The next morning, James started leafing through the papers with a cup of coffee at his side.

It was going to be a rough day.

He had a large stack of papers delivered to innkeeper Karl. James sorted the papers out and began to read from the top of the stack.

“Jeezs, what are you even looking for?” Alex asked as he sat across from James with a plate of eggs and a mug of beer.

James without even looking up pushed over a stack of papers towards Alex. “I’m examining the late lord’s Fredrick medical records. Medical records tell us a lot about a person, even things he would want to keep hidden, it would be documented by the court doctor. Secret illnesses or being patched up from a fight kept on the quiet.”

“We are looking at the same lord, right? No possible way that man was ever in a fight. What’s this stack of papers?” Alex said as he grabbed the paper stack.

“Registrations of every Hospitallers in the city. Check their birth city. We need to find at least one healer that’s not a northerner.”

“We not trusting the locals?”

“Not that we don’t trust them. More the locals don’t trust us. It will be easier to get someone who isn’t a northerner to work with us. I have a feeling too we will need a healer.” James said as his wounds pulsed with pain.

Alex sighed and took a big bite of egg, “I knew I shouldn’t have complained about the commission. Solving murder mysteries is not something I was trained for as a knight.”

“The commission parameters have changed. Tough shit, we got a job to do.”

James checked a different bunch of papers. These papers containing medical records of Duke Rudolf nothing seemed out of the ordinary from the medical records. Dealing with food poisoning, hangovers, and a bad back.

Alex groaned.

James looked up at him.

“They are all northerners. Except for Adeline, she’s from the Republic of Anzio. Guess that’s why she had no respect for the military council. We both know Adeline opinion of us, she’s no dice.”

“There has to be at least one.” James grabbed some of the registration papers from Alex that haven’t been looked at.

James looked through and paused at he saw one. Jamming his finger down on the paper,

“This looks promising. This resident healer is from Kurkenburg in the Duchy of Sachsen. Name is Chris Scholz. Appears to be living with his aunt.”

“Alright then. What are we going to do talk to him? What if he doesn’t want to help us either?”

“Yeah, we will talk with him and if worst comes to pass, I have the right for impressment into service granted by the Grand Military Council.”

“That doesn’t sound like that will endear us to the locals.”

“Name my other options please.”

Alex shrugged, “I guess. So, what are we waiting for?”

“You still have some food on your plate.”

Alex devoured his egg like a rabid dog.

“Aren’t you supposed to be a noble?” James asked incredulously

“What? You never been hungry before? Come on let’s get a move on, old man! Burning day light.”

James sighed, downed his coffee, and quickly gathered the papers back into the leather bag.

Despite doing so much complaining, Alex was certainly quick on his feet.


James and Alex found the house close to a bakery called Welf’s Bakery.

The house was a pleasant looking one-story home with a tall apple tree out front. There was a front garden full of poppies flowers and which popped out from the more rugged grey stones of the city.

James walked up to the house. A girl emerged from behind the tree, “halt! Who dares trespass into our kingdom?”

“Your kingdom?” James asked with some amusement. Getting a better look, she was wearing a cloth cap on her black hair, blue eyes shining with the energy only children have. She also had a wooden sword in her hand.

“Yes! I’m a knight and I serve my princess with my heart and soul.” The girl enthused.

Hearing that another girl shily came out behind the tree, she had a paper crown on her orange hair. Her grey eyes looked at James and Alex with innocent curiosity.

“Well, what do you know. I happen to be a knight as well. I so humbly request your princess’s permission to enter your kingdom to speak with master Chris.” Alex replied

The black hair girl gasped with surprise, “Wow! You are an actual knight of Lyris, just like in my books!” She ran back and grabbed a book. “Like this the Tales of Sir Gregoir. My name is Hilda, what’s yours?”

Alex knelt in front of Hilda, “I remember reading that book as a kid. It’s a classic! I haven’t had such legendary adventures like Sir Gregoir yet but I’m carving out my own legend. My name is Alex of House Spiers a true and faithful knight of our kingdom.”

The girl looked up to Alex with awe, “could you teach me how to use a sword like a real knight?”

