Chapter Twenty-One

When morning came, Maggie, Jace, and Emma joined Marie at her house and told her what they saw. Marie knew Jonathan’s role in the twin’s lives and added that seeing Vivian in Kent had instantly broken the Garzil spell on him.

During Vivian’s time in Valo, she had been seeing him in secret. He was a Mage doing apprenticeship to join the Archmages. They kept their love a secret so there was no animosity between him and the other Mages. Marie didn’t even know about them until she found them meeting in secret again when he was a Knight.

Marie had already told them that Vivian lived in Vorik until they were born, but this time she elaborated. “Kenneth Jax waited for her in Kent. He was your father’s half-brother,” she explained, then smiled at them, “The fact that this vision has come to both of you is amazing. I hope it gives you the closure you needed to finally know what happened to your mother after her arrest.”

“I’d still like to know if mom is alive,” Maggie let out, crossing her arms.

“Only you would know, dear,” Marie answered her. “If she passed, you would receive the rest of her magic; and I can sense that this is not the case. You have an overflow of magic, but that’s because you’re also carrying your brother’s.”

“Can you help her with her magic?” Jace asked.

"We can work on her magic,” she said, looking at Emma. She looked back at Jace, “And Heath will work with you on your swordsmanship. He should be here any minute.”

“I’ll finally be able to take these off,” Maggie let out, wiggling her fingers.

“As the High Advisor, you will need full control of your magic. Especially if Vanessa is involved. She’s an Archmage fueled with a vendetta.”

“But why?”

Marie shook her head, “I’m not sure, dear… I never trusted her, even when she was just a Mage and I was a Priestess.”

Maggie shot Jace another look, as if to remind him about how crazy his ex was.

“Heath’s here,” Jace said, catching this look from his sister. “I’ll see you all in a few.”

Jace left the house and joined Heath in the yard to practice. He was grateful that Heath’s curse was broken as soon as his was. He cherished Heath as a friend and knew he could trust him no matter what.

Jace called on Kard with no issues. He only had to think of the sword entering his hand and it appeared at his command. Jace gripped his consort and swung it around to exercise his wrist, feeling its weight.

“So- my sister, huh?” Jace teased as soon as they began to practice.

“What about her?” Heath said, knowing the women were watching.

“I can’t tell if she loves or hates you.”

Heath let out a laugh and dropped his sword, looking at Jace. “I think both,” he answered and looked over at the house. “You’ve got yourself a good catch.”

Jace looked at Emma and slightly smiled.

“I approve,” Heath added, holding up his sword.

“Thanks. I’ll be sure to listen this time,” Jace laughed, blocking Heath’s swing. Jace lowered his sword and gave Heath a look, “Vanessa being an Archmage makes her old, doesn’t it?”

"Really old,” Heath said, bursting into laughter. “Do you know how hard it was not to laugh?”

Jace couldn’t help but start laughing with Heath.

“I told you, Jace. There was something about her I didn’t like. And she’s only gotten worse. I started telling you a little yesterday. I really think she’s been using the hunts to drain the magic for herself,” Heath said, then added, “Or at least sharing with Garos. His energy level has been lower these past few year. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still more powerful than hers.”

“How much time do you think we have before she realizes she’s chasing holograms?”

“A week. Possibly two.”

“That doesn’t give us much time.”

“You’ll be fine with everything,” Heath answered and looked back over at Maggie, who was talking with Emma. “It’s Maggie I worry about,” he added.

“You really like her.”

The corner of Heath’s mouth curved up at this thought then blocked Jace’s surprise attack.

“Rookie move leaving yourself open like that,” Jace laughed, pushing Heath back. Kard disappeared from his hand.

Heath laughed and put his sword in its sheath. “I’m glad we’ve picked up where we left off.”

“We made a pact,” Jace took Heath’s hand and they shook, holding their hands up showing their comradery. “Thanks for watching over my sister. I know you would’ve sneaked a portal in Valo if Vanessa took her.”

“I would’ve done more than that,” Heath said and glanced back at Maggie. She was going inside. “According to the rite, Garos wanted Maggie alive. Vanessa has a different agenda, I just don’t know what it is yet.”

“Just be safe going back there,” Jace said, walking with Heath back to the house.

“Always am.”

Maggie had gone inside after watching Heath and her brother practice. She had spent a good portion of the morning talking with Marie and Emma and got up to get herself some tea. She stood at the counter, sipping from her cup, when Heath came in and leaned on the doorframe.

“I didn’t get the chance to tell you how amazing you look in Vork clothing,” he said, biting his bottom lip and looking at her from her boots up.

Maggie smirked and glanced up at him. “Thanks,” she said, “I still feel weird wearing pants…”

“They suit you,” he said, walking up to her. “Here,” he said, handing her, her red cloak, “I managed to grab this for you last night.”

