Fight Me, Daddy (Dangerous Daddy Book 1)
Fight Me, Daddy: Epilogue


Logan rolled down the worn cobblestone street. Throwing the kickstand on his Harley Roadster, he took off his helmet and tossed it on the seat. Reaching into his saddlebags, he pulled out a crumpled brown paper bag. Surveying the quiet side street, he took in the cafe to the left of him and the travel bookstore to the right. Ignoring both businesses, he headed straight for the small shop in the center.

His target.

A high-pitched tinkling chime announced his presence as he walked through the door. The interior was in shadows, emphasizing the pin-point lighting on the various expensive objects displayed in glass cases.

The already hushed atmosphere grew silent at his intimidating approach.

The staff exchanged worried looks.

Disregarding them, he headed straight for the backroom. No one tried to stop him.

Moments before entering he could hear the rumpling of paper and the slam of a drawer on the other side of the office door. Logan smiled. He always found what he sought. It was pointless to try to hide any secrets from him. Grasping the brass knob, he swung the door open wide.

“Hello, husband! What brings you by?” asked Chloe in a pitched tone. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

She was sitting primly behind her desk. With him as an investment partner, she had been able to realize her dream of opening a jewelry shop. The Dirty Diamond was a huge success and very popular among the tourists as well as locals. They were even in the process of expanding the business by creating an online web shop which would feature her own as well as other local artists’ jewelry and high-end crafts.

Logan took in her false, innocent look. He always knew when his babygirl was lying. “You forgot the lunch I made you,” he said in a light tone, matching her own.

With that, he tossed the brown paper bag on her desk.

“You’re right! I did. How silly of me!” Chloe grimaced as she looked down at the sorry looking bag sitting on top of her balance sheet. “You really shouldn’t have. I know how busy you are.”

Logan walked around the desk and sat on the edge, enjoying the anxious look she cast toward the drawer to the left of his thigh.

“Well, I couldn’t let my baby go hungry,” teased Logan as he tapped the tip of her nose, relishing in her girlish nervousness.

Chloe let out a nervous laugh. “I was getting hungry!”

“Really?” asked Logan as he uncrossed his arms. “You sure this cheeseburger and fries weren’t filling you up?”

He flicked open the drawer and exposed her dirty secret. A double cheese Black Angus burger with extra pickles and fries slathered with ketchup laid nestled within their greasy paper-wrapping.

Logan trying to get Chloe to eat healthy, and Chloe sneaking junk food despite his strict orders was a common game they played which often led to some creative punishments. It had been two years since he’d moved to Montreal to be with her and close to one year since they’d married. She continued to entertain and excite him. Life was never boring with Chloe around. Never in his life had he meant something more than when he’d promised to love and protect her. She was his life. His love. His adorable little one. His babygirl.

“Who told on me?” Chloe pouted then stood up and leaned over her desk to call through the open door. “Marianne, you rat!”

Her friend and shop manager poked her head into the office, wagging her finger, she said, “Non! Ne me regarde pas! You don’t have to be married to James Bond to know you have been eating junk food in here! The whole office smells like salt and meat!”

Chloe stuck her tongue out at Marianne, who returned the gesture before laughing and closing the door.

“How many times do you have to tell her I am not a spy?” chuckled Logan.

“It is no use. She won’t listen. She loves the romantic idea behind you being an international man of mystery spy, and nothing I say will dissuade her,” said Chloe with a shrug of her shoulders.

“Aren’t you going to see what I brought you?” Logan gave her a wink as he pointedly removed the burger and fries from her drawer and threw them in the trash.

Chloe cast a forlorn look at her discarded lunch. “It is downright un-American to throw away a perfectly good burger,” she grumbled.

“Good thing we are in Canada,” he fired back with a laugh.

Casting him a stubborn pout, she unrolled the top of the paper-bag and peeked inside. Lying between a ham and cheese on whole wheat sandwich and a Ziploc bag of carrot and celery sticks was a pair of handcuffs.

Chloe’s cheeks blushed as she quickly closed the bag, placing both hands on top for good measure.

“Don’t you like your lunch?” Logan pasted on an innocent look as he pried the bag from under her fingers. “Let’s see. We have a ham sandwich, some carrots and celery sticks.” He pulled each item out of the bag and placed it before her. Chloe raised wide eyes to him as he pulled the handcuffs out of the bag and dangled them before her. “And handcuffs. What do these mean, baby?”

“That I was a bad girl,” responded Chloe, trying and failing to hide a slight smile.

His bad girl had a habit of trying to cover her bottom when he used his belt on her. To solve the problem, he had taken to handcuffing her whenever she received that particular punishment, something they both enjoyed.

“What do you say?”

“Sorry, Daddy.”

“And what is your daddy going to do about it?” Logan raised an eyebrow as he spread his legs open. The hard outline of his cock was clearly visible as it rested against his inner thigh.

Chloe rose and stepped between his knees. Running her hands up the top of each thigh, she purred into his ear. “He’s going to punish me with his big…heavy…belt!” finished Chloe as she brushed her fingertips along his shaft before grasping his belt buckle.

With a growl, Logan placed a shoulder into her stomach and lifted her high. Ignoring her playful shrieks, he strolled out of the office. “Chloe is taking the rest of the day off, Marianne. Hold down the fort.”

“Uh huh,” responded Marianne, both her and the employee she was instructing barely looking up. They were accustomed to the playful antics of the owners.

Emerging outside, Logan placed Chloe on the back of his motorcycle and handed her her pink helmet.

“Where are we going?” she asked as she buckled the bedazzled strap under her chin.

Logan leaned in to give her lips a hard kiss. “Daddy’s taking you home.”

The End

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