Once the idea blooms, it grows into an undeniable urge. I scramble to my knees, facing Korr. He’s breathing hard, his eyes dazed with pleasure.

“Ivy,” he rasps.

Raising my hands, I place my palms on his shoulders and shove. I know it’s only his momentary surprise that gives me the upper hand, but I manage to tumble him to his back, narrowly avoiding smacking his head in the wall of the hut. The bed creaks ominously under our combined weight.

Korr lets out a huff, his hands flying to my hips. “What are you—?”

I kiss him. Our teeth clash, but I don’t relent, instead angling my head to find that perfect contact. Korr’s shock only lasts a moment, then he surges up and kisses me back, his mouth opening to let my tongue in. It’s a dirty, carnal kiss, and I taste myself on his lips. It makes me wild, knowing how much he enjoyed me, and I moan into his mouth.

It’s inexplicable, this feral need to claim Korr and his pleasure, to imprint myself on his memory as much as he has etched himself in mine.

“Ivy,” he groans as I nibble my way over his jaw and down to that spot I discovered earlier. He shudders under my touch. “Fuck!”

His hands land on my ass, and he kneads my flesh, then drags me closer, so his cock is trapped between my legs. He’s still hard, so large and perfect, and I rub myself all over him, seeking friction.

“I need to see you,” he growls, moving his palms under my tunic.

I fumble to get the garment off me, and Korr helps by tugging it over my head.

He sucks in a sharp breath. “Ivy.”

I want to let him look, I do, but if I stop now, I feel like I might perish from want. Instead, I grind my hips over his lap, chasing that incredible high from before.

“Korr.” My voice has been reduced to a whine, but I don’t care anymore. “I need you. Please, I need you now.”

“Fuck,” he curses again. He grasps my naked waist, his fingers digging into my flesh. “You need my cock, beautiful girl? You need to feel me stretching your pussy?”

“Yes,” I cry.

I don’t know where the insatiable need is coming from, or why it hit me after Korr already brought me to my climax, but I know I’ll burst into tears if he doesn’t help me out right now.

“I will take care of you,” he promises as he guides me to raise my hips. “But I don’t want to hurt you, Ivy. We need to go—ungh!”

I grasp his cock with one hand and squeeze him tight. He’s hard as a rock under me, and I know this isn’t usual with men, but he’s an orc, so maybe that’s the way things are. I swipe some of his cum from my stomach with my fingers and slick it all over his length, readying him for me. Korr groans my name again, the sound bordering on pain. I line up the broad cockhead with my pussy, but now that I feel just how thick he is, I have a moment of worry.

How will he fit inside me?

“Slowly.” Korr forces the word from between his teeth.

I glance up at him, surprised by the harsh command. His gaze is on my hand, where I’m gripping him, and sweat pebbles his brow despite the cool room. The restraint is clearly killing him—when he could take me so easily, slam me down on his length, and worry about my pain later.

It’s enough to snap me from my haze for a moment. I bring my palm to Korr’s cheek and tip his face up so he looks at me. I should have checked in with him first. This will be his first time being inside a woman, after all. Searching his dark eyes for signs of hesitation, I find none. He’s as committed to this as I am. He closes the distance between us and kisses me, his sharp teeth nipping at my lower lip until I gasp his name, a fresh wave of lust shooting through me. At the same time, he gently presses my hips down, settling me more firmly over his cock.

It hurts. The first stretch of my pussy around his thick girth is a challenge, and I clench around him, drawing a hiss from him. But he kisses me again, his tongue delving deep in my mouth, and I slowly sink lower, my muscles relaxing and letting him in.

“You feel incredible,” he rasps, his breath playing over my lips. “I never thought…”

I palm the back of his neck and bring our foreheads together. “Thought what?”

His hips buck up, and he plunges an inch deeper. “That you’d be this good for me.”

I blink away the sting of tears from my eyes, the result of that pinch of pain and all the emotions Korr is drawing out from me. “You said fates are never wrong.”

“Aye, but look how well they did this time.”

His gaze warms me as he lowers it from my face to my breasts. He cups them with both hands, flicking his thumbs over my taut nipples. Warmth rushes to my pussy, and I sink until my pussy’s opening meets Korr’s knot. We both cry out at the sensation. I’ve never been this full, not even when Korr stretched me out with his fingers, and I pant, my fist tight in his hair.

Korr leans his head back, groaning. “I nearly came earlier when you touched my hair,” he admits. “I won’t last long if you keep doing this.”

I give his hair a light tug. “You mean this?”

He jerks underneath me, his body tensing. “Aye, this.” He grins at me, his eyes half-lidded. “But two can play this game, little witch.”

He pinches my nipples between his thumbs and forefingers, and I shout in pleasure. It rolls through me, and I clench around Korr’s cock. He growls, and suddenly, the controlled orc who was happy to wait for me is gone.

