Being Rogue is something unforeseen to a lot of us werewolves, it usually happens if you betrayed your pack, defied your Alpha, and or Luna, exceedingly rare it is chosen. It is not as unheard of as it was decades ago but still rare, in our culture being part of a pack is what we look for, what our wolves need.

Yes, I am a rogue, but I do agree with our culture, but I chose to become rogue with exceptionally good reason. The terrible thing of being rogue if you cross a pack, or anyone of any importance, they do not give you a chance to explain because these days no one cares.

My name is Micaiah Winters, I am twenty-one years old. As you guessed I am a werewolf, and I have been a rogue for six years now. Let me take a trip down memory lane to explain more about why I am a rogue. I was not thrown out or banished from my old pack I chose to be rogue. I used to be a part of the Gravestone pack, named after the line of Alphas and their family name. I was born into the Betas; my parents were the Betas of the pack at the time. I have an older brother Elijah hes seven years older than me, I called him EJ.

Our pack was attacked when I was eleven, I was stuck in the safe room with other children, the elderly, and pregnant women, while the battle outside was underway. We all were scared and praying our families were okay, finally after I do not know how many hours the battle was over. My brother met me outside the safe room, and I could see he had many battle wounds. I ran and hugged him crying I was so scared, “EJ, where are mom and dad, are they at the hospital Come on I need to see them.” EJ pulled me into a bone-crushing hug, and I heard him sniffling, I knew what that meant even though I did not want to believe it. “No, they are alive why are you lying to me?” I began crying, “I am so sorry Ki (his nickname for me), I am so sorry.” He whispered to me softly and I hugged him afraid I may lose him too.

We were remarkably close after that, we moved in with our uncle Jeff near the borders, I do not know why it is not like he ever came around when mom and dad were alive.

A year passed, and I began my training. We were allowed to join at fourteen, to be able to defend each other and ourselves, but they allowed anyone to learn self-defense, especially after what happened during the last battle on the lands, so I joined at thirteen. EJ and I were close but after our parents died, he was to be the next beta, but he did not want it after what happened.

The Midnight Sun Pack was coming to help train, Just the head warriors and soon-to-be Female Beta, for one day her brother would take the title of Alpha. I thought a female being named was impressive, not just mated into, which was cool as hell.

We waited patiently for them to arrive welcoming our guests, we were appreciative because we needed extra training. Unlike most myths of us werewolves, we do not find our mate at sixteen, we are not even legal at the time lets, to be honest, we find them when we are eighteen.

They exited their cars, and she was pretty, With long jet-black hair, tan skin, and dark blue eyes, she began sniffing the air. I was thrown out of my trance when I heard my brother EJ growl, What was wrong with him running through my mind? Then they both said “Mate” in unison, awe my dear brother found his mate.

I knew how he felt about finding his mate and knowing her rank he would go with her. They trained us for two weeks making us stronger, but it was time for them to leave. I remember walking to the kitchen seeing her and EJ holding one another discussing what to do but EJ did not want to leave me, Emma his mate telling him she would come here, he was not having it for she earned her title.

I knew what I had to do for my brother, “EJ, you must go be with your mate, I will be alright.” I said sadly but confidently knowing he needed out of here, out of his depression. “Ki, I cannot just leave you, come with us,” he asked, and I knew they needed mate time, and this was my home I did not want to leave I was not ready. “EJ, since they died, you have given everything up for me, I am not ready to leave yet but you are. Please, for me go be with your mate.” He hugged me tightly, as did Emma, “You know you are one wise young lady”, she said with a smile, I took that compliment proudly after all I wanted to be a badass like her. “Thanks, Emma, EJ just come visit when I have my first shift at least, you do not have to visit me all the time just at least call.” He hugged me again kissing me on the top of my head, “Always Ki, you are my baby sister, we are forever a part of each other, I could never forget about you.”

That was the day my brother left, and he visited a couple of times but being the Beta, he had a lot of business to deal with. He called when he could and I understood, I never held it against him. I knew mom and dad would be proud of him. It has been two years since I have seen him.

