Faith With Wolves Book 2
6. The Cat's Meow


“So how are things with Faith?’ Dallas asks as we wait for all the warriors to arrive in our training area.

Sighing I shoot him a look that says, ’Don’t ask’. Because if I think about Faith, I’m just going to get more frustrated than I am right now. “We’re fine. Better than fine actually. We went on another date last night and it was fun. It had all the butterflies fluttering in my stomach just like our first date. I think we’re finally past the Brooke thing.”

“Then why do you seem so irritated today? You should be in a happy mood unless she didn’t put out.” Dallas teases making me roll my eyes.

“First off, I don’t expect my mate to ‘put out’ just because I took her on a date. But in this case, things were getting heated until we were interrupted.” I groan. “That stupid fucking cat,” I complain making Dallas burst out laughing.

“Wait you’re telling me you didn’t get laid because of a cat? That's hilarious.” He laughs more.

“Shut up. The annoying little flea bag started coughing up a hairball and Faith was concerned so she ran and got the cat some fresh water. When she came back all she wanted to do was cuddle with the cat. She fell asleep with him in her arms instead of me. It’s been weeks of torture since she brought that beast home.”

Dallas just continues to laugh irritating me more, so I punch him in the arm making him yelp in pain. “Okay okay, I’ll stop laughing. But you have to admit it’s hilarious she would rather cuddle with a cat than sleep with you.”

“It’s not funny. How would you feel if Ruby did that to you?”

He growls. “Don’t even joke about evil things like that.” sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I punch him in the ribs playfully. “Then don’t joke about my sex life.”

"Whose sex life are we joking about?” a voice that haunts my dreams says behind me. A growl erupts from deep within me as I turn around and meet the muddy brown eyes of Amber.

“Amber. How many times am I going to catch you eavesdropping on my conversation?” I take a step towards her, and her eyes widen in fear. She starts to speak but I wrap my hand around her throat squeezing it. “Today is not the day to test me.” I squeeze harder wanting to take all my frustration out on this pathetic woman. “I have made it clear that what happens in my life is none of your concern. You are nothing to me and you were nothing to me when I fucked you. So, your desperate attempts to seduce me better end now, or the next time I see I’ll kill you.” I release her throat and she falls to the ground.

“Alpha-” Dallas protests beside me but I growl, and he shuts up.

“Leave my sight and make sure I don’t see you again.” I threaten Amber who has bruises on her neck and tears falling down her face. She nods then jumps up and runs away.

I continue to watch her until she’s back in the pack house. The warriors Dallas and I are about to train pass her headed this way. I walk away to grab some rope we need for our training exercise when the other noise that haunts my dreams catches my attention.


Dallas laughs. “That damn cat is everywhere.”

I scoff. “Yeah, everywhere but nowhere. I never see him until it’s time for bed then he’s suddenly in my bed in my mate’s arm.” I complain and ignore the cat staring at me.

Dallas begins petting the cat and smiles at me. “Faith is right. He’s adorable.”

“No. He’s a menace and needs to disappear as soon as possible.” I complain and yell at the warriors to get ready.

We start training immediately. All the warriors pair up as we practice escaping from being tied up and the proper way to tie up an enemy. The annoying little flea bag never appears again and I’m happy about it.

Training had lasted longer than usual and the only thing on my mind is a shower and Faith. I had missed dinner, but I have an appetite for something else. No annoying cat is going to distract us tonight.

Faith is currently in the shower, and I begin stripping so I can join her. As soon as my last article of clothing hits the floor I rush towards the bathroom.

Inside our steam-filled bathroom, I can see the outline of my mate’s gorgeous body. My cock instantly hardens up and she hasn’t even touched me yet. That's what she does to me. Her mere presence is erotic and I want nothing more than to be deep inside her.

“Are you going to join me or just stare?” she calls out in a teasing tone.

“Don’t worry I’m coming.”

And I did, 3 times. Twice in the shower and the last time when we stepped out to dry off and she bent over. She looked so irresistible bent over that I couldn’t contain myself.

