第≤34% 12:54 

His Lost Queen 

Annie Whipple 

“And“?” he prompted, never stopping his harsh movements. 

“Please make me cum,” I whined. I was barely even keeping it together at this point. “Over and over 


That’s all it took for him to pounce. 

Emergency calls only 


In what felt like less than a second, I was lying flat on my back on a bed in one of the bedrooms, looking up at my mate on top of me. 

I didn’t even have time to process before his hands were ripping my panties from my legs and 

up around my waist. launching them across the room, then shoving the skirt of my waitress uniform 

He gripped my thighs and spread my legs open as wide as he could, his eyes immediately finding my needy pussy with a ravenous expression. 

“You’re so wet for me,” he groaned, his chest heaving. 

Right before I was ready to start begging again, his thumb parted my folds and then pressed down on my clit. 

My entire body violently convulsed at the simple touch, nearly coming then and there. The shudder of pleasure that traveled through me was so intense that it had stars exploding behind my eyes. 

“I know, baby,” Grayson said, still gently playing with my little bud of nerves. I writhed beneath him. “Fuck, you’re a fucking dream. I’ve got you, Belle. I’ve got you.” 

The sparks of the mate bond only made the entire experience a million times more intense, traveling through me and adding to the pleasure. 

Grayson knew exactly how to touch me, too, the exact right amount of pressure to add and then to 

take off to keep me in bliss. 

My hips moved against his hand, chasing after the release I so desperately needed. 

And when my movements became too much, Grayson growled and pinned me down with a hand on my stomach, shushing me with his deep voice. 

I reached for him. I didn’t even know what I wanted, but thankfully, Grayson did and planted his lips over mine, automatically adding another level of intimacy. It made me feel drunk. 

His finger left my clit, and I nearly cried out in dismay, but then it traveled lower and ever so slowly slid into my soaking wet hole. I jerked and squeezed my eyes shut at the sudden intrusion. 

Grayson shushed my whines, giving me words of praise, breathing up against my neck, and licking my mark. 

Chanter 29 of 

f 50: Chanter 20 

Emergency calls only 

$2034% 12:55 

He started to thrust his thick middle finger in and out of my pussy in long, determined motions. while his palm pressed up against my clit, playing with it at the same time. 

“Moan for me, baby,” he ordered. “Moan for me, so I know where that sweet spot inside of you is. So that when I’m deep inside you for the first time, I’ll know exactly what spot to hit every. Single. Time.”  Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Dear Lord. 

My mouth opened at his command, automatically doing as he told me. Whimpers of pure bliss spilled from my lips as he searched inside me with his hand. 

Then he curled his finger, suddenly hitting a spot that nearly had me screaming. 

He chuckled. “Found it.” 

I realized then that he had been searching for my G–spot, something that I had never been able to locate (to be honest, I was starting to think I was one of those unfortunate girls who didn’t have onc). 

He was somehow able to find it in less than thirty seconds. 

His finger began to brush up against the newfound erogenous zone with exact precision with every thrust as his palm continued to pet my clit. 

Without warning the claws of his other hand tore through my uniform and bra, leaving me naked beneath him, completely at his mercy. 

His eyes found my breasts, seemingly mesmerized for several long moments as they bounced with his movements. 

Then, before I even knew what was happening, his mouth latched onto one of my nipples, swirling his tongue around it and tugging on it with his teeth. 

The hand that wasn’t currently thrusting in and out of me came up and kneaded the other one in his palm. My back arched, pushing myself closer to him. 

I was losing my mind. I had never felt such pleasure. 

I was a complete and utter mess beneath him, moaning and writhing against his hand, so close to the edge that I was starting to feel tingles in my hands and feet and crawling up my legs.” 

Grayson released my nipple from his mouth, leaning back. 

Emergency calls only 

* 034% #112:55 “Eyes open,” he demanded, his words sounding more like a growl than anything else. “I want to see how those blue eyes turn glossy when I make what’s mine come for the first timec.” 

My eyelids flew open at his command, and I looked at him. I gasped. 

Grayson was significantly bigger, his muscles straining against his stretched–out black T–shirt and jeans, his chest heaving with harsh growls, his eyes the deepest dark red I had ever seen them. 

Although I knew that any other person would have been terrified by the sight in front of me, it only excited me and made my chest fill with love. 

