In the blink of an eye, the blue guy comes right up next to me. He kicks me in the face, causing me to hit the ground very hard. "Reese!!" I can hear Zero yell out my name. I hit my back and coughed up some blood. The blue guy grabs my hair and drags me along the sand. Zero, Momo, and Henry all run after me. Well...there goes that plan. Ryder throws massive fireballs at him, which causes him to drop me. Zero quickly runs over to me and pick me up. Momo and Henry start attacking the guy, but he blocks both their attacks at the same time. What kind of monster is this?! He punches Momo in the stomach again. Which causes her to fall to her knees. He then grabs Henry's throat and throws him to the ground.

"Is this seriously all you guys got?! I haven't even used all my strength yet!!" The blue guy yells out loudly. "Is he serious? This isn't even his full strength?!" Ryder says in shock. "There's no way we can beat this guy." I said with a hopeless expression. We all looked at each other with the same expression and we look over to see Henry slowly getting up. He attacks the blue guy, but this time actually landing a good punch. The other guy punches him too and Henry punches him again. They just keep punching each other simultaneously. The blue guy fly's back and runs over to punch Henry, who also flies back. This goes on for a few minutes. None of us could do anything but watch. "Woah, Henry wasn't able to do that a minute ago." I say between breaths.

Even Ryder looks pretty stunned by the fact that Henry is doing this.. No way, could he Boom! All of a sudden a loud bang could be heard in the ocean. Henry and the blue guy stopped fighting and looked over at the ocean. We all looked over there to see a woman standing on top of the water. She has orange skin and short pink hair. What's up with these weird looking Moonbeam people. She glides over to where we are, but she was so fast we couldn't even see her movements. "Jalou! Have you seriously not finished them off already?!" She says looking at the blue guy. "My beautiful Meena!~ I-I'm sorry! It's kinda...difficult at the moment."

The blue guy says back to her. "Difficult?! These pesky humans?" She responded. Did they say humans? "Hold on a aren't human?" Henry asks the blue guy. "Do I look like a human to you boy?" He responds. "Aren't you guys apart of Moonbeam?" Momo asks them. "Haha!! You're funny!! Wait a minute... Did the White Doves send you guys here, telling you, that we were apart of Moonbeam?." The blue guy says in a mocking tone. " you're not Moonbeam?" I asked with a frightened expression. "Ugh, don't compare those injustice freaks to us." The girl with the orange skin tells us. "Then who the fuck are you?!" Zero yells out nervously.

"We're demons honey," the orange girl stated. We all stood there in shock. "De-Demons?" Ryder says with an indescribable look on his face. "Yep," The blue guy said while sticking up his thumb. Wait a sec...did...did the Academy send us here on purpose? Or was this an accident? "No...that can't be true!! Why did they send us here? Just to die?!" Ryder yells out with tears coming down his face. "I'm surprised, I didn't think that guy would be this evil." The blue guy said with a shrug. "That guy?" Henry asked him. "Yeah, the dean of your school, like I knew he was evil, but not this evil, ya know?" He replied. "S-So...what you're saying is, the dean sent us here on purpose? die?!" I said in awe... Most likely, but don't worry we'll make it fast." The orange girl said with a smile.

We all stand there speechless. No one could even say a word, hell, we couldn't even move. "Guys.." We all looked over at Henry who was forcing a smile. "I want you guys to leave, okay?" He says to us all. "What are you talking about?!" Ryder asks him with a surprised face. "Leave, I'll handle them, please, I don't want anyone else dying." "You're fucking crazy if you think we're going to leave you." Ryder says hysterically. "Do as I say, please." "NO, fuck that!" Zero yells out. "I'm not going to say it twice." Henry said sternly. "Well I will! FUCK. NO." Ryder yells back at him. "Henry, we're not leaving without you." Momo says confidently. "Yeah, there's no way in hell." I said while trying to stand up. "This is amusing and all, but we're not letting any of you leave." The blue guy tells us.

The orange girl somehow teleports in front of Zero and she grabs his face and starts to levitate, lifting him up in the process. "You're a cutie~" She says. Henry somehow ends up behind her, and he kicks the side of her head causing her to fly towards the water. "Meena!" The blue guy yells out while going after her. Zero drops down, but Henry catches him. "You okay?" He asks, Zero nods and stands on his feet. "Good, now listen closely Zero, take care of Ryder for me." "W-What are you talking abo-" Henry punches a spot on Zero's head causing him to pass out. He then grabs him and places him on the ground. We all looked over at him in shock. "Z-Zero! Oh my God! Henry what the fuc-"

Before he could finish, Henry makes his way in front of Ryder with incredible speed. Has he always been that fast? Did he learn that in training? Was he hiding his strength?? He grabs Ryder's waist and kisses him. "I love you... I love you so much. I'm so sorry." He says with a saddened face. "Henry...please don't..." Ryder says with tears streaming down his face. "I'm sorry," Henry says again before punching Ryder which causes him to pass out as well. Henry grabs him and gently places him on the ground. "No...I know what you're doing! I'm not going to leave you!" Momo yells out. "Me either! I won-" He ends up in front of me before I could finish. "Take care of them for me Reese," He says, whispering in my ear before punching me too...


