Sonia struggled against him. It was all she could do. Struggle. For she was not strong enough to push him back. Not strong enough to protect the heap in the corner.

To protect others, you must protect yourself first, the words echoed in her head.

I am strong enough, the thought rang in her head and with that she pushed the man.

Heat surged her palms as the man flew back. Sonia sat up straight, gasping for breath when a black blur whizzed past her and attacked the man. She scrambled back as the two tangled in ferocious growls and snaps.

This is not a man. How can a man fight a wolf?

Sonia got on her knees and slowly stood up, her legs trembling with the effort. The man pushed the beast aside, throwing it away like a rag doll and sneered at her before getting up and advancing towards where she stood. Suddenly it was pulled back, more like dragged back.

The black wolf had the man's leg between its jaws and shook it violently. The man screamed.

And then went silent.

Ever so slowly, the wolf let go of its leg, growls still emitting from its chest and then it looked at Sonia.

Sonia gulped as realisation hit her. It was the same wolf. The one she used to talk to.

It walked towards Sonia and stood there, nearly reaching her chest. The only word she could use was magnificent. It had been hurt. There were dark wet patches on its silky fur where the blood oozed out from gashes and wounds.

Sonia stretched out her hand to touch its head. Before her hand could come in contact with its fur, there was that slight tingling again.

Almost involuntarily, she changed the angle of her hand and a ray of light blasted through her palm, hitting the man who had recovered from his shock.

"How the hell is this even possible?" She whispered looking down at her hands.

"Am I high? Is this a dream?" She asked turning towards the wolf who appeared as stunned as she was.

Something hit her back hard, making her fly ahead a couple of feet before hitting the ground on her face.

She whimpered as she got up, "Definitely real," she mumbled.

Turning around she watched as the wolf charged again at the man, "Wolfy is with me?" She rubbed the back of her head and winced at the pain.

She was struggling to get back up when a shot rang out. Knowing what it meant, she looked up in time to see the wolf take a staggering step behind.

Everything seemed to happen in slow motion then.

Sonia rushed forward, "NO!" she screamed, as the wolf fell on its side.

The animal jerked, and lay still. Eyes bright with fury and unshed tears, she turned to the man.

The gun in his head, a little smoke still emitting from its nozzle. He cocked his head as he watched her kneel by the almost dead animal, "Now, girl. I did ask nicely at first. Seems like your boys don't understand a conversation," he pointed his gun back at the wolf, "Are you ready now? Just a bit of your blood and we'll be done here."

Sonia kept her eyes on the steady up and down of her wolf's chest. He's alive, he's still alive, she thought, a bit of relief in her breath.

"Don't you understand?" The man growled but Sonia didn't pay him any attention.

Ian will he here any minute now, he'll save wolfy, she smiled.

"Why do you need it though?" Any minute now, any minute.

"Are you that stupid girl?" He growled making Sonia turn to look at him.

She gasped as she watched what was a normal man, transform into something dark.

The lines on his face appeared sinister and Sonia moved in front of her wolf, trying to cover him from danger.

"Why is there dark smoke around you?" She whispered.

The man chuckled, "Seems like you don't know anything after all. That's my aura, little girl."

Sonia's eyes widened. The man was surrounded by pitch black gas like thing. The more Sonia looked in it, the more it swirled and slithered.

"I guess your next question will be why your blood?" He sneered.

Sonia gulped, she knew the answer. Why would a dark person need something?

Either I am more darker…

"You're the purest," he whispered, eyes gleaming.

She cocked her head, "Then I must be the strongest too."

He shrugged, "But you don't have any idea of your powers, silly angel."

It was her turn to sneer as she felt her palms tingle again, "I guess you missed the demo."

This seemed to taunt him. He roared and held out his hand. Sonia's eyes widened as rocks came hurtling at her. Frightened, she held up her arms to cover herself, her palms facing outward.

When nothing happened, she slowly peeked from between her hands.

"Holy shit!" She mumbled looking at the floating rocks. A whine sounded from behind her and she chuckled, "Did you see that wolfy? Now let's try something else."

Taking a step ahead, she took in a breath and pushed her palms down. The floating rocks fell on the ground.

