I was going czy with lust. 

Nearly a month had passed since arriving back at Zaweth with Belle. Everything had been going so well. 

For a little while, that is. 

My pack had accepted her with open arms, just like I knew they would, expressing their deep regret for how they treated her without hesitation. 

Belle had been wary of them at first, nervous around the werewolves who had mistreated her for so long, but eventually, she started to get along with them and even fit in. 

She made friends with everyone she met, remembering names and faces better than even I could. She cared about them and took it upon herself to get to know everyone, even checking in on them. 

She was a natural luna. She took her place as my queen with grace and polse. 

The two of us lived in our own wing of the palace of the supernatural in the center of Zaweth. I had It built especially for us when I first took over as king. 

It was more of an apartment than anything else, with our very own kitchen, dining room, living room, two bathrooms, and two bedroonis. 

Belle loved it, which made me happy, especially knowing the dump she had been staying in for the 

last several months. 

My favorite part about our wing was that it was for away from everyone else and secluded. 

This was good because we weren’t the only people who lived in the palace–it occupied about five hundred supernatural total–and I wanted to ensure we had total privacy. 

Only I got to hear the sound of my mate’s pleasure. 

My favorite activity was seeing how many times I could make her scream my name in one night while I ravished her pussy with my tongue for hours and hours. 

And as much as I enjoyed this–and, boy, did I enjoy doing this–I also did it out of necessity. It was the only way to keep my wolf at bay. 

It was the only way to keep myself at bay. 

Chapter 40 of 59–Chapter 40. 


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During the day, though, I eventually decided I had to keep my distance. Being around her for too long always amounted to an all–consuming arousal that ended with both of us in bed, me on top of 


e not to 

Then, it took everything in spread her legs, thrust my cock into her sweet little pussy, and lodge my teeth into her beautiful neck, ensuring the mating bond was finally completed, and she was tied to me forever. 

And then I would fuck her some more. 

Yeah, my self–control was hanging on by a thread. 

So I found other ways to occupy my time that didn’t include Belle, which killed me. 

But it was better than pinning her to whatever nearby wall there was and fucking her all the way into 

next week like I wanted to

I would leave her early in the morning for training with my pack–where I would try to work off some pent–up energy–and then I would be off in meetings for the rest of the day. 

Sometimes Belle would come with me. I preferred it that way for a while. I wanted her close. But the attraction quickly became too much. For both of us. 

Soon, it became hard to be in the same room with her. The smell of her constant arousal was too 


When Belle wasn’t exploring the kingdom and finding ways to keep herself busy, she was hanging out with Minnie during the day. 

She would help her make house calls to the sick. She really enjoyed it. She came home every day with stories of the people they met and helped. 

She loved being with Minnie–they had become great friends, just like I predicted they would. 

At first, I felt nervous about Belle going out of the palace every day without me by her side. 

I hated the idea of her sitting in our palace wing by herself every day, but I hated the idea of her being unprotected even more. That was when Liam volunteered to go with them. 

I said no. Of course I said no. I hated that motherfucking vampire with every fiber of my being. 

But Belle begged for me to let him come with. 

And hegord. 

Chapter 40 of 59: Chapter 40 


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And when I still said no, she did it anyway. 

My strong, stubborn, little mate. 

D38% 12-52 

Liam was lucky he had earned the tiniest bit of my trust by killing his own father and protecting Belle from Adalee. Or he would be six feet under right now. 

I felt extremely tense as I walked through the gym early in the morning. Belle was still asleep when I left her, and I had to literally pry her body off mine to get out of bed. 

She had always been a massive cuddler during the night, but since I had started putting off mating with her, she began wrapping herself around me like a vine while she slept. 

Her body sought the nearness of her mate that I wasn’t providing her with while she was awake. 

Usually, I wouldn’t mind. Usually, I would encourage the close contact. 

But her squirming her little body against me for hours upon hours, rubbing her face and lips against 


chest and neck while she slept, was starting to drive me fucking insane. 

Belle was confused. The force of the bond was strong. Relentless. She was becoming desperate to mate, and oh boy, was she making sure I knew it. 

She hadn’t outright told me, but I could sense itsmell itevery time we were together. 

When I walked into our room last night, she was wearing one of my shirts, completely covered in my scent, which she knew drove my wolf and me crazy.  sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

No bra and a red thong painfully visible through the white fabric of my shirt. 

I had also found her sitting criss–cross on our bed with the crotch of her pantics so beautifully on display for me. 

