I prepared myself for classic Knight—the swagger, the smirk, the orders growled with a half-grin.

I prepared myself that he would treat me with the same casual arrogance he reserves for everyone because, despite the knock-you-off-your-feet-romantic messages, nothing got in the way of work for Jack.

I prepared myself for business mode Jack.

I hadn’t prepared myself for this.

Every hair on my body stands as Jack storms down the aisle.

The guy talking intently in his ear and meeting him stride by stride isn’t holding his attention.

No, that’s all on me.

Feral is the only way I can describe the look.

His eyes blaze with such searing intensity that the entire floor must notice.

Oh, fuck.

I duck down behind my monitor like a frightened turtle.

Nisha laughs quietly beside me.

He said it wouldn’t be weird at work. I meant by him ignoring me, not charging towards me like a horny bull.

“Jack,” I squeak as he stops right at my desk.

“Later, bossman,” the other guy says, walking off to leave me with a brooding hulky CEO staring down at me.

He leans over my desk divider with a slow lazy smile tugging at his lips and the subtlety of a brick.

I’m acutely aware of conversations teetering off around me.

“Morning, Bonnie.” It’s a low husky tone that should only be used in the bedroom.

“Good morning, Jack,” I reply in a clipped tone, feeling prickly with all the eyes boring into me.

“Morning, Jack,” Nisha chirps beside me.

“Morning, Nisha,” he drawls, still looking at me. His brown eyes are half-lidded as his gaze drops to my mouth. “How are you?”

“Great!” I say brightly. “I’m just completing the CAD for the south tower.” Please don’t look at me like that, it makes me want to have all your babies. Out of the corner of my eye, Max watches us. “How are you today?”

“Never been better.” He leans his forearms further over my desk divider until his fingers tickle my arm. Seemingly, he’s in no hurry to do whatever billionaire property tycoons do at 9 a.m. in the office.

I blink. “So, everyone’s great.” It sounds like I don’t have a voice box. “How can I help you, Jack?”

This is surreal. The man was buried inside me last night. Most of the night. Everyone must be able to tell I was his lucky cock-warmer. I’ve even got a mild limp from sore thighs.

I can’t cope.

He leans over and lifts my scarf gently. Talk about suggestive. A wave of heat rises up from my neck and consumes my entire head, scalp included.

When he finds what he wants under it, his mouth widens into a satisfied grin. “Nice scarf. I’m looking for one for my sister.”

“Thank you.” I smile politely. “It’s from Zara.”

I spent about thirty minutes this morning debating whether I should wear his chain. Did he want me to wear it in public? Did he not want me to wear it in public? Was I snubbing him if I didn’t?

Who the hell knows.

People would notice an expensive manly chain in place of my home-made jewellery especially one with a Knight crest pendant.

In the end I wore it but covered it with a scarf like a shameful hickey.

“How’s your toilet?”

“Perfect,” I bristle. “Thanks for asking.”

He looks amused.

I narrow my eyes.

“I’ll take you for lunch, darlin’,” he says in my ear, leaning in closer. “Noon on the dot. If I can wait that long.”

What the hell is he playing at?

“Jack,” I say through a clenched smile, flinging daggers at him with my eyes. “Unless it’s a project meeting, that’s not advisable.”

He chuckles. “She’s mad at me again. She’s always mad.”

“Will you bloody behave?” I hiss in a lowered tone. “I don’t want anyone to know about last night. People have grown ten ears since you came to my desk.”

“I can’t help it if you drive me crazy,” he says in an equally lowered tone. Not low enough.

“You’re going to get me in trouble.”

His brows rise in amusement. “Last time I checked, I owned this place.”

“That’s not the point. No one can know.”

“I don’t care who knows, sweetheart. They’re going to find out soon enough.”

My nostrils flare. Of course, he doesn’t care.

“I care,” I bite out, feeling my professional smile slip. “I care a lot.”

“Okay, okay.” His voice drops. “I’ll behave.”

“You better bloody behave,” I whisper-yell back at him.

“Everything okay?” Max interrupts as he comes to stand beside Jack. Max isn’t a small guy but looks puny compared to Jack.

