A thousand-pound headache split my skull in half. In a haze, I willed my eyes to open. What the hell happened to me? And who were those two men who took me?

Could it be Step Mommy Dearest? Or had the Lanzas finally figured it out and collected their prize? The latter would explain why I was still alive.

Taking in the surroundings, the only thing I could make out through the drowsiness and the fact that my body could barely move was sunlight. How long was I out? Why could I not move?

I snapped my eyes open, an annoying yet consistent buzz in the background, and a little spike of adrenaline nudged me up. My body lifted off the bed I was in just a little before I realized I was on my stomach and my wrists were cuffed to the bed. “Fuck!” I yanked at the chains. “What the hell did you do to me?! Who did this?!”

Panic had me on full alert mode. I looked down and a sliver of relief washed over me when I saw my shirt on. The buzz stopped, and another person’s breath hit my ears. Panic turned into sickening dread at the coldness of my lower body and the tightness around my ankles. I was naked from the waist down, and my ankles were restrained, too. “No. No. Fuck you.” Crying, cuffs rattling, I twisted, kicking and screaming, to see who the fuck did this to me, to no avail. “I’m going to kill you. Whoever you are I’m going to fucking kill you! What did you do to me? What the fuck did you do to me?!”

“Easy, baby girl. Don’t hurt yourself.”

I froze at the voice. Then I let out a long breath. “Oh my God. I’m going to kill you, you son of a bitch. You did this?”

“Yes. So sit still until I finish.”

“Finish what?”

The buzzing returned, and then something sharp tickled my buttock. “Is that… What the fuck, Laius? Are you giving me a tattoo without my consent? On my ass?!”

“My ass. It’s my ass, Jo. Since you seem to forget, I reckoned a reminder was in order so you’d always remember.”

Sobbing, I twisted my neck again so I could see him. I was enraged by his actions—he was branding me for fuck’s sake—but I’d missed him and needed to see his face. He wouldn’t give me that much, though. He was hurt, and he had every right to be. “Stop, Laius. I know I hurt you, but that doesn’t give you the right to kidnap me. To cuff me to bed like that and fucking mark me.”

He didn’t speak, and the needle didn’t stop pricking my skin.

“Goddamn it, Laius. Fuck this shit. Are we in Houston?”


“How did you find me?”

“A GPS tracker on your car. Fort did it early on when he was watching you.”

“Oh my God.”

“What were you doing in Utah? And where the fuck was that punk ass kid you ran off with?”

I just shook my head.

The buzzing and the needle pricking stopped. Then a photo capture sound ripped the silence. His footsteps approached from the side. His frame shadowed out the bright sun. His beautiful face numbed my aches and disturbance for a second, but the blame in his gaze set them ablaze. He flashed his phone at me with a photo on the screen.

Property of Furore. On my big wrinkly butt.

My fists and eyes squeezed. Violated was an understatement of how I felt, and rage was dulling any kind of guilt I was feeling for hurting him. “You fucking branded me.”

“You fucking ran away with a piece of shit kid who dumped your ass and left you hating yourself after you told me you were moving in with me. After you told me you were mine.”

“You don’t know anything.”

“Your piece of crap note was pretty elaborate, Miss Meneceo.”

I rattled my chains, the fog from the drug his men used on me fading, and I was fully aware of the pain pulsing on my ass from the tattoo. “Get me out of these cuffs.”

“Not until you tell me what the fuck happened.”

I yanked hard at the restraints, my wrists, ankles and naked butt burning. “Get me out and put my pants back on!”

Suddenly, he was on top of my back, subduing me with his strength. His arms were tight on my waist and his scruff was scratching my chin. “When will you learn that fighting me gets you nothing but fucked? Is that what you want, baby? To get fucked?”

My lips curled under my teeth because in this situation, where I was kidnapped, cuffed, half naked and branded against my will, while a man was threatening to fuck me, I wanted to fucking smile. How could I like that? How could my pussy become wet when I was vulnerable like that?

He cupped my pussy and let his fingers in. I trembled when he found the evidence of my shameful arousal. “I’ll take that as a yes.”