Maggie’s eyes widened seeing the cloak he bought her almost a year ago. “You went back to the house for this?” she asked, meeting his eyes as she held the cloak to her.

“That’s the beauty of portals,” he held her chin. He left her side and grabbed an apple. “I grabbed a few other things,” he said, sitting at the table. “They’re at my house.”

“Your house?” she asked, sitting with him.

“To the Garzil it doesn’t exist,” Heath said, seeing the concern in her eyes.

“Marie says you have necro magic.”

“Of course, she did,” he bit into the apple. He was hoping he would be the one to tell her when he helped read Vivian’s journal. But Marie knew how he felt about Maggie and he was sure his aunt couldn’t contain her excitement about her nephew.

“Hey Mags,” Jace said, coming into the kitchen with Emma. They both looked from Maggie to Heath and saw the looks on their faces. “Are we interrupting something?”

“Yes,” Maggie answered while Heath told them, “No.”

Maggie glanced over at Heath while he looked back to Jace and Emma, saying, “Maggie was just asking about my magic.”

Marie walked in, adding, “Did you tell her how you learned of your necro background.”

Heath looked up at his aunt, surprised she didn’t. “I asked my grandfather,” he said.

“After you-” she urged.

“Conjured him.” He rolled his eyes and smirked.

“He was probably five when he did this,” Marie added. She always loved this story. “I walked in to find his spirit floating in my living room.”

Heath looked to Jace, who already knew this story. His eyes grazed past Emma and landed back on Maggie as he continued, “Grandpa Jones was a part of the Necro Council in the Undercity. He met a white lighter who gave birth to my mom.”

“Who met a Necro,” Marie added, looking at everyone.

“Who I want nothing to do with,” Heath gave his aunt a tight smile, “Needless to say, my Aunt Marie ended up raising me.”

“You have white light magic?” Emma asked, her eyes widening.

Heath shook his head, “My necro blood cancelled out any white magic I had.”

“How old were you when you ran away?”

“Twelve. Met Jace right after.”

Jace nodded, sipping his water. When he put his glass down, he said, “Mags was asking how your Garzil curse was broken.”

Maggie gave her brother a look and got up from the table to put her cup in the sink. Heath’s eyes moved from Jace to Maggie. He smirked wondering what else she was saying about him. He began to answer, “I was patrolling the market when a flash of light caught my eye. I turned thinking it was another attack by the Thaumaturgy, but what I was looking at was a girl with a long braid and a dark green cloak innocently going between the booths, shopping.” He watched as Maggie’s actions slowed as she placed the cup on the drying mat. A small smirk came to the corner of his lip as he continued, “I approached her, and she just looked up at me, waiting.”

Maggie looked over at him and their eyes locked.

“I told her have a good day and told myself I would come back the following weekend in civilian clothes.”

“And you did,” Maggie let out.

“And you recognized me,” he said. His mouth curved into a smile.

“So, it was that light?” Jace asked, looking back at his friend.

Heath looked back at Jace and nodded. “I realized that I wasn’t looking at just anyone, I was looking at the High Advisor herself. The heir to the right side of the throne and my best friend’s sister. When we first met, I saw that same glow on you,” Heath said, clapping Jace on the back, “Why else do you think I’d follow a stupid kid into the mouth of the beast to save our mothers?”

“Sounds like destiny to me,” Emma commented, “Yhden certainly had this planned. We’ve all suffered a loss and affected each other in some way without even knowing it and now here we are. Together for the same cause.”

Marie smiled, taking Emma’s hand and squeezing it.

Heath’s eyes followed Maggie as she left the room and they heard the front door shut. He excused himself and followed her outside. He called out her name.

“I don’t want to talk right now,” she answered, making her way to Emma’s.

“Did I say something wrong?” he asked, picking up his pace and following her into the house.

“No,” she said, going down the hall, “You answered everything perfectly.”

“Then why are you crying,” he said, grabbing her arm and swinging her around to him.

She looked up at him and shook her head. She never understood why he would always come back, even when she pushed him away. “Did I really break the spell?” she asked, crossing her arms against her chest.

Heath let out a laugh, “Is this why you’re upset?”

“I’ve been such a bitch to you.”

“I wouldn’t use that word,” he said and smirked.

“I would. I’ve been mean. I’ve pushed you away, over and over again. And you’ve always forgiven me and came back.”

“That night we spent together told me your true feelings,” he said, stepping closer to her and tracing her cheek with the back of his fingers. “I would lay my life on the line for you, Maggie Creed.”

Maggie bit her lower lip to stop it from trembling. “When you stood at my door, I felt a piece of me die.”

“I told you I wouldn’t have let anything happen to you,” he wiped the tear that escaped from her eye.

“I know…” she stared longingly up into his green eyes. “Why didn’t you ever tell me I broke their spell?”

