Gideon was tending to the garden.

It was a warm spring day, not a cloud in the sky.

Bridgette came out of the house carrying a basket of apples and put it besides him.

“Don’t work too hard out here. I want to have a nice dinner for you tonight.” Bridgette said as she gave a quick peck on his cheek.

Gideon turned around to give Bridgette a small kiss.

“If it is a nice dinner then I’ll need the appetite.”

“You don’t have to overdo yourself, Gideon. We got those potatoes and carrots dropped off by farmer Claus earlier today anyways. We are going to be having a nice soup.”

“I like keeping the garden in order. It’s calming for me.”

Bridgette sighed and stood back up, “Well, do it while you have time. You said you were going to check up at the orphanage.”

Gideon smiled at Bridgette, “Yes. I will go do that right after this.”

She left. Gideon kept working.

Gideon could hear some new footsteps. Quick and quiet steps like a former thief would. Gideon knew it was Hanna’s.

He didn’t turn around and just kept working. He could hear her giggling.

He heard louder footsteps too. Confident, even rhythm strides. He also knew who that was without looking up.

“What you think you are doing you little gremlin?” Samuel called out.

“Hey! You are ruining the surprise.” Hanna complained

Gideon looked back to see Hanna with a bucket of water in her hands.

Samuel rolled his eyes, “You are ruining the surprise too you know. I hope you aren’t planning on drenching dad with that.”


Samuel glared at her. Hanna giggled.

Gideon chuckled, “It’s fine, Samuel. Besides water would be refreshing on a sunny day like this.”

Hanna gave Samuel a massive grin. He just shook his head, “you are such a softie, dad. You are spoiling her.”

Gideon shrugged.

Samuel sighed he dropped the bucket down and picked Hanna up and carried her on his back, “come on, let’s get you back inside. I’m sure you can help mother out.”

“Ah you are no fun. Aren’t you leaving soon for Gdanskig? Do you remember?”

“Yeah of course I remember silly. When I’m done with work, I’ll bring you back a bunch of cornflowers like you asked. Just wait for me, ok? I’ll be back soon. Don’t be sad now.” Samuel said as he walked with her on his back.

“I’m not sad. I know you will come back.”

Gideon watched as the two went back inside.

Soon, Samuel emerged back out.

Gideon felt pride seeing Samuel with his armband of Order of the Goddess Herta.

Samuel smiled at him.

That smile.

Samuel was a strong man, stronger than him. The world they lived in was a hard place. Yet, his son remained a gentle and kind soul.

“I’m leaving now. It’s a long walk to Gdanskig from here. You take care of yourself old man.” Samuel said with a laugh.

Gideon shook his head and smiled, “you better not get into any fights and get yourself injured, you hear me.”

“I hear you loud and clear.”

“Do you really have to go?”

“Yeah, it was a surprise to me too but I was told that there has been fighting around the city. Something about Restorationists rebels stirring trouble. It’s my duty to go. Trust me I wouldn’t want to miss mom’s potato soup either.”

“Have to keep moving forward, eh? Or how do you put it again?”

“You can always move one step forward. To a better future that can always be changed.”

“Right, right.” Gideon said as he came up to Samuel and adjusted his clothing. “You look good in that uniform. I’m shocked you haven’t found someone yet.”

“Oh, come on, dad. There is more to life than just getting married. I’m still young.”

“Still a good time to get married.”

“Ugh, you are worse than mom. I got a lot on my plate.”

Gideon laughed and hugged Samuel, “You’ll be alright. I love you. I hope you will always remember that.”

“Love you too, dad.” Samuel said after the hug. With a quick salute, he was off.

Gideon watched his son walk down the path.


Gideon kept listening to Yolanda playing.

There are not many people that can say their last words they said to their son was I love you and the last words they heard was I love you.


When he got the news that his son was executed for aiding the rebellion.

It was the most painful thing he ever experienced in his life.

It felt like a wound that could never heal. A gaping hole that could never be filled.

He was living in a world that could never be set right.

He rode to Gdanskig.

Gideon found Samuel’s body hanging from a tree.

A tree with many bodies hanging.

A single tree among many other trees all with bodies.

Men, women, children.

He was there for what felt like hours.

Just staring at the body of his son.

Two soldiers from the royal army approached him. One young soldier and an older officer.

“Please, let me take my son’s body back home with me.” Gideon begged.

The young soldier spat, “Why should we? He got what he fucking deserved. Miserable traitor scum!”

The older officer said nothing and stared at Gideon.

Gideon felt anger, he wanted to punch this young soldier’s face in.

The officer then sighed, “cut down the body. Get some linen to wrap it up.”

The young soldier shook his head, “Are you serious?”

“This is an order. You’ll understand when you are older, whelp. Now go.”

“But sir...”


The young soldier turned around and left.

The officer turned back to Gideon with a troubled look, “for what it’s worth. One father to another. I’m sorry about your son. No father should bury his son.”

Gideon was silent.

“He was a good boy.” Gideon said quietly. “He always followed my teachings and he always strived to do the right thing.”

“I’m sure he did. The world we live in isn’t the kindest to good people. I sincerely hope that you will find peace with your son’s passing.” The officer said quietly.

“Could I ask you for a favor, officer?”

“Yes, I can. What do you need?”

“Can you get me some cornflowers?”


Gideon kept listening to Yolanda playing.

Gideon would never know the truth. Was Samuel aiding the Restorationist resistance? Or was merely helping someone who was injured.

Did it really matter? He was dead.

Gideon moved on. He forgave the royal army, the ones who did this to him.

It was in the past, he could only move forward to a better future that can always be changed.

He kept being a priest and heading the orphanage.

Till that day.

Gideon closed his eyes again.


Joshua was back for confession. Looking even more troubled than usual.

Gideon could smell the alcohol.

“I have to confess something to you.” Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“I’m listening.” Gideon said with a warm smile.

“I have to tell you why I did what I did.” Joshua kept talking. Almost breaking down into tears.

“I am a soldier. I have killed many men in my career as a military officer. I have seen the consequences of what we are doing to our own people. I have done many terrible things that I could not take back. But I always thought there was a reason for behind the violence and the suffering. I thought it was all over once we won the civil war.”

Joshua put his head in his hands, “but there were those who just refused to give up. The royal army defeated these rebels. But there are those in the military council who wanted blood to be spilled. An example we hung them, a display to all those who would ever defy the Grand Military Council. Just another act of violence to keep the peace...but what really haunts me is the fact I can still sleep soundly at night. What kind of monster am I?”

“’ve done what was necessary. You have done what was asked of you. You were just following orders. When did this happen, Joshua?”

“Years ago. At Gdanskig.”

“Gdanskig.” Gideon whispered.

Gideon felt a chill go through his body.

“Gdanskig.” Gideon repeated quietly.

He wasn’t sure if Joshua was even listening at this point. He was sobbing and praying.

Could he even tell what sort of face Gideon was making?

Gideon thought he moved past it all, that he forgiven the Royal Army for what they had done to his family.

Yet, a deep-rooted rage in Gideon’s heart had flared up again.

A rage at those who took his son away from him.

At this point he knew.

It wasn’t going to be today, no. Joshua was still a military commissioner, a very important man. Gideon would need to move carefully.

The day would come.

Gideon moved the conversation back on track.

Joshua confessed what he done.

Gideon took down his confession, he would keep this to himself.

The day would come.

He just have to keep moving one step forward.

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