Hero Dyes - Blue
The Celebration

Son of the Golden Sage, Yosin: I didn’t think I’d be waiting for such a long time before my father would return. I was pacing and checking the window often. I even got comfortable on the bed as I found myself slowly sinking into it. I was startled by flashing lights and a woman appearing out of nowhere. As I jumped out of the bed I quickly noticed it was Ellen who randomly appeared in my room. She started ranting about my father and Ulrich fighting. She was pleading with me to go help them, as to which one she wanted me to help the most was confusing. I tried to calm her down as I moved her towards the bed. She slowed her pace down as she retold the story. Ulrik was the demon that was killing the townspeople. Leon recently arrived and managed to stop Ulrik but he still hasn’t changed back. Now my father was somehow in the middle of all this when all he wanted was Ulriks sword and Leon sparked the fight between them. I took a deep breath once she was done. I had a hard time believing this. It seemed like a lot was missing. Either way, I shocked her immensely when I refused to aid either of them. She stood up and nearly cursed me for rejecting her request. I simply let her yell until she finished her temper tantrum. I then explained to her that my father wasn’t there just for the sword, but for her as well.

“Oh, right… He did mention that.” She replied as she held her arm bashfully. She sat back down and sighed as she shook her head.

“I’m sorry. I was so worried about Ulrik that I couldn’t think of anything else. Actually, your father never stated why he needed me.” She confessed, to which I smirked and sat beside her.

“I’m glad I get to be the one to ask you. It’s more of a favor to be honest.” I started off while smiling nervously. She displayed the same nervous smile as I tried to formulate the words in my mouth to speak.

“You see, we have a plan that involves a bit of magic Bridget doesn’t know. We were hoping that you would teach her a summoning spell to call forth a certain sword when she needs it.” I stopped there as her expression seemed rather serious. I’m not sure if it was the fact that I mentioned Bridget or the challenge of training her that was the problem.

“You plan on summoning her swords at Prince Outis’s celebration. You want to assassinate him to make the kill quick and effortless.” My mouth hung up as I couldn’t believe she figured it out. Of course, minor details were incorrect but she knew what we were planning just from the little information I divulged to her.

“What? It is what I would do if I wasn’t too confident in head on combat.” She added. I smiled and nodded to agree with her.

“You figured it out. However, instead of her swords, we need her to summon Ulrik’s sword after you coat it with poison.” Her expression switched to a glaring hateful stare. I kept my composure and locked eyes with her, displaying my best charm filled smile I could muster.

“How do you know I can perform poison magic?” She asked very slowly as if threatening me at the same time. This didn’t bother me. I shrugged and spoke three words.

“Hard Heart Witches.” Her death stare quickly changed to a shameful and sorrowful frown.

“It’s not true. I never-”

“I know, we heard the entire story, the true story of you and your student. Calad filled us in, and we’ve spoken to no one about it. It will remain that way for as long as we live.” A light smile was shining through as she sniffed back her tears and blinked her watery eyes dry.

“I’ll do it then. I’ll teach Bridget how to summon Ulriks sword. However, it will take sometime. We’ll start with small things like apples and the like.” She informs me. She rambled on to herself for a moment as she began planning the ways she would to teach Bridget this magic. It was at that moment my father walked in. I smiled for a moment, until I saw the look on his face. His eyes seemed cold and distant. He didn’t even greet Ellen when he saw her.

“Well, did you fill her in?” He quickly spoke as he stared at us. I was lost for words as my mouth hung open but nothing came forth.

“Where is Ulrik and what did you do to him?” Ellen rose to her feet and spoke sternly as she eyed my father with anger. He pulled Ulrik’s sword out from behind him and stabbed it into the floor. This motion startled Ellen as she took a step back and waited for my father to reply.

“He is alive. I helped his condition a bit. Leon says he’ll return to normal in the morning thanks to my efforts, mainly his efforts but that’s irrelevant. Do we go forward with our plan or do we come up with another?” I finally snapped out of it and nodded my head.

“She agreed to teach Bridget summoning magic, as well as poison the blade. We can start tomorrow.”

“Good, we only have five days to see this through. If at any point you believe she isn’t capable of learning this then speak up before it’s too late. As stated before, we only have five days and then we leave for the Prince’s kingdom. Ready or not, we’ll be at that celebration. Now, please leave so we can rest.” Ellen didn’t think twice as she quickly got up and hurried out the room. I watched my father settle into his sleepwear. The entire time I could feel something was bothering him greatly. Several times I motioned to ask but I figured he would just brush me off and force me to fight with him to tell me. I didn’t want to distract myself from the task at hand. Ellen wasn’t the only one that had to train Bridget. Once she lands a hit on Prince Outis, she would need to defend and parry until the poison sets in and ends him. Bridget’s fighting style is all about rushing in and facing your foe head on. I would need to teach her the fighting style of ‘running away.’ She might be too stubborn to give it a try. Either way, she has to learn that there are other ways of doing things. I hope she complies. If I see too much resistance, then I might have to take my father’s advice and sleep with her.

The final day had arrived. Out of all five days Ulrik only showed up twice. After Ellen pressed her knowledge into her mind she managed to summon an apple on the second day. That same day Ulrik asked if he could train her in the art of defense instead of me. I allowed it and it helped, but it wasn’t enough. I ended up sleeping with her on the third day. Not because she wasn’t cooperative, but because she couldn’t have Ulrik. I was okay with that. Whatever got her through this trail didn’t matter to me. Of course I enjoyed every moment. Honestly I had better sessions with other women. My father doesn’t know that I’ve spilled my seed into at least three other women. He never asked why I’d want to go to the market alone. I guess he figured I was maturing and wanted my space. Either way, he wouldn’t care if I told him any of this now. The entire five days he was somewhere else, either mentally or physically, he wasn’t there. We practiced one last time before we packed our belongings and headed towards Outis’s estate. She preformed the summoning technique effortlessly, twirling Ulrik’s sword a few times to boast of her achievements.