Heath chuckled, “Would you have believed me? It took me months for you to talk to me. And two years for you to join me for lunch.”

“See what I mean? I’m a complete-”

Heath stopped her with a kiss. He cupped her face and pulled back to look into her eyes. “We’re here, aren’t we? The only thing that stands between us now is Garos and his Knights; and Jace and I are working on a plan to remove that last obstacle.”

“What if she figures out she’s chasing decoys?”

“Then we’ll do what me and your brother do best and wing it,” he smirked. His eyes telling her he was amused by his answer.

Maggie smiled and rolled her eyes. She lightly pushed him away, but he took her by the elbows, to keep her close. She locked eyes with him again then tugged his shirt, pulling him to close the gap between them. Heath met her mouth with the same strong intensity and wrapped his arms around her. He followed her towards her door – continuing their kissing.


Maggie and Heath laid together after making love. She placed her head on his chest, looking across the room. Heath’s arm was around her shoulder and his lips were pressed against her head. After laying in silence, Maggie lifted her head up and looked at him.

“I love you…” she let out and slightly smiled.

Heath’s eyes sparked with her words and he smiled. “I know,” he said. Her words confirmed the way her body reacted when they made love. He leaned forward and met her lips again.

Maggie sat up when they pulled apart and pulled her sundress over her head.

“Where are you going?” Heath asked, sitting up and kissing her shoulder.

“Marie mentioned taking me to meet Bruno this evening,” she answered, blushing. “When can we work on mom’s journal?” she asked, pulling on her gloves.

Before Heath could answer, Maggie leaned forward, wincing in pain. “What’s wrong?” he asked, buttoning his pants. He went to her, knowing she was dismissing the pain she felt.

“Nothing,” she answered and continued getting dressed.

Heath gave her a look and pulled his shirt over his head. He told her he would let Marie know she would be out in a moment and gave her another kiss before leaving the room.

Once the door shut, she felt another pain that was sharper than before shoot up her spine. She began to feel a tingling sensation go throughout her body. It was something she had felt before. As the rush of energy pushed through her, she began to scream from the pain.

“Maggie!?” Heath yelled, rushing back into the room. He stood at the door watching her body turn purple from the magic pouring into her. He looked at Jace and Emma, who stood next to him, and told them not to move. Slowly, he began to walk towards Maggie.

“Is it another Void?” Emma asked, looking to Heath. She was holding her necklace, praying that Maggie was alright.

“Another?” Jace asked, looking at Emma.

“No,” Heath answered, shaking his head, “She’s receiving more magic.”

“From who?” Jace asked looking back at Heath.

“Your mother,” Heath let out. He knew she wasn’t going to be able to control the amount she was receiving. He had to make the magic settle within her and settle fast.

As he stepped closer, he raised his hand then dropped it quickly to the ground. Maggie’s body froze and began to drop. Heath caught her and held her close. He watched her face slowing turn to her natural color as he hovered his hand over her face and down her body. She breathed heavily as the pain and tingling subsided.

Jace and Emma watched from the doorway in amazement.

“You can come in,” Heath let out, scanning Maggie’s body again.

“That was incredible,” Emma said.

“What did you do?” Jace asked, approaching them.

“I helped her accept the magic,” Heath answered, lifting Maggie.

“And you’re sure it was from our mother?”

“Does this mean she’s-” Maggie let out, being gently placed on the bed.

“She’s not dead,” Heath told her, kneeling beside her. He pulled off her gloves and lifted her hand to see the normal mist she carried then met Maggie’s eyes. “You’ll be fine. And you’re not going anywhere today. You need to rest.”

“I’m fine,” Maggie said, sitting up but leaned back on her elbow from her dizziness.

“Maggie,” Jace sternly said.

Maggie looked up at her brother then fell back into her pillow, putting her hand on her head.

“I’ll check on you later,” Heath said, lightly kissing her hand. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“I’ll stay with you if you want,” Emma offered.

Maggie answered with a nod and Emma took Heath’s place at the side of her bed. As the boys went to leave the room, Emma leaned forward, asking, “Did you and Heath-?”

Heath slowly closed the door behind them and looked over at Jace, whose eyebrow was raised. He waited for Jace to say something, but instead Jace put up his hands and shook his head, saying, “Right now all I want to know about is my mother. How did you know it was her magic?”

“Besides you, she’s the only one who could give Maggie magic,” Heath answered, heading out of the house, “It’s a royal thing.” He was walking to Benzi, who sat patiently in the yard.

“How do we know she’s still alive?”

Heath hesitated at first to answer. “Because Maggie wasn’t consumed.”

“You’re strong enough to help her if that was the case, right?” Jace waited for an answer from Heath, but all he did was kneel to Benzi. “Jones-!” he commanded.

“No,” Heath said, “She’d be too powerful for my magic.” And with that, Heath turned his attention to Benzi and asked for updates about Galena.

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