Guns & Roses
Chapter 16


They were all waiting for my answer and having been solo for so long made it difficult for me to get the hang of being in a team again. Much more leading one.

“First off, I’d like to clear things out, I know I’m supposed to be your leader but I won’t dictate nor order you around-” I started.

“Well that’s nice to know” Justin remarked sourly, cutting me off.

“Excuse me, but what the hell is your problem?”

“My problem? Is you, out of all the guys that could have been assigned to us, we ended up with only a pretty face as our leader” Justin said.

Hold up. He did not just say that.

Levi smacked the back of his head as Justin muttered a ‘what’ at him.

I was trying to remain calm... but I felt the chains on my inner bitch was a second away from snapping.

“He doesn’t mean that” Leo interjected. But I wasn’t paying attention to him.

“Don’t mind him Tatiana” Mia said from the corner.

“Dustin? Yeah, here’s the thing buddy, I give zero fucks on what you think about me, but if you want me to respect you, you have to do the same”

“Or what” he countered.

"Or what?” I repeated, as I let out a low chuckle.

“I really didn’t have the energy today but since you’re asking for it, come on then, give me your best shot” I said as I motioned for him to come.

“I’m not about to hit a girl” Justin said.

“Tough luck, you just have to deal with it... or are you afraid to be beaten by a girl?” I taunted. And it seemed to have gotten to him since he’s whole demeanor changed.

“Since the pretty lady asked for it” he said sarcastically as he landed the first punch.

It was easy dodging his attacks, he was basically landing aimless blows at me. So when I saw the perfect opportunity, I briskly landed a punch on his cheek.

“You punch like a girl” he said even though I knew his winces say otherwise.

“Funny, I was about to say the same thing” I said, mocking him.

When my words only enraged him, he quickly went forward but I hooked my right foot into his, efficiently bringing him down. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

He landed on the floor with a thud while I was restraining him using my knee. He was grunting but I needed to make myself clear.

“Next time you wish to degrade a girl, make sure you got the balls to back it up” I said as I released him.

Leo helped Justin on to his feet while he was bent down and trying to breathe. He looked up to me glaring but I paid no mind to his bruised ego.

“Alright! If there are no more interruptions I’d like to get started” I stated. Levi was just shaking his head smiling while Mia has a big smile on his face as did Kate.

We proceeded to another training room where we were supposed to be assigned to.

Since everyone was already in gym wear, we started off by assessing the team’s strength and weaknesses. I’ve learned that Levi was more on the one-on-one combat, shocker, and Leo was good with knives. Mia on the other hand was more skilled on setting traps and explosives while Kate was good with short ranged guns. And Justin to my surprise, was a skillful sniper.

“Let’s start our training by going through our weaknesses. The other groups will surely use that to their advantage, so if all of you pair up” I said.

They all nodded their heads and went to their positions. Mia and Levi paired up while the other three was in the same group.

“Mia, since you rely more on your traps we need to improve your fighting skills”

They started to fight and I knew Levi was holding back. Like what Boris was doing, I was supervising them and giving points while the battle was on going.

Moving onwards to the next group, they were practicing knife throwing. Indeed, Leo was good because he hit the bull’s eye every single time. Kate was a bit shaky so I gave her pointers for better aim. Justin was also good, given that he had a sniper’s eye.

For the next two days we helped each other train to the best of our capabilities. I was fairly happy at the result of their training, everyone cooperated, even Justin.

When the third day rolled in, Levi handed me a blue print and map.

“Is this were the battle’s going to be held?” I asked.

“Yes, it’s a few miles from the estate so we have to travel there by car” he explained.

When I took a closer look on the prints he gave me, I noticed that the whole area was like a secluded forest. It was similar to the grounds they use in bootcamp and paintball games.

“We need to come up with a rough plan so we wouldn’t enter the battlefield blindly” I concluded.

“The whole area is surrounded with trees and other obstacles. I also looked up the weather for tomorrow and it looks like it’s going to rain”

Rain and forest didn’t go well together. This means muddy terrains and zero visibility. I was so lost in thought that I didn’t notice that the team already gathered in front of me.

“So what’s the game plan cap?” Levi asked.

“Let me ask Boris first if we can take a look at the grounds. I’m sure you guys have been there but I haven’t. Mia, can you take the lead for a second? plan out possible traps that work good even in the rain” I said as Mia and the others nodded in agreement.

I made my way outside the training room we’ve been using for the past three days. I haven’t seen any of the guys and I was pretty much avoiding Dimitri.

I went towards the main training room hoping to find Boris in his office. And just my luck, I saw him in his glass paneled office in the center.

He was on the phone when he saw me I offered a small wave back at him. When I made my way towards his office he ended the call.

“What can I do for you Tatiana?” He asked.

“I was wondering if I could take a look at the grounds we will be using for tomorrow’s battle” I asked.

“Oh right, you haven’t been there. I guess that could be arranged. Take one of your members and let them drive you towards the site” he answered.

“Great, thanks!” I said, but when I was about to open the door Boris’s voice stopped me.

“By the way Tatiana, best of luck tomorrow” he smiled, though his smile did anything but reassure me for tomorrow.

I nodded at him and made my way back to our training room. I opened the door to reveal Leo strapped upside down from the ceiling wall and Mia explaining to the group how the trap works.

“Nice work Mia...” I trailed unsurely. I was gone for less than five minutes and going back to this sight was a surprise. I don’t know whether or not to be scared or glad that she was on my team.

“Can you let go now” Leo asked while grunting.

Mia obliged and cut the rope that was holding Leo together. He fell on the ground with a thud and Mia offered him a small apology. Although I believe Mia did it on purpose.

I asked Levi to accompany me to the site and we left shortly afterwards. We took the elevator down to Basement two and boy did it surprise me.

Different types of vehicles were parked here. Ranging from jeeps to trucks and dozens of 4x4′s. Levi went ahead and climbed on an Icon 4x4 bronco. It was matte black with wheels that could go through anything.

I pulled myself up onto the vehicle and strapped my seatbelt on. Levi started the car and we exited through the back exit that lead exactly through the open field. It only took us about five minutes when we arrived at the site.

Huge metal doors was the sight that greeted me. Levi parked in front of the gate and climbed down. He signaled for the guy stationed on the tower to open the gates and metal clanking was heard.

“Why is the place so secure? It’s just a training ground, right??” I asked. For a training ground, the place was like a secluded compound.

“We take training very seriously” was what he only said as he made his way to the stairs of the tower.

“Come on, you won’t see anything from the ground” we walked all the way up to the tower and I was trying not to show my distaste on stairs. When we reached the top floor, Levi greeted the man from earlier but the view in front of me took me by surprise.


“Big isn’t it?” Levi chuckled from beside me. I stayed long enough to know everything here is big.

The view that greeted me was a sight to see. It was like a gamer’s dream come true. The grounds were filled with trees and obstacle courses. There were unfinished concrete buildings that were just perfect for hiding and surprise attacks. But what caught my attention was the middle. It was the tallest building and like the others, it was unfinished with no windows and no roofs.

“I guess the smile on your face means we have a plan already?” Levi asked from behind me.

“Oh you bet” I said smiling to myself.

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