Fragmented bond
Chapter 8

He didn’t show any reaction to my question, leaning back in his chair and resting his hands behind his head. “I’m well aware of who you are, Thea. I don’t make a habit out of saving strangers from drowning.”

His admission made sense but didn’t fill me with a sense of relief. Had he been looking for me, or had he simply lucked out when he came across me? It was annoying that he saved me because of my position, and I wished he hadn’t known who I was.

I wanted to ask what he had planned for me since it was clear he was keeping me here because of who I was. There was also a big part of me that hesitated, not sure I wanted to know whatever plans he had.

My right hand twitched, wanting to touch the golden rune on the front of my left shoulder. The tattoo was magically infused so I could enter the in-between, a place that existed in another dimension but at the same time, it didn’t. The mechanics of it were hard to explain, but basically, I could contact anyone I had physical contact with.

I could contact my father and tell him where I was—well, a general area since I hadn’t paid too much attention when I was being carried here—and he could send someone to save me. While I wanted nothing more than to be rid of this asshole, the thought of seeing my father’s face after what I’d done was unappealing.

Not only that but when I went to the in-between, my physical body would remain here, staring off into space. It wouldn’t be long since time worked differently in there, but it was long enough for him to put me in an even more vulnerable position than I already was.

“You should get some rest,” he finally said, having silently watched me struggle with my internal turmoil.

He didn’t listen to any of my protests as he stood and walked around the table. Fear had my heart rate picking up and yet, my dragon still barely stirred. I understood her pain, I was literally feeling everything she felt and more, but this was ridiculous. I needed her help to prevent this guy from forcing himself on me or torturing me. We could wallow in our pain once we were away from him.

I barely held back my flinch as he grabbed the chain and guided me into the bedroom. Which had my panic doubling and my flight instincts going wild. “Don’t even think about attacking me, it won’t go the way you think it will,” he warned, pulling me closer so that we were nearly touching.

He was right, I knew an outright attack would get me nowhere. Chances were, I’d finally anger him and whatever self-restraint he had so far would snap. I’d rather deal with the friendly facade than see him enraged.

I needed to get my bearings, not just of this cabin, but where in the Outliers I was.

Escaping would take a whole lot longer than I previously thought.

Rather than try and kick him in the balls or claw his face, I climbed into bed. Even though the covers were a flimsy barrier, I pulled them up to my chin as if that would stop him from doing whatever he wanted. “Am I expected to wear these damn things all night?” I asked, raising my cuffed hands and shaking them for emphasis. The chaffing I caused earlier had healed, but these fucking things were far from comfortable.

He chuckled, but there was no humor in his laugh. “I don’t trust you enough not to run or to try and kill me.”

Indignation flooded my body as I sat up in bed, glaring at him. “I’m not the untrustworthy one. I’m not the one holding someone against their will. Why wouldn’t I run or attack you when you’ve done nothing to prove you’re trustworthy?” My breaths were coming out fast as I held his gaze. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I shifted away when he knelt on the bed and moved closer to me. His expression was serious as he bent his head close to mine. I didn’t retreat like I wanted, both because I was stubborn, and there was nowhere else to go. “You may not understand it right now, but I’m doing this for your own good. Maybe one day you’ll thank me.”

The sound of metal clanking against itself drew my attention to my hands, where he attached a new chain to my handcuffs. When I glanced over my shoulder, I was enraged to find it attached to the headboard. I’d been so distracted by his words and his proximity that I hadn’t been paying attention to his hands.

A mistake I wouldn’t be making again.

I let out an enraged shriek as I tugged on the chain, even though I knew it wouldn’t do any good. At least it was longer than before and I’d be able to lay down without having my arms over my head. It wasn’t ideal, but I lacked any better options.

Horror filled me as he lay down on the bed beside me. “What do you think you’re doing?”

Once again, he remained unaffected by my indignation and anger. “What’s it look like I’m doing? I’m getting some rest, it’s been a long fucking day, and I’m not dumb enough to leave you alone, even if you’re chained down.”

To punctuate his point that he wasn’t leaving, he folded his hands beneath his head.

“There’s a sofa in the front room and no windows in here,” I said, waving my hand at the dark bedroom. “The only way out is through the front room. You’d know if I tried to escape so there’s no point in this.”

My eyes had already adjusted to the dark, and it made me realize how low my energy was before. I was able to clearly see his face as he arched an eyebrow and glanced my way. “You mean the sofa that’s barely big enough for you to lay on?”

“You can’t possibly expect me to be okay sleeping next to you. I don’t know what you seem to think you’re entitled to or what you think is going to happen, but I promise—”

“Whoa, hold on,” he cut me off, sitting up and facing me. His eyes faintly glowed as they held my gaze. “Let’s get one thing clear. Forcing myself on traumatized suicidal women is not what I’m into. Alright? If I want sex, there are plenty of willing women I could go to. It’s a little insulting you think I’d need to resort to rape.”

I went to cross my arms but stopped when I remembered I couldn’t. There was nothing for me to say without sounding like a petulant child and arguing just to argue. I mean, there was always the chance he was lying, but why would he? I was no real threat to him in my state. If I could rouse my dragon, it might’ve been a different story, but I couldn’t and I had a feeling he knew it.

Releasing a loud and dramatic exhale, I flopped onto the bed, laying on my side so I was facing away from him. I didn’t trust him, but I was in no mood to look at him. The position wasn’t too comfortable with the handcuffs and chains, but it was better than before.

The bed shifted beside me as he lay down, and even though he wasn’t touching me, I could feel him behind me. It wasn’t a big bed, just barely big enough to fit the two of us. If I’d been lying on my back, I would’ve ended up touching him.

We’d been lying in silence for some time, and I’d never been more awake in my life. With how he was so quiet and still, I assumed he’d fallen asleep and I was already running through escape scenarios when he spoke. “Atlas.”

I jumped a little and sucked in a sharp breath. “What?”

“My name, something anyone else would’ve asked for earlier,” he murmured and brushed a finger over my arm in soft but quick strokes. I realized too late that his finger was wet with blood and those seemingly random strokes were drawing sigils.

A tingle ran through my arm as the magic went into effect and a wave of drowsiness raced through my body. My eyes became heavy and my head felt fuzzy. “You asshole, I’ll kill you,” I slurred before being pulled into unconsciousness.

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