Faith With Wolves Book 2
11. The Rivers Bend Pack


As I run mile after mile I realize I should have thought my plan out more. My legs are sore, I'm drenched in sweat and I'm positive the soles of my shoes are completely gone now.

I knew I had to talk to Alpha Raymond when I woke up this morning. I needed information on how he contracted the virus. If he could remember the exact place he was at last before he got sick then we could figure out how to cure this virus before it claims any more lives.

The only issue is Caleb. He's going to be angry when he realizes I'm gone. I know I should have left a note, but if I did that, he would find out where I'm going and stop me.

I love him but I can't let him stop me. I may have overexerted myself the other night at the committee meeting but I know better now. I'll ensure I'm fed and well-rested before healing someone again. I'm a fairy it's in my nature to heal others and I won't stop because of one bad experience.

By the time I reach Rivers Bend Pack, I'm exhausted. I've never run that far before. But it was worth it because I'm here and I'm going to get answers.

The last half a mile I decide to walk. Werewolves are territorial and the fact that I'm a vampire makes me an even bigger target. They won't hesitate to tear me apart so I have to tread lightly.

As I get closer down the road wolves appear from the treeline and walk beside me and behind me. They growl and snarl at me but I continue to walk towards the front gate not letting them intimidate me even though I am slightly frightened.

When I finally reach the large wooden gate five wolves block the entrance. Unlike the werewolves that followed me in their all in human form. The warriors are dressed in matching tan camouflage shirts and pants. Thier armed with rifles and I'm positive the bullets are coated in Wolvesbane. It won't kill me but will hurt.

One steps towards me. “State your business in our territory vampire.” He growls.

I raise my hands above my hands. “I mean no harm. I’m Faith Wilder the Luna of The Blue Moon Pack. I’m here to talk to Alpha Raymond.”

“Wilder?” One whispers. “Like the vampire king?”

“Blue Moon Pack? Caleb’s mated to a vampire?” another asks, and the rest continue to ask each other questions like I’m not here.

I shrug. “So, are you going to let me in? I don’t have an appointment, but I have urgent information your alpha needs to hear.”

“Give me a moment,” he says then his eyes gloss over. A few seconds later he nods. “Alpha Raymond says he will see you. You don’t mind if we escort you, do you?” He smirks and I fake a smile.

“Of course not, lead the way.”

Surprisingly only one werewolf escorts me into their pack. It’s the one I talked to at the gate. Turns out his name is Frederick and he’s Alpha Raymond's nephew. He’s the delta in charge of training the warriors.

Instead of walking, we ride in a two-person recreational vehicle through town. It’s brown and has a small trunk area on the back. It’s really cute and we definitely need to invest in one back at Blue Moon.

“So, you’re really Caleb’s mate?” Fredrick asks, breaking the silence between us.

I nod. “Yes. I’m pretty sure we’re the mated only werewolf and vampire couple ever to exist.”

“What’s it like? Being so unique? You guys must get lots of attention wherever you go.”

“Oh yeah.” I sigh. “It’s easier when we go out into the human world because they don’t know what we are. But out here among the wolves I feel like I have a microscope dangling above my head. Everyone’s watching what I’m doing and wondering what I’ll do next.”

“Sounds exhausting.” Fredrick frowns but I smile at him.

“It is but Calebs worth it. Though I’m sure he’s wondering if I’m worth the trouble now. I kind of came here without telling him.” I grimace and Fredricks shakes his head.

“Great I have a crazed Luna riding with me,” Fredrick says, making me laugh. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Hey, I’m not that bad. Plus, it will be worth it trust me.”

“I hope so because we’re here.”

The vehicle stops and I finally notice the large house in front of me. It’s beautiful. The house is made of white stone, and it has brown accents around it. The house is only three floors so I’m sure it’s Alpha Raymond's personal home and not a packhouse.

“Wow, this is beautiful,” I whisper as we walk up the steps to the large wraparound porch.

