Alex chuckled as he walked the streets of Svarostadt at night.

The wolf team prevailed over the eagles. Shortly afterwards Gideon and Hanna took the children back to the orphanage.

Chris joined back with the group back in at the inn. Alex left him and James discussing over the events of the day.

James gave Alex a disappointed father look as he left but it wasn’t like he was his father and he had places to be.

Alex had changed into normal clothes. He brought his sword and a bag. He waited outside of the castle.

Alex was getting nervous. When James left to question Edwin, it left him and Hanna together. They talked about anything and everything it felt like while cooking.

After the game, they had a dance around the bonfire.

To Alex’s surprise, Hanna got up and chose Alex to dance with him.

She had whispered in his ear to meet up with her at night.

He was fidgeting. Just talk to girls you like that jerk Chris said! If only if it was that simple. What if she was part of the cult of Fear and Hunger and this was a ploy to get him killed. Or even worse, she doesn’t show up at all?

He felt a tap on his left shoulder, and he looked back and saw nothing.

“Fell for the oldest trick in the book!” Hanna said as she emerged on Alex’s right. Her prosthetic hand floated back to her.

“More like you cheated.” Alex said.

Hanna grinned and took a bow.

“So, what’s the plan to get back into the castle?”

“Are you ready to be naughty, hero knight?”

“What sort of goofy plan you have in mind? You know we could politely ask and probably get in.”

“That’s no fun through here. Let me lead the way.” She said as she cheerfully walked ahead.

Alex chuckled and followed her.

She led Alex to a grate. She then kneeled to it. Alex could see water on the other side of the grate.

“Alright here we are.” Hanna’s hand glowed a faint blue and the grate was levitated out of the way.

“Breaking and entering is your plan?”

“I mean you can make anything sound bad if you word it differently.” She hopped into the tunnel as there was a stone side passage from the flowing water.

Alex went inside as well. Turning back briefly to put the grate back on.

“Edwin told me about this passageway. The late duke and his brother used to play down here and catch frogs.”

“That is cute. But, really not making this sound like less unlawful.”

Hanna giggled and gave Alex a pat on his left cheek, “I trust you could bail me out just in case, hero knight.” She said and continued down the passageway.

They kept going till it opened to a circular stone chamber. The water was flowing to the left and right side of the chamber. There were waterfalls and more streams flowing through the chamber and back down the passageway they just came from. There was a pale moonlight from above illuminating the chamber with some purple and blue flowers. A few grey butterflies flutter about the chamber.

Hanna and Alex stepped into the chamber and Hanna looked at the flowers.

“Augustein Castle was built a natural underground lake. The noble who built the castle must have been a sentimental type to keep it like this. Over the course of time this spot was forgotten by most.” Hanna explained

“I guess, I get to be part of this little secret then.” Alex said as he looked up at the ceiling.

“What you are looking at?”

“The moon.”

Hanna walked up to Alex and stared up at the sky, “it’s so pretty and beautiful.”

“Looking up to the moon reminds me of my older brother. He is fascinated with the moon and the stars.”

“You have siblings?”

“Yeah, I do.” Alex said as he sat down and pulled out a bottle of wine and a couple goblets.

Hanna smiled and sat down besides Alex.

“An older brother, Niko. He’s going to be heir to the County of Cashubia and two younger sisters, Johanna and Ada.”

Alex said as he poured out some wine for the both of them.

Hanna took her goblet.

“What was your older brother like?”

“He is a bit more...well he’s very serious. Always did as his tutors asked of him and was a diligent student always wanting to study more about the stars. He was quiet and introverted. He always took everything so seriously.” sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Sounds like he is smarter and more responsible than you.” She teased.

“Probably. Can’t really deny that I was quite the troublemaker growing up. Always off on some sort of adventure I dreamed up after reading a new story.” Alex replied and took a drink from the wine. It was dry crisp with a cherry and berry finish.

Hanna laughed, “You sure love those adventure stories! Is that why you and that grumpy military commissioner argue? He seems to think those stories are childish.”

Alex gave a mighty grunt. “What’s wrong about loving a good story with a happy ending? I get told by James that’s not just how the world works. Hard work paying off, bonds of friendship triumphing over evil, the hero riding into the sunset with his princess. Those are the best kinds of stories! I might be a overly hopeful dreamer but I like to think I can make those stories into reality.”

Hanna gave Alex a hug with a smirk on her face, “you are too adorable.”

“Not sure if adorable is a word I like.”

“So that’s why you became a knight huh?”

Alex shrugged his shoulders, “I have to do something with my life given that my brother is inheriting the county. I became a squire and did my training at the capital Strausehaven so I could be a Knight of Lyris. I was dispatched out here because the knight Johan who was dispatched to Svarostadt was lost to the Blackreach Marsh.”

“I heard all sorts of stories about the Blackreach Marsh growing up.”

“Oh yeah? What sort of stories?”

“Well pour me a bit more wine first, Alex.”

They kept talking and drinking deep into the night with the pale moonlight shining down upon them.

After some time, Hanna leaned her head on Alex’s shoulder. Alex couldn’t help but to smile as he held onto Hanna.

Hanna leaned in closer to Alex’s face.

“Thanks for today. Cooking, playing ball, sharing stories. This is the most fun I had in a long time.”

He was much more aware of her long chestnut hair and green eyes.

He could feel his face turning red as her lips approached.

Then her lips were pressed against his. It was warm and gentle.

Alex was still processing what happened and how he felt about it when he heard some footsteps.

“Hey, you said no one knows about this spot, right?” Alex whispered

“No one should.” Hanna replied.

Alex grabbed Hanna by her shoulder and pulled her back into a side tunnel.

