Adella Arcos - POV

“Okay students, I hope you understand the concept.” I walked back to my table and turned the pages in my textbook till I reached the exercises page. “Turn to page 25,” I instructed, and quickly, everyone took their books and began finding the page. “Please attempt all the sums on that page now. And you can not leave this class unless you show me your answers for the first five sums.” I told them, which earned me a lot of groans. But they began doing it.

I placed my book back on my table, took a seat, and grabbed my teacher’s guide to see which lesson I had to conduct next.

Knock knock.

I looked up from my book to see that it was the principal. I quickly got up from my chair out of respect, and simultaneously, the students did too. “I am sorry to disturb your class, Miss. Arcos. But I just got a call from the Alpha, and he told me that Gamma Gomez will be arriving shortly.” she informed.

“Oh, that's great news.” it came out more like a question while the principal glared at me.

“The Alpha wants us all to assemble in the training grounds now to welcome the Gamma,” she told me, and I nodded my head.

“Should I um, come?” I asked her, and I saw her eyes narrow down me.

“Yes, everyone should be present there,” she emphasized, and I nodded my head before she left. As soon as she did, the students quickly packed their bags and left the class after saying goodbye while I begrudgingly packed my bag and left the classroom too.

The school was almost empty when I walked out, and I followed the masses of people towards the training ground. When I got there, I looked around, and I found my friend in the front so I walked towards her. “Hey,”

“I thought you wouldn't come,” Summer asked me, and I let out an exhausted sigh.

“I didn't want to come but the Principal insisted I be here, so here I am,” I told her, and she shook her head, and just then, I heard the sound of cars. Alpha Ralph got down from the first car, and soon another black car pulled up right behind him. Everyone’s eyes were fixed on that car while my eyes were too. Strangely, my heart started to beat against my chest while my wolf was running in joy around my head.

I felt like each minute was dragging into an eternity when the car door finally opened, and a well-built man stepped out of the car. Just like Summer said, he was a Greek God. With sharp facial features, his skin the color of honey, his eyes the color of hot copper, which melted me at that moment. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Mate! Mate! That's our mate!” Rachel kept yelling in my head when a gasp left my mouth.

“He is a Gamma! How can he be our mate?” I questioned.

“Close your eyes and just focus on his scent.” she urged me, and even though my mind told me not to listen, my heart clouded my judgment, so I closed my eyes and focused on his scent. Cinnamon and apples invaded my body, igniting every nerve in my body. When I opened my eyes, I noticed that he looked stiff, and he was scanning the crowd for something.

“Move forward, he is looking for us.” Rachel chimed, but I shook my head, and right then, someone pushed me from behind, making me move forward, and his eyes finally landed on me. For a moment, I saw a small smile appear on his face, but that soon disappeared, and he moved his attention towards Alpha Ralph.

“Hey, are you all right?” Summer asked me, shaking my shoulder, and that's when I finally peeled my eyes off him and looked at her.

“Yeah, someone pushed me from behind,” I told her, and this immediately made her turn around and look for the culprit. “Summer, I am fine. Please don't create a scene.” I told her.

“Let me go and give him a…”

“Let's just go. I am starving.” I told her with my best puppy eyes, and she sighed and nodded her head. We slowly walked out of that crowd and walked to our favorite restaurant.

“So, how was he?” Summer asked me once we took our seats, and I raised my eyebrows at her.

“Who?” I asked her, acting clueless, and she gave me a don't fool me look.

“Gamma Gomez. I saw you eye fucking him.”

“No, I wasn't.” I defended, but all she did was roll her eyes before she could ask me further questions, our food arrived, and we began eating. “Do we have to go back to school?”

“I don't know, but I am not going. I am going out with Vince,” she said with a shudder, and I shook my head.

“Why do you even still come to school when you are not interested in teaching? I mean, I don't think you need that money since Vince is rich, right?” I reminded her.

“I am there in that shit school for you. I can't let my best friend fend for herself, right?” she asked me.

Ring ring.

She looked down at her phone before she looked at me again. “It's Vince. Do you want me to drop you off somewhere?” Summer asked me while getting ready to go, and I shook my head.

“Okay, I will see you tomorrow then?” she asked me, I nodded my head, and she walked towards me, and pulled me into a hug, and soon after that, she left the place.

“Can we go and see our mate?” Rachel asked me.

“Do you think he would accept us?”

“Of course, didn't you see that smile on his face? That's a positive sign, right?”

“It is. But he might be busy right now. I guess we will go and meet him when all this excitement dies down. I mean, he is going to be here for the next two months, right?” I asked Rachel, and even though she didn't like my idea, she agreed.

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