"Have you made breakfast?" Those words are spoken with warning, bitter loathing that immediately makes my bruised skin prickle.

"Yes ma'am." I say softly, lowering my gaze from the sharp green eyes glaring at me. If looks could kill, I'd have been dead a thousand times over. "Leave." She commands.

Not needing to be told twice, I high tail it out of the house immediately, as if hell is on my heels. I didn't care for a thank you, being able to walk out unharmed says more than a mere word ever will. With the school just down the road, I pull my hood over my head and quickly shimmy my way through the other students. They didn't shove me or give me abuse, most of them leave me be, they've seen the bruises covering my flesh, bruises that our Alpha and Luna have given to me without shame. It's no secret, the entire pack knows what they do to me, and they can do nothing even if they wished too. A mere wolf barely in his adulthood is no match for the Alpha.

"Kali! Hold up!" A familiar voice shouts.

Sighing lightly, I pause for a few moments to allow him to catch up. Like always, he swings his arm over my shoulders, his form towering over my 5"6, while I'm technically taller than average, he still says I'm small.

"Jackson." I greet with a small smile, relaxing slightly under the weight of his friendly warmth.

His brown eyes are kind, gentle as he stares down at me while we walk. "No fresh marks.”

I give a small, slightly forced smile before looking away. Jackson hates that our leaders hurt me, it makes it worse for him knowing there's nothing he can do or say to help me. I presume the Alpha will merely toss Jackson in the cells for a few weeks to teach him a lesson.

"How did it go with Cici?" I ask, changing the topic as we head into the school building.

"It didn't, she wants to wait for her mate." Jackson sighs, the disappointment in his voice obvious. "You tried to sleep with her on the first date?" I ask with raised eyebrows, surprised that he'd try such a bold move.

"Not exactly, I kissed her when I dropped her at her house. She freaked, assuming it meant more than what it was." Jackson says with a small shrug.

"It's your birthday next week, aren't you excited about finding your mate?" I say with a smile, staring up at him curiously.

Jackson scoffs. "Mates turn us into monsters, I'll pass.”

I didn't question his words, even if I don't fully believe them. Wolves become more dominant once we have mates, become confident and less gentle. Males change far more, they become more animal than man when it comes to their mates, fiercely protective, extremely aroused, but there's a certain gentleness that we show to only our mates. A kindness, a love that no other will ever see or have.

"I'll see you at lunch.” I say, breaking free from

Jackson and giving a small wave as I head off to the back of the school. Jackson is on the basketball team, while I prefer track, it's peaceful, and there's far less conflict.

After changing in the locker room, I head out to the field and begin stretching, ignoring the slight throbbing of yesterday's beating that covers my body from my ribs down. When I feel loose and a little more relaxed, I set off jogging.

There's only four other wolves that run track, it's uncommon for a wolf to dislike being challenged in strength and speed, which is why the rest of the school choose more aggressive sports.

As I run, I drift off into my own blissful world, sweating off my pain and anger, putting the thought of reality behind me if even for a short while. Track is enough to keep me fit, without bringing my wolf out. Alpha Kade and Luna Sasha don't like acknowledging my wolf, they can't stand me.

go through the school day like I would any other, rushing straight home from track without showering or changing.

The second I enter the house, I rush to my room and toss my bag on my bed. Despite being sweaty and in desperate need of a shower, I know I don't have time. So I head back downstairs, to begin cooking.

Scrubbing my hands, I route through the kitchen andplace theingredients on the side. For the past ten years I've been cooking, forced to slave away at the stove for hours at a time, beaten when it wasn't perfection. I'm practically a personal chef for them.

Giventhat I was “asked last night to prepare classic Italian lasagne for tonight, I presume they'll be having guests over. Not someone they want to impress, no, someone they simply wish to enjoy themselves

It takes almost forty minutes to prepare the food, before the whole cooking process even begins. Given that I have roughly three hours before my parents come home, I don't waste a second. My mind blurs as I cook, adding ingredients and flavours without the need to check a recipe book. Even still, I rush around for almost two hours before finally sliding the dish into the oven.

Setting the timer, I quickly fill the sink and get to washing up. Even if my shoulders ache and my hands are sore, I know showering or resting for even a minute is out of the question. They'll be home any minute.

