Fate Stained - Part Two
Chapter 9 - Reconnecting

Quinn POV

Jayce sat at the pack house table, stone faced and white knuckled, as I told him everything Fern had told me about her previous pack. I thought when I got to the part about the Alpha and his sons attacking Fern that he was going to break the table, he smashed his fist down on it so hard. Then, when I told him how Fern’s mate had received a public hanging he pushed his plate away, too sickened to eat anymore of his dinner.

“We need to know what pack she is from” he said finally, once the initial homicidal rage had simmered slightly, “I know not all packs follow traditional pack law, but this is behaviour that cannot be tolerated”

“She won’t tell me, not at the moment anyway”

“I’ll put Cameron on it, he’ll be able to find out soon enough”

I knew this would happen. I sighed and reached across the table, placing my hand gently over Jayce’s thick forearm.

“I told her that we would keep it within the pack for now, unless her father makes a move or sends anyone here in search for her”

“Well you shouldn’t have told her that. If her Alpha is going to send anyone here then we need to be prepared and part of that preparation is knowing who we are dealing with. Fern is welcome to stay here, obviously, but in return she needs to give us some more information on her previous pack”

He was right.

“Ok. I’ll have a talk to her tomorrow”

Jayce grunted in acknowledgment and the uncomfortable silence that we’d grown to know over the past day settled in again between us like an unwanted guest.

“Thank you for dinner” I said, drumming my fingertips on the table, “it was delicious”

“You’re welcome”

Jayce’s answer was short and formal. I didn’t know whether he was still deep in thought about Fern or if he was intentionally being short with me. I wanted to say something, start a conversation between us just to break the iciness that seemed to extinguish any warmth that had once been there; but for some reason I’d suddenly run out of things to say, my brain might as well have been empty.

Jayce cleared his throat, standing from the table. He grabbed his half empty plate and looked down at mine.

“You done?”

I nodded, “yes, thank you”

Jayce took both plates into the kitchen and scraped the scraps into the bin. I watched as he filled the sink and, with his back to me, began washing up. I wanted to ask myself ‘how did our once love-filled and heated relationship grow so cold and emotionless?’, but I knew exactly how and it was all my fault. I wanted to slap Jayce and tell him to snap out of it, but his behaviour was completely warranted.

One of the most frustrating things about this situation was, even though Jayce was cold and distant towards me, I had never felt more needy and sexually attracted to him. Goddess, the man was sex on fucking legs. His height and thickness gave him such an overbearing and dominant presence; that, coupled with his powerful Alpha aura - which was only more potent now that Kyanite was here - meant that my body was reacting to him in ways that I couldn’t control even if I wanted to.

Maybe it was because he seemingly couldn’t give a shit about me, was that why I wanted him so bad? Id never been that girl that responded to the notion of ‘treat them mean, keep them keen’, but in this case…I was melting more and more every second that he kept his back turned, acting as though I wasn’t even in the room.

Standing from my chair I grabbed our empty glasses from the table and made my way over to the sink. Jayce’s back muscles tensed and twitched under the material of his T-shirt as I drew nearer but apart from that dead giveaway, he acted seemingly unaffected by my presence. It seemed gone were the days that my beautiful, monstrous, loving, Alpha would turn to me the second he noticed my scent. Gone were the days that his mouth would curl up in the corners, his stunning smile lighting up his chiseled face because I was there and because he loved me.

Reaching a shaking arm in front of him, I placed the two glasses into the sink and paused briefly at Jayce’s side.


His hands moved in the soapy water, gliding gently over the glassware with a wash cloth as if they’d been in the sink the whole time. I’d be lying if I said my heart didn’t break slightly. Tears prickled in the corner of my eyes and Rogue flinched at her mate’s cold demeanour. From where I was standing now, I knew I had two choices. I could accept Jayce’s stance and silent treatment and leave him be, go up to our bedroom and spend another night alone in a cold, empty bed. Or, I could be the powerful and strong Luna that Jayce, only a day ago, had wanted to marry. I could remind him about what we had together, something so much stronger than just the bond of fated mates - a love so powerful that not even he, a stubborn as fuck Alpha Wolf, could deny.

