Faith with Wolves
8. My Mate


This has been the longest work week and it's only Thursday. I still have to work Friday and Saturday evenings. Luckily O'Dells is closed on Sundays, Mondays, and Tuesdays for cleaning and inventory. Is this what being an adult feels like? It's not a good feeling.

The bar opened two hours ago and we've already kicked out some drunk human college kids, broke up a fight between two brothers over their girlfriend Elena and I tripped and fell earlier making a huge mess. I'm completely over today and ready to go home and relax in bed.

"Is the night over with yet?" Ruby walks up beside me sighing. I look up at the clock reading its only eight thirty and shake my head.

"Nope, still many more hours in hell," I answer and feel a towel hit my backside.

"Hey, the night is how you make it. Cheer up girls it's thirsty Thursday!" Aunt Kandy cheers and walks away to fill another patron's drink. I love her but she's always so happy it can be annoying at times. This is one of those times.

Ruby and I put on fake happy smiles and go back to serving drinks. I'm also running around refilling drinks and giving people their food. For some reason, everyone is also hungry tonight so the kitchen is extra busy making me play host tonight.

The bell above the door jingles and I walk away from the table I was serving and pull out my notepad ready to take an order if necessary. I fake a smile. "Welcome to O'Dells take a seat anywhere you like. Can I get you a half-price drink or our cheeseburger special?" I ask and hear a growl.

My head shoots up from my notepad to see three guys from the Blue Moon pack. I'm so exhausted I didn't even smell the dogs. Dallas is growling at me and the one with blue eyes is staring down at the floor with his fist balled up.

"What are you doing here?" Dallas asks sounding disgusted by my mere presence. Stupid werewolves I have more right to be here than them.

Despite it being unprofessional I roll my eyes at him. "I work here. Your usual booth is empty if you want to sit there." I reply in the snarkiest tone.

Dallas takes a menacing step toward me. "Do you know who you're talking to vampire? I would destroy you." he threatens but I'm not scared in the slightest.

"I'd like to see you try." I threaten back and let out a low growl.

Dallas almost lunges for me but the guy with his head down places his hand on his shoulder. If you weren't paying attention it would look gentle but I can see how his claws are digging into his skin and how Dallas is straining himself against the pain. "Leave her." he simply states and drags Dallas away to their booth.

Ruby frantically runs up to me. "Are you okay? Aunt Kandy said she would kick them out if you wanted. She doesn't care how important they think they are. Family comes first."

I shake my head as I continue to stare in the wolf's direction. The wonderful smell of roasted marshmallows over a campfire is back. It's coming from the wolf who keeps stopping Dallas. I wonder if he's the alpha and why does he smell so good? It must be his body wash or something.

"It's fine but can you take their order? I need a break." I'm still pissed about Dallas's behavior. Why is he so prejudiced against vampires? We're not all bad and we haven't attacked wolves since my dad took over. We want peace between everyone.

"I got your back," she says and walks over to their table with a smile on her face. It instantly vanishes when Dallas starts flirting with her and pulls her onto his lap. She hits him with her notepad, stands up, and takes their order.

I sneak out of the back door and take off into the shadows. I travel into town and feed on a few strangers. Once I feel like my urge to murder Dallas is gone I head back to work. I didn't tell Kandy I was taking a break so hopefully she doesn't freak out. Hopefully Ruby explained what happened and why I needed a moment to get myself together. It would be a big issue to go into a blood frenzy in a bar full of humans. I'd slaughter them all without realizing it.

Luckily when I return the place has settled down. Kandy must have kicked out the few rowdy customers we had. I tie my beige apron around my waist and get back to work. I serve a few more humans who come in and then head over to one of our regulars who has already had too many drinks and needs to be cut off.

Alfred is a forty-five-year-old widow. He comes in every day and gets wasted. We usually have to kick him out when he gets too handsy and starts accusing every woman of looking like his ex-wife Lenora who left him. I've worked here a week and I can already tell Lenora left for a good reason.

I approach Alfred with a smile on my face. He reeks of alcohol, sweat, and just plain stinkiness like he hasn't showered in a week. I hold my breath as I talk to him. "Good evening Alfie. What can I get you?"

He looks me up and down disapprovingly. "Another beer would be nice. What kind of wife are you Lenore? you're so lazy."

"Sorry, but I'm not Lenora. You're at O'Dells and I'm sorry but I'm going to have to cut you off for the night. I can get you some water to help sober you up before you leave."

"Who the hell do you think you are back sassing me? Get me my beer woman!" he throws his beer at my feet and the glass shatters everywhere earning a gasp from me and a few other patrons around.

The last of my good mood is officially ruined. "Look Alfred you're drunk. You can go sleep it off in your truck or find a ride home but I'm not serving you anymore tonight." I turn around to march away when he grabs my arm again. He goes to slap me with his other hand when I hear a loud growl.

Suddenly Alfred is dragged out of the booth and the wolf with black hair and blue eyes is punching him repeatedly in the face. He delivers blow after blow and Alfred's unconscious body slumps over. The whole bar is silently watching along with me as I try to understand what just happened.

The werewolf protected me!

Who is he?

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The wolf stands up and faces me. His bloody fists are balled up at his side and his eyes are strained closed like he's afraid to open them. He's literally shaking with rage trying to control his wolf.

"Are you okay?" I ask and touch his arm. Electric shocks shoot up my body surprising me and I yank my hand away. The wolf immediately stops shaking and his eyes pop open. They're crystal blue and so gorgeous.

We just stare at each other and he opens his mouth and whispers. "Mate."

Before I can respond he turns around and runs out of the bar. Dallas and the other wolf follow after him. Everyone in the bar stares at me. Aunt Kandy and Ruby look the most concerned.

But I'm still in shock. Did he just call me his mate? Mom told me when I met my other half I would feel electric shocks when we touch. I'm pretty sure I just did. Which means my soulmate is a werewolf and he just ran away from me?

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