Guns & Roses
Chapter 1


Waking up to an incessant beeping, I reached for the damn phone and typed in my code, silencing the noice. Squinting my eyes due to the brightness, I read the mission given to me by my unidentified employer. Groaning, I forced myself out of bed.

Waking up to your real life nightmares was never a good way to start your morning with. Ever since that day, I became nothing but a forgotten memory.

My team mates, leaving me behind was a stab at the back. I understood that if they didn’t take off any second, all of us would die. But it still hurt that they basically abandoned me there to die. When the explosion came, by some sort of miracle, just seconds before the bomb went off, I jumped through the roof of the next building and hid behind these big metal tubes, lessening the impact of the explosion.

Still, the force of impact was strong and metal tubes was not enough to fully shield me, I remember something hard knocking me out, and the next thing I know, I woke up to debris all over the place and some locals trying to search for survivors. They tended to my wounds without question, and I was grateful. If it weren’t for them, I might be six feet under the ground.

When I regained my strength, I went under the radar, and well, here I am. A first-class hitman, or is it hitwoman? I don’t really care what they call me. Oh, and also, a florist, as my cover. I absolutely adore flowers, but back at the agency, we weren’t even allowed a pot of plant to decorate our rooms, because Rule #1 No Attachments. Or is it it rule #3 ? I honestly lost track of the rules we had to live by back at that hell hole.

It’s been 3 years since the accident, and my reputation for being an assassin has been going up. The agency hasn’t caught up to my identity, they did train me, so I certainly learned from the best, and became even better. Many organizations were still trying to hire me, but I declined each and every one of them. Becoming a lone wolf had its advantages.

I reread the text I received earlier.



8:00 PM

I know this man. He’s a typical wallstreet wolf. Probably got on the wrong side, and made an enemy. Well, he certainly barked on the wrong tree. Pun intended.

It was still early in the morning and I have my regular customers who should be arriving any minute now. Making my way to the bathroom, I splashed cold water on my face and brushed my teeth. I took off my night clothes and wore a simple baby blue summer dress. Tying my hair in a nice braid, I headed downstairs to open my shop.

My house is a simple 3-story building, not too small, and not too big. Being an assassin pays, so I can easily afford this house. The first two floors is my home, and the ground floor was my flower shop. Over all, from the outside, you’d think I’m just any normal twenty one year old girl trying to get by. Well, minus the killing part.

Squatting down, I unlocked the metal divider from its keyhole. I pulled it up through its handle, the noice of metal clanking filling the early morning as the divider rolled up.

I placed the baskets of fresh flowers that got delivered just yesterday outside, and started placing the small bouquets on the other side. Satisfied with the set up, I went inside my store, the jingle of the bell sounding as I pushed open the door.

I took my leather apron from the rack and tied it around my waist. I proceeded on watering the hydrangeas, sunflowers, orchids, daffodils, carnations and many more flowers that filled the entire store.

I was in the middle of spraying the orchids when the bell jingled and an old man entered bringing a smile to my face.

“Good morning Maurice, what can I get you today” I said as I greeted the old man who wore a suit everyday, even if it was just to visit his sick wife to the hospital.

“Good morning Ana dear” he greeted warmly, the wrinkles on his face showing. “Surprise me with something new, my wife will love it regardless” he said as he bent down to smell some of the flowers.

I nodded in response and went to do a simple arrangement. Maurice and his wife’s relationship was so sweet that I kind of felt envious. I heard his wife was battling cancer and has stayed at the hospital for about two years now and Maurice never fails to give flowers. I longed for that kind of love.

Finishing the bouquet, I tied a ribbon around the handle and gave it to Maurice. He was about to pay but I stopped him.

“It’s my treat today Maurice. Please say hi to Marie for me” I said.

Of course he protested, but I was stubborn as a mule. He conceded and thanked me. I walked him outside and he tipped his hat in goodbye like the old fashioned man he was.

I was waving Maurice goodbye when the familiar feeling of being watched invaded my senses. I remained calm and let my eyes scan the crowd. I thought I saw a man across the road looking suspicious, but as fast as I saw him, he instantly disappeared.

It’s nothing. I thought. Maybe I was just paranoid. Having a bounty on your head tends to make you this way.

Brushing off the nagging feeling, I went inside to resume my work. Hours flew by and customers went in and out. Looking at the time, I noted that I needed to get ready. Closing the shop and surveying my surroundings for good measure, I flipped the close sign and locked the door.