Jack slaps him on the back with just a little more pressure than would be considered matey.

Max coughs slightly at the jostle.

“Everything’s perfect, Max. Exactly how it should be.”

“Jack asked if he could see the designs of the chimney viewing platform,” I say quickly. I smile sweetly at Max, the man I once loved and now hate to his very core.

Max’s frown deepens as he turns his attention to Jack. “It’s best to chat with me since I’ve a holistic view of the project.”

“So you keep reminding me.”

“I’ll come with you now to your office if you’d like, Jack?”

“No need. Bonnie’s an incredible architect. I don’t need to talk to anyone else.” Jack gives him a cocky grin, slaps him on the back one last time and walks off.

Completely at ease, the opposite of me.

The fucker.

It’s only then that Max gives me his undivided focus. His glassy stare is a strange mix of confusion and annoyance.

My most professional smile returns.

How many secrets are we both hiding from each other? Did I ever truly know this man?

The anxiety and disappointment of yesterday has fizzled and morphed into something more slow-burning and controlled today.

Soon I’ll get my closure with Max’s betrayal.

Today is not that day.


All day, I feel Jack’s eyes on me, watching me with a slow-burning hunger like a wolf stalking prey. I’m on heightened alert that any minute he’ll throw me over his shoulder, carry me into his office and fuck the life out of me in front of the entire floor.

And all day I get angrier.

I refuse his offer of lunch.

I have deadlines. Deadlines imposed by him that I need to concentrate on, instead of being distracted by the broody cockney every time he makes his presence known.

At five on the dot he saunters down the office as he always does on a Thursday. Nisha and I watch from our desks. I take a relaxed breath for the first time all day.

Nisha lets out a low whistle. “That’s some Big Dick Energy he’s directing at you.”

I laugh meekly. “I’m exhausted. I feel like he’s been prodding me with an electric rod all day.”

“Yeah? Well, savour this. Every woman in London is gagging to be in your position right now. Even me a little.” She looks sheepish. “You’re not the only one who got lucky last night. Although it depends how you define lucky.”

“Oh yeah?” I ask excitedly.

She swallows and lets out a strangled laugh. “I accidentally slept with Darren again.”

“What?” I slap a hand over my mouth. “How?”

“A few of us went out for last minute drinks. Darren and I ended up being the stragglers when last orders rang. Then we went to another late-night bar and one thing led to another. He’s quite charming outside of work.”

“I feel like you’re in denial about how much you’re interested in him.”

“What can I say? Repeated exposure grinds a girl down.” Nisha snort-laughs. “He’s amazing in bed. Terrible project manager. He couldn’t manage a child with two Lego blocks. Can I be attracted to someone who is great in bed but terrible at their job?” She looks at me seriously. “I’ve been torturing myself all day.”

“He’s a good-looking bloke,” I say, mulling it over. “And it’s not like you need a project manager.”

She sighs. “Really handsome.”

“What are we playing at?” I groan.

She rolls her eyes. “You’re banging a billionaire hottie. I think you’re playing a better game than me. Speaking of which, I’m hoping that means you don’t care about what I’m about to tell you.” She pauses. “Max was at the work drinks with Olivia last night.”

I stiffen. “As a couple?”

“No, they kept their distance. Max was pretty coy about his romantic getaway to the place you were supposed to go on your honeymoon. Maybe because he knows it makes him look like a total ass.”

I sigh. “I don’t even want to think about that.”

“When are you going to confront him?”

I exhale heavily. “I’m not sure yet. He doesn’t know I know. It’s clear he has zero respect for me so if I confront him, he’ll either deny it or take me off the project or both. I need to think about my options before I do anything.”

“I agree. Play the long game. Revenge is a dish best served cold and all that. Although technically you already have revenge.”

I look at her, confused. “What do you mean?”

She smiles. “You’re fucking the love of Max’s life. Jack Knight.”

I can’t stop the grin spreading across my face.


An hour later I make my way down to the gym ready to tell Jack to rein in the Big Dick Energy at the office.

The boxing gym is empty but the sound of running water comes from the shower room.

Great, he’s in the damn shower. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Jack,” I call out, making my way across the ring. “Are you decent?”

