Faith with Wolves
11. Meet the Parents


I can't stop thinking about Caleb and our date. It was so much fun and he was such a gentleman. He taught me how to bowl and I got to beat him at laser tag. I probably cheated because I kept blending into the shadows but still, I had an amazing time I didn't want it to end.

The night ended perfectly with Caleb kissing me though. My first kiss and it was with my soulmate. It was better than I imagined kissing would be like. He's right I don't want to kiss anyone else. I don't care that he's a werewolf and his kind and mine are enemies. I'm so infatuated with him already. I don't want anyone else.

Caleb and I have been texting and talking on the phone every day since. It's been three weeks of perfect bliss. We've gone on several dates and shared so many more kisses. When he comes to O'dells I take my lunch break and we share a meal and hang out. We've even made out behind the bar a few times.

Everything is just perfect

Dallas still doesn't like me very much but he doesn't growl at me or try to pick a fight with me. He pretty much ignores me unless I'm taking his order. I don't mind because I still don't like him very much either. He still flirts with Ruby constantly so I let her deal with him.

Today is Thursday so Caleb will be here soon with his pack members. Apparently, the wolves with him are warriors. One named John, then Alex and Michael. They all went to high school together.

I'm practicing mixing a drink when Ruby walks up beside me and nudges me. "You're lover boy will be here soon." She teases me and I nudge her back.

"His name is Caleb, not Lover Boy. I can't wait to see him." I sigh and imagine his strong arms wrapped around me.

"You got it bad girl. I'm happy for you though. He seems like a good guy, but if he hurts you I'll kill him."

"He won't. We're mates destined to be together. He's so perfect."

Ruby rolls her eyes. "He's still human and a man. He'll mess up and when he does he better grovel at your feet."

"Speaking of feet." I point across the bar at a couple playing footsie with no shoes on. Ruby and I both look at each other and start laughing. The couple is so oblivious to anyone around.

My laughter dies down though when the bell rings and the last person I expect to see walks in, my dad with my mom right behind him. "Faith, my little girl!" He shouts and opens his arms up for a hug.

"Kandy get you're butt out here old lady!" Mom yells and the door to the kitchen behind me opens and Aunt Kandy emerges. She screams and runs towards my mom hugging her.

I walk around the bar and hug my dad. He ruffles up my hair and I struggle to fix it. "Dad, what are you doing here?" He's supposed to be at home giving me space not showing up unannounced.

"Don't tell me you aren't happy to see me. I had a meeting in the area and your mom suggested we come to see you." he pouts.

"Really it was Mom's idea to come see me?" I ask and we both look at Mom who's slamming shots back already with Aunt Kandy pouring her more. Great my mom is getting drunk.

"Fine, it was my idea. But you can't blame me for wanting to check on my little princess. How are you? Are you eating well?" It's his subtle way of asking if I'm having issues getting blood.

"Dad I'm fine. Matter of fact you and Mom should head home. The palace needs you." I push him away but he doesn't budge.

"Nonsense you moms already drinking so we're stuck here for a few hours. Don't worry you can work and I won't bother you. Matter of fact you can get me my drink, please."

I fold my arms across my chest. "Fine you can stay but no bothering me and-" I stop talking when his amazing scent wafts through the air. The front door to the bar opens and Caleb walks in.

Caleb looks straight at me with a smile on his face. Dallas and his pack mates follow in beside him and Dallas whispers something to him. Caleb's blue eyes widen as they go to my parents and then back to me.

This can't be good

My dad turns around and stares at the werewolves. I look over at my mom and she's eyeing them too. I'm so afraid a fight is going to break out.

Please don't let them fight.

Instead, Dad smiles. "Alpha Black funny running into you here?" My dad puts his hand out to shake and Caleb walks up and shakes it. His werewolf pack standing right behind him.

"No need for the formalities Zane. I'm not alpha yet." Caleb says folding his arms across his chest.

"True but you will make a fine alpha one day. I'm sorry to hear about your dad. How is Christopher?" My dad asks and I'm so confused. How does he know my mate and his dad? I haven't even met his dad yet.

Caleb looks uncomfortable but tries to hide it as he shifts from foot to foot. "He's okay. I'll tell him you said hello. I should go sit. It was nice running into you again." He tries to walk away but my dad's voice stops him.

"Wait! I want you to meet someone. This is my daughter Faith. Faith this is Caleb Black future alpha of the Blue Moon Pack." Dad grabs me and pulls me to his side.

I can't help but feel uncomfortable. Should I tell my dad I already know Caleb and we're mates? Is Caleb going to tell him? And how do they even know each other? Caleb never mentioned he knew my dad.

My mate's eyes glance back and forth from my dad to me. He opens his mouth to say something but I speak up instead.

"Actually Dad we already know each other. Umm, the Blue Moon pack are regulars here." I blurt out.

"Really? Well, that's good. Keep an eye on her for me will you?" Dad asks Caleb who nods in agreement. My dad pats Caleb's shoulder and then walks over to my mom talking to her.

"Oh, my goodness," I whisper under my breath. I'm practically sweating from nervousness. That was the most awkward situation of my life.

"Are you okay?" Caleb asks and grabs my hand. He glances over at my parents then lets my hand go. "We need to talk." He says.

I finally look up from the ground into my mate's worried blue eyes. "I'm okay, but you're right we need to talk. Why didn't you say you knew my dad?"