"Didn't your mama tell you it's rude to throw stones at people?" She asked out.

The wind was starting to gain up tempo and her skirts ruffled around her ankles.

"I'll show you what she taught me!" He snarled and began stomping towards her.

She cocked her head, swinging her hand up and over to the side. The light blasting through her palms hit him and he collided with a tree.

"You must stop, Sir. I have no intent of hurting you," she said quietly.

He laughed, wiping a hand under his nose, the blood smearing on his fingers, "You are more than we thought," slowly he stood up, "But you can't escape us."

He raised his gun and she quickly jumped back, covering the wolf's body with her's. But she was wrong. He was not aiming for the animal but for her.

A cry left her mouth as she felt a burning sensation in her thigh.

"Just a little blood I said," he began moving towards her.

"SONIA!" Eric screamed as she fell down.

Horrified, she looked in his direction to see him scrambling to his feet and charging towards the man. The man turned to him, raising his gun.

"No," Sonia whispered and held up her hand in the direction of Eric. He was pushed away from the path of the bullet. It hit a tree just behind Eric.

The man turned to Sonia and sneered, "Watch him die!"

Sonia cocked her head, "He won't," she looked towards Eric. There was a rustle of leaves, a strong breeze moving them around and a shield of leaves covered his side facing the man.

He laughed but it died as he saw Eric move and the shield moved with him, not letting him see the boy's side.

"What did you do girl?" He growled, firing another shot at him. As delicate as the shield of fallen leaves looked, it was strong enough to bear the impact, keeping Eric safe.

"Protect my friend," she smiled, still on the ground.

She looked at Eric to see him staring at her with awe, tears running down his cheeks, "Get the boys, now" she mumbled, hoping the voice would somehow reach him. Surprisingly, he shook his hear and took a step towards her. Sonia shook her head, "Go. Now!" She said out loud, making him stop. He looked at the wolf behind her and nodding his head, turned away to walk away from her, the shield moving with his every step.

The man growled again and turned back to Sonia, his eyes glowing in a sinister way, "You'll pay for that."

Rendered immobile by the searing pain, she gasped as she tried to think of something.

If only I could protect us both too, she looked around searching for a weapon. And then it hit her.

Wincing as she tried to sit up, Sonia looked at the ground, the rocks fallen all around them.

The stone circle is not bad, its protection, Sonia.

Quick! Take her to the circle and keep her there.

The stones are warm, Jake.

It is through faith that we turn dirt and rocks into a castle.

Sonia looked up and raised her palms. The stones rose up from the ground. She raised her hands over her head and they swirled like leaves in the wind.

"It is through faith that I trust you. We came from and will return to you. Form a circle, protect your children. With the light in me I ask this from you," she looked at the shocked face of her attacker, "As I will, so mote it be," she slammed her hands down on the ground beside her and the rocks were hurled down, embedding in the ground. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

They glowed like stars and just like that Sonia knew they were safe. It was now time to take care of the man.

She looked up at the sky and closed her eyes. The faith was cemented. She knew what she was capable of. Lightning surged in the sky, thunder clouds gathering for a storm.

Sonia opened her eyes and looked at him. It was the storm of her life.

She got up, pain shooting through her like arrows. Ian will be here any minute now, I can't let him hurt Ian.

She squared her shoulders and raised her head as she stepped out of the circle. The wolf whined from behind her.

"You really are stupid," he laughed, weilding a knife.

Sonia returned his smile, "You know Sir? Indians don't let anyone to mess with their family. And Irish are known for being fierce protectors," she cracked her knuckles, the sound making the sneer melt away from his face, "And sadly for you, I have both blood running through my veins," she took another step forward, bringing her hands up, "And by God, it's fucking boiling right now."

She pushed her hand ahead.

Then waited for something to happen. He too waited.

Sonia frowned. Nothing.

He laughed as he swung his knife and continued towards her.

She put down her hands, "Really? Just after that line?" She asked to no one in particular and looked up, "Guess I'm screwed," she mumbled, stumbling a step back.

He let out a roar and was about to leap at her with the knife when a sound stopped him. Confused he cocked his head to look behind Sonia.

