-up to see how she's doing."

Edward and Cindy didn't suspect anything and replied, "Go ahead, it's better to be reassured."

Lucas and Otto were nearby and immediately said, "Mommy, we want to go too!"

They were also worried about Nina's condition.

This was exactly what Aletta wanted.

She nodded and said, "Sure, let's go together. It's also a good opportunity for the three of you to have a check-up and see if you're lacking any nutrients!"


The three little ones agreed in unison, quickly tidying up their toys and putting on their shoes, following their mommy and daddy out the door.

Soon, the two of them took the children to the research institute.

At this point, it was already past 8 p.m. night.

Upon arrival, Aletta busied herself, drawing blood from the little ones one by one, and examining their overall condition.

After the whole process, which took a while, it was already past 11 p.m. ·

The four little ones cooperated exceptionally well throughout the entire examination. They did whatever mommy asked them to do and didn't complain about being tired at all.

However, after the examination, they were extremely sleepy, but they rubbed them eves and persisted

Seeing them in this state, Aletta's heart softened.

She crouched down, touched the little ones' heads, and praised, "You little darlings are so brave! If you're tired, would you like daddy to take you to the rest area to sleep?"

Upon hearing her words, the four little ones asked with some confusion, "Mommy, aren't you going to rest? We can do the check-up tomorrow! You shouldn't overwork yourself!"

"Yeah, mommy, staying up late can cause wrinkles! Even though mommy is a fairy, she shouldn't stay up late!"

Aletta listened to the children's innocent concern and felt warmed in her heart.

Jason, standing nearby, also disagreed a bit, "The children are right. It's not urgent, and your health is more important."

After all, she had just fainted not too long ago!

However, Aletta didn't mind, "My health is fine."

Even if she lay in bed, she wouldn't be able to sleep soundly until the children's examination results came out.

Besides, she had already rested briefly at Alex's place earlier, so she wasn't tired now.

Seeing her firm insistence, Jason could only take the children to the rest area first.

Aletta watched them leave the Research Lab, but the smile on her lips. gradually faded.

She turned around, took out a new syringe, and drew blood from herself.

She had a strong premonition that tonight's fainting spell was not a coincidence. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"What stress reaction? Those words were just to appease Jason," she suspected that her body might have problems in


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