The water stops to a dribble then the door opens, letting out a gust of steam.

“For you, yes, very decent.”

Holy God, give me strength.

He’s naked.

He holds his arms up to rest on the top of the door frame, his wide bronzed tattooed torso dripping all over the floor.

When I say naked, I mean completely naked. In true caveman style, with zero shame. That damn thick, heavy cock is taunting me. It knows I’m about to melt into the puddle Jack’s making on the floor.

His lips curl into that infuriating grin. “Too distracting, darlin’?”

“I have some self-control you know, Jack,” I say haughtily, squeezing my thighs together. “I’m not going to fall at your feet every time you prance around naked. I’m here to tell you off.”

What I mean is please send me daily dick pics. I’ll frame them on my wall.

“Prance?” Mirth dances in his eyes. “She’s angry again. Go ahead. Tell me off.”

It takes every ounce of willpower to keep my eyes trained on his. “You’re being too obvious, Jack. You’re pissing me right off.”

He licks his lips wolfishly. “You know, you’re cute when you’re angry. Your face scrunches up into an adorable scowl.”

“I mean it, Jack.” I give him my fiercest glare. “I’m serious.”

“Okay.” He leans in so his eyes are level with mine. “I’m listening.”

“I don’t want the project team to know what happened between us.”

He considers it. “Would that be such a bad thing for you?”

“Yes!” I cry out. “The worst. I can’t have anyone at work knowing about this.”

His grin slides. “They knew about you and Max.”

“That was different. Max and I were established. I don’t know what this is.”

“I do.”

I blink. “What is it?”

“We’re together.” He says it simply, like it’s a done deal.

My jaw drops slightly. “You don’t do relationships.”

“Is that a question or a statement?”

“You haven’t had a girlfriend in years.”

He holds my gaze. “I don’t do things by half, so I didn’t do it at all.”

I eye him guardedly. Trusting another guy seems like an alien, impossible concept. Never mind trusting someone like Jack. Max has the temptation of what’s on offer in the office. Jack has the temptation of what’s on offer in the world. “Did you sleep with the girl who flirted with you in Maggie’s the other night?”

He shrugs. “I don’t know which one you’re talking about, but I didn’t sleep with anyone. I haven’t slept with anyone since you gave me a glimmer of hope at the wedding.”


“And now you’ve decided you want a girlfriend?” Just because he fancies a normal girlfriend today doesn’t mean he’ll feel the same tomorrow.

His brows shoot up. “I’m wounded. You make it sound like I’m picking random girlfriends off the street.”

I swallow thickly. “What are you doing, Jack?” Besides giving me long-awaited Earth-shaking explosive orgasms.

He smiles. “Courting you. You think I would fix any old woman’s toilet?”

I can’t help but giggle.

“And claiming you,” he adds casually.

Claiming me?”

He leans in to run his hand over my collarbone and winks. “Blokes won’t come near you with the Knight coat of arms around your neck.”

I try to look indignant. I’m not a piece of property but damn, that’s the sexiest thing anyone’s ever said to me.

Is Jack playing me or is this real?

“Jack, this isn’t a game. You can’t play with my feelings. Or my career! After Max…”

“I’m not Max,” he says firmly, his eyes holding mine. “And I’m not playing with your feelings. If anything, you hold all the cards, Bonnie.”

“Me?” I scoff. “You have women throwing themselves at you every minute of the day.”

“You think I don’t see guys eyeing you up? Having my girlfriend working amongst a load of construction guys.” His lips curl upward. “Especially in that hard hat you wear on site.”

“Girlfriend,” I repeat in a high voice. Can I do this?

For a second, he looks almost vulnerable. “Are you okay with that?”

“Yes,” I whisper, my heart thumping. “I’ll be your girlfriend. But only if you behave at work and stop watching me.”

He steps closer, towering over me, all trace of vulnerability gone. “You love me watching you in the office.”

I purse my lips, trying to muster professionalism. “It’s distracting.” My eyes flicker down to his cock, now rock-hard against his stomach. “Very distracting.” I swallow. “Does that thing ever go down?”

