Chapter 644 

The all became thick with tension, the atmosphere plummeting to a frosty chill 

Timeric expresset was as horen as the sdence that had descended Mr. Chambers‘ he sand teth from the sound of it, you’re not exactly rooting for my revive 

Avery chuolet Charman Ashbourne, joule reading too much into it. How could tharbor such petty thoughts? You’re Evadne Father, and she’s the apple of my eye. It’s in all sincerity that I wish for you to enjoy robust health and a long life.” 

Dylan sonunized Avery with a furrowed brow, as if trying to decipher the truth behind those words. They might have sounded like concern, but coming from this kit, they rang hollow 

All Chambers, youte certainly persistent, Emeric’s tone sharpened with sarcasm from beneath his tailored suit. “But there’s a Boe line between persistence and obsession, and the latter is a fool’s errand. I’ve told you before, matters of the heart can’t be forced Especially with a headstrong woman like Evadne. No matter how diligently you court her, if she’s not into you, that’s not going to change 

Avery’s smile froze, a massive wave of humiliation threatening to engulf him. 

“Now it’s public knowledge that Evadne is in a love–soaked relationship with Thad. They’re busy planning a wedding, sweet as honey, and that’s not something just anyone can get in the middle of” 

Emeric practically cooed the name “Thad” 

To the uninitiated, it might seem like the two men shared a close bond. 

They say dealing with in–laws is a challenge, but it seems the relationship between a father–in–law and his daughter’s suitor is a riddle just as complex. 

Hatred surged in Avery’s chest, his mouth bitter. He was about to retort when Emeric cut him off, “Mr. Chambers, you’ve come up in the world. You’re no longer the little boy trailing behind my daughter. With Evadne having Thad, your continued declarations of love are quite unbecoming, not to mention undignified.” 

If Emeric had given Avery a wake–up call at the entrance of Silverlake Harbor last time, this was the crushing of his last shred of hope. 

Avery clenched his jaw his gaze as sharp as a jagged rock on a cliff, cold and piercing. 

After a moment, he forced another smile. “Chairman Ashbourne, I never expected you to remember my goodwill, but there’s no need to be so cold and heartless towards your lifesaver, is there? Besides, I’ve always held you in high regard.” 

Lifesaver? Emeric and Dylan were both taken aback! 

“Didn’t Evadne tell you that when you were in a deep coma, on the verge of becoming a vegetable, I was the one who rushed in with the lifesaving medication that pulled you back from the brink?” 

Avery’s smile was nonchalant, “But of course, why would Evadne mention it? Any credit would go to Thaddeus, not me.” 

Emeric’s cheeks flushed with hot shame! 

This feeling of being controlled, being suppressed, was intolerable, and a fresh wave of cold sweat soaked through his suit! 

If it was indeed you, then I should thank you.” 

“Chairman Ashbourne, I’m aware that your condition is quite severe. In its advanced stages, it can lead to numbness, even paralysis. You’ve commanded power and respect all your life; surely you wouldn’t want to end it in a pitiable state, racked with illness, your legacy tarnished. Your family was in disarray over your illness, Evadne was crying her eyes out–it was heart–wrenching to see,” Avery said with a heavy sigh. 

Emeric’s hand trembled on the armrest of his chair, his composed facade becoming increasingly rigid. 

Dylan, observing this, felt a surge of apprehension. 

“So, for your sake and your family’s, I’d like to propose a deal. How about it?” Avery adjusted his glasses, a sly twist to his l*ps. 

“What do you want?” Emeric asked coldly. 

“I know you can’t force feelings. I love Evadne deeply, but I’ve never coerced her to be with me. However, as her most devoted admirer, I cannot tolerate her being with someone like Thaddeus–a wolf in sheep’s clothing.” 

Avery’s dark eyes sank, and he placed a box on the table, “Inside here is the same medication that saved you last time. There are three doses, enough to stabilize your condition. This kind of medicine, even if you were to spare no expense, is hard to come by. To obtain even one dose is nearly impossible, let alone three. Just promise me you won’t let Evadne marry Thaddeus, and I’ll make sure you have access to this medicine for years to come.” 



Chapter 644 

His gaze turned fierce, Til bless whoever Evadne chooses to be with, as long as it’s not Thaddeus” 

Emeric felt dizzy and out of control, his hand shaking so much he could hardly maintain his grip, “Avery, are you threatening me? You expect me to sacrifice my daughter’s happiness for my own survival? You are too full of yourself! Stroke or not, even if i were riddled with cancer. I would not break up Evadne’s engagement just to prolong my own life, to have her despise me for the rest of her days! Dylan! Show him out!” 

Dylan approached with a stern face, Mr. Chambers, please leave.” 

Avery snorted coldly, scooping up the medicine box from the table, his eyes narrowed as he stared at Emeric’s pallor, Chairman Ashbourne everything I do is for Evadne’s sake, Overindulgence will only harm the daughter you dote on so much.” 