He chuckled at my lie, his hand moving at my lower back. Then something clinked, which I assumed was the buckle of his belt, and then a zipper came undone. He gave my pussy a swat before he pressed his hardness against my opening. “Lift those hips for me, baby girl.”

When I didn’t move, his strong grip did it, and then he spanked me. “Bad girl.”

I swallowed, clenching. I bit my lip on another smile. “Is this even your bed?” It smelled like him, and it added fuel on my desire for him.

“What dumb question is that?” He entered me with a tight groan. “This is my room at the compound.”

The front jewelry of his cock hit my clit immediately, and the way he began to fill me pushed away every other feeling. When Laius fucked me, there was nothing else but me and him, the sweet pain he poured inside of me, and the promise of the rapturing pleasure he never failed to keep.

“Tell me you didn’t leave me for another guy.” He said as he thrust inside me. “Tell me you didn’t lie to me when you said me too.”


“Tell me, Jo, because I’m losing my fucking mind here.”

I moaned loudly. “Laius, please.”

“Tell me I didn’t fall in love with another bitch that fucked me over and shit all over my life.”

A gasp stuck in my throat. Did he just say he loved me? Out loud? In this fucked up way, at this fucked up time of all times?

He pulled my hair, my real hair, and I became aware I wasn’t wearing my wig. I blinked to realize I didn’t have my contacts on either. He must have taken them both off. He fucked me harder. His length was splitting me in half more painfully than pleasurably. “Speak, Jo. Did you fuck him?”

“No. Goddammit, Laius. He said he was going to kill you. He took my gun, and he threatened to kill you if I didn’t break up with you and be with him. I did what I had to do to protect you.”

He stilled. Then the next instant his arms were holding me as he rubbed his face on my back and then kissed me hard on my cheek. “You silly girl. You think you needed to protect me from a little boy?”

“You don’t know him. He’s sick, and he would have done it.”

“You should have told me.”

“I couldn’t risk getting you hurt in any way because I love you, too, Furore. I love you so much Laius Lazzarini.” Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

He pulled my hair again, this time to bring my lips into his, and he devoured me in a heated passionate kiss, slamming into me hard and fast, until I was screaming into his mouth, the orgasm so intense my whole body was shuddering. He followed right away, filling me with the warm gushes of his seed.

He pulled his mouth away from me to allow us both to breathe, but his gaze and arms never left me. We stayed like this for a while, wrapped around each other, with him inside me, our eyes doing all the talking. Then he kissed me again. “You have to tell me exactly what happened and the name of that boy so I could take care of things, so I could keep you safe.”

I told him everything but left out three pieces of information. My ex’s name. The fact the he raped me with a gun. And why I was on my way to Chicago.

Michele. I was calling him when Furore’s men attacked me. Shit, did my call go through? “Where is my phone? Did your men get my phone?”

“Who the fuck cares? I’ll get you another one. They’re fine, by the way. Hook who you shot, and Texas who you almost broke his legs with your kicks. Where did you learn these moves and who taught you how to shoot?”

I huffed. “Whom.”


“Hook whom you shot, and Texas whom you almost broke his legs.”

He pulled out of me, his cum spilling between my thighs. “You’re giving me a grammar lesson right now?”

“I’m sorry they were hurt, but your men were kidnapping me. I didn’t know who they were. And those moves didn’t do me any good. They still succeeded at abducting me.”

He unchained me, and I let out a sigh of relief. Those things hurt. I tried to sit, but every muscle and limb of mine was sore. Then the searing pain in the flesh of my buttock infuriated me. “I can’t believe you gave me a property tattoo.” I was officially a biker’s slut. How did my life turn that way? From a high school English teacher to a patch whore with a property tattoo?

You were a teacher who slept with her students. A patch whore isn’t so much of a downgrade from a teacher slut.

“I can’t believe you’re still dodgy about all the shit that happened. I need straight answers, Jo, starting with the name of that punk.”

“Why? So you’d kill him? How does that make you any different from him, Laius?”

“I told you never to compare me to another guy.”

“Well, you two are oddly alike, and I sure know how to pick them.”

“Jo! He pulled a motherfucking gun at you!”

