

21Chapters 153Views 1Bookmarked Completed Status



Die when your fifteen and end up in the Junior Angel Corps, frozen at fifteen. It'd be awesome if Gideon's next assignment wasn't at a crapshot High School. Eternity is looking at lot like damnation. Fifteen-year-old Gideon is one heck of a Guardian angel, fighting demons and chasing after mortals... most of the time. Right now, he stuck in puberty working for the Junior Angel Corps and trying to prove himself to The Boss that he's ready to earn his first class wings. There is just one, big, problem. Gideon has the worst memory in the Corps and can't help but forget the names of his mortal charges. After an accidental mishap and sudden death of one of his mortals, Gideon is facing eternal puberty if he doesn't get his memory problem fixed. The Boss will give Gideon one last chance to prove his worth. All Gideon has to do is remember one mortal's name and keep her alive. Should be easy, but Gideon's got a horde of demons on his heels and a trigger-happy Angel of Death who is itching to pull the trigger on Gideon's mortal. Gideon must keep the demons at bay and the Angel of Death away from his mortal, or Gideon will be stuck in Junior Angel Corps...forever.

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