Faith With Wolves Book 2
23. Home is Where the Heart is


Laying here in bed with my mate is the best feeling in the world. Caleb is still asleep, but I’ve been staring at him for the last few minutes just admiring him.

He finally cut his hair and even though I can barely run my hand through it I think he looks very handsome, maybe better than before. All his bruises are healed, and his cute plump lips look so kissable.

If I had lost him, I have no idea what I would have done, he’s my everything.

Maybe my prayers to Greta worked

I finally stop staring at him and cuddle closer to my mate. Unexpectedly his arm tightens around me. “Are you finally done being a creeper?′

I laugh. “A creeper? I was just making sure you were still breathing.”

“Or you were staring at me because I’m so pretty,” he smirks making me blush. “You don’t have to be shy about it. I’m all yours and you can stare at me all day.”

“I’m happy you're mine,” I confess.

Caleb growls and climbs on top of me trapping me between his arms. “Then show me, it’s been too long baby.”

“You’re still healing.”

He shakes his head. “It’s been three days and I’m completely healed.”

I can barely contain my excitement, yet my voice comes out a whisper. “Are you sure?”

He nods before kissing me. His lips are so soft as they mold against mine. I just melt into his embrace loving how our bodies feel tangled together.

When his tongue collides with mine, I whimper and grip his shoulders pulling him as close as possible. We’re so desperate for each other that I doubt we’ll leave our bedroom today.

Caleb finally pulls away allowing me to breathe. But his needy mouth starts trailing kisses down my jaw to my neck and lastly to my mark.

He growls deeply and I expect to feel his canines biting into my flesh. Instead, he spreads my legs open and lines himself against my wet center.

“Caleb.” I moan and he pushes himself deep inside me.

“Fuck you feel so good baby, so tight and wet for me.”

His pace starts slow and I roll my hips against his. My nails rake down his back as he breathes deeply into the crook of my neck. In between gentle kisses, he whispers how much he loves me.

We continue to make love and I’m about to come undone already. Caleb must sense it because he growls deeply and starts thrusting harder.

“I’m going to-”

“Not yet.” He cuts me off.

Caleb’s eyes meet mine and instead of being blue, they’re black. His wolf has completely taken over, which is still technically him but his more animalistic side.

His thrusts become faster yet sloppier because I’m so wet it's practically dripping out of me. It’s never happened before, but Caleb must like it because he pulls out and slams back into me.

“Ahh Fuck!” he curses and continues fucking me into oblivion.

“Caleb please,” I beg not sure what I’m even asking for because I’m seeing stars, hell I’m seeing a whole galaxy now.

“Bite me and you can cum baby.”

I don’t even hesitate. I cup his face and sink my fangs into his neck. Caleb roars my name and stills inside me. My whole body shudders against him as I clench around him.

Slowly I release him and lick around his wound. When it’s not bleeding anymore, I press a gentle kiss letting him know I’m done. Caleb sighs and rolls off me.

“That was amazing.”

I nod. “It really was, but every time with you is.”

Caleb chuckles. “And you say I’m the sappy one.”

I hit his chest playfully and he finally faces me. “If you keep being mean to me then you won’t get your surprise later.”

“You hate surprises Faith.”

“True.” I hum. “But I think I’m going to enjoy this one.”

He growls and his lust-filled eyes scan over my still-naked body. “How about I continue to enjoy you first.”

“Deal.” I giggle and crash my lips onto his.

I’m sure we can put off the surprise for a few more hours.

When we finally make it out of our bedroom the sun is starting to set. And even though we’re only going into the backyard Caleb, and I are dressed up. He’s in black slacks and a white button-up shirt and I’m wearing a dark green sun dress.

We just made it downstairs and since it’s supposed to be a surprise I placed a blindfold over Caleb’s eyes. I’m slowly guiding him through the house and it’s hilarious because he keeps crashing into furniture. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“If you wanted me covered in bruises again it’s working.” he teases making me laugh sarcastically.