“Because he’s jealous and overtly possessive just like you. He saw me with you, so he decided to take me back whatever it took. How was that any different from your kidnapping me when you thought I left with another guy? How was he threatening to kill you any different from you threatening to kill him now?” How was cuffing me to a bed and fucking me to reclaim me any different from what Tirone did to me in my apartment? Yes, Tirone was more extreme with his methods, but the principles were still the same.

How did I fall for the same dark and twisted type twice? How was I turned on by all that toxicity and violence? How did I feel safe amidst all that danger? Because, fuck me, I was glad Laius did what he did and I was with him, under his protection.

“Are you saying that I’m sick, too?” he asked.

What if he was? What if he wasn’t just a criminal, resorting to violence to solve problems because it was the only way he was accustomed to? What if Tirone wasn’t sick at all and was just evil like his father or decided to follow his dad’s lead? I didn’t know anything anymore. I was more than confused and my moral compass wasn’t pointing north anymore because there was one thing I knew for sure.

Despite all that had happened, all the pain and heartache and rage it caused me, I was madly in love with Furore, and deep down, I didn’t exactly hate Tirone.

Laius bent, meeting my gaze, his an equal amount of menace and fury. “I don’t care what you call me. Fuck, I don’t even care if you hate me. You’ll never leave me again or be with another guy until the day you die. You’re mine, Jo, and you’ll fucking stay that way forever.”

I didn’t know if I should run for the hills or bow at his feet and beg him to take me and let me drown in everything he had to give me no matter how dark it was going to get.

He tipped my chin up with his finger. “Give me the name of your shitty ex so I can get it over with.”

“He’s a kid, Laius.”

“Not anymore.”

“I will if you promise me you won’t kill him. Scare him away but don’t kill him.” He probably wouldn’t hurt him anyway. Tirone was one of them, or, at least, the son of one. MC people valued their brotherhood more than anything.

“The name, Jo.”

I’d have to tell him sooner or later since I’d become a part of the Night Skulls. The tattoo on my ass made it so. But why could he not just promise me he wouldn’t end Tirone’s life? I couldn’t be responsible for that. If I could, I’d have killed him myself or told Michele to do it.

Michele. What if my call went through and he heard what happened and figured I was kidnapped? He’d look for me and if he found out Laius did it, shit would hit the fan. Fuck.

A knock on the door stopped my unhinged train of thoughts.

“The fuck! I said no one interrupts me!” Laius shouted.

“It’s important, Prez. Cover your ass ʼcause I gotta come in.”

He jabbed a finger at me. “We’re not done.” He gathered my panties and jeans off the hardwood floor and threw them at me. Then he pulled his own jeans up and zipped it.

I covered myself, taking notice of the room. My wig was on a chair in a corner. My contact case on the nightstand. Every piece of furniture in the room was black. Red wallpaper everywhere. Riding gear scattered on the floor, the tiny dresser and poked out of a wardrobe. Tattoo equipment was still on the bed. There was a door on the left which I assumed was the bathroom door.

“Where’s my purse?” I fastened the hook of the wig and combed the hair with my fingers. “The solution for my contacts is in it.”

“No time.” He gave me a pair of pilot sunglasses. “Put these on.”

I did as he opened the door. Fort came in, a shit eating grin on his face. “Howdy, doll. Had a nice nap?”

“What’s so fucking important?” Laius fumed.

 Fort nodded his head to the side. “Guess who just pulled up by the gates?”

“I don’t have time for games, Fort. Spit it out.”


My head jerked toward them, and Laius’s lips were curving on the corner with a smile. I smiled, too, happy for him. Finally, his prodigal son returned.

“Get him in. I’ll be right out.” Laius shut the door behind Fort and pulled me into a bear hug. “I love you. This wouldn’t have happened without you.”

“What did I do?”

“The letter. When I went to give it to him, he wasn’t home. His mother took it from me, and I lost all hope. I thought she’d never give it to him, but then after I found out you were gone, I headed back to Rosewood to get my shit and send my men after you. There, I found this.” He pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and gave it to me. “He wrote me back.”

“That’s amazing.” I took the letter. “You should go. Be the first to receive him.”

“You wait here, okay. I’ll get him settled in, and then I’ll introduce you.”

