Faith With Wolves Book 2
19. Into the Fae Dimension


After my conversation with Caleb, I immediately mind-linked Iris and Ruby and told them about my plan. They both think it's crazy and I shouldn't do it but after arguing with them they finally agreed to help me.

I'm sitting on my bed waiting for them to come. Iris insisted on grabbing supplies and Ruby is supposed to be helping her. I'm nervous as I wait for them and try to remember everything my mom has ever said about fairies and how to reach them.

But my mind is blank because my mom never once mentioned how to reach the fae dimension. She told me how I was a gift from them and that's it. The only information I have about fairies is hearsay and I realize my own mate knows more about them than me.

My head starts to hurt from overthinking and I almost want to call this off when my bedroom door bursts open and Iris and Ruby march into my room their hands full of random stuff.

"We got the supplies, are you ready?" Iris smiles and dumps her contents on my bed; candles, sage, some crystals, and a lighter.

My jaw drops. "What is this a seance?" I pick up a crystal and throw it back on my bed.

"Don't worry my items are way better." Ruby smirks and shows me a bottle of wine and three glasses.

I close my eyes and bury my face in my hands. "I can't believe you guys! This is serious! We need the fairies' help if we're going to keep healing the virus. This has to be done right." I sigh and hug myself.

Iris gently places her hand on my shoulder and I look up at her. "Faith we're going to do this. I'm here to help and taking this very seriously," she says and I nod then look at Ruby who's sitting in a chair drinking wine.

"Hey, I'm just here to supervise. Dallas told me Caleb would kill us if anything happened to you." she shrugs nonchalantly.

I stand up. "Let's just do this."

Ten minutes later I'm lying on the floor in my bedroom. There are a dozen lit candles surrounding me as the only light source and my two best friends on either side of me. My eyes are closed as I try to reach deep within my mind.

"Is it working?" Ruby interrupts and Iris shushes her.

"Be quiet she's trying to focus!" she whisper yells in response making me want to peek my eyes open.

"How are we supposed to know if she's actually in the fae dimension or if she's not just sleeping? this is boring!" Ruby says annoyed.

Iris growls. "We'll know because she will be harder to wake up duh. Now be quiet so she can focus."

They continue to argue but I just try to ignore them. I even out my breathing and call out to the spirits. I haven't heard from Greta in a long time and miss her. I ask her for guidance and help to seek the destination I want. She may not be able to send me there but maybe she can give me some sort of clue.

Slowly I feel myself start to drift away. The voices around me seem to get louder and I open my mouth to yell at my friends to shut up but no sound comes out. I try to scream but again nothing comes out. Panic starts to set in and my heart thumps strongly in my chest.

I can't breathe

I can't speak

and I can't see

It's complete darkness as the voices I was hearing become a distant whisper. The voices are talking so fast that I can't understand them or recognize who is talking. My heart continues to race as I struggle to wake myself up from this nightmare.

But then suddenly it's like I'm falling. My body feels weightless as I plunge further into darkness and towards a bright light. I clench my eyes closed more and finally a scream escapes me.

When I open my eyes I can't believe it. I expected to see something more extravagant like a large meadow of bright flowers, large mountains, or even a mystical stream. Instead, it looks similar to home.

There's a bustling street with traffic, large skyscrapers towering above other buildings, and the distant sound of patrons speaking to one another.

I step out of the dark alley I woke up in and start walking down the sidewalk. The names of the shops I pass are all in a foreign language so I have no idea what they are. People pass me and stare but nobody says anything and I keep walking checking my surroundings as I walk further into town.

I immediately notice I can breathe a lot better here and the only real difference between here and home is the sky. Instead of blue with white clouds, it's a greenish-orange color. There's not even a sun so I have no idea how it's still daylight out.

I'm so busy looking up at the mysterious sky that I bump right into something hard and my arms are grabbed to keep me from falling.

"Whoa, there are you okay?"

I take a moment to look over my savior. He has light brown hair, emerald green eyes, and cute freckles all over his face. His height is a little over six feet and he has a slim build. I would guess his age to be in his early twenties.

"Umm hello!" I back away putting some space between us. It feels weird having another guy tough me, even if it is innocent.

The guy just smiles at me. "I didn't mean to startle you. I'm Zeno."


"It's nice to meet you, Faith. You're new around here aren't you?" he smirks at me. His eyes linger on my cleavage and I quickly fold my arms across my chest.

"What makes you say that?" I ask with an attitude and he chuckles.

"I'm not trying to be rude it's just obvious. Our community is very small and I'm pretty sure I would have noticed a vampire walking around especially one mated to an alpha wolf."

I'm shocked. "How do you know I'm mated to an alpha?"

Zeno shrugs. "It's not that hard to tell. Their scent is way stronger and the mark on your neck is different than a normal wolf. At least according to television and books."

