Guns & Roses


I snuggled deeper to the soft plushness our bed offers. The cool morning chill made sleeping more irresistible until the damn baby monitor sounded off.

“Ugh” groaning, I shuffled on the bed until a heavy arm draped across my midsection followed by butterfly kisses all over my neck. A lazy smile graced my lips even before I got the chance to open my eyes. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Good morning Dimi” I whispered-moaned. The voice I knew Dimitri couldn’t resist.

“Good morning my love” he greeted back as he kissed my forehead. “But using that tone won’t excuse you. It’s your turn to check the kids”

“Well, it was worth a try” I grinned slyly. “I can’t believe it’s been a year already. Time flies so fast”

“And it’s just the beginning. Come on, get up before those two throw tantrums that are enough to wake the whole place up”

I chuckled at that. It was true though, when the more serious tantrums happen, the whole house won’t have any sleep. At all.

Getting up, I rearranged my disheveled old rose silk dress that reached to my mid thigh and wore the robe that came with it.

I stretched my arms up high until a slap on my ass jolted me more awake.

“Dimitri!!!” I scolded but he just laughed that manly irresistible laugh.

“Can you really blame me? Now go” he said smirking.

“Sheesh, if I don’t know any better I think you’re trying to push me out” I said jokingly.

“I love you” he said.

“Yeah, yeah, love you too” I said as I opened the door and headed to the twins’ room.

The baby room was literally right across from ours. As I was about to take one step towards the door, I sensed something or someone.

My mood completely shifted from a relax one to an alert one. I placed my back to the wall and softly padded my way towards the corner where I sensed something to be. I knew it was a dead-end hallway with a window. Barefoot, I increased my speed, readying myself in there was indeed, an intruder.

I raised my hands up into a fighting stance, ready to face the culprit, but when I jumped into place, only an open window with the curtains flapping greeted my view.

I swear I sensed someone. Coming to the window, I placed my hands on the ledge and leaned forward. Not seeing anything from below or the sides, I craned my head above, and sure enough, that’s when I saw the black boot that was just a second away from escaping.

“We’re being infiltrated. The twins!” My heart caught up on my throat and as if to solidify my thoughts, I heard commotion coming from the twin’s room.

I immediately sped my way towards their room, with a new profound bloodlust at whoever dared touch my kids.

You poked the wrong mama bear.

I pushed open the door and the same sight greeted me, the window open and looking over the cribs...

My babies...

“Oh my god. No no no”

Anger, Fear and sadness were the emotions that bombarded me right that second.

“Dimitri!” I shouted as I went outside and in to our room.

“Dimitri! The twins they’re gone - we’ve been infil-” I rattled but stop at the scene that greeted me.

Our bedroom floor was covered in red.

All thoughts completely flew out of the window as I stared at Dimitri, my steps faltering a bit.

My hands flew towards my mouth as I choked on a sob. I was willing the tears not to fall.

Dimitri lay still on the floor...

With one bent knee and a velvet box propped up.

“Um..” he chuckled uneasily, as he scratched the back of his head.

I inched forward until I was standing in front of his kneeling form. He took my free hand and held it tightly and comfortingly as if conveying his truth.

“Tatiana, my love, I know you probably want to murder me right now for tricking you and using the kids, but how else do you plan on surprising a spy?”

I scoffed and rolled my eyes but the stupid grin my face sported was hard to erase.

“I know many people say love at first sight is debatable. But even before, in my five year old self- I knew I’d come to love you. The sense of wanting to protect you, shield you from the cruelty the world has, and the never ending want to always see you smile- even though I had to do a lot of things I hate like reading and even play pretend. I still did it, just to keep that smile on your face. Sure, I didn’t know that feeling was called love, but even back then Tati, please know it’s true and it will never go away”

Silent tears were already falling as I stared at Dimitri, his eyes shining brightly with unshed tears.

“I guess what I’m trying to say here is, I’m asking you to trust in me, for I will always take care of you, shield you, and more importantly, love you and our kids unconditionally. My life has no meaning without you and our beautiful children in it. I vow to spend my life dedicating it to our family.

I love you Tati, will you marry me?”

By the time his speech ended, I was a crying mess. I was ugly crying and sniffing as I nodded my head.

“I’m taking that as a yes?” He choked as a few lone tears escaped his eyes.

“Yes! Yes, I will marry you Dimitri” I said as he shakily slid the ring on my finger. As soon as he slid the ring, I threw my arms around him in an embrace. We fell on the floor with a thud as I smashed my lips onto his.

It didn’t take any second for him to respond as his hands traveled down to my waist. I couldn’t suppress the groan that escaped as I poured all my love and emotions into that kiss. Hearing Dimitri say all of those was such a rare event and honestly, a huge turn on.

I broke the kiss as I smiled at Dimitri. “How did you manage to get all the roses in here?” I asked as I gestured to the hundreds of red roses that filled our room.

“Oh my god, finally!”

We snapped our head towards the bathroom door as Viktor came out holding little Nicholas. Dimitri sat up as he adjusted me as well, we continued sitting on the floor with me straddled against his thighs.

“I thought we had to watch how these two were conceived! Not that I’m complaining, it’s been a while since I watched a live show” he grinned teasingly, his eyebrows wiggled suggestively.

More of the boys came out of the bathroom and Boris holding little sleepy Liliana. Seeing their mom and dad, both the twins wiggled to be let down as they took slow baby steps towards us.

I welcomed them with open arms as I hugged them closely.

“Good morning my little babies. Happy Happy Birthday!!” I squealed as I gave them both sloppy kisses on the cheeks as they giggled.

“Why are you guys in there anyway?” I asked.

“Well, we kinda miscalculated how fast you were. We weren’t fast enough to get out so we just kind of piled inside the bathroom. Some of the men are inside your walk-in closet. It’s hard with just the five of us hauling all these roses inside” Boris explained.

A party popper suddenly popped as all guns were suddenly withdrawn from their holsters and was pointed to the direction of the sound.

Viktor slowly dropped the empty tube and raised his hands in mock surrender.

I can’t help but chuckle at the situation. Guns and roses were an unlikely pair but it seems that’s just how our life was going to be. And I love every second of it.

“I love you, Dimitri”

“I love you more, Tatiana”

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