Faith with Wolves
14. Apologies


I've been staring at my phone all morning waiting for Faith to reply. I know she's upset about last night but she didn't give me a chance to explain before she took off. I wasn't picking a side I just wanted to know all the facts about what happened. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

But Faith was long gone by the time I got outside. She must have used her vamp speed instead of calling for a ride. I feel terrible. I've been calling and texting her non-stop but she hasn't replied.

My phone goes off and I quickly grab it hoping it's her. But I'm disappointed when I see it's just a message from Marcus telling me training is over. I was supposed to supervise training but I was too bummed. I barely got out of bed this morning. I just feel so guilty and like the worst mate ever.

Faith was already upset and when she asked me about Amber and I panicked. I have no idea how she even found out about us. The only reason could be Amber bragging about it. We fooled around once in high school and she's had a crush on me ever since. She thinks we're meant to be mates and I avoid her as much as possible. She's harmless or at least I thought she was.

Apparently, I was wrong because Faith found out and the look of disappointment she gave me broke me. She shouldn't have to hear about one of my past flings from a girl in the club who clearly wants me still. I try to keep my past behind me but it's come back to haunt me and it's tearing apart my present and future happiness.

I miss Faith so much. I couldn't sleep last night. I just tossed and turned wondering what my mate was doing. All I could feel was overwhelming sadness and I'm not sure if it was coming from me or the mate bond. We haven't completed the mate bond so I shouldn't know what she's feeling yet.

I lay my head on my desk in frustration. A moment later it opens and he sits in the chair across from me. "Are you still moping about your vampire girlfriend?" Dallas asks me and I growl.

"She's my mate you asshole!" I sit up and glare at my best friend. He looks irritated and he's all sweaty from training.

"A mate who's ignoring you. She made you miss training. You never miss training Caleb. She's a problem." he states.

"Maybe I'm the problem. Faith was right I was too busy asking questions when my priority should have been my mate. I know Faith, she wouldn't just attack Amber for no reason."

"You're not the problem. The problem is your stupid mate bond. It's got you acting crazy. You even let her bite you." He says sounding disgusted.

When I came back from spending the night with Faith Dallas was the first one to notice my happy mood. He followed me up to my room questioning my whereabouts. When I told him I was with my mate all night he calmed down but then panicked when he saw the bite mark on my neck, two small puncture marks from her fangs. Weirdly it still hasn't healed. He started to throw a fit but I kicked him out of my room and took a shower.

I touch my neck where Faith bit me. Dallas probably thinks Faith attacked me in some blood-lust frenzy. He won't understand she did it when we were making love and I liked it. We wolves have always feared being bitten by a vampire because we don't know the side effects. So far I have none of course my situation is different since Faith is my mate.

"She pretty much marked you," Dallas mutters getting my attention.

"W-what did you say?"

He sighs. "I said she practically marked you. No wonder you're so sad. Her biting you probably started the mating process and you're feeling her emotions. If you don't mark her soon she's going to go into heat." he says and walks out of my office.

I'm shocked. Did Faith mark me?

The sound of the door knocking distracts me. In walks our pack doctor Marshall. He has a sad look on his face like always. "Alpha I come with a message. I don't mean to interrupt but he said it was urgent."

I wave him in and lean back in my leather seat. I have an open-door policy in my pack. I want someone to be able to talk to me if they have an issue or concern. I never lock my office unless I'm in a meeting. People come and go coming to talk to me all day. Sometimes it's just a mom venting about her day. Still, I listen.

"What's going on Marshall?" The pack doctor only comes to me for one reason.

"It's your dad. He's getting worse. He wants to talk to you." He says and walks back out quickly.

I take a deep breath before heading to see my dad. I really hope it's not time to say goodbye. I'm still hoping for some type of miracle to heal him. My dad's my best friend I can't lose him.

My parents live on the west wing of my floor. The fifth floor is reserved for the alpha and his family. My parents have their own half of the floor which is like a small apartment and I have mine for me and my Luna. That is if I didn't lose her already.

Instead of my dad being roomed in the pack hospital he's in his own bedroom on our floor. I go visit him every day. He was actually the one to convince me to give Faith a try. After I called her my mate I came home and went straight to my dad and explained what was going on. He told me to trust the mate bond and that the moon goddess never makes mistakes. Like always he was right.

I walk into my father's room with my head down. The room smells like a hospital and I can hear the i.v dripping. I can feel my dad staring as I sit in the chair with my head down.

"What did you do?" he asks.

I sigh and meet my father's matching blue eyes. "I took Faith to the club. She got into a fight with some she-wolves from the pack. I pretty much took their side in her eyes and she stormed off. She's been ignoring me ever since."

My dad and I are practically twins. We both have dark black hair, blue eyes, and a sharp jawline. The only difference is my dad is over six feet tall and more muscular. Well, he was but with the wolvesbane poisoning going throughout his body he's so frail and skinny now. He's also pale instead of his caramel-colored skin tone.

He shakes his head and I know if he could kick my ass he would. "Have I taught you nothing about women son? Why would you let your mate get into a fight?"

"I had stepped away from a moment because Alpha Hayden of the Lotus Pack showed up. While we were talking Amber confronted Faith and a fight happened." I explain still feeling guilty about the situation. I hate Alpha Hayden but it would have been rude to dismiss him. I was already frustrated when I got mind-linked about a fight and took it out on my mate.

"I told you not waiting for your mate would come back to bite you in the ass. You didn't listen and now you're mate is suffering because of it. Did you tell the she-wolves Faith is your mate and their future Luna and discipline them?"

