Liam left us in a large guest room with its own bathroom. 

The moment he closed the door behind him, leaving Belle and me alone, I locked it and immediately started scanning the room for any signs of danger toward my mate. 

I checked under the bed and in the closet before examining the windows to ensure the locks were secure. I was impressed when I found bulletproof glass along the windows. 

I wasn’t sure what sort of vampire or any supernatural creature, really–would choose a gun over their supernatural powers, but I appreciated Jeffrey hadn’t been lying when he said he had the best security money could buy. 

Belle sat on the edge of the bed and silently watched while I moved around. That calmed me a bit. I liked her eyes on me. I liked having her attention. 

I liked knowing where she was at all times–especially in a situation like this. 

I didn’t feel good about any of this. I hated depending on anybody else besides myself when it came to the safety of my mate. 

Belle stood and approached me while I was still examining the window. She ran a hand up my arm, leaving sparks everywhere she touched. 

The attraction between us flared now that we were by ourselves, making my nostrils flare. I automatically pulled her to me, tucking her into my chest. 

“How are you doing?” Belle asked. Her hands dipped under the back of my shirt, seeking the 

skin–to–skin contact of her mate. 

Her fingers traced the muscles of my back, massaging them gently. I wasn’t even sure if she was aware that she was doing it, but hell if I was going to point it out to her and risk her stopping. 

The need to mate and claim her was becoming more prominent. It could no longer be ignored. My wolf paced unhappily in my mind. He didn’t understand the need to wait. He was ready now. 

He didn’t think our mark on her neck was enough–he wanted her to smell like us; he wanted everyone to know who she belonged to. 

He pushed to the surface and growled through my chest, wanting to show me his anger and remind his mate that he was there. Waiting. Anxious. 

Chapter 37 of 59: Chapter 37 


Emergency calls only. 


Belle looked up at me, concern written all over her face. But before she could worry too much, I tilted her head up by her chin and pressed my lips to hers. 

She didn’t hesitate to return my kiss, even pulling me closer. 

Now wasn’t the right time to be thinking about throwing my mate on the bed and devouring her until she was screaming my name over and over again. 

But with the way she was pressing up against me and letting out sweet little breathy moans against my mouth, dark and dirty thoughts were front and center in my mind. 

If it weren’t for that stupid prophecy, Belle would already be connected to me forever. I would have made sure of it. She would be mine–mind, body, and soul.. 

Fuck, did I want that. 

It didn’t help that every instinct in me felt the need to dominate her to remind her and everyone around us exactly who her alpha was. 

I pulled back before I lost control. Belle huffed adorably, annoyed. I smiled and licked my lips, my eyes skating down her beautiful body so perfectly pressed up against mine. 

I loved the fact that she was in my clothes, covered in my scent. It helped calm me a bit. I would keep her like this all the time if I could. 

“I’m fine, baby,” I said, not wanting her to worry. 

My wolf growled in my chest again, letting her know that he was, in fact, not fine at all. He was going ballistic. 

Belle gave me a look that told me she didn’t believe me. Instead of elaborating, though, I just pressed a kiss to her forehead and pushed her toward the bathroom to get ready for bed. 

She needed to rest, not hear about all the dirty thoughts I was having about her. 


She let me guide her to the bathroom, not even arguing when I found a new toothbrush in one of the drawers and put toothpaste on it for her, handing it to her. 

I did the same for my own and then stood behind her while we brushed our teeth, keeping one hand on her stomach, watching her in the mirror. 

She rolled her eyes but didn’t try to push me away. She knew I was on edge. She knew I needed this -needed the control. 

Chapter 37 of 59: Chapter 37 


Emergency calls only 

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“Did I look like this the entire time we were talking to the Blackwoods?” Belle asked once we were done with our teeth. 

She pulled on the large T–shirt that fell past her knees, readjusting it and tucking one side into the waistband of her sweatpants, so it didn’t look quite so huge on her. 

I pulled her hands away when she started to mess with her hair. “Stop. You’re perfect no matter how you look. It doesn’t matter what they think about you.” 

“I’m just glad that Laila is letting me borrow some of her clothes for the plane tomorrow.” 

Liam had also offered to go get mine and Belle’s things from the hotel and Belle’s apartment tonight. 

Belle’s head fell back against my chest. She watched me in the mirror. “You know, as terrible as this situation is, I’m…glad I’m here with you. I don’t ever want to be away from you that long ever again.” 

Pink stained her cheeks at her sweet admission. “I missed you.” 

My chest ached. “I would say I missed you too, but that wouldn’t even begin to express the hell I went through over the last three months without you. Never again. 

“I won’t go a single day without having you by my side. Fuck, even an hour might be too long for 


She smiled. “Well, I hope you can go without for at least a few minutes“-she turned and put her hands on my chest-“because I need to pee.” She shoved me out of the bathroom. 

I growled playfully as she slammed the door in my face. 


Belle was restless

It was nearly one in the morning, and although she had drifted off a few times, she kept waking up and shifting against me anxiously. 

I fished through her emotions through the bond, trying to decipher what had her so worked up, there was nothing too out of the ordinary. 


I felt her worry over Azazel being nearby and about returning to my pack tomorrow, but I also felt her trust in me returning. She felt safe with me. She knew I wasn’t going to let anyone or anything 

Chapter 37 of 50. Chapter 37 

Emergency calls only 


039% 12:49 She was also exhausted. Her body was still healing from the starving bond, and although she was slowly getting better, it was taking it out of her. 

So why the hell was she still awake? 

