After class was dismissed everyone started coming up to talk to Henry. They told him how awesome it was that he defeated Reese. A lot of people were afraid to go against him because of the power he had. “'re welcome?” Henry said to all of them awkwardly. I could tell he was flustered. It was so cute seeing him like that, but I’ll never tell him. I grabbed Henry’s arm and took him away from the crowd because we promised to meet up with Zero. When we get to the bathroom we see Zero standing outside of it. Looking as gloomy as ever, he’s wearing a grey sweatshirt with black pants and black house slippers.

Does he just not give a shit about how he looks? I mean, neither do I, but damn. “Hey Zero!” Henry calls out to him. Zero just sticks up his hand in response. “Were you in class?” I asked Zero. “Yeah, why?” “Oh, nothing, you're so quiet I guess we didn’t notice you.” I said scratching my head. “I was sleeping, but I did see Henry beat the shit out of Reese.” He says with no expression. “Yeah, it was pretty satisfying.” I told them both. Henry looks pretty flustered again. I boop his nose and he says, “Why’d you do that?” “No reason.” I told him with a little smile. He’s seriously so cute.

“Can you guys not do couple stuff in front of me?” Zero asked awkwardly. “Jealous?” Henry said back to him. Zero just looked away, and me and Henry laughed a little. “Alright alright, I asked Momo where the park is already. Let’s go, we have a lot of work to do.” Henry said with a sigh. “What’s that supposed to mean?” Zero asked. “Nothing, you just need a lot of work.” I added. “Thanks..” Zero said sarcastically. We walked to the park, and it wasn’t that far from the school. About a 10 minute walk. It looks like there is no one here, good. “Alright, now take off your sweatshirt,” Henry told Zero. “Why?” “You're going to get sweaty, and I don’t want to hear complaints about you being all hot. So take it off now, and we won’t have a problem.”

“But-” “Trust me, no one want’s to see your skinny ass body either,” Henry added. I let out a slight chuckle and cleared my throat as if it was an accident. “I take offense to that,” Zero says while slowly taking off his sweatshirt. Henry was right, he really is skinny. “Wow, somehow you’ve gotten thinner.” Henry tells him with a worried face. “So? That means what exactly?” Zero asks pretty confused. This guy’s face doesn’t show any emotion at all, even when he’s confused, his face is still as expressionless as ever. He kinda reminds me of Henry when I first met him.

"Firstly, what's your power?" Henry asks him. "I can stop time..." he replied. "Wait what?! That's so cool!!" Henry yelled out. "Yeah, but I can't do it now," Zero says while looking down. "Wait what? What do you mean?" Henry asks confused. "For some reason, it doesn't work anymore. It used to, but now, it just doesn't work." "Okay, well can you try?" Henry asks. Zero nods and closes his eyes. He grunts and tries his hardest but nothing happens. "Alright, alright Zero you can stop. Nothing is happening. I guess we just have to work on that after we work on your strength." Henry said with a smile. Can you really help me?" Zero asked. "Of course, don't underestimate me," Henry said with a wink.

I smiled at Henry and he smiled at me before he said, "So, are you ready?" "Sure?" Zero said in an unsure manner. “Alright, lets start with all of these exercises; and don't worry, I’m going to do them with you. 50 pushups, 50 sit ups, 50 laps around the park trail, 50 burpees, and 50 air punches each arm-” Before Henry could even finish, we could see Zero walking off already. “Hahaha!! That is honestly so hilarious!!” I say laughing out loud. Henry glares at me and runs after Zero. “Zero wait!!” “Hell no! You want me to die?! Wait, no, scratch that. You just want to see me suffer!” “When did I say that?!” “You didn’t say it, you implied it!” Zero yelled out. “Oh really?! Enlighten me Zero, how did I imply it?!” “By reading me that exercise plan!” “Oh come on! I said I’d do it with you!” “So?! I bet you can do all that in your sleep!”

“No one can do that in their sleep...Unless they have sleep magic... Look, that’s not the point. The point is, I care about you, and I don’t want to see you like this anymore.” “You don’t even know me.” “Yes I do, back in the foster home, we talked quite a bit, and I got to know you more than anyone else did!” “That was back then, this is now! What do you know?!” Zero yelled out almost on the verge of tears. “I know you're being bullied, like you always were, like you always will be if you don’t let me help you!” I could hear them yelling back and forth and I ran over there to give my two cents. “Henry’s right ya know,” I say between breaths. “You shut up too.” Zero said crossing his arms. “Hey, don’t speak to him like that.” Henry said, defending my honor.

“I really don’t understand why you're doing all this,” Zero said looking a bit dejected. “I’ve said it about 30 times, I. want. to. help. you.” Henry said pausing for a second between each word. “So you're saying if I do this exercise everyday, I’ll be able to quote on quote, 'defeat my bullies?'” Zero said while putting up air quotes. “Not with that attitude, but yes, you’ll be able to do much more than that, only if you do these exercises every day; and like I said, I’ll do them with you." Henry stated. Zero sighs and scratches his head. “Fine, but if it’s too much, I’ll give up.” “Then I’ll stop you, and I’ll keep stopping you until you don’t want to give up anymore.” Henry said grabbing Zero’s arm and dragging him back to our original spot. I can tell he really wants to help Zero.

Maybe Lye wasn't his first friend... “Alright Zero! Let’s start with the push ups.” They both get down on the ground, but Zero was more reluctant, but he still did it. “One! Two! Three! Come on Zero! Four! Five!” Henry was doing them perfectly, but Zero was taking his time. His arms looked like they were going to break. “Woooo go Zero!!” I yelled out. I decided to give him some form of encouragement. He looked exhausted even after five pushups. After two more, Zero collapsed to the ground. He’s panting pretty hard. “You okay?” Henry asks him offering his hand. “Do I look okay?” He responds. “Fine, we’ll skip pushups, let’s just do the sit ups.” Henry said while getting on his back. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Zero then gets on his back too, wow, he’s surprisingly good at sit ups- ah, nvm he stopped at eight. “This will be the death of me.” Zero said breathing hard once again. “This is going to be a long day..” I say underneath my breath. After three hours, we end up in the infirmary. Zero passed out after the laps. I knew this would be too hard for him. “Henry, you should really make the exercise smaller. At this rate you’ll kill Zero.” “Yeah, I thought he could handle it, but I guess not. I’ll shrink it to 30 each, that shouldn’t be too bad.” “Thanks,” I responded. He smiled and kissed my forehead. “I hope he’s okay.” Henry says looking at an unconscious Zero on the infirmary bed. “I haven’t seen one of these school infirmary beds since you punched me last year.” “I regret that,” He says looking down at his hands. “No you don’t, and I don’t blame you either. I was a real dick back then. I’m glad you knocked some sense into me.” I told him while putting my head on his shoulder.

“Yeah, you were, and still are.” He says playfully. I hit his arm and started pouting. “Don’t make me pin you down on the other bed and start fucki- mphf” I quickly covered his mouth. “What the fuck Henry?!” I say in a loud whisper. He takes my hand off his mouth and says, “Sorry, you just looked really cute.” “That doesn’t mean you can say that next to a unconscious patient!” I tell him before hitting him again. “Ow, my arm will go numb at this rate. Do you know how many times you’ve hit me?!” “I’ll keep doing it if you don't stop.” I said crossing my arms. Henry clicks his tongue and turns his head the other way. He’s being a big baby. After a 30 minutes we start to hear faint grunting. "Looks like Zero is waking up," I said. I really hope he's not angry...

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