Choosing my option, I bit down on my bottom lip and nodded to myself.

Here goes nothing.

Taking a step back from the kitchen bench, I kicked my sandals off and pulled my summer dress up and over my head, dropping it to the floor in a sea of blue and tiny white sunflowers. My eyes remained firmly locked on Jayce’s back and, although the action only fleeting, I smiled as he paused washing the dishes and inhaled deeply.

Following my dress, I slipped off my thong and bra. I unclipped my hair and shook my head, thick dark brown waves covering my shoulders and my scent filling the air around us.

Jayce’s whole body tensed again and my eyes were drawn to his sculpted arse, my pupils dilating at the sight of his glutes twitching under the thin, soft material of his grey sweat pants. I fucking loved those pants - it was a crime against humanity and shifters alike that he could ever wear anything else.

With slow and steady steps I closed the distance between Jayce and I. I stood next to him at the kitchen sink, my lower back pressed against the bench. But the man wouldn’t look at me. His chest rose and fell heavily though, as deep breaths alerted me to the fact he wasn’t as unaffected as I’d first thought. I swallowed and placed a hand on his arm, moving it back towards him so I could slide my naked body in between him and the sink. The gap was tight but Jayce refused to take a step back. A shaking breath forced it’s way between my teeth as Jayce’s unmistakable firmness rubbed against me. I shuddered at the sensation and lifted my hands slowly, letting my fingertips trail over his thick hard abs that just begged to be uncovered and worshiped.


Even though Jayce refused to look down at me and his voice harboured a tone of resistance, it was also thick with need and wanting. He did want me. As much as I wanted and needed him? I didn’t know, but what I had in front of me was something I could work with and I wasn’t ready to give up on him just yet.

“Jayce. I know I’ve fucked up and I know I don’t deserve you but I’ll be damned if I’m not going to spend the rest of my life fighting for you. Please, for tonight can we be ok? Can you look at me and pretend, just for one night that you don’t hate me and everything I represent?”

Jayce released a long, pained sigh and his eyes lowered, locking with mine. I was holding my breath, what happened next could potentially pave the path for our future. I knew I had to expect rejection but I knew that my heart wouldn’t handle it if that was the path Jayce chose. But when his ruggedly handsome face softened and a faint glint of something - maybe love - returned to his eyes, I knew progress had been made.

“I don’t hate you Quinn. I could never hate you—”

“So kiss me then”

Without a second’s warning, Jayce’s lips were on mine. His large hands gripped my waist and lifted me on to the lip of the bench in front of the sink. I opened my mouth, greedily allowing Jayce’s tongue to slip inside and I opened my legs to give him room to nestle his monstrous frame between them. The kiss was not rough, nor was it rushed. Jayce took his time, his tongue exploring every inch of mine, his lips igniting a flame deep in my core resulting in a pathetic, needy moan to tear from my throat.

The way my Alpha’s body responded to the sound made my legs quiver. His hips automatically thrust forward, the rock hard mass barely contained by his thin sweat pants, rubbing against the wetness between my legs. Our kiss deepened, Jayce’s tongue fucking my mouth as I sucked on it, pretending it was his thick cock between my lips instead. His powerful arms encircled me, holding me to his body, pressing me firmly against him. My own arms wrapped around his neck and I squeezed my thighs against his hips to prevent myself my sliding back into the sink.

As if sensing my precarious position, Jayce slid me along the lip of the bench until I was in an area that could accommodate my whole backside. Throughout the whole motion Jayce’s lips never left mine. When they did finally leave mine it was to trail them down my neck, pausing for a moment to allow his tongue to flicker across our mating mark, before continuing their decent down to my painfully hardened nipple.

The way my body bucked and twitched under his lips only confirmed to me that we were absolutely made for one another. He made me feel like I was the only woman on earth, like I was the only creature on earth. That I was his moon and his stars, his oxygen and his food, the exact essence that kept him alive to see out another day. I whimpered, my head lolling back as Jayce’s teeth grazed one of my nipples. The slurping, sucking sound of his tongue and lips against my flesh caressed my ears, causing my core to pulsate and make one hell of a mess on the sweat pants as they unapologetically ground against me.

