Faking It (Fake boyfriend Duet 1)
|♠ 11: And it all goes down.

Like i thought i did. And maybe that's really the case. I mean, it only took me a week to get over him. Should be proof enough right? I guess I was just too blinded by his looks and the popularity that comes with dating the hot senior basketball player to see the truth. Looking at him now, with that sad, puppy-dog look in his eyes, only makes me feel sorry for him.

But no matter how much he deserves to be strung alone after what he did, I'm not that kind of person. I'm not as vindictive as I thought I was. I have to let him know that it's truly over. I heave a sigh. "Listen, Zac—"

"I know it was you who egged my car."

I almost choke on my own saliva, my eyes bugging out. I open my mouth to refuse his claim, but he beats me to it.

"You had help, right? I heard a few voices coming from the bushes. Must be the Lawrence sibs." He gives me a comforting smile. "It's okay, I'm not angry."

My stomach knots with shame at his forgiving tone. Why is he taking the high road? I expected him to be angry— as he should. He's supposed to be lashing out at me for what I did. The calmness and understanding........it's the last thing I expected from him.

"I was a bitch to clean up, and my dad practically tore me a new asshole. But I get it. I deserved it after what I did to you."

I wince and hang my head, unable to meet his eyes. "I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking when I did that."

I purposely don't confirm his suspicion that I had help from Gun, Daph and Rod. And the fact that it was actually Daph's idea. He may not be as forgiving toward them.

"No, Nikky." Zac takes my hands and envelopes them in his, his voice gentle. "I'm the one who's sorry. I broke your heart then got together with Lytton without a second thought."

His last words make my eyes snap up to him in surprise. "You didn't cheat on me?"

"No, I swear I didn't. I've just been an idiot, thinking I didn't need you anymore. Thinking I could do better. So when Lytton showed interest in me, I broke things off with you and hooked up with her. I really thought I'd hit the lottery with her." He shakes his head on a rueful chuckle. "But seeing you with Lawrence made me realise that I still love you. I still want to be with you. Nikky give me another chance. Please."

Why did he have to be soo sweet about it? If he was being a jerk, I'd have an easier time rejecting him. But all I see right now is sincerity and determination to win me back.

Damn it. He's making it hard for both of us.

"There you are." Comes that cocky voice behind me that I know soo well.

Oh,, shit!

"Lawrence." Zac's lips turn in displeasure as he stares over my shoulder, the softness in his gaze no longer there.

I step back, pulling my hands away from Zac's grip before turning to Gun. "Hey." Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"I've been looking all over for you." There's a frown marring his gorgeous features. "I thought you got lost." Then with a clenched jaw, he gives Zac a steely look. "McCarthy."

Zac returns it with an icy stare of his own and grunts. They already don't like each other. Now, add in the fact that Gun helped me trash Zac's car, and that the latter sees the former as is his competition —crap, this is a disaster waiting to open.

Which means I need to diffuse the situation before It gets out of hand.

I wrap my hand around Gun's toned bicep and tug." You know what? Let's get out of here. I'm not feeling good anyway. "

"No stay. Please." Zac pleads, his eyes trained on me.

"She said we're going." Gun snarls. "Back off."

Zac raises his eyes to him and takes a threatening step forward, his expression hardening once again. "You back off. You're not good enough for her."

Gun let's out a disbelieving laugh. "And you think you are? Coming from someone who's been nothing but a fucking dick to both his exes, that's rich Maca. You should look in a mirror."

"I completely regret what I did." Zac grinds out, his cheeks reddening. "And I have no intention of repeating that mistake. But don't act like you're any better than me Lawrence. I bet your going to do the same to her in just a matter of weeks— probably even days."

I gape at him. Seriously??

"No offence, Nikky." He hurries in a sheepish tone.

I just throw my hands up. Why are boys such idiots?

A dangerous smirk forms on Gun's lips. "Wanna bet, asshole?"

When I notice Zac balling his fists, I quickly position myself between them, pushing against their stupid rock-hard abs. "Ladies, Enough with the pissing contents! God you're both acting like morons. Do you think it's sexy when you do that? No, you're just making a fool of yourselves." They both open their mouths, but I quickly snap at them. "No, more talking! I'm done listening to your stupid yammering."

By the time I'm done lecturing them, the guys stare at me as if I've just grown three noses. Ughh. Idiots.

