Faith With Wolves Book 2
21. What Am I Supposed To Do?


Caleb is gone. Nobody knows where he is and I can't reach him through mind-link. The only hope I have is knowing he's still alive. If he was dead I would feel our bond breaking and the mark on my neck would slowly fade away.

He's alive I need to find him

After crying in my room for an hour I finally get the strength to leave. When I reach the bottom floor of the pack house I'm instantly pulled into a hug by Marcus. As Gamma, his job is to protect me but I really wish I was gone and Caleb was the one safe right now.

"What am I supposed to do?" I ask tears brimming my eyes.

"Alex has trackers out following his scent and trying to see if they can locate him. All we know is he was bleeding a lot and probably got overpowered by vampires. Caleb was on the west side of the territory not even close to where the fight was happening. We're going to find him."

I nod feeling completely overwhelmed by the situation yet trying to keep it together. "Make sure everyone is in pairs. I don't want anyone else taken."

"We're following protocol, Luna."

Guilt consumes me but still, I need to know. "How many did we lose Marcus? How many dead?"

Locking eyes with me he says. "About twenty but they were inexperienced fighters. There was also a mated couple who died together. Still, our loss could have been much."

His words cut through me like a knife. I feel so guilty. I should have been here, protecting Caleb and protecting our pack. I was so selfish to want to leave. I failed everyone.

My voice comes out a mere whisper. "I should speak with their families." I start to walk away but Marcus stops me.

"Luna Alice is taking care of it. You should be resting. Let us handle everything."

I growl. "No! My mate is missing and the pack needs me! I will not rest or slow down until the pack is taken care of and Caleb is back home! Now tell me what to do next?"

Marcus sighs and I know he wants to argue with me. His instinct is probably telling him to coddle me like a child and protect me. But we both know with Caleb gone that means I'm in charge. I can't sit around and cry any longer. I need to keep things together and be strong.

"Dallas already called our allies. Many of them don't have warriors to spare but The Twin Peaks Pack are on their way to help."

It feels like my heart just dropped out of my chest and someone stomped on it. I clutch my chest because suddenly I can't breathe. The room is spinning and I feel dizzy.

Brooke is coming here

My arms are grabbed and I'm suddenly looking into the concerned eyes of Marcus. "Luna, are you okay? You look sick."

"I think I'm going to vomit," I whisper and rush over to a trash can and spill my last meal inside it. It burns my throat and I feel even worse now. The smell of it makes me want to vomit all over again.

I stumble away and I'm suddenly grabbed again. Marcus has his arm around my waist holding me up as he leads me through the hallway and into a chair that's pushed against the wall.

"I know you want to help but it's not worth your health Faith. Caleb would want you to take care of yourself," he says and I growl at him.

"Don't you dare tell me what my mate would want! He's gone and it's all my fault! I should have been here Marcus! I should have protected him!" My screams turn to sobs and again Marcus is comforting me.

"I know you're worried Faith, we all are. But Caleb is strong and so are we, we have to be. Showing weakness is admitting defeat and we're better than that. The Blue Moon Pack never gives up."

I nod. "You're right. Caleb wouldn't want the pack to suffer. Let's get things ready for our guests."

Even though I hate our guests I have to step up. It's what Caleb would want. I just hope I don't regret it.

Like always Brooke looks exactly like the goddess I assume she is. Her red hair is shining brightly, her chocolate brown eyes filled with happiness, and her outfit is perfection. Wearing dark wash jeans and a black v-cut shirt she's dressed casually yet all attention is on her as she walks towards me.

To everyone else, she's the Luna of the infamous alpha twins. But to me, she's another heartbreak. Her past with Caleb ruined any chance of friendship we would ever have. Looking at her all I can think about is how my mate used to worship her body and how he probably prefers it over mine.

The twins Elijah and Everette's cold-calculated eyes meet mine first. They each put out a hand for me to shake as they approach. I shake Elijah's first then Everette's.

