The moment my feet met the ground after jumping out of Belle’s window, I reached out to Kyle. 

“Kyle,” I said to him through mind–link. 

His response was immediate. 

Well, hello there, Alpha. Nice to hear the sound of your voice on this fine morning. Although, I would have thought you would be…well, occupied after finding the luna yesterday–if you know 

what I mean. 

I forgot how much he could talk. I ignored his inappropriate comment no time for his antics today. I need you to come to Maine,” I said, getting straight to the point. 

He didn’t respond for a few seconds. 

Uh, yeah, I don’t know if you know this, but you sort of put me in charge of an entire kingdom when you left, so I’m a little, um… extremely busy at the current moment- 

“I don’t care,” I interrupted. This is more important. There is no kingdom without its queen. I need you here right fucking now. Belle is refusing to listen to me.” 

That’s because she knows what’s good for her. Smart girl.” 

I growled through the link, ensuring he could hear my anger and impatience. 

“Jeez Louise, okay,” he said. “Someone is not in a joking mood today. I can be there by the end of the day if I take the private plane. Will that work for you?” 

Fine,” I grunted. “She needs someone to talk to who she can trust, and…that’s not me at the 


“So you’re bringing in the big guns, eh? I’m leaving now. I’ll keep you updated on my ETA

I’ll text you her address.” I was already taking my phone out of my pocket. 

“See you soon, Alpha.” 

Just as I felt Kyle’s presence flee from my mind, I heard a loud ringing sound coming from Belle’s window. An alarm. I stiffened. I had only just left her apartment a few moments ago. 

Chapter 22 of 59: Chapter 22 


Emergency calls onlyM 

039% 12:45 

I looked down at the watch on my wrist. It was a little after four in the morning. She had been 

until two. 

Where could she possibly have to be so early in the morning that was more important than her getting sleep

The correct answer was nowhere. She should not be up right now. 


I heard her groan and then turn off the alarm. The sounds of her moving around the room came next. 

I began to pace once again, wanting nothing more than to go up there and demand she go back to sleep.  sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

My vampire pushed me to use the power of the Mortars on her, while my wolf wanted me to use my alpha tone. I pushed them both aside. 

Minutes later, I swiftly moved to the front of her apartment building when I heard the sound of the front door open and close

She exited the building warily, her gaze scanning around her, no doubt looking for me. I was too far in the shadows for her to see me, though. But I knew she could still feel me watching her. 

Fury consumed me when I saw that she was wearing that fucking waitress uniform again. My eyes scanned her form. She was so beautiful. 

I had to hold back a groan as I watched her hips sway while she walked. As much as I loathed the uniform, I couldn’t deny that it made her look damn good. Too damn good. 

I didn’t know if I would be able to get through another day watching her prance around in that fucking outfit. 

I followed behind her quietly, sure to stay far enough away so that she wouldn’t see me. I had to hold myself back from dragging her back to her apartment and having my wolf sit on her again until she slept. 

Seemed to work last time she needed rest. 

I paused my walking when she abruptly stopped and grabbed one of the heels on her feet. She peeled. it off her foot, uncovering her battered skin beneath. 

Her foot was covered in blisters and red, irritated skin. There were blood and scabs, too, due to those damn heels she was forced to wear. 

Chapter 22 of 59: Chapter 22 

A fan thenniina has hole un late a 


Emergency calls only 

* 039% 


“Shit,” Belle muttered under her breath, her shoulders sagging. After throwing her hair up into a bun, she took off her other shoe and continued her walk fucking barefoot on the concrete sidewalk. 

My wolf growled so loudly in my chest that I was surprised when Belle didn’t turn around to look for me. My wolf lurched my body forward, urging me to go to her. 

I forcefully shoved him down. I was already fighting against my nature by not allowing myself to tend to her, I didn’t need my wolf working against me too. 

I continued following her, my body stiff and sore from holding myself back. 

She walked barefoot for nearly half an hour until she reached the same diner she had spent all day at yesterday. 

My wolf vibrated in my chest, furious to see that she was back here after working so late last night and not getting paid. 

Thankfully, though, there were two other waitresses there, already working. So she wouldn’t be by herself. 

I pushed my wolf down once again, took a deep breath, and entered the diner behind her. 


“Your boyfriend is here again,Candice said in a singsong voice as she came to stand beside me. 

“Who?” I played dumb. I had seen Grayson walk in when my shift started but had already decided. that I was under no circumstances interacting with him. 

I was too tired–both emotionally and physically–to deal with him today. Maybe if I ignored him long enough, he would give up on me and leave me alone. I mean, he had done it once, hadn’t he? 

“Oh, come on. Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed him yet.” Candice teasingly poked my side. “No one could ignore that face of his. Or body. He’s been staring at you since he sat down

Is there a reason you haven’t gone over there yet?” 

I glanced up at Grayson. He was in the same booth as yesterday, and, just like Candice had said, he was indeed staring at me. Warmth traveled through me when my eyes met his. I looked away quickly. 

“Who’s Belle’s boyfriend?” Brenda asked, walking up behind us to get to the cash register. 