Alex looked over to James with a shit eating grin plastered on his face, without saying a word James knew what he was thinking. Finally, someone treating him like a hero.

“Excuse me? Can I help you two?” Asked a young man who opened the front door. The man had the armband of the Goddess Herta’s Hospitaller. There was the man James was seeking.

“Are you Chris Scholz?”

“Yeah I am.”

“I’m James Mansfield. I’m a royal army commissioner dispatched to Svarostadt on a commission in the name of his majesty King Augustus and his excellency Lord Protector Manstein head of the Grand Military Council. If I might have a moment of your time.”

“Uh, I have a feeling I can’t really refuse you. Come on inside.”

“Thank you.” James said he moved to enter in.

He looked back to see the little orange hair girl come up to Chris and hugged at Chris’s leg. He gave her a reassuring smile, “don’t worry, Sophie. You just keep playing with Hilda, everything will be alright. I’m just going to have a talk with this man.”

James looked over at his companion.

Alex just shrugged back, “what are you looking at me for? This young knight has humbly asked to be my apprentice and I am a gracious man.”

James resisted the urge to face palm and entered the house.

Chris passed by James and led him into to sit down at a dinner table.

James sat down as Chris filled up two cups.

“Barley tea fine for you?”

“Yes, that would fine, thank you.”

Chris set down the cups and sat across from James, “so what do you need commissioner?”

James leaned forward, “I’ll make it brief. My commission here is upmost importance to the kingdom. Not only was a military commissioner was murdered but also Duke Rudolf himself. I need your assistance.”

Chris reeled in surprise, “why me? I’m just a healer.”

“You being a healer of the Order of the Goddess Herta is exactly why I need your help. As someone from Sachsen you have an outsider’s perspective and to be frank not being a northerner means you are less likely to be involved in this potential conspiracy.”

“I guess that makes some sense, but I’m afraid that I must decline. Not that I don’t want to serve my kingdom, but I have a betrothed and daughter. I also have too many responsibilities to deal with. In fact, I’m due to leave for a house call soon.”

James sighed, as expected.

James stared into Chris’s eyes, “Your aunt Maria and uncle Herman both live in Svarostadt am I correct?”

“Well, yeah. This is their house and they own the bakery close by.”

“It’s a peaceful place here in Svarostadt. Unlikely many other northern cities Manstein has a light hand on this city, barely any presence of the royal army. This is a good thing because those who run afoul of the Military Grand Council well. There are many men experienced in art of persuasion in the royal army.”

Chris looked to the side uncomfortably.

James put one assertive fist on to the table, “of course there would be no need at all for them to meet with anyone from the royal army. Like there would be no need for me to invoke the right of impressment. You are familiar with the right of impressment? As a representative for the Military Grand Council if I see fit, any citizen of kingdom can be called upon into service.”

Chris sighed and looked back at James, “…I understand. Could I at least finish my house call and let the university know that I will erm, busy for awhile.”

“Of course. We can do whatever you need to. I promise that we will get you back home safe and sound after this commission is completed. You will be rewarded handsomely. Whatever rate the Order of Herta would be paying you we can double it.”

“That doesn’t really interest me.”

James looked back out to the window, “what about for your daughter. Sophie, was it? I can have it so she can attend any school in our kingdom, and we will pay for it. Any university once she’s older I with a letter of recommendation from the Lord Protector himself.”

Chris whistled in response, “I mean that seems somewhat shady…but any university? She could go to Celestia Academy at the capital.”

“The most prestigious university of the Order of the Goddess Herta? If she’s willing and capable enough, yes.” Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“I suppose if I can get something for her, this situation is more tolerable. What even I signed up for?”

“Duke Rudolf is dead. It is now our duty to find out who killed him and the previous military commissioner Joshua.”

“By the Goddess!” Chris sighed again, “Well, I assume we should get going.”

Chris got up wrapped a medical satchel around him and put a sword on his hilt. Chris took a deep breath and walked to leave. James also turned to leave when he saw the door open.

He saw a woman with blonde hair and green eyes come inside. She had a warm smile and gentle aura.

“Ahh,” The woman smiled sweetly,

“Oh Chris, dear. I thought you were going to check on Father Gideon. Always with that man’s back acting up you would think he would take things a little easier. By the way do you know why there is a knight of Lyris at our house?”