"Thank you for coming. We have our best room made up for your stay."

Everette softly smiles. "We appreciate it. I wish we were visiting on better terms but we're here to help."

"We're going to find him." Elijah nods at me.

"Thank you." Is all I can muster up to say.

The twins leave with Marcus so he can show them their room. I head inside towards the kitchen when I'm stopped in the hallway.

"I'm so sorry about Caleb," Brooke whispers. "I'm sure by now he told you about our past. I hope you know that won't affect the twins looking for him. They're more determined than ever to help bring your mate back."

I meet her eyes and hold her gaze. "But we're not even allies."

"I know." She smiles. "But I consider Caleb family-"

"Of course you do." I cut her off. "I mean you did want to have his babies. Is that why you came?"

Brooke looks shocked as she takes a step back from me. "No! I'm here because I want to help. The twins and I-" she starts to argue but begins coughing.

Her cough just gets worse and for some reason, I grab her arm and drag her into the kitchen. I keep going until I'm right by the refrigerator. I grab a glass and get her some cold water.

"Here drink this." I place the cup in her hand and help her drink it. Finally, her coughing fit is over.

With red-rimmed eyes she says. "Thank you, Faith."

"You're welcome. are you okay?" I may not like her but I don't need her dying in my house. Her crazy overprotective mates might kill me. I'm surprised thier not right next to her right now.

She nods. "I'm okay. I've just been feeling sick lately."

Brooke continues talking but I completely ignore her. My eyes scan over her body and I'm starting to realize she doesn't look as great as the last time I saw her. She's lost some weight and she's a lot paler. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"Please don't tell the twins about this. I don't want them to worry," she whispers.

"Don't worry I won't."

The next few minutes are filled with awkward silence as Brooke sips her water. I roll my eyes and stand up because I have better things to do than sit with her. But her next words stop me.

"I'm happy Caleb found you."

I turn around so fast I'm surprised I don't get whiplash. "What did you say?" I growl.

Brooke looks hesitant. "I s-said I'm happy Caleb has you. When you guys came over he looked really happy. I'm sure that's because of you."

"Really?" I raise an eyebrow because I'm super suspicious of her.

"Yes." she nods. "And I am sorry for asking him to be a sperm donor. I was acting irrationally and the hormones I was taking had me feeling so desperate and vulnerable I was willing to stir drama if it benefited me. I really am sorry Faith."

I stay silent pondering over her words and she continues.

"What happened between Caleb and I was a long time ago and we're both different people now. I hate looking back at who I was then. I was immature, selfish, and very insecure. I regret a lot of the things I did back then." she practically whispers the last part.

But I just need to know one thing. "Did you love him? Caleb?"

She shakes her head. "No. He was my best friend. When I needed comfort he was there. Whether it was a shoulder to cry on or to keep me from getting into fights when I was drunk. We cared about each other but no we weren't ever in love. I'm pretty sure the only woman Caleb has ever been in love with is you."

We're both in tears now and I wipe mine away. "Thank you for saying that. I love him too."

Brooke smiles through her tears. "Then let's go get him back."

I nod. "Let's do it, but first I need to do something."

Before she can protest I grab Brooke by her arm and place my hand over her chest. She tries to pull away but I just keep a strong grip on her.

Suddenly her chest glows and my hand warms up. Brooke just stares at me with wide eyes as I heal her. The virus leaving her body and some other infection she had. When I'm done I pull my hand away. I feel a little dizzy but ignore it.

"What did you do to me? your hand was glowing and-"

"I healed you. I'm a fairy Brooke, not just a vampire."

Her jaw drops. "Are you serious?"

"Yes, but you can't tell anyone."

She quickly shakes her head. "I won't. I feel so much better now. You didn't have to do that Faith."

"I know." I smile at her. "But I wanted to."

And now I want to find my mate.

Caleb, I'm coming for you

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