I'm even more shocked now. "You have television here?"

"Yeah we watch the humans all the time, they're really interesting. Just last week I saw two guys who lived in tents fighting over a slice of bread and today I saw a woman get her purse stolen and the police caught him and arrested him. It seems pretty dangerous on Earth."

I want to argue Earth is so much better than these things but we really aren't. There's so much crime and bad stuff happening it's ridiculous. But that's why I'm here. To help put a stop to some of the bad stuff affecting my community.

I nod. "Yeah, things are pretty bad right now. Thats why I'm here Zeno, I need help. Do you know how to get ahold of the elders? I need to speak with them immediately."

He frowns and pulls me between some buildings. "I don't think that's a good idea, Faith. The elders don't like outsiders, especially vampires," he whispers the last part.

"I don't care if they kill me afterward! But I need help and I'm not leaving until I talk to them!" I growl.

"Faith this is serious!"

"I'm serious," I state. "The supernatural world is in danger. There's a virus that's not just killing vampires but werewolves also. I have to protect my pack and everyone else! People are suffering and I don't want to see anyone else die."

"I know but the elders don't care. We left Earth a long time ago and many of us have never even been there."

"So you guys are going to just sit by and watch the world destroy itself? I understand the fear of vampires since fairy blood is so addicting but this isn't about us. It's about everyone and if we're all dead then the supernatural world will cease to exist and after we die the humans will be next." I shake my head. "I guess after we're all dead then you guys can safely return, that's probably the plan anyway." Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"Faith," Zeno mutters but I continue.

"I don't know why I wasted my time coming here. This place may look like earth but it's as fake as the people here. Fairies are supposed to help people not abandon them. You guys are cowards-" I say but I'm interrupted by a deep baritone voice behind me.

"I thought the rumor of a vampire being here was a joke, I guess the joke is on me."

Zeno tenses up and I can see fear written all over his face. I slowly turn around only to be faced with the tallest guy I have ever seen. He's well over seven feet tall and has long white hair that reaches the ground. The purple cloak around his body sparkles so bright it's almost binding.

My jaw drops but no words come out. The man just continues to look me over with a frown evident on his wrinkled face.

"I'm guessing you're Faith, the daughter of Sasha," he says but it doesn't sound like a question.

I nod but no words come out still. Instead, Zeno steps up beside me. "Dad please, she didn't mean anything she said!" he pleads making me scoff.

"No, I meant it. I think you guys are selfish assholes. The supernatural world is falling apart and you guys are sitting around riding golden chariots down your fancy brick roads and watching us from a distance but can't lift a thumb to help us."

The man just raises an eyebrow at me. "You're a sassy one, just like your grandmother."

"Thank you," I smirk and place my hands on my hips.

"But that attitude will get you nowhere with me. I'm elder Basil I see you already met my son Zeno."

"He's very kind, not sure where he gets it from." I mouth off not sure why I'm still being rude. There's just something about this guy that irks me.

Elder Basil narrows his golden eyes at me. "You earthlings think you're so untouchable and you wonder why we don't want to interfere. I think you should leave and never return Faith."

I gasp. "What? that's it? You really aren't going to help?"

He doesn't respond and I look beside me at Zeno who is looking down at the ground with a guilty look on his face. I want to admit I'm shocked but I'm really not.

"Caleb was right about you guys. Don't worry I won't ever come back. Have fun watching us suffer for your entertainment." I roll my eyes and then walk back towards where I came from. I hear footsteps behind me and Zeno rushes up to me.

"I'm sorry Faith. I'll try to talk to him."

I shake my head. "No point, like you said he doesn't care."

"Be careful out there. If things get really bad then come back here immediately." he tries to grab my hand but I yank it away.

"I'm not leaving everyone behind. I may be naive but I'm not a coward."

He smiles. "Your mate is a lucky man. You better hurry back to him."

"Goodbye Zeno."

"Goodbye Faith," he whispers with a longing in his voice.

I close my eyes and focus on Earth. I feel myself drift away and the voices I heard before are back. I try to make them out but I still can't tell who it is.

My body feels like it's shaking and suddenly I can't breathe. when I open my eyes I'm gasping for air and holding my chest. I look beside me to see a worried Ruby. Tears are streaming down her face and she engulfs me in a hug.

"Faith thank goodness you're okay!"

I nod. "I'm fine. Why are you so upset?"

She sniffles before answering. "We were attacked while you were out."

"What? Who did it? Is Caleb okay?"

"Vampires lots of them."

I growl. "And what about Caleb? is he okay?"

Ruby reaches for me but I push her hand away. "Don't you dare comfort me! Tell me where my mate is now!"

She starts crying. "Nobody has heard from him Faith, he's missing."

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