Hero Dyes - Blue
The Choice

Ulrik: Perhaps I spoke too soon when I said I’d be by her side no matter which path she selected. Then again, this course of action was never brought up before. Yes, we spoke of ruling this kingdom together and overthrowing Lord Magnus. However, we had our own way of accomplishing this. It was a safer, maybe longer, path but the chances of us surviving were higher. I can hear the zeal in her voice as she explained the conversation she had with the sage. I can see the excitement in her body language. Yet, I can feel the hunger for power emitting from her soul. She was thirsty for blood, and she had no reason for it. My wife was ripped away from me by this tyrant. One of my brothers was tasked with the same impossible quest and died for nothing. The sage didn’t even bring back his body, only his sword, which I currently carry around now. After that, they moved on. The sages never paid their respects. They just went onto the next ‘hero’ and forgot about the families they tore apart. Bridget doesn’t know this. She doesn’t know how my siblings died. She doesn’t know that this quest is a suicide mission. No one came back from it!

“Are you done?” I asked her with a deep and aggressive tone. She caught on quickly that I wasn’t too happy. Her ignorance blinded her from the real reason for my anger.

“Ulrik, this is why I’ve been reliving that event by the lake in my dreams. This is our chance to make a difference again.”

“No, Bridget. This is your chance to prove yourself worthy of a goddamn sword that might not even exist.”

“How dare you!” I grabbed her arm and flung her towards the large post that held up the tent we were arguing in. She motioned to move towards me but I advanced first. She yelped a bit as I slammed her back against the post and held her there using my elbow and body weight.

“Enough of this, Bridget!” I tried not to shout so loudly as our platoons might hear us. If not them, then the sage and his son who were waiting for us outside.

“I keep telling you to stop chasing the past! Live for the future with the ones you have in the present! Stop being so selfish, for once!” I couldn’t tell if she was even listening to me because of how hard she was struggling to break free.

“Get off of me… Now…” She growled as she continued to struggle. Clearly she wasn’t hearing me. I sighed and slowly backed away from her. She motioned to speak but froze in fear when I slowly drew my sword and pointed the tip of the blade at her.

“I should just kill you now…” I started off, taking a very slow step towards her. She was so frightened with fear that she didn’t even draw her twin swords.

“What is the point of it all? Why fall in love with a dead woman? Why spend time with someone who has no future?” Another step was taken which made her shiver and back up against the post.

“You have no value to me if you commit your life to this foolish cause. Each and every day I’ll slowly cut out my memories of you. That way I won’t mourn someone so stupid.” I started to press the edge of the blade to her throat as I got closer to her body. My voice became whispers in her ears as I spoke my final phrase.

“Only fools dance with the dead… I’m no fool, Bridget. And I refuse to let you be one-”

“Unhand her!” The sage’s voice boomed as he burst into the tent with his son right behind him. I simply ignored him as I stared into her wet and tearing face. For a moment, no one said anything. She broke the silence with words that penetrated my heart.

“Kill me, or come die with me. Either way, my love for you will never die. So please, keep me alive and join me, my love.” My eyes grew heavy and watery as I gripped the hilt of my sword so tightly. Finally, I sighed and lowered my weapon, which caused her to fling her arms around me and sob a bit. She kept repeating ‘don’t leave me’ but I believe she knew this was the end.

“I’m sorry.” I replied and removed her from my path. She fell to her knees and sobbed louder as I made my way towards the exit, towards the sage and his son.

“Your brother slayed two tyrants before he was killed.” My heart sank as my body froze upon hearing those words from the sage. I heard Bridget gasp at this news as I looked to my right in order to glare into his eyes.

“Is it wise to proclaim your failures to the world?” The sage huffed and crossed his arms as if he was offended.

“That wasn’t my failure, but my father’s.” He said this with such pride, as if he was going to do better and actually succeed.

“Apples don’t fall far from their trees.” I commented. I motioned to leave but clenched my fists as a flash back entered into my mind. I soon walked out while shaking my head. Before I could think of another thought, a voice called to me that struck fear into my heart. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Ulrik.” My widened eyes quickly scouted for the speaker. Within seconds, I spotted him and swallowed hard at the sight before me.

“Y-yes, Lord Magnus.” I stuttered as I watched him choke the life out of Finnor with one hand, dangling him above the ground as his feet kicked about in pain. His black tattered cloak hid his massive towering body. Only his giant black colored hand was showing, which was currently squeezing the life out of the poor timid knight.

“I was given a report that some knights were seen talking to a sage. Finnor, Bridget, and you were among the list of knights named.” He started off. I looked to my left and saw a trail of seven dead knights leading up to us. The other knights had gathered at a safe distance to watch.

“Are these reports true, Ulrik? Have you seen a sage with golden hair?” I started to panic as I didn’t want to give away the sage’s position. Bridget was still inside the tent as well. If she was caught with them, who knows what Magnus might do to her? As I tried to think of a lie, the tyrant gave me an idea as he asked another question.

“And why is your sword drawn?” His question sparked a story that would hopefully be believable, since most of it was true.