Alex watched as a man was whistling as he walked into the main chamber. He was a tall man wearing a black cloak and black leather armor. He had black hair with a trimmed beard. With a confident stride the man when over to a rock and flipped it over. Underneath was a small satchel, the man picked up. Alex could see the glint of gems. A thief?

Hanan watched Alex with concern as he emerged out of the tunnel. Alex pulled his sword out of its sheath.

The man snapped over to look at Alex. He then grinned, “well isn’t this a surprise? Am I being backstabbed while backstabbing?” The man squinted. “No, you aren’t with them. Who are you?”

“I’m Alex of House Spiers. Knight of Lyris and I have some questions for you so if you could come along quietly.”

The man chuckled, “I think not, young pup. Not sure why you are down here but I’m busy.” The man then pulled out a folding knife and with a bit of a flourish he flipped it open and twirled the knife between his fingers.

“Adorable. Was that supposed to intimidate me?” Alex snarked. Alex then noticed a black raven mark on his arm, “you a member of Order of the Raven?”

The man smirked, “that I am. Everyone’s favorite collection of degenerates, scoundrels, and criminals. Famed for our part in the sack of Kristiansburg. Name is Felix. Let’s see what a legendary Knight of Lyris can do against a lowly mercenary.”

Like that the man charged forward at Alex. Well, more like glide forward at Alex. His cloak billowing in the wind as he closed the distance.

Alex rolled out of the way and slashed forward. Felix dodged gracefully to avoid Alex’s slash. Felix stabbed forward with his knife.

Alex deflected the stab with his sword and punched forward with a left hook. Felix ducked under the punch. Alex spun around and brought his elbow down. He was surprised by Felix’s nimbleness as Felix rolled away from Alex’s strike.

“Damn. You are annoying!” Alex said as his hand lit up in a bright white light as he channeled the will of the Sky Father, Hrafnagud. A javelin of lightning was created. Alex hurled it at Felix.

“Oh. Interesting.” Felix said as he drew a sword in his other hand. The sword was black as the night sky with blue vines engraved into the blade. In a swift motion Felix deflected the lightning off. His hand and sword glowing faintly.

“Ah, the gift of the Sky Father Hrafnagud. Interesting indeed. Tell me why you took the oath for Hrafnagud?” Felix asked causally.

“Looks like you can call upon as well. Hrafnagud is the All-Father the champion of order and justice.”

Felix smirked as he flipped his knife closed and put it back in his belt, “that’s not what Hrafnagud means to me. He’s the ruler of the beautiful open sky. To feel the fresh breeze and not to bound by the walls of a castle or city. True freedom.”

“Freedom huh? If you are so free. Why are you stealing?”

Felix twirled his sword. “Because I can. The world is ours to make our own destiny. The Sky Father gifted me with a power to claim what I love most. Coin and women, simple as that.”

“Hope this is getting somewhere or are you too cowardly to continue the fight?” Alex retorted.

“Just distracting you.” Felix then chucked out a sphere from his belt towards Alex.

Out of reflect Alex struck the sphere with a shock of lightning. The sphere exploded into a thick smoke.

A smoke grenade.

“How creative.” Alex muttered and took out the silver eagle coin from his pouch and tossed it into the smoke. A flash of light erupted out and a blast of wind followed.

“Damn.” Alex cursed as he looked around.

He was gone.

Alex kicked a rock in frustration and look back to check on Hanna, “you alright?”

Hanna nodded, clearly shaken. She gripped at Alex’s arm, “so that was actual combat huh? That was very scary. How can you put yourself out at risk like that?” Her tone was slightly accusatory.

Alex sighed, “It’s signed up for. Not exactly an easy life as a Knight of Lyris. Sorry about that. Come on. I should take you back home.”

“Wait a moment.” Hanna tugged at his arm. He looked her in eyes. Her eyes were fearful and worried, “if it ever came down to life or death situation. Can you promise you would run? Promise me you would flee and live to see another day.

Alex clenched his fist, “I can’t promise that. I will always do what I can to save a life. I’m bound by oath and it’s in my nature. But I’m not dying. Fuck that.”

Hanna shook her head, “you really are a storybook knight aren’t you?”

Alex grinned, “of course I am!”

Alex and Hanna walked back up the passageway and they climbed out from the grate.

It was a calm walk back. The night was quiet.

In the back of Alex’s mind there was the creeping fear that this may be the last fleeting moment of peace.


The three men were sat around a table at the inn. James just looked at Alex perplexed after he explained what happened last night, “literally the only thing I told you to do last night was not to get into trouble and what did you do?”

Chris gave Alex the side eye, “Hanna, really? You know Gideon will kick your ass, right?”

“Is that really what we should be focusing on!” Alex yelled

James paused to think about it. There was someone who knew about the underground waterway under the castle. Someone also knew about Yolanda situation.

“This Felix is with the Order of the Raven? I knew a man who was part of Order of the Raven, he was tough. Hard to kill.” Chris said as he leaned back in his chair.

James nodded, “those mercenaries are good at what they do. No job is too distasteful or vile for them. They were one of the first groups who partook in the sack of Kristiansburg. They took to that slaughter with enthusiasm.”

James took out his notebook and a key fell out.


James had been so caught up on what had been happening. They still haven’t investigated Joshua’s residence.

James slammed his notebook back up and stood up. Alarming both Chris and Alex.

“We need to get moving.” James said in an even tone.

“Where are we going?” Alex asked.

“To Joshua’s residence. We need to investigate. I feel like the pieces to this puzzle are falling into place.”

“What if there are cultists are there?” Alex asked.

“We fight our way in.” James stated as he left the inn.

“Sounds like a plan I can approve of.” Alex replied.

The trio headed to Joshua’s residence, searching for answers to even more questions.

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