As we prepared to go I couldn’t help but stare in awe at Bridget’s gown. It was blue with gold trimming. A black and gold corset sculpted her figure as the slits on the lower half of the dress teasingly revealed her slender and smooth legs. She was breathtaking. She even tied up her hair and dabbed on a bit of makeup. My father reacted slightly to her appearance, but he quickly walked away and started preparing our things for the journey.

We took an old caravan my father had that was pulled by horses Ulrik gifted to us. We set out on the road to carry out this grand plan of ours. My father agreed to meet us behind the castle walls once we got in. Since we didn’t want to draw attention to ourselves my father stayed with Ellen at Ulriks castle. If the guards saw him, Outis would be alerted to our presence. You can’t miss the Golden Sage and all his glory. The plan was to get inside the castle, join the masses gathering at the party, find a hidden spot for Ellen’s portal magic to work without notice, then execute the assassination. All Bridget had to do was rub her bracelet three times to activate the spell. Once Ellen locked onto the spell she could use her portal magic to transport my father. So far, everything went according to plan. The guards weren’t even checking the invention letters as anyone and everyone could enter it seemed. Once we got inside the smell of fresh baked food and grilled meat overwhelmed my nostrils. There was music playing and several bards singing a different song in each room. This was truly a celebration to behold. I was so entranced by the festivities that I nearly forgot why we were here to begin with. Oddly enough, Bright was the one that snapped me out of it when she tugged on my arm.

“Over here.” She whispered to me as she directed me towards an empty hallway. We could hear the chattering and gossiping in the large dining room where the feast was being held. We looked around and made sure none of the guards, or anyone else for that matter, was around to see the light show of Ellen’s portal magic.

“I think we’re safe. I’ll activate the charm bracelet now.” She added as she rubbed the gold and blue beads. Once they started to glow we both scanned the darkened hallway again as we waited. Within seconds a blue swirling light circled the air and burst like a silent firework. Within that explosion my father appeared panting and breathing heavy.

“I don’t like that..” He started off, holding his stomach as he softly burped. He shook his head and covered his mouth to silence his gagging.

“Never again.” He mumbled and heaved as he held onto the wall.

“Excuse me, but the feast is this way.” A guard called as he rounded the corner and saw us.

“We know, that’s why we’re over here. For some, ‘alone’ time. Savvy?” Bridget quickly replied with a strange accent. She quickly slammed me against the wall and rubbed her leg up my side, showing off more of her slender legs. The guard coughed and cleared his throat as he pointed towards the dining room.

“Fine, have at him, but later. The Prince is about to make his speech. So uh, save this moment for when the room master starts to come around with room keys. You could make all the noise you want behind closed doors, young lad. You look like a screamer. Be gentle with him, miss. Fragile things break easily. Ha ha ha!” The guard slapped his knee and laughed for a moment. He then straightened up and pointed to the dining room again, as if he was serious now and wanted us to leave the hallway. Bridget played along and laughed as she pulled on my arm to follow her. The entire time I kept scouting the hallway looking for my father. He was gone. I was glad the guard only saw the two of us but the fact that my father was someone else bothered me.

“He is fine, I saw him cloak himself the moment the guard came into the hallway.” Bridget informed me with a whisper. I nodded my head as she dragged me into the dining room.

“I fear no man, woman, beast, creature, or anything in this realm! For I, Odin’s son, is blessed by the gods! I am no savior! I am no saint! I am but an arrogant prince who strives on flourishing whatever land I take! Have I not blessed our land with great prosperity?” Outis yelled as he stood on top of an empty table.

“Yes you have!” The crowd cheered. He shouted a battle cry which caused the crowd to follow and do the same.

“Tonight! We celebrate the expansion of our land! I’ll keep blessing the land, so long as you keep worshiping my name!” He continued, rallying the crowd for another cheerful shout.

“He does this every single time. A ruler dies by a Dye Hero, then he takes over and throws a party.” One of the part takers spoke to another.

“Who cares. The ale is free, and so is the food. Hell, I plan on taking some home to eat for the next few days.” The other replied. The prince continued his speech about himself, and soon ended it with his signature signoff. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Now, who is your prince and god! Say it loud!!”

PRINCE OUTIS! ODIN’S SON!” The crowd replied and cheered as he bowed and waved. He soon jumped down and began making his way around the room. His interactions were mostly with females, flirting with them, touching them, kissing them, whether they wanted him to or not. He shook the hands of several strong and hardy looking men. He was fit and very muscular himself, so any man that matched him or was bigger than him he gave his respects to. Any smaller, skinner, average looking man he would shove away or simply ignore. As I watched him I noticed he didn’t bully anyone. In fact, he ordered a large well built man to leave the line for the food after cutting off a skinner man and taking his spot. He didn’t acknowledge the skinny man, he simply didn’t allow the bully to remain where he was.

“Huh… Did you see that Bridget… Bridget?” I lost her the sea of people moving all about the room. I tried to spot her dress but there were many shades and colors of blue dresses across the room. I started to panic a bit but remained calm as I mentally told myself she was okay. She knew the plan, she knew the spell to summon the sword. Honestly, it might be best if I didn’t intervene. Just keep my eyes on Outis and wait for her to make the move. After all, this was the final step in our plan. It was all up to her now.

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