When we finally make it into our bedroom the first thing, I spot is my bed and the annoying cat on it. Right smack in the middle curled up he taunts me like always.


“Ahh Marlo, do you need some lovin’.” Faith coos and scoops him into her arms like always.

"You really shouldn’t carry him so much. He’s going to get spoiled and always expect it.”

She scoffs. “He’s a cat Caleb, not a baby.”

“And if we have a baby, are you going to pick him up every time he wants attention?”

Looking annoyed, Faith places her hands on her hips. “When we have a baby, I’ll pick her up whenever I want. I’ll glue her to my side if I have to.”

“Psh a girl. No way, we’re having a boy first.”

"I guarantee we're having a girl."

I step forward grab the top of her towel and pull it off. The flimsy towel falls to the ground, and I grab my mate making her legs wrap around me. Her back hits the bed and I hover above her.

With both her arms pinned above her head I grind my body against hers. “You just love arguing with me, don’t you?”

She smirks. “Maybe.”

Groaning I grab my hard member and tease her wet folds. A loud moan escapes her and that’s all I need to push further in burying myself deep in my mate. “Fuck you feel so good. So wet and tight for me baby.”

Her nails dig into my shoulders as I begin thrusting harder. “Caleb please.”

Picking up my pace I thrust harder and faster. Our moans of pleasure and the sounds of our bodies grinding together fill the room before I lower my mouth and kiss her with urgency, my tongue latching onto hers.

Our kiss becomes sloppy. Our teeth clash as we fight for dominance. I’m losing yet winning this fight as Faith growls into my mouth and manages to flip us over so she’s on top.

Her beautiful body bounces on top of me and I grip her hips as she runs her sharp nails down my chest. It’s a mix of pleasure and pain but I can’t find myself telling her to stop, no I need more.

“Bite me, baby, please,” I beg not even recognizing my desperate voice.

“I love you, Caleb.” Faith moans before she kisses my neck and her fangs pierce my skin.

Indescribable pleasure soars through my body. It’s like I’m flying among the clouds, and I don’t want to fall. No, I want to stay here in this moment forever. I feel invincible, enraptured, but most of all loved.

My eyes slowly peel open at the feeling of Faith licking my neck. She’s still on top of me but I’ve already finished inside her. I don’t even know when I did it, but it must have been when she was biting me.

My voice comes out raspy. “Fuck that was.... amazing. You’re amazing.” I run my hand through Faith’s wild blonde locks, and she looks up at me.

“You’re insane. I hadn’t fed today. Luckily, I managed to stop before I killed you.” she says a frown forming on her face.

I cup her face making sure she understands what I’m about to say. “Faith, I trust you. There was no doubt in my mind that you wouldn’t stop.”

She nods. “I trust you too.”

“And I trust both of you.” A male voice answers making Faith climb off me and scurry under the blankets.

A growl escapes me as I see the intruder in my room. A strange man standing over six feet tall with curly blonde hair in his mid-twenties smirks at me. He doesn’t even look fazed as he leans against the wall, his arms folded against his chest.

“Who the fuck are you and how did you get into my room?” I rush over and grab him by the neck pinning him against the wall.

“Calm down wolfy I’ve been here the whole time.”

“Bull shit. The doors locked and I would have heard someone come in.”

Faith’s hand grips my shoulder. “Caleb-”

I growl at her. “Put on some fucking clothes now Faith! I’m about to kill this sick pervert who likes to watch people without their consent.”

The intruders’ eyes widen as he turns to Faith. “Don’t let him kill me, please. I didn’t even watch, only listened. I was under the bed the whole time I swear!”

“What the hell!” Faith gasps as she holds our blanket tighter around her body.

“Times up asshole.” I squeeze tighter feeling the imposter’s heartbeat start to fade when he slips out my hand and magically before my eyes transforms into an orange cat. His beady eyes stare at me as he says the same thing as always.


My jaw drops. “What the fuck!”

Faith is just as shocked as me. “Marlo?”

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