He takes my hips in both hands and lifts me effortlessly from his lap until only the tip of his cock remains inside me. Then he plunges me down, fast and hard, to impale me back on his length.

The stretch of him is wonderful. I fist the fingers of one hand in his hair and bring the other to his chest for balance, then try to catch his rhythm and ride him like he wants me to. Korr sets a punishing pace, and I know I won’t last long. The length of his cock drags through my sensitive pussy with every stroke, and I’m filled so much I can feel him hitting the very end of me, as if we were made especially for each other’s pleasure.

“Ivy,” he growls. “I need to see you come.”

“So…close,” I pant in answer.

Korr seems to take this as a challenge. He lets me keep the pace going and brings one hand between our bodies. He finds my slick pearl at the top of my pussy, open and stretched around his thick length. The moment he brushes the pads of his fingers over it, I know it’s over for me.

“Korr,” I yelp. “Oh!

My release slams into me, and I scream. My muscles contract, my mind blanking out at the intense pleasure singing through my veins. I’m only dimly aware of Korr’s voice, telling me how beautiful I am, how good I feel as aftershocks have me whimpering against his chest.

Then my body relaxes, and I can only hold on to him. He seeks his own pleasure with deep snaps of his hips. And it’s at that moment, when I’m loose and soft around him, that Korr pushes me down on his cock once more, and his thick knot slips inside me.

My eyes fly open, and I stare at Korr in shock. He throws his head back with a bellow and comes. His hot cum hits my insides, flooding so deep. The new sensation of fullness is incredible, and as I realize what’s happening, I instinctively squeeze my muscles around the thick bulge.

“Ivy!” Korr grabs my hips, stilling me. “Oh, fuck, this is—aah!”

His back bows, and he comes again, bucking under my ass. I follow him into another climax moments later, too stunned to really comprehend what’s happening. The pleasure rips from me, wrenching a part of me I didn’t know existed, a sensation so profound I scream in shock. The hot jets of cum Korr is pumping into me trigger a new flood of shivers running down my limbs.

“Stop,” I pant, clutching at his shoulders. “S-stop moving.”

He grits his teeth but pins his hips to the bed. “I’m sorry,” he rasps. “I didn’t know.”

I let out a breathless laugh. “Gods, don’t apologize. I just need a break.”

Slowly, I allow myself to relax. We stare at each other, gazes locked. Korr’s grip on me loosens, and he brings his palms to my back, rubbing circles on my skin. It feels as if he can’t stop himself. Once I notice his movements, I realize I’m doing the same, brushing my palms over the broad planes of his chest, soothing.

I swallow, my throat dry. “You said…you said the knot would lock inside me. How long until it, um, releases?”

Korr lets his head thump back against the wall. “I have no idea.”

Peering down between us, I realize how strange this situation is. A giggle bubbles up in my chest, and I slap a hand over my mouth to keep it in, but it’s no use. Shoulders shaking, I collapse on Korr’s chest, laughing helplessly.

“Hey,” he grumbles. “That’s not what I hoped to hear from my mate after the first time I fucked her.”

“I’m sorry,” I force out between giggles. “It’s just… I’m stuck on you. What did you expect me to say?”

Korr’s laughter is a rumble deep in his chest. “I was hoping for some words of praise. An adoring look or two, maybe, and the assurance that I’m the best you’ve ever had?”

That sobers me up, fast. Pushing against his chest, I lean back until I can look him in the eyes. He’s laughing, yes, but there’s vulnerability, too, of the kind that I wouldn’t have expected from this massive hunter. It gives me strength to voice my thoughts and tell him exactly what I think.

“No one has ever made me feel so good,” I whisper, palming his cheek. “Even now, I feel you so deep inside me, Korr. You were amazing.”

He drops his gaze to his lap, but a faint flush stains his cheeks as they turn a deeper green. “You’re not just saying that because I asked?”

“I’m not,” I promise. “This isn’t how—how fucking usually goes.”

He frowns at me. “It is from now on. I will give you my cum whenever you want and make certain you’re screaming in pleasure so you can take my knot.”

“Oh, gods.” I cover my face with my hands. “Why does that sound so good? I should want to slap you for saying it to me.”

Korr brushes my hair back and pulls my hands until I lower them. Then he kisses me, soft and slow, his lips tugging lightly at mine. I melt into his embrace, letting sensations wash over me.

Finally, he pulls back with a groan. “If we ever want to get separated again, I need to stop kissing you.” He rubs the pad of his thumb over my swollen lips. “I hope you will not slap me, Ivy.”

I give him a small smile. “I could never.”

Somehow, the orc has wormed his way into my good graces, and I don’t know how I’ll ever let him go.

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