I roll me eyes in annoyance, and before they can resume their verbal sparring, I grab Gun's hand and pulled him away, pecking him on the cheek. "Come on, we're leaving."

My steps falter for a beat when I see the small crowd of onlookers directly on our path. How long have they been there? Did they witness the whole thing? Did they hear me going off at Zac and Gun?

"Move." Gun barks before I can say anything making the crowd part for us as he leads me by the hand.

When we reach the front door, I stop him. "We forgot Daph."

Cursing under his breath, he tells me. "Wait here. I'll go get her."

I stare after him as he walks away, the look on his face as he squares off with Zac fresh on my mind. Was he really going to fight my ex to win me?Gabriella's words echo in my ears, but I brush them off before they can even take root. There's no way I'm giving up Gun to appease her. She can truly shove her threats down her throat. He's mine and its high time I let him know I feel. I just need the courage to do it.


Daph decided to stay at the party, telling her brother that she'd just get a ride with one of our classmates. So its just me and Gun in his Jeep. We're blanketed in silence, neither of us willing to break it. Judging from the muscle ticking in his jaw, he's still pissed at Zac. Or at me for chewing them out in front of other people, but hey, I I gave him a peck on the cheek. Is he feeling emasculated or something?

Well, he should be thanking me. It got really intense back there. If I hadn't diffused the situation, they'd probably ended up punching each other. That would've attracted an even bigger attention. Hell, it would've probably stopped the whole party.

It was all Gabriella's fault. If she hadn't cornered me in the kitchen, Zac wouldn't have waited a while. I could have easily finished talking to him before Gun could even think to look for me. The whole confrontation could have been avoided.

But, no. She had to go and assert herself, trying to use my fake relationship with Gun to black mail me. Like I'd be stupid enough to fall for it. If all goes well between me and Gun, her blackmailing attempt will be useless. She won't be able to threaten me anymore. Not that I care if she does. I can always deny it.

Pushing Gabriella to the back of my mind, I give the guy occupying most of my thoughts a sideways glance. Theirs still a hard expression on his face, his grip on the steering wheel tight. "Can we talk?" I ask tentatively. Its now or never.

He schools his face and nods stiffly, stopping his Jeep and parking it by the curb. I recognize the area as the same one we'd made out at earlier today.

Why does it feel like a lifetime ago?.

"Let me guess, this is the part where your going to end our arrangement?"

"Um, yeah." We have to end it before we start a real one, right?

"I knew it." Gun huffs out a humourless laugh. "You're just going to go back to him like nothing happened."

Wait, what?

I whip my head to him and gape. "What the hell are you talking about?" And why does he look angry at me?

"I'm talking about the fact that you're just going to come crawling back to that asshole like he didn't hurt you. That's dumb Nikitta."

My breath catches in my throat. First, he accused me of going back to Zac. Now he's calling me dumb. Where's all of this coming from?

I give my head a little shake. "I......I think you're getting it wrong."

"Oh, I'm definitely getting it right." He sneers. "In fact, I'm damn nailing it. The only reason why you asked me to be your fake boyfriend was to get back at him."

My heart squeezes painfully, rendering me breathless. Is what he really thinks?

"That was the original plan?" Gun goes on when I still remain speechless. "Make him realise that the two of you belong to each other? Well congratu-fucking lations Red, you did it."

I flinch. The nickname I've grown to love cutting through my chest like a knife. Why is he being so cruel? My eyes start to sting, but I furiously blink the tears back. There's no way I'm crying in front of him.

"First of all, the one who's being an asshole right now, is you not Zac. Secondly, of course that was the origin plan and I wouldn't have asked you if you hadn't given me the idea. And you agreed, so don't act like I forced you to do it." I'm so mad I'm practically shouting at his face.

And I thought this night would end with us making things official. What's happening right now........it's the exact opposite of it. And I hate every second of it. I want to iron things out, set him straight. But my anger and hurt are getting the better of me, urging me to hurt him just as much as he's hurting me.

He chuckles darkly. "Trust me, I'm regretting that now."

Hearing those words feels like being punched in the gut. For a moment, my face crumples, tears filling my eyes even more. But I blink them back, refusing to let Gun see them.

But he does and remorse momentarily flashes through his eyes before they harden again.

That's when I know that he means everything he said. I swallow the lump in my throat. "I see. Well thanks for letting me know." Then before he can say anything, I get out of his car. I'd rather walk the rest of the way home than stay another minute with him.

So I do, and that's when the tears start to fall.

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