She was hiding something from me. I could feel it. There was some imperceptible emotion rolling through her one she didn’t want me to know about and was keeping locked up

As annoying as that was, I pushed my irritation down. I would talk to her about it tomorrow. I didn’t want to keep her from getting sleep. 

My vampire purred for her at a low frequency, not loud enough for her to notice, but enough to hopefully help her relax. 

I was happy to do this for her all night if she needed it; I didn’t plan on sleeping tonight, wanting to stay alert in case anything happened. 

But the way she continued to shift and rub against me nearly had me pinning her down and fucking the living shit out of her. It was getting harder and harder to keep my wolf under control. 


As the purrs over her, Belle softened and pressed back against me. I was wrapped around her from behind, with her tucked into me, our legs tangled together under the sheets. 

I had to hold in a deep snarl when she rubbed her little ass up against my hard–as–rock cock, murmuring something incomprehensible in her half–asleep state. Then she stilled. Her breathing 


Just as I thought she had finally nodded off, she huffed and flipped her body around so she was facing me, nuzzling her face into my bare chest and neck. 

I froze when she threw one of her legs over my hip, pressing her pussy up against my cock. Only her sweatpants and my boxers separated us from being skin–to–skin. 

And then she started to move. And grind. 

My whole body lit on fire. 

They weren’t large movements–they were small and fueled by sleep. Filled with innocence. She didn’t know what she needed or even that she was doing it, just that it felt good. 

And then I realized what was going on, why she was having such a hard time falling asleep, why she was keeping her emotions under lock and key, and why she couldn’t stop wiggling her supple body against me. 

Chapter 37 of 59: Chapter 37 


Emergency calls only C 

She was horny. 

D39% #1249 

Yes, my girl was so turned on it was keeping her awake. The bond was getting to her the same way it was getting to me. 

ny malc? 

That realization nearly killed me. It was one thing for me to go without, but my 

Fuck. That. 

If she needed release, I was going to give it to her. 

My hand traveled up her spine until I was gripping the back of her neck, squeezing It. Belle sucked in a small breath, her hip movements rolling to a stop. 

“Did I wake you up?” Belle whispered into the darkness. 

“No,” I replied, my voice deep and hoarse. “You didn’t.” 

My other hand found its way to her hip, gently encouraging her to continue her movements, faster this time. I guided her hips down, so her clit rubbed up against my pulsing shaft. 

Belle gasped. “Grayson…,” she moaned out. “What are you doing?” 

“Taking care of you. Relax.” 

r arms snaked their way around 

She automatically did as she was told, allowing me full control. Her arms snaked their my neck as I picked up the pace, grinding up against her. 

Her breaths started to come out as pants until she was mewling against my skin. 

I growled. “Quiet, little mate.” I kissed her Jaw and up to her car so I was sure she could hear me. “No one but me gets to hear the sound of your pleasure. I need you quiet. Understand?” 

She nodded, although she seemed a bit distracted as she started to move her hips. I couldn’t have  Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.


With my grip on her hip, I slowed her anxious grinding and grabbed her chin with my other hand, forcing her to look at me. 

“I want to hear you say it. No vampire is going to hear your sweet moans. Say you understand.” 

She nodded again, wiggling to try and get out of my grip. “I understand,” she said, her words rushing out. “I’ll be quiet.” 


Emergency calls only 

“Good girl.” 

I allowed her to move again, meeting her thrusts with mine–harder, faster. 

039% 1249 

I dragged the ridge of my cock up and down her clothed pussy like a man possessed, my eyes soaking up the beautiful sight of my mate writhing against me, finding pleasure with my body. 

Fuck, I was going to get off like this. 

My wolf side clawed at my consciousness. This wasn’t enough. He wanted more. He pounded so hard against my mind that I physically jerked forward, nearly crushing Belle. 

I couldn’t help but let my instincts momentarily take over and pushed Belle onto her back before climbing over her and slamming my hips down onto hers. 

Belle squeaked as I started to full–on hump her like a wild animal. I knew the moment the seam of her sweatpants started to grind up against her clit, her eyes rolling to the back, and her legs opening 


I snarled low when small noises started to come out of her mouth as she neared her climax. My possessiveness and need to have her all to myself took over any logical thinking I may have been hanging onto. 

I grabbed her jaw in my hand and slammed my lips down onto hers, swallowing all of the noises of bliss she was making and keeping them all to myself. 

The taste of her consumed me, and I was suddenly extremely grateful for the sturdiness of this bed- it didn’t make a single noise as I dry–humped my mate into oblivion. 

Belle’s orgasm 

m came hard and fast. I never took my lips from hers, and she whined into my mouth, her nails digging into my shoulders and only adding to my own fire. 

Feeling her shake and convulse against me was all it took for me to go off, grinding down harder than I had before. 

After what felt like forever, both of our intense highs finally ebbed and flowed to an end. Belle was completely limp beneath me, breathing heavily. 

I continued to kiss her even though her lips were loose and pliable under mine, not ready to be done with her just yet

Although we both came, the primal feeling inside of me the need to claim her–didn’t calm. My hips never ceased moving, thrusting lazily while I kissed her. 

Chapter 37 of 59: Chapter 37 


Emergency calls only MO 

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It wasn’t much, but it kept me from ripping all of her clothes off and finally taking her sweet virginity. 

Later. That would come later. 

Belle giggled when I swiped my tongue across her lips. I growled playfully before pulling back and looking down at my droopy–eyed, smiling mate. 

Fuck, she looked beautiful like this–beneath me, swollen lips, flushed and satisfied. 

After cleaning ourselves up in the bathroom, Belle and I settled back into the bed, her in my arms. 

She slept like the dead for the rest of the night. 

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