Forbidden: Part Two (Luna & Sol Omegaverse Book 2)
Forbidden: Part Two – Chapter 50

I woke up from my nap to my naked mate straddling me. I grinned sleepily, and my hands went to her hips, digging my fingers into her soft curves.

“This is the best way to wake up,” I said. I glanced over, seeing Cam and Theo sound asleep next to us.

Josie gifted me the sweetest smile as she leaned over, resting her forearms on the bed, her breasts pillowed against my chest.

“I can let you go back to sleep if you want to…” she said, raising her eyebrows.

“What’s my other option?” I asked, hitching her leg to open her up to me even more. She tugged my sweatpants down and rocked slightly back and forth, her slick coating my cock.

“The other option is you fuck me and bond me,” she whispered, her lips trailing down the side of my face.

I growled, twisting her hair in my hand to bare the side of her throat. I grazed my teeth down her soft skin and she shivered.

“Door number two, sweetness,” I said, gripping her ass tightly.

Watching her with my brothers had been ridiculously hot. I was proud of myself for being patient and waiting my turn. But now, insecurity wormed its way into my chest. Was she just bonding me because she felt obligated after bonding the others?

As if she could sense my thoughts, she cupped my face and looked deep into my eyes.

“I waited to bond you because these other two needed more reassurance that I was ready. You’ve always been so sure about us. I’ve never questioned that you wanted me. You’ve been so steady. I knew you could handle waiting,” she said, torturing me with another shift of her hips against my cock.

I blinked at her words, amazed at how she saw me. I’d always thought of myself as flaky and… inadequate. But I wasn’t those things with Josie. She brought out the best in me.

“I love you,” I murmured. “My omega, my mate, my forever.”

Josie snuggled into me, scent marking my throat.

“Now,” I said, smacking her ass. “Ride my face.”

Josie shot up. “What?” she sputtered.

I chuckled at her stunned expression, as if I hadn’t been fantasizing about her riding my face for ages.

“Come on, precious, up you get.” I tugged on her thighs, but she stubbornly stayed where she was.

“I can’t do that,” she hissed, looking at Theo and Cam’s sleeping forms.

“They’re not going to save you. Come on, you’ll love it.”

“I’ll suffocate you!” she said. “I fought so hard to get you back, and now I’m going to murder you.”

“Precious,” I said, my voice filled with reproach. “You are not going to kill me, but I might die if I don’t get a taste of your sweet pussy immediately. I’ve been wasting away without it.” I jutted my lip out, mimicking the adorable pout she often gave us.

She scowled and I bit my lip to keep from laughing. I knew I was asking a lot from her, but I needed her to know she never had to hold back from me or be unsure of her body. I wanted it all.

I ran my hands up her sides until I cupped her heavy breasts.

“You don’t have to if you don’t want to, beautiful. But I would be thrilled if you wanted to give it a try.” I gave her my best puppy dog eyes and she rolled her eyes, but I saw her lips twitch.

“How do I do this?” she asked, a slight whine in her voice.

“Not complicated,” I said with a wink. “Come here.” Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I gripped her thighs and pulled her until she hovered over my face. She squeaked, grabbing onto the headboard for balance.

“I’m too heavy,” she protested.

I nipped the inside of her thigh and gripped her ass cheeks in a bruising hold before pulling her down fully on top of my face.

Immediately, the mouthwatering scent of her filled my nose as I gave a long lick down her drenched pussy lips. She moaned and her body relaxed onto me.

This was heaven.

I kept at it, alternating between sucking her clit and thrusting my tongue into her tight passage. I greedily wanted every drop of her slick, didn’t want a single bit of it to be wasted. She drenched my beard, and I never wanted to shower again.

I felt her start to clench around me.

“So good,” she whined. “More.”

I grinned, absolutely thrilled by how much my girl was getting into this. She could demand anything she wanted from me. I shifted so I could suck her clit, using my tongue to create little circles around her sensitive nub while I thrust two fingers into her tight pussy.

I kept the rhythm going as she rocked against me, taking her pleasure until she came with a scream.

