Forgotten Guardians
Chapter 25

Josan walked down the brightly lit tree like hall to his room. His shirt clung to him as sweat dripped down his back. Every one of his muscles ached and many welts and bruises covered his body. The old elf had driven him harder today then any other day. Josan could not believe that any creature could be as fast as Raimon. He didn’t even see the attacks coming until the swords smacked him. All he wanted to do was lie down for a moment before Raimon came for him again. As he opened the door to his room, Josan was startled to see Miranda sitting on the window seal, looking out over the gardens. As he entered she turned from whatever she was watching and smiled.

“I hope you don’t mind that I let myself in?” Miranda said with a smile.

“Not at all,” Josan said trying to hide the weariness from his voice.

“I haven’t seen much of you since we arrived,” she said as her almond eyes met his.

“I...I have been training with Master Raimon,” he said trying to regain control of himself. It still shocked him she would meet his eyes without flinching.

“If you have a moment, I would like to talk about something with you.” Miranda said she turned and stared out the window again. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Of course. What is it you wish talk about?” Josan said as he sat down on the edge of his bed.

“Well, I was just wondering what you thought of being a ‘Guardian,’” she said as she turned to face him with a pleading look.

Josan sat a moment trying to figure out the thoughts which raced through his head. He really didn’t know what he thought about being a Guardian. He tried not to think about it, he just couldn’t come to terms with the prophecy. All his life people looked at him as if he was a monster, there had to be some truth to the stares.

“Do you think it could true?” Miranda whispered, as if the idea might disappear if spoken aloud.

“I don’t know,” Josan said as he looked at the floor.

“I’ve talked to Grimmly and Frathe; they both don’t know what they think either. Frathe just ignores it as elvish dripple and Grimmly always changes the subject,” Miranda said as she gazed through the window at the sinking sun.

“What do you think?” Josan said as he raised his head and turned to look at her.

“I...I don’t know either,” Miranda said as if she was ashamed she didn’t know the answer. “I want to do the right thing, but I still can’t believe a peasant farm girl could be a legendary hero.”

“You’re not an farm girl any longer Miranda, you have grown since then, you are a different person now,” Josan said sincerely.

Miranda smiled, “I should leave you so you can change. You look exhausted. Oh by the way, Aielia is waiting for all of us to join her and her mother for dinner,” Miranda said as she stood up and headed for the door.

Josan started to pull his sweating tunic off when Miranda screamed out. Josan spun around to find Miranda kneeling on the floor with her hands clutching her head. Josan immediately rushed to her side and wrapped her his arms around her. She continued to scream and stare at something that wasn’t there. Her eyes widened in fear and tears ran down her cheeks as Josan tried to snap her out of it.

“Fire.elves on fire...They’re killing everything, burning everything...No...No...bodies everywhere...” Miranda muttered through her screams. Her eyes saw total carnage. The elven city engulfed in flames. Elven bodies littered the blood soaked ground. Orcs and goblins were everywhere and in the middle of everything there was tattooed man laughing with a unearthly crackle. Then there was darkness.

Slowly Miranda’s eyes slid open. Her vision was blurry as she tried to focus on the ceiling. Her head pounded as if it was an anvil in a blacksmith shop. Miranda became aware she wasn’t lying on the floor; somehow she had ended up on a bed. She was undressed down to her linens. She tried to take in her surroundings, but her head felt stuffed with wool.

“Ah, you’re finally awake. You had us worried for a time,” a voice said at the edge of her vision. She knew the voice but her mind seemed so fuzzy. Then a figure moved in front of her blurred sight. She could not make out who it was. Miranda tried to sit up but was gently pushed back down by a unseen hand.

“Be still. You must rest,” said a sweet voice from the side. She knew this new voice but still no recognition would come to her. A damp cloth was placed on her head. Something large seemed to be pinning down her legs but she could not tell what it was either. The world seemed out of place and unreal. Someone lifted a cup to her mouth with a sweet smelling liquid and urgeed her to drink. After a few moments Miranda’s eyes began to focus and her mind cleared. The name came lo her, “Lady Maylen?”

“Yes child, I’m here and so is my daughter, Melen,” Lady Maylen said as she took the damp cloth and cleaned Miranda’s face.

“How do you feel, Lady Miranda?” Melen spoke from the other side.

“I feel like I got mule kicked in the head,” Miranda said as she tried to sit up again but was gently pushed back down.