Chapter 22 of 59: Chapter 22 


Emergency calls only 

039% 12:46 

Although she was almost two decades older than us, Brenda was always interested in whatever gossip was circulating around the diner that day. “Is that Liam kid here again?” 

A low growl came from the corner, barely audible. My heart rate picked up, knowing where the noise had come from without even having to look. 

“Liam is not my boyfriend,” I said quickly. I already knew Grayson didn’t like Liam; in fact, I was almost positive he had done something to him. 

He still hadn’t turned up after disappearing yesterday and didn’t answer when I had tried to call him this morning. I was starting to get really worried. 

I didn’t need Grayson hearing people call Liam my boyfriend when I still wasn’t convinced he hadn’t let his wolf eat him or something. Do werewolves even eat vampires? 

“He’s just a friend. I don’t have a boyfriend.” I was sure to speak clearly so that a certain someone 

was sure to hear me. 

“Maybe not, but that guy in the corner is definitely interested,” Candice continued. 

She had no idea

Brenda looked amused. “Oh, really?” She glanced over at Grayson. A flush took over my checks. 

I knew Grayson could hear us no matter what, but honestly, did they have to make it so obvious that we were talking about him? 

“Why don’t you go over there? He’s cute,” she whispered to me. 

I rolled my eyes. “I already told him I wasn’t interested when he was here yesterday,” I said. “I don’t know why he’s back here.” 

“Maybe he’s hungry,” Candice provided unhelpfully. 

“Have you taken his order yet, Belle?” Brenda asked. 

I looked down. I thought about lying but knew Candice would give me up immediately if I did. 

“No,” I responded, hoping she wouldn’t make me go over there and talk to him. “He didn’t order anything yesterday. He just sat there all day. I figured today would be the same.” 

Brenda frowned. “Hun, your job is to take orders. And if he’s not going to get any food, he can’t stay here and take up a perfectly good table. I’m gonna have to ask him to leave if that’s the case.” 

Chapter 22 of 59 Chanter 22 

Emergency calls onlyM 

My eyes widened. I did not want any of my coworkers interacting with Grayson, especially my sweet. manager, Brenda. I knew what he was capable of. 

I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if anybody got hurt because Grayson lost his temper over something as stupid as telling him to leave the diner. 

“He’s not doing anything,” I said. “Can’t he just sit there?” 

Brenda shook her head. “You know the rules. If he’s not a paying customer, then he can’t stay here.” 

I sighed, already feeling my body heat and my stomach roil at the thought of having to talk to him. “I’ll go take his order right now,” I murmured. 

Brenda nodded in approval. “Let me know if you have any problems.” 


I approached Grayson’s table slowly, my lips pressed together in a fine line. He watched me the entire time, waiting patiently with his hands folded in front of him. 

“What do you want to eat?” I asked sharply when I finally stood in front of his table. 

“I thought you didn’t want to serve me,” he replied, his deep, smooth voice causing shivers to travel up my spine. As if he hadn’t heard the entire conversation that just ensued. 

I looked up from my notepad, glaring. “If you don’t order something soon, my manager is going to kick you out.” 

A half–smile curved his masculine mouth. “Are you finally admitting that you want me here?” 

“No, I just don’t want you hurting anyone when they try to force you out. Now, please, just tell me what you want.” 

I hated that we were arguing again. I was so, so exhausted. 

Even though I had slept through the night fo Even though I had slept through the night for the first time since arriving in Evergreen–something I was astonished to realize when I woke feeling warm and content–fighting the mate bond was starting to take its toll on me. 

Grayson studied me closely, his brows tugging together. “Baby, have you eaten anything today?” he asked me, completely ignoring my request. 

“Stop calling me baby. Order something, or I’ll pick something out for you.” 

Chapter 22 of 59: Chapter 22 


Emergency calls only 

*三国39%■_1 12:46 

“I’ll order if you tell me what you’ve eaten today,” he replied sternly. “Don’t think I won’t drag you out of this diner the same way I did yesterday.” 

I knew he wasn’t bluffing. I screamed internally. 

“I had a bowl of cereal, okay?” I finally answered. 

He frowned. “That’s not enough food. You didn’t eat anything yesterday. I will not have my mate fainting or starving herself when those things are easily avoidable.” 

When he called himself my mate, an agony so fierce gripped me that it nearly took my breath away. My entire body slumped. I had to bite my lip to keep from whimpering in pain. 

“You’re not my mate, Grayson,” I whispered, letting my tone convey how hard this all was for me: “I don’t care if you never slept with anyone else. You gave me up. I wanted you, and you gave me up.” 

I swallowed the ball forming in my throat, looking away from his intense expression. I couldn’t have this conversation with him again. It felt like being rejected over and over again. 

I took a few steps back. “I’ll have Candice bring you some pancakes or something. Stay if you want. I really don’t care anymore. I have to get back to work.” 

He grabbed my wrist before I could walk away. Sparks danced up my arm and warmed my skin. 

“If you would just let me explain,” he said, “you would see how much I want and love you. I never gave you up. It wasn’t up to me. I never meant for any of this to happen to you.” 

My throat was too dry to swallow. “Yeah, well, it did,” I said, my voice sounding quiet and defeated, even to me. “The damage has been done.” 

I pulled my arm from his grip and walked away. 

Emergency calls only 

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