I was now fifteen, I did not have many friends. A year after EJ left my uncle Jeff was not particularly nice, he would yell and scream, made me a maid to him. I never told EJ I did not want him worrying or doing anything crazy, he was not a part of the pack anymore and I did not want him to get into trouble. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I only had two more years until shifted then I could move on, right? I hope so, I did not want to leave this is where my parents were, who they were, respected betas. I was preparing dinner as I did every night for Jeff, I quit calling him uncle, family does not treat each other this way. The door swung open, and Jeff came through and he was incredibly angry. “My food still is not done you little bitch.” He threw everything off the stove at me, and I could hear the glass breaking. I was so scared, he has never been this angry before, it was like he was not human.

He must have heard me gasp as he was tearing the kitchen apart, he snapped his head in my direction, his eyes were black with red as the pupils, I could not understand what was wrong with him. He slapped me hard, then grabbed me by the throat. “You, you dirty little slut. If you say a word to anyone, I will kill EJ, you don’t want that do you?”

His eyes were scary and blank. He threw me against the door, he got on top of me and began choking me. I do not know what took over me but with no hesitation, I snapped his neck with my bare hands. What have I done? I killed my uncle, he threatened to kill my brother. Without thinking I just took off running, I did not look back.

I ran for a long time until my lungs were basically on fire. I stopped trying to catch my breath when I felt instant pain in my spine. I screamed in agony, laying down trying to stop or dull the pain. Then it shot to my legs and arms, I was shifting, but how? I am only fifteen I should not be shifting; I still have a year to go.

My body chose otherwise I began shaking and trembling due to the pain, it was unbearable. With the sound of bones cracking and feeling them break and rearrange, I was becoming nauseous. Suddenly, my vision began to blur, and my eyelids felt heavy. As I let the darkness take over, I heard a voice inside my head, “Rest now, you finally shifted.” Then all I knew was blackness.

I heard the leaves rustling in the wind causing me to slowly open my eyes. When I opened them first everything was blurry, then I shook it off then I noticed everything was so clear. I could see everything in detail, the color was so vibrant, everything was so bold. Finally, I looked down what I saw shocked me. I was no longer on two legs but on all fours. That is right I shifted how did I forget that.

‘Glad to see you did not forget we are now fully shifted.’ I jumped the voice startled me, that must be my wolf. ‘Hi there, I am Micaiah.’ I am so stupid of course she knows who I am. If I was in human form, I would slap myself in the forehead. ‘Calm down Micaiah, you are fine. Of course, I knew your name, by the way my name is Akiva.’ ‘That is a wonderful name. Glad to finally meet you, Akiva.’ ‘The pleasure is all mine. By the way Ki, do not blame yourself for what happened with Jeff. He was deranged it happens sometimes when someone loses their mate. He was not the same man he once was.’ ‘I still feel bad, now everyone will think I am a murderer. Oh, my EJ he will think the same.’ ‘Ki, calm down he loves you, right now we need to survive right. First, I know a way to cheer you up.’ She then took control of my body and began running.

We stopped at a pond; she was thirsty. I know because I was, that was a lot of running we just did be newly shifted. I heard her giggle in my mind, ‘What is so funny Akiva?’ I was quite curious on why she was laughing. ‘Because silly, you have not even noticed our reflection. Would you like to look and see what we look like? I promise you will absolutely love it.’ So, I did as she wanted, I looked into the water to see our reflection. I was absolutely in awe at what I saw. ‘Akiva, oh my, it cannot be. We are one in a billion.’ ‘I know right, I was so excited for you to see us.’ ‘I have only read about us in the history books, people believe it was only a myth.’ ‘Well Ki, think again because we are very real.’ ‘Wow, I am shocked, we are a descendant straight from the Goddess. A pure white wolf.’ ‘Yes Ki, we are.’ I have seen wolves with some white meaning they are strong but us we were pure white.

I let Akiva have some control, to run and be free. She seemed to really enjoy it. She found a small rabbit to feast on. I knew it would strengthen her; we hadn’t eaten in a long while. During that night we both agreed to not go back to the old pack, that we would now be rogue.

We ended up finding a small village like town and got a job as a bartender from a fellow wolf. He was still a part of a pack but did not live with them, his choice. With that job we were able to afford our own place. Yes, we were young, but we were strong. I just hope one day I would be able to see my brother again.

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