“Ha ha but it’s actually you who’s doing it. You’re a werewolf Caleb, use some of those heightened senses to walk straight.”

He suddenly stops walking and places his hands on his hips. I’m sure under his blindfold he’s glaring at me. “Faith I’m not Superman lower your expectations.”

I brush my hand against his face feeling the sparks between us. “I’m sorry I must have confused you with the Caleb who enjoyed being blindfolded. That night he had no issues finding his way around my body.”

His throat tenses and he smiles. “Well, that was different baby. I know your body better than my own.”

Shaking my head at his antics I grab his hand and start guiding him more carefully this time. We make it to the sliding back door, and I open it so we can step out. The moment our feet land on the patio cheers and screams fill the air.

Caleb quickly takes off his blindfold and looks completely surprised. Our whole pack except for the warriors on duty are here to celebrate their alpha.

The whole backyard is decorated. There are balloons everywhere, tables placed for people to sit, and a stage where Caleb’s favorite werewolf band is playing. I even got a few guys to set off fireworks so that they light up the sky.

“What is this?” Caleb asks looking from the crowd to me.

I shrug. “The pack just wanted to celebrate their Alpha coming home safely. Your mom and I got together and threw this surprise party for you. Do you like it?”

“Like it? No, I love it! You didn’t have to do all this.” he says, still sounding shocked.

“Well, I wanted to, so let’s enjoy it.” I grab his hand and lead him towards his parents and our friends.

The next few hours are spent eating delicious food, dancing, and listening to stories from Caleb’s parents about all the trouble he got into while younger.

My parents are here also for the party and share equally embarrassing stories about me. Most of it makes me laugh but some it makes me want to cry because even though I’m only eighteen their stories remind me of how I’m growing up and how my life is changing so fast.

When it’s getting late, and guests are starting to leave Caleb and I share our final dance. It’s a slow one and his arms are wrapped around me while my head lays on his chest.

“Tonight has been wonderful Faith. I have no idea how I’m going to top this for your birthday,” he says and kisses the top of my head.

Tears start to brim my eyes and I look up at my wonderful mate. He looks concerned at first but then I smile. “Whatever we do better not involve alcohol.”

Caleb’s brows furrow together. “What? Why?”

“Because I’m pregnant. If you place your head on my stomach, you can hear a faint heartbeat.”

He just stares at me like he’s trying to process what I said. He doesn’t even blink and I think I actually broke him.

“Caleb, are you okay? I know this is a shock but-” I say but stop when he gets down on his knees and places his head on my stomach. He holds me tightly like he’s afraid I’ll disappear.

Finally, he looks up at me. “I can hear it. Thats our pup in their Faith,” he whispers, and I nod.

“It is, we’re going to be parents. Are you happy?”

"Words can't describe how I'm feeling right now." He smiles and stands up. Clutching my hand with his he whistles loudly. “Everyone shut up! I have an announcement to make! We’re having a baby! Your Luna is pregnant!”

Everyone is silent for a second before again everyone is cheering and screaming. Caleb, being more excited, grabs me and spins me around making me laugh. He sits me on my feet and kisses me.

“I love you so much, baby. This is the best news ever!” He kisses me again and pulls away because we have an audience.

Our parents walk up together, and my dad is the first to reach us. I can’t tell if he’s happy or not as he approaches Caleb and slaps him on the back.

“I can’t believe you did it.” My dad says and Caleb straightens up his shoulders.

“You know what Zane, you can kill me later, nothing will bring down my happy mood right now.”

My dad scoffs. “I was just going to congratulate you. I’m happy for you guys. You’re going to be wonderful parents.”

I leave Caleb’s side and hug my dad. “I love you, Dad!”

He hugs me back and smiles down at me. “I love you, my little princess.”

My mom hugs me next and then Iris and Ruby. Aunt Kandy is even here and congratulates me. The nerves I was feeling at first are slowly vanishing. I have no idea if I’ll be a good mom, but I know I have a whole family who will be here to support me.

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