She tried to move off me, but I kept her where she was, cleaning up every drop of slick. I finally loosened my grip and she collapsed on top of my chest.

“Fuck,” Cam muttered.

Cam and Theo had woken up and were looking at us with wide eyes.

“Next time, we’re doing that,” Theo said, meeting Josie’s gaze. She giggled, hiding her face in my chest.

“Don’t be shy, precious,” I murmured. “Look at how turned on they are. But they can’t have you right now. You’re all mine. This sweet pussy is all mine to taste, to pleasure.”

“That felt so good,” she said, awe in her voice. She popped her head off my chest. “You sure it was okay for you?”

I growled. “Okay? No, it wasn’t fucking okay.”

Josie’s eyes widened. “You swore.”

“Yeah,” I said, grinning. “Because that was one of the best experiences of my life and my girl just called it okay.”

She blushed.

“I’m not done with you yet,” I said. “You going to ride me, beautiful?”

Josie sat up, tweaking my nipples as she ran her hands down my chest. “Yes, alpha,” she said, sliding her soaked pussy down the length of my cock with agonizing slowness.

She was practically glowing with confidence, her messy curls framing her face. She wasn’t covering her stomach or hiding her body, and I loved it. I never wanted to see her hide away again. She gripped my cock tightly, rising up so she could fit me at her entrance before sliding me inside her with a single, hard thrust.

I shouted, gritting my teeth to keep myself from coming instantly.

“You’re so pretty when you ride me,” I moaned as Josie shifted forward, one hand resting on the mattress by my head and the other pressed to my chest. Her breasts swung with each thrust, her nipples tempting me with each movement.

“I love seeing you like this, so confident, taking what you need from your alpha, your pretty little cunt squeezing me so tight,” I said, reaching back to grip her ass. Her pussy fluttered around me, and she quickened her pace. I knew she was close to orgasm, and I wanted her to come the moment I bonded her.

Josie breathed out a laugh. “I forgot what a dirty talker you are.”

I grinned. “Only for you, beautiful.”

I shifted so I was sitting up, chuckling at her gasp as my knot rubbed against her clit. She was pressed against my chest now. I took one of her nipples in my mouth and sucked hard as I dipped my fingers in her slick. I was tempted to bring my fingers to my mouth, wanting more of her sweet taste, but instead, I pressed my drenched fingers against her puckered hole.

“Yes,” she moaned, closing her eyes.

I pushed my finger in fully, groaning as she clenched around me. She chanted my name, tugging my hair with each thrust. She came with a scream, her pussy tightening around me like a vise.

Josie slumped against me, the aftershocks of her orgasm rocking through her body.

“What a good girl, drenching me in your sweet slick,” I said, my lips teasing the shell of her ear. “Now you’re going to come again for me.”

“Can’t,” she whimpered. I knew she must be exhausted, but I wasn’t going to let her get away with having just two orgasms with me.

I snorted. “Challenge accepted, precious.”

Her shoulders shook with laughter. “You’re ridiculous.”

“Mmm, I am. And I’m going to make my omega come again as I tie her to me forever.”

She shuddered in pleasure and I took it as a sign to continue. I gripped her hips hard and thrust deep inside her, making sure my knot ground against her clit with every movement. My knot was bigger than I’d ever seen it, as if it knew what was about to happen.

Her breath was warm against my skin as she pressed her face into my neck. She whimpered softly as her hips moved in time with mine.

“God, you’re gorgeous. You ready?” I asked, holding her tight to me.

“Yes,” she moaned, her breaths coming in short pants.

I gave her nipple one last, slow lick before thrusting into her, pulling her down on my knot at the exact same time that I bit the top of her breast.

I let out a shout of pleasure, and then I could feel her in my very being. The bond crashed into me like a flash of the brightest light.

A moment later, her lips were high on my neck and she bit down. The sharp pain barely registered as I came with a cry, the orgasm stronger than anything I’d ever experienced.

Josie shuddered as she wrapped her arms around my neck and licked my bond mark.

“There you are,” I murmured. “The brightest sunshine. My precious mate, my omega, my Josie.”

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