“My uncle built this house himself. When he became alpha, he wanted more privacy and built his mate her dream home.”

“That's so romantic.” I gush.

Fredrick then opens the door allowing us into the alpha’s home. The first scent that hits me is honeydew and pine before a lot more irritates my nose and screaming has my ears ringing.

“Amelia you idiot! That's mine!” A young girl around the age of ten runs through the house chasing an even smaller girl.

“No mine! Mommy! Mommy help me!” the little girl yells and runs right into an annoyed Alpha Raymond.

Looking stressed and annoyed Alpha Raymond rubs his hands down his face. “How many times do I have to tell you two to stop fighting? Angel and Aros are sleeping, your mother is too.”

The little girls bow their heads. “Sorry, Dad.” They say then hug him and run away down the hallway and I hear a bedroom door close.

Alpha Raymond then walks over and plops down on the large brown couch. “Whoever said having pups was easy lied.” He glances at Fredrick and I. “But I’m relieved for the short break. I’m Alpha Raymond you must be Faith Caleb's mate?”

I nod. “Yes, we met before, but you wouldn’t remember.”

Alpha Raymond frowns. “Are you sure? I usually never forget a face and not to be rude, but I doubt I would forget meeting a young vampire such as yourself.”

I quickly take a seat in a large tan chair facing the great alpha. “Unfortunately the reason why you forgot is why I’m here. Something happened at the committee meeting and you were compelled. Several wolves were from my understanding.”

Fredricks gasps as he stands beside me. “I knew it. Aunt Sarah and I knew you were acting strange. You couldn’t remember much about the meeting and we assumed it was because of the cold you had. But when you returned you didn’t even have a cough. You were healthy like nothing happened.”

Alpha Raymond looks confused as he scratches at his graying beard. "I was sick. I don’t remember this,” he says then locks eyes with me. “You said I was compelled? Did you do it? Why was I compelled?”

“It wasn’t me but I know who it was. That doesn’t matter though. What matters is that you didn’t just have a cold. I believe you were purposely infected with this new deadly virus my family is investigating. It's taken down several vampire clans and a few wolf packs already.”

Suddenly Alpha Raymond stands up covering his mouth in disbelief. “What is this virus and how did I contract it?”

I shake my head. “All I know are the symptoms; cough, fever, blisters will appear, and then you have a seizure and you're gone. At the committee meeting, you had a seizure. I saw the blisters on your skin and knew what was happening. You were dying and I healed you.”

Now Alpha Raymond and Fredrick are staring at me. But it’s Fredrick who speaks. “Heal him? How? You’re just a vampire? Did you try to turn my uncle?”

I quietly chuckle to myself. “No, I didn't try to turn him. I can't tell you how I healed him just know I only wanted to help, and I still do.”

“Well, I’m grateful. But like you said I’ve been compelled. How am I supposed to help you when I don’t even remember being sick?” Alpha Raymond sighs and sits back down.

I smile. “I was thinking you could tell me what you do remember like your schedule for the last few weeks and list of people you interact with daily. I would need to interview them discreetly so-”

A loud howl interrupts me, making my whole body freeze up. Sirens go off and I can hear wolves running around outside. Alpha Raymond's eyes glaze over and Fredricks growls at the door ready to shift and fight off the intruder if necessary.

The sound of feet stomping on the porch has me taking a sharp inhale to steady my breathing for what's about to happen next. Fredrick moves in front of me blocking me from the door.

"I wouldn’t do that if I was you,” I smirk even though he can’t see it.

He growls. “Why? I can protect you just fine.”

“Not from this,” I say and the front door flies open.

Fredrick, not paying attention to who it is, takes a step closer to the intruder only to get shoved out of the way and into the wall. There’s a small scream behind me but I ignore it and focus on the angry wolf in front of me.

His piercing brown eyes are full of rage as his shoulders heave up and down trying to control his breathing and keep himself from shifting.


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