“You must rest, you went through quite an ordeal last night,” Melen spoke smoothly.

“The last thing that I remember was leaving Josan’s room, and then I had a vis... I fell,” Miranda said meekly. She didn’t know how they would react if she told them that she had visions. Anytime she spoke of them back home people cringed away from her as if she had the plague.

“It is alright child, we know of your visions and you have nothing to fear,” Lady Maylen said in a motherly manner.

Surprise rose to Miranda’s face as Lady Maylen explained, “Master Josan told us.”

“Josan? Where is...” Miranda asked concerned.

“He is outside with the others. I nearly had lo beat them with a stick to stop them from following us into the room. You have very loyal friends my dear, they have not left your door all night,” Lady Maylen said as she re-soaked the clolh.

Then Miranda felt the thing pinning down her legs move toward her hand. A soft tongue licked her palm. She scratched Wolfs head.

“Well, one of them did make it passed me,” Lady Maylen said with a fond smile toward Wolf. “So, tell me child, do you have visions often?”

Miranda sank back into her pillow trying to escape the all-knowing look in Lady Maylen’s eyes, “I’ve had them since I was a child, but they come more often now.”

“I see. You have very special gift, child,” Lady Maylen said smoothly. Miranda still looked away with a unsure look upon her face. Lady Maylen placed a loving hand on Miranda’s arm,” I know what you think. People fear what they do not understand, but you have the ability to see what will become.”

“I wish I didn’t,” Miranda whispered, then her eyes widened and she quickly sat up as the memories of the vision came to her, “Lady Maylen, my vision told me your city was going to be attacked, you must hurry and leave.”

Lady Maylen pushed her back her back gently, “We know, child. Josan told us what you said and scouts are already searching the woods.”

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Aielia poked her head in and smiled, “Are you feeling better?” she asked as she looked at Miranda. Worry was painted over her face, though she tried to hide it.

“She is fine, what is it daughter?” Lady Maylen looked at Aielia concerned.

“Mother, could you please come out here for a moment?” Aielia asked almost pleading.

Lady Maylen gracefully stood and started to walk towards the door, as she reached the door she turned toward the bed, “Rest child, all will be well,” she said to Miranda, before she walked out.

Josan leaned against the wall trying to not to think about Miranda. He had never seen one of her visions take so much out of her. It took all of his will power not to knock down the door and be by her side. He looked around at his companiosn and saw the same tension from the rest of his friends. Frathe fiddled with his crossbow, but was not really doing anything with it, Grimmly paced up and down the hallway, which sounded like thunder rolling through the palace, Uuger sat on the floor with his arms wrapped around his knees as he rocked himself back and forth. They were all edgy and even more so when Aielia and another elf, beaten and dirty, came down the hall in a hurry. Aielia rushed by them without a word and knocked on the door. A moment later, Lady Maylen stepped out into the hall, looking like serenity in person.

“What news do you have?” Lady Maylen asked with a firm tone.

The ragged elf approached Lady Maylen and bowed deeply, “It is true my lady, a horde of five hundred are approaching the forest’s edge. This is not the worst of it, though I fear, a larger horde of two thousand with men are still heading north,” he said in a rush.

Lady Maylen’s face did not change; she merely stood silent for a moment as she tried to pull together her thoughts. Then she turned to her daughter, “Find Raimon and Raven, tell them to start the preparations, and then meet me in my chambers. Any elf who can draw a bow will be needed. Send word to the dwarves, we will need their help. We will protect this forest,” She finished in a icy tone. She looked back at the ragged elf, “Go get some sleep, it may your last for a long time,” she said trying to be gentle but a cold tone lined her words. Then she started down the hall with a rigid balance.

As Lady Maylen passed Josan he spoke, “What of us?”

“You must leave for your own safety. I will supply you with an escort to see you safely out of the forest,” she said with strained smile.

“I don’t think so,” a voice said from the door. They all turned and saw Miranda strapping on her sword belt. “You need every sword you can get,” she said in a grim tone but smiling. Her balance hadn’t return yet and she leaned heavily on the door frame but the determintion in her eyes told everyone she would not back down.

“I cannot ask you to stay,” Lady Maylen said solemnly.

“I don’t think you asked,” Miranda looked at her friends as they nodded in agreement, “we volunteered.”

“I thank you and the elves in these woods thank you. Your help will be appreciated,” Lady Mayeln said as she turned and started down the hall.

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