Fragmented bond
Chapter 14

Dinner wasn’t as awkward as I thought it would be. Conversation flowed easily and thankfully, Mira didn’t mention Lukas again. I wasn’t afraid it would send me into a downward spiral; I just didn’t know what to say when it came to him. Even though it was clear Mira had her fair share of shitty things to say about him, I doubted his parents wanted to hear my unfiltered take. His siblings, on the other hand, would probably love it.

When it came time for them to leave, I was both disappointed and excited. I was desperate for some alone time with Atlas. We walked them out of the house and the suns were blissfully gone, in their place were two moons.

After farewells and hugs, they all walked along the beach and soon faded from view.

Anticipation thrummed in my veins as I looked up at Atlas, still shocked I was standing before him. It was like a dream, one I didn’t want to wake up from. As if to confirm he was really here, I reached up and lightly traced his cheek.

His gaze searched my face as he stepped closer to me so that we were only a few inches apart. He held completely still as I stood on my tiptoes, letting me take the lead. It was a little nerve-wracking, and I almost wished he wouldn’t. What if I had taken everything the wrong way? What if he didn’t want me like that?

I stopped when my mouth was several inches from his, unable to close the distance since he was too fucking tall. “Are you sure you want this?” His breath fanned over my lips as he leaned closer, his lips only a few inches from mine.

There wasn’t a single moment of hesitation from me. “I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.”

“Are you sure? I’m not my brother; when I do something, I’m all in.”

I wrapped my arms around his neck and jumped to close the distance between us. He grabbed my hips, catching me as he kissed me back. The way he kissed me, felt like he never wanted to stop. There was an intensity that matched my own, burning like an inferno and had me craving more. I could've easily done this for hours and never tired.

It wasn’t like when kissing your fated mate, and feeling the soul connection. But this kiss was far from lacking in any sense. It was Lukas who paled in comparison. Not only did his kisses lack the passion Atlas’ had, but despite the cord of the fates, he and I hadn’t shared the bond Atlas and I had. He never cared to get close to me or learn everything he could.

Atlas pulled back from me, breathing heavily, and right before I protested, I heard approaching footsteps behind me. His entire body stiffened as he looked over my shoulder at whoever was heading our way, their footsteps quick, and way too fast for a casual stroll.

He placed me behind him so he was now closest to them, and I had to lean around him to see. Every muscle in my body locked up when I saw who it was, and I wished I hadn’t looked. It was Lukas, and based on his expression and the way he was practically stomping, he was far from happy.

Over the years, I would sometimes wonder how I would react if I ever saw him again. Would I go into a murderous rage and try to kill him? Would the misplaced emotions I used to have toward him return? And how would my dragon react to him? She’d been intrinsically tied to the bond and it had completely wrecked her.

I was proud to say I felt no romantic tie or flutterings toward him. The bond was well and truly dead, and I couldn’t have been happier. My dragon remained steady, and I was pretty sure she’d love nothing more than to roast him alive.

I already knew I was over him, but it was nice to have confirmation.

“You’re not welcome here, Lukas.” There was an edge to Atlas’ voice, the one that was always present when he talked about Lukas. Now that they were face to face, it had intensified and I could feel the hostility emanating from him.

I didn’t care if Atlas attacked and beat the shit out of him, but I didn’t like the tension running through his body. I didn’t like seeing him stressed. Moving forward so I was nearly pressed against his back, I grabbed a hold of his hand, giving it a tight squeeze. One that he immediately returned. The action hadn’t gone unnoticed by Lukas. His focus shot to our joined hands and his lips mashed together in displeasure.

Too fucking bad.

“So it’s true.” His accusatory tone had my hackles rising.

“You need to be more specific,” I said, even though it was obvious what he was referring to.

“You know, when Mira told me, I thought she was lying—trying to get under my skin. But I guess she was telling the truth for once.” Lukas’ chest heaved with his heavy breaths, his attention bouncing between the two of us.

“Mira did say she wanted to be the one to tell him,” I casually said to Atlas, not the least bit upset. She hadn’t done this as a way to betray us, but to be the one to rub it in his face, which I respected and understood.

“It’s strange how quickly he showed up here.” Atlas’ casual tone was marred by the edge that remained. Tension still held his body captive, and I so badly wanted to ease it, to have him as content as he’d been before Lukas showed up.

Looking back, Mira had disappeared into the bathroom during dinner, but I thought nothing of it at the time. I could imagine the glee on her face as she told him, probably laughing at his shock and denial.

“I never picture you as the spiteful type, Thea. Fucking my brother to get back at me? If you wanted my attention, there were easier ways to go about it,” Lukas said, crossing his arms as he stared me down.

His words and their accusations enraged me and had me ready to attack him. Atlas’ arm shot out in front of me, preventing me from acting on my urges. “Not everything is about you. Until today, she didn’t even know my relation to you. Whatever has or hasn’t gone on between us has nothing to do with you.”

“And I couldn’t give two fucks about getting your attention. You selfish fuck,” I added, still considering attacking him.