I made my way towards my gear room which had all my babies. Getting out my duffel bag, I stored the necessary tools I might need for this assignment, climbing rope, harness, carabiner, pistol, extra bullets, knives, and of course, my baby, the Mosin-Nagant. Double checking my stuff once more, I headed towards my bathroom to get ready. Stepping out of the bath relaxed my stiff shoulders. Picking from my wardrobe, I chose my black skinny jeans that defines my butt, a white fitted tank top, black gap fit training jacket, gloves and my running shoes. And yes, if you’re wondering, those are black too.

I tied my long hair into a sleek ponytail, applied minimum make up, because I’m still a girl. And voila, dress to kill. Literally.

To kill time, I searched for additional info about my target tonight. After gathering the necessary data, I grabbed my duffel and went through the backdoor of the house. I wouldn’t want anybody getting shocked by seeing the sweet florist looking totally badass right?

I took off the cover of my matte black ducati 848. I figured bringing my bike was more convenient rather than the car, and faster at that too. Putting on my helmet, and securing my stuff, I sped away through New York’s busy streets.

There was a building near Queen’s that was the perfect spot for me. Parking my bike on the dark alley, I took my duffel and swung it around my body. Looking up, I started to climb the building through the rusty fire exit.

As I reached the four story building, I set down my stuff and started on organizing, placing the tools I need at places where I can conveniently get it. I took out my sniper rifle and assembled it within seconds. After that, I took my climbing rope, securing it at the metal bars on the side of the roof, as my back-up escape route. Contingency plans were a hitman’s bestfriend.

7:00 PM Okay, I just needed to sit still for one hour.

Nearing the clock, I positioned myself laying on my front, both hands on the rifle, eye on the telescope attached to it, and ready to shoot.

Minutes has passed and I know any second from now my target would be entering the restaurant with his co-workers.

A low wolf whistle was heard.

“Hot Damn! That ass though”

Startled, I turned my back to see the man who ruined my stance. My eyes widened, in front of me was a handsome, well-built man in a tux. And boy, when I said handsome, I mean handsome.

Snapping out of my thoughts, the guy was already smirking, obviously by how I blatantly checked him out. It just occurred to me he was asking me something. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“W-what?” I asked, glaring at his forehead, because I can’t look him in the eye after I just checked him out.

“I said, are you butt-dialing?” he said grinning.

“No, wait, what?” baffled by his question.

“Because I swear, that ass is calling me” his smirked widened as my frown deepened.

I was in utter shock at the turn of events and he just casually used a pick up line? Like, WTF?

“Oh My God, did you just seriously say that?! Are you for real?” Is this guy for real? Should I expect camera mans to jump out any second? Because as cute as he was, my mind was trying hard to process the situation. I mentioned contingency plans, but I did not think this far as to encounter a guy hitting on me during my assignment.

This guy started guffawing like what he said was the most funniest thing ever.

“Oh come on! Loosen up, I was just trying to break the ice, especially after you meet him, but seriously that ass” whistling lowly.

“Can you stop talking about my ass! Wait, Him??” I asked. This doesn’t sound good.

“Yes, Him, my boss. So, can we get a move on ’cuz I’m starving here” patting his hand on his tummy.

“I’m sorry, but can’t you see I’m a little preoccupied with something?” gesturing my sniper with both hands. I’m sure my facial expression was enough to express my utter confusion and irritation at him.

“Oh, yeah, I forgot!”

"You forgot? Forgot what, exactly?” I asked suspiciously.

“We’re the ones who hired you, well, my boss specifically”

My eyes widened at this news. This whole assignment was a fucking diversion! I need to think, think Tatiana, we need to escape.

“And he sent you to get me, your boss?” I asked confidently.

“Yes, kroshka” he said smirking.

“Alright...I’ll pack up and go with you”

He waited for me to get all my stuff. After slinging my duffel across my body, he started walking, gesturing for me to come.

I nodded and sprinted the opposite way towards the rope attached to the metal bar.

“Shit!” I heard him yell.

Honestly though, did he expect me to come willingly?

As I rappelled swiftly down the building, it only took me approximately a second before I felt a cold metal barrel on my head.

“Turn around” the man whispered roughly in my ear.

His voice sent shivers down my spine, and dare I say, a huge turn on. Snap out off it Tatiana! Now is not the time to let your hormones in control!

I raised both of my hands in surrender and slowly turned around to face my captor.

“Holy Shi...itake mushrooms” I breathed out.

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