“Mr. Chambers, please leave immediately!Even the usually composed Dylan was angered. 

One should think of oneself a little more. You can’t enjoy the greenery if you burn all the wood. You’re refusing me today, but one day, you’ll regret it.” 

Avery turned on his heel, a smile that didn’t reach his eyes, And when that day comes, even if you beg me, I might not be so generous.” 

With that, he strode away. 

As soon as the door closed behind him, Emeric could no longer hold back. His b*dy shook as if every muscle was seizing, his head spun, and his words slurred. 

“Dylan, the medication!” 

Avery had barely left the office when he bumped into Evadne and Thaddeus in the corridor. 

Destiny had thrown them into each other’s paths again, and the entire hallway filled with a heavy, charged silence, 

“Avery, what on earth are you doing here?” Evadne’s heart sank like a stone, and her eyes blazed with fury as she confronted him. 

“I heard that Chairman Ashbourne was discharged from the hospital, so I thought I’d bring a little something to cheer him up” Avery replied, the malice in his eyes dissolving into a facade of sincerity, like a chameleon switching colors. “Besides, I’m now the President of the Chambers Group. It’s under my control. I wanted to discuss potential collaborations with Chairman Ashbourne 

for the future.” 

Thaddeus‘ gaze dropped to the medicine box in Avery’s grasp. 

His heart clenched with a sudden sense of dread! 


“A visit? More like a fox paying a New Year’s visit to the hens up to no good!” Evadne’s eyes flashed with loathing. “If you value your life, Avery, you’ll get as far away from us as possible! And forget any business dealings – the Ashbourne family will never entertain the thought of collaborating with the likes of the Chambers Group! And Avery, you’d better hold on tight to your empire. Otherwise, I’ll make sure you get a taste of what it feels like to be the last of a dying breed!” 

With that, Evadne shoved him aside with a force that sent him reeling and took Thaddeus by the hand to march past him. 

Avery’s back slammed against the cold wall, sending a shock through his b*dy and a sharp pain piercing his heart! 


“Chairman Ashbourne!” 

As they entered, they found Emeric lying on the couch, his face contorted with pain, while Dylan was kneeling beside him, massaging a pressure point on his hand to alleviate his suffering. 

“What on earth happened, Dylan? Dad was fine, how could this have happened?” Evadne sat by the couch, gripping her father’s cold hand, a bitter taste filling her throat with worry. 

“Evadne, it’s alright, darling,” Emeric managed a weak smile upon seeing his daughter. 

Evadne’s eyes reddened with concern. “Alright? You’re as pale as a ghost!” 

The three men exchanged looks in awkward silence. 

The tense atmosphere was suddenly pierced by an unexpected hint of humor. 

Evadne, with rising anger, demanded, “Did that snaky Avery come here? Did he provoke you into this relapse?” 

Both master and servant remained silent. 

Chairman Ashbourne, I saw Avery holding a medicine box. Did he threaten you with it?Thad’s eyes flashed with a sharp intensity. 

Unable to hold back, Dylan spoke softly, “Mr. Avery did bring medicine, claiming he was responsible for Chairman Ashbourne’s 


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earlier recovery. He came to negotiate a deal, promising a steady supply of medication if Chairman Ashbourne agreed to his Terms Chairman Ashbourne’s health is frail, and being challenged by a junior must have upset him. Fortunately, the medication stabilized his condition” 

“What were his terms?” Evadne pressed. 

Emeric glared at Dylan. 

Dylan chose his words carefully, “It was all business–related. The terms weren’t the main issue; it was Avery’s arrogant attitude that was truly unbearable.” 

“That smug, golden–collared mongrel! He’s showing his true colors now!Evadne squeezed her father’s hand. “Don’t worry, Dad. Thaddeus and I ran into him earlier. He was playing the innocent fool with us. You don’t have to listen to his nonsense. Whatever medicine he can get his hands on, we can get too!” 

Emeric looked at his daughter’s Indignant face and forgot all about his pain and discomfort. 


For Evadne, he had to keep fighting to live for many more years. 

Thaddeus took a deep breath and spoke softly, “Chairman Ashbourne, Evadne. I’m going to step out to make a call. I’ll be back shortly.” 

Underground parking garage. 

Avery walked towards his car, a storm brewing in his expression, with Harvey trailing behind him. 

“Mr. Chambers, that Emeric really thinks he’s above it all,” Harvey grumbled. “The man’s practically on death’s door and he still won’t accept your generosity. Sooner or later, he’ll come begging.” 

“It doesn’t matter if he begs me or not. I won’t stoop to bullying an old man at death’s door,” Avery said with a sneer curling his l*ps. “Besides, whether he takes this medicine or not doesn’t really make a difference. It’s just a matter of experiencing a different kind of pain.” 


A voice, cold and resolute, cut through the air. 

Avery stopped and turned- 

Only to find Thaddeus standing a few steps away, his noble presence commanding, his eyes ablaze with a fiery wrath that transformed him into a fearsome figure of vengeance. 


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