“I was interrogating the sage that came over here with Bridget. We believed he was one of the Dye Hero seekers. However, he is just your average sage. In fact, my lord, he is the same sage that saved her life many years ago at Howling Lake. To be honest, I believe he wants to offer his son to her in marriage. He told her she had been selected to be his son’s bride.” The giant cloaked figure didn’t move for a moment. It was like he was processing the information I just gave him.

“You lied.” Within a second of speaking those words, Finnor’s neck snapped, which echoed loudly through the training grounds. The knight’s body plopped to the ground as blood slowly oozed from his mouth. I kept my composure as Magnus turned around to leave.

“Tell the sage he can not arrange any marriages with my knights, no matter their rank. Also, come see me in my throne room later on. I have something for you.” Magnus informed me. I slowly shook my head yes as I watched him walk away. I remained standing there, confused by his words. Why would he want to meet with me? What was so important that he wanted to meet in private? As he vanished from my sight, my heartbeat returned to normal. I sighed, then opened the tent to let them know it was safe to go out. To my surprise, they were already gone. I clenched my fists in anger as I struggled with my emotions. A part of me was screaming to go after them, yet my mind brought forth the memories of my brother, my wife, my sister, and my uncle. I could still hear my youngest sister screaming at me that it was my fault. They were all dead because of me. Later on, I had to kill her to halt her agony. She was traded off to a far worse tyrant who did horrible things to her. All of this made my choice very clear.

“I’m sorry, my love. I won’t give you up, but I won’t hand you over to death itself… Good luck, and may the Geminis keep you safe.” After I whispered my little prayer, I walked back outside and froze with complete shock. The knights that Magnus had killed were evaporating in a red and purple-colored dust. The surrounding knights were just as amazed and in awe as I was. Then it dawned on me. I looked at my brother’s sword as I realized something. The sage that handled his quest couldn’t bring him back. There wasn’t a body to carry. Fear swept over me as I spun around and took a step to chase after Bridget. I only managed to take one though, before sighing with disappointment. Even if I explained to her what I just saw, it wouldn’t matter. She was too stubborn to listen. I could only imagine what tales the sage was filling her head with. Encouraging her with hope and declaring their victories. Just like his father did with my brother, spewing out lies for a pointless cause. I mentally shrugged it off and headed for Magnus’s throne room. I walked through the disintegrating knights as I fixed my attention on the tower ahead of me.

“Carry on! Back to your posts!” I shouted, which dispersed the lingering knights back to their duties.

Once I reached the throne room, I noticed there were no guards. Having said that, there was another knight already there. This baffled me as I assumed I was going to be the only one present for this meeting.

“Ulrik, this is Calad. He trained you in Leon’s stead when I sent him on a raid.” Magnus reminded me. I looked at the knight and raised an eyebrow. All I could remember was that this knight was extremely lazy. Having said that, he somehow became a High Knight.

“Yes, Sir Calad, the Calm Knight.” I reached out my arm to exchange a greeting. However, I stood there looking like a fool as Calad just half smiled, then turned his attention to Magnus. I blinked a few times before putting my arm down while clearing my throat.

“I’m sure the title of Rude Knight was already taken by another.” He simply ignored my comment, as did Magnus. The room fell silent for a few seconds before Magnus continued.

“I summoned both of you here to offer an advancement in your ranks-”

“With all due respect, my lord, I’ll pass. Thank you for allowing me to stretch my legs and come out this way. I hardly get to venture out this far. You know, being a busy knight like myself.” The guts this ass-hole had to address our lord in such a way made my blood boil. I was expecting Lord Magnus to feel the same but I was utterly and completely wrong.

“Take your leave, Calad. You’ll have no need to venture this way again. May the Geminis cover you with their wings.” My mouth hung open a bit as Lord Magnus remained so calm.

“I have wings of my own, my lord, I’ll cover myself.” I uttered a slight and low sound that escaped my lips without warning. I wasn’t sure if I was trying to curse him out or if my mind was in such a state of shock that words could not formulate. With that said, the knight left. Now I was alone with the tyrant who was staring deep into my soul. Regardless of how much he covered his entire body with that oversized black cloak, his eyes always pierced through the darkness of his hood.

“I hope you won’t refuse your new title as a Geminis Knight. Your reach will stretch beyond my land and into the other areas of this kingdom, should you accept.” I finally closed my mouth and adjusted my posture. I nodded my head and prepared myself to confirm my decision, something I decided at the tent.

“I accept my new title and role in this kingdom, Lord Magnus. Thank you.” I dropped on one knee and bowed. I was only in this position for a moment before his servants came rushing out and lifted me onto my feet. They started unclipping my armor while measuring me at the same time. I’m assuming it was to help forge my new armor that came with this new title. At this awkward moment between me and the blushing female servants touching almost every inch of my body while trying not to blush, Magnus asked a question that made my spine shiver.

“I’m glad you have accepted this role… Now, what can you tell me about your companion, the Twin Blade Knight? What details do you have about your lover, Bridget…”

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