I lower my head again unable to look at my dad. "Kind of. I gave them extra kitchen duty for a week."

"That's it? They attack you're mate and you do nothing!" Dad shouts and I can tell he's getting angry. The monitor starts beeping rapidly because of his heart rate going up. "I'm disappointed in you. Stop wasting time and go fix things with your mate. I want to meet her before I die."

"She doesn't want to see me. I've been calling her all night and day."

"Caleb you need to man up and apologize in person. If your mate thinks you don't want her then you need to do whatever you can to show her she's the most important person in your life. If you can't do that then you don't deserve her."

I stand up from my seat. "You're right. I'm going to go find her. She needs to know I love her and she comes first. I shouldn't have let her walk away last night." I quickly hug my dad and smile at him. "Don't worry Dad. I'll make sure you meet her."

Listening to my dad's advice I made one stop before going to O'Dell's to find Faith. But when I reached the familiar bar Kandy told me the girls were out shopping before their shift. Faith must not have told her about us fighting because I doubt Kandy would have told me where to find the girls otherwise.

I find Faith and Ruby shopping in downtown Lancaster. Our small town is in the middle of two large metropolitan cities. They have more shopping and food areas so most people travel there. This is one of them.

It doesn't take me long to find my mate. Even with all the different scents her enticing smell of strawberries and roses calls to me. I stand outside the store looking into the large glass window. Faith must sense my presence because she has her back turned looking at clothes but turns and looks directly at me when I walk up.

We just stare at each other before Ruby notices me and tells Faith to come talk to me. My mate looks reluctant but slowly walks outside. She folds her arms across her chest and looks down at the ground instead of me.

"What are you doing here Caleb?"

I nervously shift from foot to foot. "I came to apologize. I'm an idiot. I was angry and I didn't think about your feelings. I was torn between my mate and my pack and I made a bad choice. But I want you to know I was worried about you. I still am."

She scoffs and her beautiful gray eyes finally look at me. "And what about Amber? Are you still worried about her and how I attacked her?"

"Nothing is going on between Amber and me. We hooked up once in high school years ago. She's just a member of my pack. Amber means nothing to me. I know you wouldn't hit her unless you had to. You're not violent."

"You're wrong. I hit her first and I wanted to do worse. She's right I'm just a filthy vampire. I wanted to kill her and still do." She says and looks up at me with tear-filled eyes.

I take a step closer to her but I'm still not close enough to touch her. "Faith you're more than just a vampire. You're the kindest, smartest, and most caring girl I've ever met. You're my mate and I'm proud to call you mine."

"She said you were hers, that's why I snapped." Faith confesses and I step up to her and grab her hands. "I was afraid to lose you to her, I still am."

My heart aches knowing the pain my mate has been carrying because of me. No wonder she ran away when a random girl called me hers and then I took her side. I would ignore me also. I shouldn't have let my frustration get the best of me last night. I should have been by my mate's side making sure she knew how cared for and loved she is.

"I'm so sorry I made you feel that way, that you still do. I thought I'd been doing a good job letting you know I want you and nobody else. I never want you to feel like you have to compete for me. You're my mate and I belong to you. I got you this on my way over, an apology gift." I reach into my pocket and pull out the silver necklace with a moon and wolf pendant.

Faith looks surprised. I unclasp the necklace and gently push her hair to the side and put her necklace on. I smile at her and fix her hair back. Faith just holds the end of the necklace in her hand with a small smile on her face.

"I don't want you or anyone else to doubt who you belong to. You're my mate and Luna. It's not the mate bond that ties us together but your beautiful soul. I couldn't have asked for anyone better to be mine. I love you, Faith. I've loved you since our first kiss. I should have told you a long time ago."

She grips my shirt pulling me closer to her. "I love you, Caleb." She smiles and I lower my lips onto hers. My arms wrap around her waist and one of my hands slides up her back as we deepen the kiss. I put all my love and passion into the kiss. I don't want her ever to question my love for her.

We pull away to the sound of clapping. I chuckle and see Ruby standing outside watching us with shopping bags in her hands.

"I'm glad to see you two made up. I thought you were about to do it right here on the sidewalk." She teases and Faith rolls her eyes at her friend.

"Not everything has to do with sex Ruby ugh!" Faith complains and I laugh.

The girls start talking and Faith is showing Ruby her necklace when my phone rings. I answer it without looking at who it is. "This is Caleb,"

"We need to meet now. The war is happening sooner rather than later." Malachi says and I groan in frustration. I still haven't got to tell him I'm out yet.

I look at Faith who is still talking to Ruby excitedly. I need to hurry and end things with Malachi. Then I need to talk to Faith. I can't let anything happen to her, I need to protect her.

I turn away from the girls. "Where do you want to meet I'm busy."

"Then get unbusy. Don't forget who's in charge here pup. I'll text you the location." he snaps and hangs up on me.

I shove my phone in my pocket and walk over to the girls. Faith looks at me nervously. I don't think she heard my phone call she was talking to Ruby. Maybe she can sense my nervousness and I'm pushing it onto her.

"I'm sorry about this but I have to go. I have an emergency meeting. Can we meet up tomorrow? There's something else I want to talk to you about."

Faith nods. "Sure is everything okay?"

I kiss her cheek. "Everything is fine. I'll call you." I nod at Ruby and walk down the road to my car.

I have no idea if things are okay. Malachi has a temper and I have no idea how he's going to handle me telling him I won't support him anymore. I just know I have to protect my mate and pack if this goes the wrong way.

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