Just as I begin drying the pots, I hear the front door open. I couldn't help but immediately become stiff, my eyes lowering as I carry on with my task. Drying, and putting the pots away.

Their small talk grows louder as they come into the kitchen, wanting to ensure that I'm cooking what they've asked. Sharp green eyes calculate the kitchen, eyeing the soapy pots resting on the side. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"This house reeks of sweat, I suggest showering before you even attempt to come near our guest tonight.” Mother glares, scrunching her nose in disgust.

Inod faintly. "Yes Luna.” My voice is soft, without argument as I hurriedly dry the pots.

My fathers eyes linger on me for a brief moment, could feel the intensity of their glares burning through my skin. My palms sweat a little, anxious until I hear them walking down the hallway, only then do I raise my head.

How much longer must I endure this?

Finishing off the pots, I put them away and head up for a shower. With only fifteen minutes to spare, I rush to scrub the manky sweat clinging to every inch of my skin. Knowing I have no time to blow dry my hair, I towel dry it and put on skinny jeans with a fitted hoodie and ankle boots. Rushing back downstairs, I toss my hair up into a messy bun. Grabbing the oven mitts, I take the lasagne out of the oven and leave it to settle for ten minutes. Turning the oven off, I chop some fresh salad and sides. Placing it into Luna Sasha's casual tabledishes,I carry them through to the dining area and begin setting the table.

By the time I carry the plates of food to the table, my parents are sat in their usual seats, along with my only brother, Sebastian. He's a year younger than me, and treated far better than I ever have, but I love him no matter how different our parents make us.

"It's about time.” Mother bestowed me with her famous glare, one that most would tremble beneath.

"My apologies, Luna." I say softly, setting their plates in front of them, including the strange man that I dare not even glance at.

Another business meeting I presume, my parents loath me being around the guests.

"Katalayha, eat with us.” Seb voices, giving me a small smile as he gestures to the chair on his left. My steps freeze for a brief moment, my eyes flickering to our parents that seem to double in size simply with anger. I could see the warning in their eyes, telling me to not accept, I didn't dare go against them. The consequence would be rather brutal.

"I've already eaten, but thank you." I respond with a convincing smile.

Not waiting for a response, I high tail it back to the kitchen as fast as I can. Grabbing a bottle of wine and the jug of water from the fridge, I head back into the room and fill their glasses before leaving. Heading upstairs, I pull out my study books and papers, knowing next month will be my final year at the school as long as the Elders see me fit to graduate. They have to ensure we're in control of our wolves before we go out into the world amongst humans, rumour has it that the final testing challenge that decides our future, is brutal.

Placing the small piece of leftover lasagne into a dish, I sit and eat, alone and hungry while listening to the sound of chatter and laughter echoing from the dining room. I didn't bother trying to fit in, I know I'll never be welcome at the Alphas table.

I was drying the pots from dinner, minding my ownbusinesswhen a strange smell fills the air, a stranger.

"May I help you, Sir?" I ask softly, my palms sweating as I glance up at the largeman.

His scars and tattoos instantly make me weary of him, the fact that he's so big doesn't help. A wolf, definitely, but not one with Alpha blood, he's most likely a messenger. It makes sense, my parents have no need to impress a messenger, anyone that isn't of Alpha status is below them by their social standards.

"Who is first born of Alpha Slovak’s lineage?” The mans menacing voice startles me slightly, so much that I find myself answering without thought.

"Katalayha."” I whisper. Oh god, please tell me he's not about to rip my head off for lying.

"A female?" The man scowls at the thought, disliking the mere idea.

"Yes." I confirm with a small nod.

"Carry on with your duties.” The man grunts, rather rudely I might say.

Before I can utter a word, the colossal man briskly exits the kitchen. While finding his behaviour and question a little strange, I quickly get back to work, pleased that he assumes I'm merely a maid. It's a little insulting, but I'm used to it by now. I know better than to correct another wolf.

After clearing up the kitchen, I head upstairs to my room. My parents ensure my brother is well entertained, distracted with talk so he doesn't pay me a visit. I think they assume I'll somehow corrupt their perfect child with a conversation.

Changing into a set of pyjamas, I crawl into bed and slip off to sleep, knowing I have to be up bright and early to prepare breakfast.

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