He sighs. "I'm sorry. I only met him once years ago. He was at some alliance meeting with Alpha Dexter. He was trying to get as many packs as possible to sign a peace treaty. My dad signed one. I talked to your dad for maybe five minutes then left. I didn't think he would remember me. There were hundreds of packs there."

"My dad has wonderful memory that's why he's a good king. He remembers names and faces from hundreds of years ago." I run my hand down my face frustrated. "This is fucked up."

Caleb smirks. "You cursed. You never curse."

"I know. But I got to get back to work. I'll send Ruby to your table."

I start to walk away when Caleb grabs my hand again. My eyes instantly dart to my dad who luckily still has his back turned talking to Kandy and my mom.

"Since we can't have lunch together can we see each other tomorrow? I've missed you." He whispers and I can't help the blush that covers my cheeks.

"I would like that."

The rest of the evening I'm stuck serving guests while my parents and Aunt Kandy get drunk. Ruby serves Caleb and his Pack while I watch from a distance. All night I kept eye contact with my mate wishing I could touch him or kiss him.

But I couldn't

I know it would be easier to just tell my parents we're mates but I'm not ready for that. My dad barely let me move out. He's never wanted me to grow up or date. If he finds out I have a boyfriend I'm afraid he'll make me come back home. Even if the guy is my soulmate. Dad still thinks I'm his naive innocent little girl.

Caleb didn't mention either we are mates so maybe he doesn't want anyone to know. I'm a vampire and he's a werewolf it's practically forbidden. I'm pretty sure only his friends who come to the bar know and he probably commanded them to keep it a secret.

I don't think Caleb is ashamed of me but I know he's nervous about what others will think, especially his pack. He hasn't even brought up me being Luna and I know it's because his pack won't accept me. It's still a challenge getting his best friend and beta not to kill me.

The night has finally slowed down. Caleb and his pack have left. I'm cleaning off tables when my phone goes off with a message. I read it and see Caleb wants me to meet him behind the bar.

I walk over to Ruby who's leaning on the bar watching Aunt Kandy and my parents joke around. They're all three drunk and Dad has his arm wrapped around Mom. Her hand that's not holding a beer bottle is resting on Dad's lap. They're so happy in love it's gross.

"Do you think we'll be like that when we're older?" Ruby asks and stares at our family.

My parents still look the same. They're both stuck in their twenty-five-year-old bodies while Aunt Kandy continues to age because she's human. She's forty now and she's going to keep getting older. Meanwhile, my parents will stay the same and my mom will have to mourn her best friend's death.

Ruby is also human and like Kandy, she'll keep aging and I'll stay the same. I'll lose my best friend just like Mom. It's a cruel endless cycle. Sometimes I hate being immortal.

I fake a smile. "Definitely except we won't be as dorky. " I hug Ruby from the side and she leans her head on me. "Do me a favor and cover for me please."

Ruby pulls away. "Going to meet your lover boy. Yeah, go ahead. I'll watch the old people." She smiles and I hug her again. I just love my best friend I'd be lost without her.

Walking through the kitchen I leave out of the back door. It's dark with only one light hanging above the outside. I see my mate as he leans against the wall looking as handsome as ever.

He smiles at me and grabs my waist pulling me to him. "I hated not being able to kiss you." He confesses giving me a lustful look.

"Then what are you waiting for?"

He smirks and I wrap my arms around his neck as his lips collide with mine. I deepen the kiss and he grabs my legs wrapping them around his waist.

We back into a wall and Caleb starts kissing along my neck and shoulder. My head falls back giving him more room. His hands push my shirt up so his hands are touching my bare skin making sparks erupt all over my body.

"Caleb!" I call out. His hard member is pressing into me through his jeans. I've never seen or touched one before but I'm so tempted.

"Faith." He whispers between kisses.

His lips meet mine again and I grind my body into his. I just want him close. We're practically dry-humping but I want more. I need his skin on mine. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Caleb must be reading my mind because one of his hands unbuttons my jeans. He trails his finger along the skim of my panties.

"Can I touch you?" He asks and I'm panting so hard. I'm like putty in his hands. He can do whatever he wants to me at this moment and I'll say yes.

"Please do."

He kisses me again before I feel two of his fingers slip into my wet folds. I moan already because I've never been touched there. Not even by myself. His fingers start pumping in and out of me while I feel him lick and bite along my neck. It feels so good.

I'm on a euphoric high as he starts touching my sensitive nub. My head falls back even more and I go to moan out his name when he covers my mouth with his hand. My first instinct is to bite his hand but then I hear footsteps and smell something familiar.


Caleb quickly removes his hand from my jeans and I button them up as he adjusts himself and fixes his shirt trying to make himself look presentable. Not even five seconds later my mom walks around the corner. She freezes when she sees us.

"Faith..... I was looking for you. Your dad's ready to go." She narrows her green eyes and looks at us suspiciously and I wonder if she can see how swollen our lips are or how unkempt my hair is now.

"Umm okay."

"Aren't you going to say goodbye to your... friend." She says and looks at Caleb with a smirk on her face.

I'm too afraid to even look at him. "Umm bye, Caleb," I mutter and run toward my mom. We walk around the corner and she starts laughing uncontrollably.

"You're so lucky I found you and not Zane. He would have killed him." she laughs more.

My heart starts to race thinking about having to choose between my dad and my mate. I don't think I could do it.

I look up at Mom who's smirking at me. "You're not going to tell him are you?"

"Of course not. Your father is crazy overprotective. You're an adult now Faith. I trust you. Now let's talk about safe sex."

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