Forbidden: Part Two (Luna & Sol Omegaverse Book 2)
Forbidden: Part Two – Chapter 31

Genevieve and I stumbled into Glen’s pitch-black office. The door clicked shut behind us, and I let out a sigh of relief. We didn’t have long before the effects of the tabs wore off and the guards came looking for us.

We’d used four tabs between us, making any guards we encountered lock themselves in closets or random rooms in the mansion. Genevieve had suggested we force them to punch each other out, but the thought of forcing them to do harm made my stomach churn. Just using the tabs made me uncomfortable, each a reminder of what had been done to me without my consent. I was being ridiculous and soft-hearted and maybe I would regret it, but I couldn’t force myself to stoop to their level.

I gripped the credit card and bobby pin I’d taken off one of the guards in my hand, thankful for my childhood lock-picking skills.

Genevieve felt along the wall for a light switch. I had expected her to be scared and feeble as we snuck towards Glen’s office, but a fierceness had come over her, propelling her down the halls with a confidence that reminded me of when we had first met. But this Genevieve was different… more desperate, more dangerous.

“Here it is,” she muttered as she flicked the light switch, illuminating the room.

The sound of slow clapping yanked my eyes to the corner.

“My, my,” Glen said. “Two omegas in need of punishment.”

He stood there like the devil incarnate, a maniacal smile on his face, before slowly turning the computer monitor towards us, revealing the video surveillance feed of the mansion. He’d been watching us.

I held in my scream. Why me? Why was life so cruel?

We could make a run for it, but we wouldn’t get far with him chasing us. I ran my finger over the final tab. If I used it now, it would leave us without an escape route. Theo’s voice floated into my head. Lie to him, angel. Use his weakness against him.

“I’m not trying to escape,” I said quickly. “I wanted… I needed to find you, alpha.” I injected as much of an omega whine into my voice as I could.

Glen cocked his head. I took it as a sign that I should continue.

“You were right, alpha,” I said, dying a slow death inside having to call him that. “It’s always been you. Every time I’ve perfumed, all for you. The real act has been who I’ve had to be around other alphas. When I realized that Pack Madden would take me away from you forever, I had to do something.” I forced myself to take another step towards him, jutting my lip out in a sad pout. “I know it was naughty to escape,” I said, trying to make my words as seductive as possible. “But I had to see you so I could beg you to take me as your omega. Because I’m yours.”

Glen’s jaw twitched and I almost vomited when I saw a hard bulge in his crotch.

“They said I had to give you to Pack Madden,” he muttered, as if trying to convince himself.

“But you’re the most powerful alpha in the entire province. They can’t make you do anything… right?” I let the last word hang in the air like a juicy piece of bait before a shark.

“That’s right, that’s right,” Glen muttered, pacing. “I’m the strongest, the most powerful. Who do they think they are?” His voice grew louder. Genevieve shot me a look—we needed to keep him quiet before anyone barged in here to see what was happening.

“That’s right, alpha. They can’t take what’s yours,” I said, slowly licking my lips. His eyes traced the movement hungrily. I knew my scent was bitter with distress, but he didn’t seem to notice. Or maybe he did and liked it.

His eyes ran down my body slowly and I locked my knees, forcing my shaking legs to keep me upright.

A twisted smile spread across his face. “That’s right, all mine, my omega.”

He prowled towards me, backing me up until I hit the wall. He pressed his body against mine and I whimpered in fear, but with the way he thrust his cock against me, he probably mistook it for arousal.

“All those years I waited. They thought I didn’t fuck you because I was a good boy following their orders, but really it was because I was waiting for this moment. For you to know fully that you are mine.”

He grabbed my hand, guiding it down so it cupped his dick. Darkness encroached on my vision as my breaths became faster and more desperate.

Then Glen collapsed on the ground with a sickening crunch. Genevieve stood over him with a poker firmly grasped in her hand. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

The two of us stood frozen, staring at the body. Blood seeped out of the gash on the back of his head, the slow rise and fall of his chest the only indication he wasn’t dead.

“Guess I didn’t hit him hard enough. He’s still breathing,” she said, pursing her lips as she nudged Glen’s face with her shoe.

The room still spun around me as I leaned over and vomited all over his body.

“That’s a nice touch,” she said. “Now, do you want to kill him, or should I?”

I jolted at the callousness of her tone. I’d wanted Glen dead all these years and now I had the opportunity to do it, but the thought of killing someone, especially in cold blood, turned my stomach.

Genevieve noticed my distress. “You don’t want to kill him?” she asked, raising a single eyebrow.

“I don’t think I can,” I confessed, feeling strangely embarrassed by my weakness and equally unsettled by her casualness. “Don’t know if we should,” I added quietly.

For a moment, I thought she was going to do it. Her grip tightened on the poker, and I didn’t know whether to fight her or cheer her on. But then she closed her eyes and took a breath. When she opened them, the impenetrable mask was once again firmly on her face.

She shrugged. “You’re the boss. I am going to find something to tie him up, though, while you look for evidence.”

Right. Evidence. The reason I had stupidly insisted we come in here.

In my panicked haze, I had barely taken in the room. I looked around now and saw it was a generic office with seventies-style wood paneling on the wall and orange shag carpet. I wrinkled my nose and tried to keep myself from gagging on Glen’s overwhelming rotten fruit stench baked into every surface. I guess improving the interior design of the evil lair wasn’t high on the priority list.

I dug my nails into my palms, not to punish myself but to help me focus. A desk was in front of me and a filing cabinet to my right. I rushed over, using my supplies to pick the cabinet lock and trying to make sense of the endless rows of files. For a deranged madman, Glen really had his organization system down, and it only took a few minutes to find the rows and rows of files labeled “Top Secret Omega Facilities.” I scrunched my face in disbelief, turning towards Genevieve who had finished with Glen and was peering over my shoulder.

“Is he in middle school?” she snorted. “Guess those are them. Let’s put them in this briefcase.”

She popped it open and we stuffed all the files in there before snapping the briefcase shut and heading to the door, kicking Glen’s tied-up form on the way.

“Alright, this is it,” Genevieve said, her hand resting on the doorknob. “Death or escape.”

“I have one more tab,” I said.

“We better make it count.”

I nodded, steeling myself for what was to come.

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