She froze when she saw James with the black uniform of the royal army.

“What’s going on?” She asked surprised then with some fear looking towards Chris.

“I been recruited on to a military commission, I will be away for the duration of the commission.” Chris replied.

James can see the shock of what was said was still processing on her face. Soon through her face twisted into a fury,

“I can’t believe this. Chris is no soldier! How can you possibly justify this!?” She asked in furor. She was getting in James’s face.

“Ma’am. It is the duty of everyone to serve the kingdom faithfully and with honor. I would not ask him without reason.” James replied evenly.

“How can you possibly be ok with this?” She turned her anger on her betrothed.

“I am going of my own free will here.” Chris replied half-heartedly.

That really set her off now, “oh shut the hell up!”

Chris gave her an annoyed look, “Claudia look. I don’t like this either but to be frank the royal army is not to crossed. You heard about what they do to people like during the Night of the Silent Blades.”

“Which is even more reason why you shouldn’t go. Who knows what these people are capable of and what will they make you do?”

“Where would we even go if I refused? Better for me to go willing. I’ll be fine, honey. Really everything will be fine.”

She didn’t look convinced. Chris sighed and got up and walked over to her. He grabbed her hands holding onto both sides tightly while pressing his forehead against hers.

“I will be back I promise you.” Chris promised solemnly. To which she squeezed Chris’s hand tightly before kissing him.

Still not convinced James could tell but at least her fury seemed somewhat abated. Claudia let go of Chris’s hand and moved her hand down Chris’s arm revealing a bite scar, “at least don’t come back with more scars.”

“I don’t know more scars doesn’t sound too bad. Makes me look like a grizzled veteran hero like out of Hilda’s books.”

Claudia laughed, “You are too much of a dork to look grizzled.”

She paused and looked in Chris’s eyes, “Just stay alive, okay? You put yourself in enough danger for a lifetime.”

Chris nodded and looked over at James.

They were a nice couple. He couldn’t help to wonder where his ex-wife was. She was probably sleeping in a fluffy bed back in the capital. She always loved keeping the window open to have the fresh air and sunshine on her face. It drove James crazy back then but, right now it sounded so nice.

Can’t dwell on the past now.

James stood up and nodded at Chris with that the two men finally left the house.

Alex came up to them with the two girls following closely behind as the front door opened, “Well what’s the verdict? We have a new member of the fellowship for our grand quest?”

“Something like that.” Chris replied drily.

“Well, welcome to the commission. We got snacks, a grumpy old man and one handsome knight what’s not to love?”

“Errm, sure.”

“Great! We should be off.” Alex said with a cheerful smile. Alex turned back to the girls, “it is time for us to depart. We have been given a quest of upmost importance from the king himself. I trust you understand the importance. Train well Hilda and one day you will be a knight as well.”

Hilda eyes beamed with excitement as she nodded.

Sophie came over to Chris.

Chris knelt to her, “Hey princess. Papa is going on away for a bit. You take care of mommy for me, ok?”

Sophie hugged Chris, “how long are you going to be gone, papa?”

“Hmm I’m not too sure myself but I’ll be back home as soon as I can be.”

Sophie then gave Chris a shabby looking doll.

“Ah, you never wanted to part with this old thing. What changed?”

“…this kept me safe through everything. So, I want you to have it so it can keep you safe.”

James could tell Chris was touched in only a way a father would be.

Chris grabbed the doll and put it in satchel, the head poking out of the bag, “I’ll keep it there and give it back to you when I’m back home.”

The atmosphere got more somber.

Claudia stood by the door giving Alex and James a glare.

If looks could kill James thought.

Sophie looked like she was about to cry.

Hilda looked at Alex with a look of betrayal on her face, “you are taking Uncle Chris away? How could you? Is that what a hero would do?”

Alex looked completely deflated and turned over to James for guidance.

James just shook his head, “we need to keep moving, time is against us. We will fill in some blanks along the way. Come on, Chris.”

Chris stood back up and the three men walked away from the safety and comfort of home.

Chris paused to give one more look at his home.

He did not turn back.

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