I wanted all of Grayson–vampire, wolf, and whatever else he could give me. And right now, he was giving me exactly that 

Authe view of his sharp fangs pecking out from beneath his top lip, something inside of me turned desperate 

“Bite me,” I begged, pushing down against his hand “Mark me again, Grayson. Please. Bite me.” 

Grayson’s eyes flashed bright red and then prich black. 

His purring became so loud that it felt like the new was huncing off the wall, causing the whole room to vibrate and more of my arousal to leak from me and onto 300 hand. 

And then his teeth were inside my Besh, tinking down into the pet on my neck where he had first marked me so many months ago 

That’s all it took for me to go over the edge. 

I screamed out his name as my pussy clamped down on his finger, pulsing amund him. 

My eyes filled with bright light, my legs shook, and my heart lurched in my chest as wave after wave of pure bliss traveled through my body and completely consumed me. 

It lasted for what felt like several minutes, and I could do nothing but lie there, panting Grayson’s name over and over again as he continued to draw out my orgasm for as long as possible. 

His hand still moved against me, inside me, and his teeth were still lodged in my throat. 

Several moments later. I finally came down from my high. Grayson removed his teeth from licking at the wound he had created with gentle laps, sure to clean up all of the blood. 

His hand left my pussy, and 1 shuttered from the aftershocks. 

Emergency calls only 

#034% 12:55 

When he pulled back to look at me, I noticed that he had some of my blood on his lips. 

Even though that should have scared me–the fact that his vampire had just fed me while his wolf marked me as his own–it just felt right. 

I couldn’t help but smile up at him as I watched him through hooded, satisfied cycs. 

He didn’t return the smile. His expression was still intense, still hungry. I swallowed. 

“Grayson?” I asked. 

Without saying a word, he leaned down and kissed my belly button, his hands returning to grip my hips. I sat up on my elbows, looking down at him. 

“What are you doing?” 

His dark–red eyes looked up at me as he traveled down my torso with his lips, getting dangerously close to the location that was still tingling from the orgasm that he had given me just moments 


His purring hadn’t calmed, and the sound had me unconsciously spreading my legs for him once 


He wasn’t going to… Was he

“Need to taste you, Belle,” was his reply, spoken against the skin of my thigh. “I’ve been starving for 


Hmm, I guess he was. Well, I guess he hadn’t eaten dinner, right? 

I didn’t even get the chance to respond before his tongue slid over my slit. I fell back onto the bed, so sensitive down there that even that simple movement from his tongue had me jerking. 

“Grayson….” I moaned. 

Grayson didn’t hesitate to suck my clit into his mouth, letting out a loud growl that mixed with his purrs and vibrated the little bud. 

Holy shit, he was going to make me come again. 

And that’s exactly what he did. 

In mere moments I was thrown back into a pool of complete and utter bliss

Chapter 29 of 59: Chapter 29 


Emergency calls only 


Only this time, my pleasure didn’t find its peak because the moment I started to come down, Grayson began to suck and flick his tongue more furiously against my pussy, thrusting a finger inside of me as well. 

“Again,” he ordered, never looking away from my eyes as he continued to lap at me without mercy. 

I started contracting around him once again. Sobs left me, and tears of pure satisfaction ran down my checks 

I writhed against him, pushing my core down against his mouth as I came, which he happily accepted, encouraging me with one hand still on my hip, leading my movements against him. 

When the pleasure of my third orgasm finally began to fade, I slumped down against the bed, completely and utterly spent. My breathing was erratic, and my heart was going a mile a minute.. 

Grayson looked up at me with hooded eyes, and although he wasn’t actively trying to get me off anymore, he still continued to lick me. He seemed to be thoroughly enjoying himself, totally 


When his tongue swept over my extremely sensitive clit, I whined, “Grayson… Stop,” and tried shoving his face away from me. 

At last, he leaned back, smirking. His eyes finally returned to their forest–green color, his body shrinking to its normal size as his wolf and vampire retreated. 

“If you didn’t look so tired and satisfied, I would make you come again. And again. Until you couldn’t take it anymore.” 

“I already can’t take it anymore,” I replied. 

He chuckled and stood up, pulling his shirt over his head and tossing it to the floor. 

I couldn’t help my body’s reaction at the sight of his muscular chest and abs, my pussy tightening once again, and my heart rate escalating. 

Grayson looked down at me with amusement, watching my chest heave and my legs squeeze together. “You sure about that, baby?” 

I covered my face with my arms, pink staining my checks. 

Grayson laughed once again. He positioned one of his knees on the mattress and leaned over me, placing a firm kiss on my forehead. 

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