Guns & Roses
Chapter 10


I watched as Viktor and Tatiana went to the weapons table each taking out a knife. I noticed Tatiana’s knife was similar to Viktor’s even though she could choose a much bigger knife to her advantage. I smiled to myself, Tatiana was no coward.

“What are you smiling at?” Boris asked from beside me.

“Something that peaks my interest” I replied. There was no sense in lying to Boris, he was like an older brother to me, and we’ve known each other since we were practically babies. His father was my father’s second in command as he was mine.

Boris looked towards my line of sight and he chuckled lowly.

“Ay Dimitri, you just had to choose her?” Boris replied, shaking his head.

“What are you implying here, Boris?” I could feel my anger rising. I didn’t like the tone in his voice.

“Hey Hey” Boris said raising both hands, “I’m not implying anything, it’s that you recruited her for a reason, and we both know she isn’t a liability if something goes wrong”

I clenched my jaw in irritation because he was right. We recruited Tatiana since she was a professional, she was the best and Arturo wanted her too. The chances of defeating the Mortellis would be higher but the risks are still there, even if it were the case, we were still going to use Tatiana even if it meant she’ll shoulder the risks.

That was the plan.

My thoughts were interrupted when the two had entered the rink. I saw Viktor talking to Tatiana probably aggravating her but the woman merely brushed off his comment unaffected.

Boris explained the rules and I noticed my men gathering around the rink. Normally, I would reprimand them and tell them to continue with their training, but this fight wasn’t an ordinary one and I’m eager to see what will happen.

They started off by circling one another, I saw Tatiana was making no move to attack first good girl I thought. Being the first to attack on someone who’s as skilled as Viktor was a dead move.

Viktor geared towards Tatiana but she was quick to move her body aside. Attacking again, he aimed for Tatiana’s neck but her reflexes were as good as her arm strength that she blocked his attack effortlessly.

The fight went on and I from what I observed Tatiana caught sight of Viktor’s weakness. He underestimated Tatiana by the looks of it because he’s focusing all he’s strength on his upper body giving Tatiana the chance to hook a foot sending him tumbling down.

She’s observant and she’s smart. And it’s fucking turning me on.

With swift movements and tangled bodies they ended up neck to neck, quite literally, each other’s knives on their opponent’s throat.

“Enough!” I announced loudly, breaking the silence at the arena. Clearly, they weren’t expecting that, and I was beyond proud of my girl.

My girl. I liked the sound of that. Was she even mine at the first place? Probably not. But one thing’s for sure, I won’t stop until she is.

The crowd started cheering and I saw Viktor patting Tatiana’s head and a few of the men openly checking her out. Just the thought of men checking out what’s mine was starting to get on my nerves.

But she wasn’t paying attention to any of them, she was eyeing one of the men from the side and glancing at her sight, I saw Anton smiling at her. I saw the look in her eyes and I just something was there and I intended to find out and eliminate the threat.

She was already in front of me, I muttered a lame praise and walked out of the room. The sight of them makes my fist itch for something or someone to punch the hell out.


As I pounded and pounded through the punching bag, I felt my anger subsiding. I need to remain calm, we still had a meeting later at 9 and I can’t afford losing my control during business matters.

I looked up at the clock of my personal gym and saw it was 8:50 AM shit! the meeting. I headed towards the leather couch, I grabbed hold of my towel and took a sip out of my bottled water. I left the gym and headed off to my room. I took a quick shower and wrapped a towel around my hips.

I heard the door to my room move and it’s probably Boris, he was the only who had the courage to openly enter my room.

“What is it now?” I asked as I ran a hand through my hair.


Upon hearing her voice, I snapped my head up to see a pair of brown eyes looking at me from head to toe. I smirked.

“You might want to close your mouth mishka?” I teased.

With that said, she gulped and looked everywhere but me. The sight of her blushing so hard only makes my smirk bigger.

“Boris sent me here, it’s past 9 already” Tatiana explained

Whatever Boris was up to I wasn’t about to complain. Just the sight of Tatiana in my room again brings back the memories of our heated session last night, and wearing only a towel wasn’t helping my case at all.

“I’ll be there in 10 minutes, I have an important call to make” I lied.

“O-Okay, I’ll be going then” she was about to walk through the door when I told her “Oh and mishka, you might want to wipe that drool on your face” Winking at her.

She immediately wiped off her mouth with the back of her hand and when she realized there was none, she flipped me the bird. Laughing at her I went back into the bathroom for another shower, a cold one this time.


I walked out of the room to find my most trusted men and Tatiana sitting on the chairs and some on the sofa. I was glad to see that Anton was on the farther side of the sofa, away from Tatiana.

“Alright, let’s begin” taking a seat on my chair.

“Give me the stats you two” I said pointing to the twins. They were the computer whizzes whom I recruited when I was still in Uni. They we’re three years younger than me and were known to be the best hackers. Many tried to recruit them but I was lucky enough to be the one who convinced them both.

“We managed to track down the server they used in hacking our security system at the warehouse, it lead us back to Brooklyn” Alexei discussed.

“So we searched the cctv footages of locations the Mortellis are known to hang out it in, we spotted Arturo himself” Andrei said, supporting his brother’s statement.

“Where specifically?” Anton asked. He wasn’t my favorite person in the room, but I still consider him part of my five most trusted men.

“Stardust Bar” the twins answered.

“Isn’t that the bar he uses when he sells new drugs?” Viktor asked from the corner

“Didn’t you say nothing was stolen from the warehouse?” I asked, directing my question at Boris.

“None, we did inventory and everything’s in check” Boris replied.

Everyone was deep in thought when Tatiana quietly voiced out her opinion.

“Maybe it wasn’t the products they were after” She said.

We’ve always been in the lead in terms of selling drugs. Our chemist named Jay was a fucking genius who created different recipes for drugs. We pay him good money for his services and loyalty to us even though he had other offers. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Boris, call Jay and go straight to his office and lab, check if something’s missing” I ordered. Boris nodded and went off.

“Andrei and Alexei, check Jay’s computer and see if it’s been hacked. Double check our security system”

“Aye Aye Boss!” the twins did a mock salute and went out of the office.

“The fucking Mortellis” I groaned, intertwining my hands together, I leaned my elbows on the desk.

“What do we do now Boss?” Viktor asked.

“Looks like our stay here will be cut short” I answered. I need to sort out my plan before we go back, because the second we land at New York, the fun will surely begin. And I intend on winning no matter what it takes.

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