She too turned around and then looking down at the ground, grinned, "This is cool!" She exclaimed as roots emerged from the ground, rising towards him.

The gnarled roots seemed to be having a mind of their own as they wound around his legs. He screamed, shacking them with his knife. Sonia watched as slowly the roots captured both his arms and legs, rooting him in place.

"I guess this is it now guys," she held up her hands, stalling the roots from strangling him.

She turned around and started walking towards the circle. The wolf needed attention now.

She was nearly a few feet away from it when a snap sounded making her freeze. She turned back to see him free his hands slowly from the roots. Sonia gulped. If this was not stopping him, then she didn't know what would.

Before she had a chance, he pulled out his hand free of the roots and and threw his hand up.

Sonia's jaw clenched as she saw his lips moving. He's chanting a spell, the thought registered in her head but she didnt know what more she could do. Her feet stayed rooted in place, unable to tear her eyes from the scene before her.

He opened his fist and the roots moved away like slippery eels. Sonia had just the time to take in a breath before a force smacked her right in her chest, throwing her back against the far end of the clearing.

She thudded against the boulders, the breath long having left her. Pain shooting through her body as she tried to open her eyes.

"Look now what you made me do. So much for just a little blood?" He asked.

Sonia body shook in tremor as she tried to pull in air through her mouth.

"You don't understand, Sir," she whispered, "Aunt Carol said no." She opened her palm resting beside her side and thunder cracked in the sky.

He stood above her, not paying mind to the rumble in the sky, "What would you do? Look at you. Not even able to crawl away."

Sonia managed a little smile, blood trickling down her nose and through her mouth due to the hit.

"I won't do anything," she whispered and he frowned.

Thunder rang out again and it started raining. Sonia let out a sigh of relief as the rain pelted away the blood from her face and the traces from the ground where the blood from the wound on her thigh had fell.

He roared, raising his hand to hit her. Sonia braced for the blow, but it didn't come. She looked at him to see him with his hand raised, his head cocked to the side as if listening to something.

"We'll deal you next time. Seems like those bastards can't let you alone for a while," he muttered and then turning around, rushed away.

Sonia let out a breath as he was covered in trees. Letting her head fall back against the rock, she smiled up at the sky, "Thanks Mom."

Her eyes felt heavy. If only she could rest for a while. A whine sounded out and her drooping eyes shot open.

"Wolfy?" She called out, "Hang on, bud. I'm coming," she pulled herself up and tried to stand up. A groan escaped her lips before she could hold it in and her legs gave out under her.

"Come on," she gritted, a hand on the ground, the other at her side, holding in the pain, "He needs help, just a few steps," mumbling, she somehow managed to stand up again. Whimpers escaped her lips as she shuffled her feet.

One more, she kept chanting.

Stumbling the last few steps, she managed to crawl inside the circle, "Hey buddy," she whispered as she petted his head.

Sonia pulled herself up in a sitting position and peered at his torso where the bullet wound showed.

"I can't pull it out," she observed, the rain falling in steady rhythm now.

As quickly as her hands could work, she grabbed the edge of her skirt and pulled at the rip. The wolf raised its hear an inch before letting out a protesting growl.

Sonia grabbed a handful of dirt and put it over the wound before she began wrapping the long cloth around his torso, "Raise up a bit, will ya?" She gritted and then pulled the cloth over and tied it tightly, managing to staunch the blood flow, "Don't worry, pal," she smiled as the wolf nudged her thigh with his head, "I'll survive."

The wolf looked at her then turned its head away to look at her ruined skirt.

"Don't worry about that too. Ian was right, its so long. I could possibly make a child's dress with it," she chuckled but it ended in a wheeze as the pain shot through her body. She tried to breath but black dots swam her vision.

"I need to close my eyes for a while," she mumbled. The wolf placed his head on her lap. Sonia smiled as she petted his head, "I know it hurts a lot. If only I could take away your pain," she whispered the last words, settling her head on the beast's on her lap.

"Everything's gonna be okay," she soothed him, sighing as she ran a hand over his fur.

"I found her. There she is, over there!" The words fell on her ear but she couldn't understand their meaning as she lost herself to the dark world, a ghost of a smile on her lips as rain kept falling.

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