“Can’t help it,” he drawls huskily, his eyes hooded with desire. “I’m naked in front of his favourite person. Just looking at her drives him fucking wild.” He steps closer until our chests are inches apart. “Take it. Take what you want, darlin’. You’re wet just looking at me.”

I’d love to prove the arrogant git wrong, but the truth is there’s a flood down there that could rival the Atlantic.

I trace a slow delicious path down his wet shoulders, chest and abs with my hands. When they settle just above his pubic line, his stomach muscles flex with anticipation.

“What are you waiting for, sweetheart?” he asks gruffly, keeping his almost black eyes trained on me.

I wrap my fist around his beautiful cock. It swells and pulses and strains against my touch. I’ll never get enough of this.

He rests his hands on the doorframe above his head and breathes out heavily. “Good girl.”

I take him in both my hands, stroking the entire length of him. I’m dying to hear those deep groans again.

His lips part and his head jerks forward slightly. The muscle in his jaw flexes as I increase my pace. His face strains with the first signs of climax and his breathing becomes more laboured. I love how he reacts to me. I love how he groans with pleasure at my touch. But most of all, I love his face when he loses control and comes undone.

“No,” he groans, his voice raw with arousal. His body stiffens for a moment as he tries to keep control. “I want to come inside you.” He pushes my hand away.

We have a frantic back and forth about birth control. He swears he’s clean. Right now, I’m cleaner than the Virgin Mary.

His hands come around my waist, hitching up my dress so that it bunches on my hips. With one swift movement he rips the panties clean off me.

“Oi, mister!” I’m equally pissed off and aroused.

“Sorry.” He doesn’t look it in the slightest. “We’ll go shopping for more.”

His eyes lock on mine as his hand finds its way between my legs. Fingers teasingly slide up and down my opening, sweeping my clit at just the right pressure to make me feel turned on but starved.

My pussy clenches, craving friction. My nipples harden. My clit swells. My whole body aches with longing.

Oh God, I’m so ready.

A smile curves his lips as he feels how wet I am already. He knows exactly how easily affected I am by him. I should be embarrassed.

He hitches my left leg up, so it wraps around his waist, then impales me down on his thick cock in one swift movement.

“Ah!” I gasp. Too deep, too quickly.

“Sorry, sweetheart.” He stiffens, still inside me. “You okay?”

I nod and tighten my leg around his waist.

“This is my favourite place.”

“The gym?” I ask breathlessly. He’s here every day.

“No,” he replies huskily. “Your tight pussy.”

My laugh quickly morphs into a moan as he holds my hips in place and begins to thrust. How does he know how to fuck me at exactly the right position to hit my clit? Every single time.

Hours of pent-up sexual tension at the close proximity of Jack all day ripple through me. It feels so good to have him bare.

“You drive me crazy, you know that?” he says through clenched teeth as he thrusts his cock in and out of me.

I groan in response, assuming it’s a rhetorical question. I cling to his biceps, feeling them flex each time he drives into me. We make sex standing up look easy, but he’s doing all the work. My legs are like jelly around him.

My whole body tingles with pleasure from his thick, hard cock pumping inside me, again and again, bringing me closer each time. Hitting me in that spot right in my centre that makes me buck and shudder and scream.

“You belong to me now,” he growls against my throat. “All mine. You’re all fucking mine, Bonnie.”

Maybe he is a werewolf.

Yes.” It’s a low prolonged moan from the depths of my stomach. “Yes, Jack.”

“Come on me,” he demands, hot against my forehead. “I need to feel your tight little pussy coming all over my cock.”

I do as I’m told.

Our laboured breathing mixes as I ride him towards orgasm, moaning his name over and over again.

When he gives one final out-of-control groan and empties himself hard inside me, my hips buck with uncontrollable contractions. I spasm around him, clenching down on his cock, squeezing every last drop from him.

Holy hell.

I’ve never had that before. Perfectly timed orgasms. I thought it was a myth created by porn movies.

Breathing hard, he runs hot, open-mouthed kisses all over my neck. “I’ll try not to leer at you too much, darlin’, but only if you give me what I need.”

“What do you need?” I croak, almost fearfully.


It’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard.

He lifts his head from my neck to give me a wicked smirk. “Every fucking night.”

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