"Henry! What the fuck?!" Momo yells out at him. "I'm sorry Mo, I had to." He says approaching her next. "Wait! Just wait...tell me your plan first, I just want to know." "There is no plan Mo." He says while smiling at her. "Wait! Hen-" "Thank you, for everything," he says before he punches her too. She falls but he catches her. He then takes them all over to a different part of the sand. He buries them beneath the sand quickly. Only leaving a section of their nose sticking out so they can breath. "Hey! You fucking human scum! You almost drowned my beloved Meena! She can't swim ya know!!" Jalou says floating back with Meena in his arms. He places her down on the sand and rubs her face. "I will make you pay!!" He yells out. "Fine, I'll make you pay for killing my friend Marc." "Where the hell did the rest of the human scum go?!" Jalou says while looking around. "They escaped, and I stayed behind to finish you." Henry tells him confidently.

"Tch, alright then, let's see what you got." Jalou says before powering himself up. Blue fire starts to come out from his body, but Henry charges at him before he can finish. Fists go flying, and Jalou kicks Henry on the side of his torso. He let's out a wince, and then he punches Jalou to the ground causing him to hit his head. "Ow!" Jalou rubs the back of his head and gets up quickly; he fly's towards Henry and lifts him up by his legs. He then starts to fly upwards. The further Jalou fly's, the more worried Henry gets. "Let me go! Fuck! Are you seriously trying to kill me by taking me up into space?!" Henry yells at him. "Humans are such fragile creatures, I know you'll die like this!" Jalou yells out still flying upwards.

They go past the clouds and Henry starts freaking out. He hits Jalou's back repeatedly and Jalou starts coughing up blood, causing him to drop Henry. Henry plummets to the ground, falling into the water. Upon impact three of Henry's ribs broke. He yells out in pain and slowly swims to shore. Jalou comes back down with enormous speed and he lands on his feet in front of Henry who managed to get back on his feet. Jalou kicks Henry's face, causing his eyes to roll back. He kicks him again, and again, and again. "Hmph, that should be enough." Jalou says as he starts walking away to go and check on Meena. Before he can, Henry stops his foot and pulls him to the ground.

Henry gets on top of him and starts punching him. His ribs still hurt but he doesn't stop. Punch after punch after punch. Jalou, goes for Henry's face, but he quickly back flips off of him. Jalou gets up and they both back up a few feet from each other. After an intense stare down. Jalou charges at Henry and kicks his feet causing him to fall. Jalou tries to jump on his face but Henry quickly rolls out of the way. Henry gets up and uses both feet to kick Jalou, but he blocks it. Jalou goes towards him again, and he does a storm of punches towards Henry. Henry blocks most of them, but he still gets hit in the process. Henry presses his knee to Jalou's face, and he stumbles back which gives Henry the opportunity to kick Jalou in the stomach and face again. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Jalou falls to the ground, and he slowly starts to get up. Both of them are breathing heavily. Henry is holding his ribs and Jalou is holding stomach. "You're the first...human...I've fought this extent. What'' kid?" Jalou says between breaths. "Henry...yours?" Henry also says while breathing heavily. "Jalou," he responded. They both stopped for a moment to catch their breath and rush towards each other once again. Jalou grabs Henry once more flying him upwards again. "Same old trick huh?" Henry says using his elbows and knee to hit Jalou simultaneously. This causes Jalou to drop Henry, and he plummets again, this time he lands on the sand which causes him break his arm. "Ow!!" Henry screams out. Jalou falls as well, breaking his shoulder in the process. He screams in pain as well.

"Ah!" They both struggle to get up and both their legs are shaking. They both start bleeding immensely. "It's been a while since I've had this much fun." Jalou said to Henry. "You know what, me too." Henry says smiling. They both run towards each other once again. Even with a broken arm, Henry keeps punching. Even with a broken shoulder Jalou keeps punching. Cracks could be heard all throughout their body. Both of them start to cough up blood. To the point where their punches can't even be felt anymore. They both fall to their knees and start breathing even heavier. Then, they both collapse on their back.

Henry's vision starts depleting and his eyes get blurry then he eventually passes out. Jalou could feel himself going unconscious as well. "Gosh Jalou...look at you." A red skinned man with black hair said to him. "" Jalou says slowly to the red man. "I saw everything buddy, don't worry, I'll kill this human for you-" "No!" Jalou yells out with whatever strength he has left. "Don't!! I bring master...he's the first...human to-" "Alright Jalou, stop talking, I get it. Ugh, you and your plans. Fine, but how the hell am I suppose to carry you, him and Meena at the same time? Hey...Jalou? Jalou! Don't pass out on me!! Hey! I was talking to you asshole!! Fuck..." Marlen lifts him up, along with Henry and then he somehow grabs Meena and starts to fly away. Where was he taking them?

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