With shaking hands I fumbled with Jayce’s waistband, tugging it down over his vascular hips until the swollen, wet tip of his cock popped out over the top, slapping his hard stomach with a sound that made my toes curl in anticipation. As much as I could tell Jayce wanted to continue his torturous foreplay, I could also tell by the way his hands gripped into my skin that his wolf was tearing at the surface. I wondered if he would be able to control the beast or if he’d snap and fuck me like he had in the shower.

I was torn with what I wanted him to do. Rogue wanted to be fucked, the little hussy wishing her Alpha would just turn me around and pile drive me doggy style until he screamed my name and released his hot seed inside me. I, on the other hand, missed the way Jayce would worship my body and take his time with me, making me cum again and again before we both fell asleep together in a hot, sweaty, satisfied mess.

My hand curled around Jayce’s impressive length, my fingers not even close to touching on the other side. A guttural groan vibrated through Jayce’s body as I wet my other hand with my tongue and rubbed to tip of his cock.

“Fuck Quinn” he grunted.

Jayce’s head lifted from my breast and his hands dropped to grip the edge of the kitchen bench. He looked down between us and watched as my hands stroked and rubbed his shaft. He grunted again and I moaned loudly as his cock twitched in my grip. The combination of the velvety soft skin and the rock hard firmness contained within caused my whole body to sing out in praise. I continued my long, slow strokes and revelled in the fact that Jayce thrust into my hands, using his hips to control the pace the way he wanted. But when that pearly white drop of precum emerged from his swollen tip I realised I was a lot closer to finding my own release than I thought.

“Oh fucking goddess” I moaned, throwing my head back as an orgasm bubbled right on the surface, ready to be triggered.

As if answering my prayers, Jayce slid his thick thumb over my wetness, letting it slip between my lips before nestling on top of my over sensitive bud. I groaned wildly as he rubbed in small circles, every now and then letting his thumb slide inside me before returning to my clit.

“I want you to cum for me” Jayce breathed.

I cried out again and tightened my grip around Jayce’s shaft, pumping harder to match the speed of his fingers.

“Watch as I make you cum Quinn. Open your eyes”

I lifted my head and with ragged breaths I opened my eyes, looking at the scene between us.

“Oh fuck!”

My hands gripped Jayce’s pulsating shaft, more precum had leaked from the tip, making my fingers slip and slide over the taunt skin. Then I looked to Jayce’s hand, his fingers pumping inside me whilst his palm massaged my clit. It was too much. Something so raw and erotic about watching us pleasure each other was all I needed to send my orgasm over the edge, tearing through me like a wild beast and causing my whole body to shake and tremble violently.

Jayce growled loudly and removed his fingers from inside me, the emptiness not lasting long as they were very quickly replaced with his ready to explode cock.

“Oh! Fucking fuck! Quinn. So. Fucking. Tight. Ahhh!”

Jayce slammed into me, over and over again, causing a second climatic wave to course through my body before the first one had even finished. My Alpha bent my knees up to my ears, pulling my face towards his so his tongue could once again fuck my mouth with the same frantic thrusts as his dick.

“That’s right. Cum on my cock Quinn. Oh FUUUCK!”

With two more hard thrusts and the sound of slapping flesh, Jayce came hard inside me. I moaned as his warmth filled me and, no longer with the strength to hold myself up, I flopped back on the kitchen bench.

What in Goddess’s name was that?! I linked, unable to open my mouth to speak.

Fucking amazing. That’s what.

After regaining some level of composure, Jayce chuckled, the heady sound of his post-fuck laugh already igniting another flame inside me. The Alpha gently gripped the base of his semi erect dick and moved to withdraw himself but quickly stopped as I clenched my walls down around him.

“Did I say you could leave?”

Jayce raised his brow and I smiled lazily as his shaft began to swell again inside me.

“Be careful what you wish for”

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