“Wait, you told him about me?”

“I called him this morning after the brothers brought you home. I thought it’d be better that way, to be upfront about us so he’d know beforehand what awaited him here.”

“Okay. What did he say?”

“He said he was old enough to know I wasn’t keeping my dick in my pants all those years, and he was okay with it. Then he told me, when I was done with you,  to give you to him so he could show you what a good dicking was really like.”

My jaw dropped. “What the… When you told me he wasn’t very nice, you weren’t exaggerating.”

He laughed. “It’s just a joke. That’s how I knew he was okay with it for real. And he’s here, Jo. He really is here, thanks to you.”

“I’m so happy for you, Laius.”

“Wait here. I’ll be right back.”

“Sure. Just go.”

He kissed me and dashed away. I was so happy for him. Finally, we were receiving some good news. Sitting on the edge of the bed, I unfolded the paper and started reading.

I know you all, and will a while uphold

The unyoked humour of your idleness.

Yet herein will I imitate the sun,

Who doth permit the base contagious clouds

To smother up his beauty from the world,

That when he please again to be himself,

Being wanted he may be more wondered at

By breaking through the foul and ugly mists

Of vapours that did seem to strangle him.

If all the year were playing holidays,

To sport would be as tedious as to work;

But when they seldom come, they wished-for come,

And nothing pleaseth but rare accidents.

So when this loose behaviour I throw off

And pay the debt I never promised,

By how much better than my word I am,

By so much shall I falsify men’s hopes;

And like bright metal on a sullen ground,

My reformation, glitt’ring o’er my fault,

Shall show more goodly and attract more eyes

Than that which hath no foil to set it off.

I’ll so offend to make offence a skill,

Redeeming time when men think least I will.

I frowned at the lines, my heart thudding with every word. This was Prince Hal’s soliloquy from Henry IV. This was not by any means encouraging or words written by a son ready to give his father a chance. It was ominous to say the least, if it wasn’t all alarming.

But the threat that lied between the lines wasn’t what caused the palpitations of my heart. It was the handwriting.

I wiped my forehead and pulled up the sunglasses to read clearly, hoping it wasn’t my mind tricking me.

I received your letter, and I accept. I’m coming to Texas tomorrow.


A wild gasp burst out of me at the same time I heard a voice coming from outside the door. Tirone Wisely’s voice. Tirone fucking Lazzarini.

All the blood rushing out of my body, my head a big cloud of dizziness, I fell off the bed face down.

The door burst open. Then Laius was standing over. “Jo!” His arms carried me, and then my back was lying against something soft. “What happened?”

I could barely open my eyes, but I saw him. It was really him standing at the door. Tirone. My Tirone was Laius’s son.

“Baby, answer me. Dammit. Someone get me some water!” Laius yelled.

“I…I…” I pointed at the door, seeing double, Tirone’s face—faces—coming toward me. Words I couldn’t bring myself to say shivered on my mouth.

Tirone sat next me on the bed and opened a bottle of water from his messenger bag. He held my head and made me drink, smirking at me. “Here.”

I gulped, staring at him.

“Rex, this is—”

“Miss Meneceo,” Tirone finished Laius’s sentence, and my heart dropped to my feet.

Laius scowled at us. “Do you know each other?”

This was it. This was how we all died in a fit of rage.

Fort barged in out of nowhere. I’d recognize that human tank even if I were dead, not just on the verge of passing out. “Prez, get her outta here. We have another visitor.”

“Fuck. Who?”



Fort shook his head. “Enzio Lanza himself.”

I was wrong. I wasn’t going to die because I fell in love with my ex-boyfriend’s deadly jealous dad while his son was even worse in that department. I wasn’t going to die in a fit of rage between two possessive men after I ditched one in the worst way ever and drugged the other and abandoned him on the road or the revenge that was bound to come after.

I was going to die in a Mafia war.

Enzio Lanza was the boss of the Lanza Mafia family, and my blood was the key to the new kingdom he thirsted after.

He’d found me and just arrived to collect my soul.

And when Furore discovered my ex was his son, would he still be my protector or the one who delivered me to the devils that wanted me dead?

To be continued…

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