“The only one here that fucks someone out of spite is you,” Atlas added and at first, I thought he was referencing how Lukas cheated on me while we were together. It was a spiteful and shitty move in my opinion.

Lukas threw his head back and laughed, but there was nothing pleasant about the sound. “That’s what this is all about? You’re still bitter I got to her first, that she noticed me and not you?”

“Who?” I whispered to Atlas, confused as to what Lukas was referencing.


Wait, what?

“You didn’t tell her you were there the night I first fucked her?” The nasty expression marred his somewhat good looks—well, even more than his personality—holding all kinds of hatred.

I wished I could see Atlas’ expression, but he kept his brother in his sights the whole time.

“He’d been eyeing you all night, but hadn’t been man enough to make a move, so I showed him how it’s done.”

Everything in me stilled at this new piece of information. I wracked my brain, trying to remember that night. I’d been pretty fucked up the night I met Lukas. We were celebrating Liana’s twenty-eighth birthday in the Magic user lands since they had the best places for drinking and partying. I hadn’t been focused on the men around us since it was girl's night, and I had no plans of sleeping with anyone. Nearly all advances from other men were immediately brushed off by me.

Unfortunately, Lukas had set his sights on me. He made it a point to be where I was and kept flirting with me, accepting nothing less than my full attention. It was the only time he truly pursued me.

Eventually, I gave in since he wore me down, and a part of me liked the dominance he was displaying. Then the beginnings of the damn bond clicked into place, and the rest was history.

I thought there was nothing else he could say or do to hurt me, but I was wrong. To find out that none of it was genuine—that even his initial pursuit of me was a middle finger to his brother—wrecked me in a way I hadn’t expected. Obviously, I’d known he hadn't cared about me, but I guess I never realized the depth. I’d thought at the very least he’d been attracted to me at some point, with how hard he tried that first night. I mean, who put that much effort into sleeping with someone if they’re not interested?

Not only did I have to deal with this new level of betrayal, but I now had the knowledge that Atlas had been there and I hadn’t even noticed him. I could’ve saved myself a whole lot of pain and heartache if I hadn’t fallen for Lukas’ bullshit routine and had instead noticed Atlas. But I guess that was supposed to happen. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I was always meant to be destroyed by him for some bullshit reason.

“Let me share a little secret with you Atlas”—Lukas’ mouth twisted as he practically snarled his brother’s name—“she would’ve never gone for you. Only a woman as broken as you would ever give you the time of day.”

Lukas paused, making a show of looking at me, a cruel smile lifting his lips. “I guess you should be thanking me for giving you a chance with her. Too bad she isn’t meant for you. She was meant for me. Fated mates, remember?”

I didn’t have time to think about what that barb at Atlas meant, I was too fucking pissed that Lukas was even pulling the fated mate card. I tried lunging at him again, ducking under Atlas’ arm, but he wrapped his arms around my middle and pulled me against his chest. “He’s not worth it; all he’s doing is throwing a temper tantrum because he no longer matters,” Atlas whispered in my ear, but Lukas heard him.

“The fates may have paired us together, but it’s not because we’re suited or meant to be together. And it wasn’t for the baby—you know, the one I lost because you broke me.” My breaths came out faster and harder as I struggled to keep myself calm, my dragon raging under the surface, begging to send a burst of fire at his smug face.

“You are nothing to me but the biggest mistake of my life. When I look at you now, all I see is a selfish child who is pitching a fit, because I’m better off now. You may have broken me, but I put myself together, and I think you can’t handle that. I think you liked the idea that I was destroyed by your rejection. It was a good boost to your ego.

“And in case it’s not clear enough already, I’m not with your brother as a pathetic way to get your attention. You no longer hold any sway over my actions. I’m with him because he is twice the man you’ll ever be. He was the one to help me pick up the pieces of what you broke. He never gave up on me, even when I had given up on myself.”

Atlas’ arms tightened around me and I tipped my head back to meet his gaze. He captured my lips with his in a hard kiss, and I immediately responded, angling my head to deepen the kiss, not caring that Lukas was here. The kiss would’ve probably evolved into more had Lukas not cleared his throat.

“Get him to leave, now,” I whispered to Atlas once I was able to force my lips away from his, my voice breathy.

A sinful grin tipped his lips as he held my gaze, but aimed his words at Lukas. “You heard her, get the fuck out of here.” Before Lukas could say anything, Atlas scooped me up in his arms and started carrying me to his front door. He didn’t seem the least bit bothered he was turning his back on his brother. Which was a blatant insult toward Lukas, all but saying he didn’t view him as a threat.

Lukas made to follow, but I wasn’t having any of that shit. I sent a blast of fire at his feet and he halted.

“That was a warning shot. Come any closer and I’ll fry you like my dragon has been begging me to do ever since you showed up. Trust me, you don’t want to start a fight with us; dragon beats jackal every time.” I held his gaze, with my hand raised, showing him I wasn’t bluffing. His eyes widened at my threat, but he took it seriously. He didn’t try to move closer as we entered the house and closed the door on him.

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