FOREVER KNIGHTS: #18 Traitorous Lovers
FOREVER KNIGHTS: #18 Traitorous Lovers

FOREVER KNIGHTS: #18 Traitorous Lovers

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BOOK EIGHTEEN of the Forever Knight Series. “He wants her back, I hear.” Mary frowned. Thoughtfully tapping her lip. “I doubt she wants back.” “Perhaps she doesn’t have a choice.” Mary met her look solidly. Pointing down at her. “She’s right here.” Elsabet gasped and turned to run the edge of the Ballroom under the shadow of the pillars, but slammed into a hard chest and a grip on her upper arms. “I know.” The deep voice vibrated through her in answer to Mary's statement. “No!” She looked up at him horrified. “Did you think I wouldn’t know the moment you walked in?” “Don’t take me back.” Her breathing was ragged, and her hands trembled. Afraid. He loosened his grip to talk to her which proved a mistake. She twisted away from him and pushed through the crowd. Bumping into a mountain of a man. Her gaze trailed up the impossible height of a glowering redhead. Arms the size of tree trunks crossed over his chest in disapproval. “Mardichi…” She nodded in greeting. Forcing her voice calmer than she felt. “Elsabet.” He mimicked her hello. Unravelling his arms but she ducked his reach and veered to her left. Spotting a head towering above the rest. Yellow-blonde hair free around his face. Tunic worn and his face somewhat dirtied. “Acharius.” She nodded toward him. Keeping some distance between he and she.

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