I could smell her mating pheromones all the way down the hall, which made it painfully obvious what she had been hoping for. 

The moment I stepped into the room, my own body heaved with incapacitating lust as my eyes traveled up and down her form. Even just looking at her caused every part of my body to come alive. 

Well, some parts more than others

I made her come. Multiple times. For hours. I threw her onto the bed and devoured her until she begged me to stop. 

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I spent so much time licking her sweet pussy that I could still taste her on my tongue now. It wasn’t 

what either of us wanted, not really, but it was all I could do. 

We were both slowly going insane, and everyone around us knew it. My pack members eyed me every time I stepped out of our palace wing, knowing I was near my breaking point. 

They knew I hadn’t fully mated with Belle and could feel the absence of the connection to their luna. I’m sure they all wondered what was taking me so long. They longed for the connection as well. 

I couldn’t mate with her, though. Not yet. Not until I had all the information on how shifting to a fairy would affect her. 

She was human, and whether or not she wanted to admit it, she was fragile. I would not be the one. 

to cause her harm. 

I tried convincing myself that I wouldn’t have to wait too much longer. 

Kyle had gotten me in touch with a warlock who apparently was a relative of Evangeline Viotto and was willing to talk to me about the Fae. 

I had come extremely close to telling her about the prophecy so many times. She deserved to know why I was avoiding her, why her body was reacting to mine the way it was. 

But I knew that if I told her, she would try to convince me that it wasn’t a big deal. I knew her, and I knew how desperate she was–and how selfless. 

She was well aware of how rigid I had been the last month or so and how badly I wanted her. She just didn’t understand why I wasn’t taking her. 

She would gladly risk her life if it meant finally being fully connected to me and giving us both some relief. And I just couldn’t have that. 

Elijah looked up from his weights as I walked past him in the gym. I didn’t miss the way the corners of his lips turned up just a bit. “Morning, Alpha,” he said, amusement leaking from his tone. 

“Elijah,” I grunted back in greeting. I turned and crossed my arms over my chest, assessing my pack -or should I say kingdom–as they trained. 

I was still getting used to that. Just like with Belle, taking on the role of alpha king had come naturally to me. I fell into the role with ease, without so much as an 

Elijah approached me slowly, coming to stand by my side, facing the large gym as well. “Kyle will be here soon. He wasn’t planning on being late, but he said he needed coffee.” 

Chantor 40 of 50- Chanter n 


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038% 12-52 Not surprised. “Sounds like Kyle.” I murmured. Coffee didn’t even do anything to him now that he was a hybrid, but he still claimed that it did. He drank about fifteen mug–fulls every morning. 

Right.” Elijah agreed. He was avoiding eye contact with me. There was something he wasn’t telling 

  1. me. 

“You got something to share with me, Elijah?” I asked him slowly. 

I was in no mood for games this morning, or any morning, really, ever since having to wake up and leave an unsatisfied, sexy–asall–sin mate every day. 

He shifted. “Well, uh…I feel like it is my, uh, moral obligation to warn you that Kyle’s going to give you a ton of shit when he gets here.” 

I let my gaze slide to him. “Care to explain?” 

He opened his mouth to respond, but before he could, someone else spoke. “Holy fuck, Alpha, would you point that thing somewhere else? You’re liable to poke my mate’s eye out.” 

Kyle approached us with the biggest shit–cating grin I had ever seen on his face. 

I looked down. Christ–he was right. I suddenly understood what Elijah had been trying to warn me about. The simple gym shorts I was wearing did nothing to hide the massive erection I was sporting. 

I hadn’t even thought about hiding it or taking care of it this morning, just needing to get away from Belle as quickly as possible. 

I quickly and discreetly readjusted, so it was less noticcable. 

“Ignore it,” I growled, crossing my arms over my chest and looking away from them. 

Sensing my touchy mood, Kyle gave Elijah a quick kiss on the lips before sending him on his Elijah found a spot on the other side of the gym to finish his workout. 


Kyle turned to me, elbowing my side. “Hey, if I don’t give you shit, then who will, Alpha?” 

I grunted. “I would prefer no one. Perks of being king.” 

A moment of awkward silence passed between us. “So… You and the luna?” Kyle prodded. 

“None of your business.” 

He nodded his head in understanding. It’s getting that bad, huh?“” 

Chapter 40 of 59: Chapter 40 

Emergency calls only 


038% 12:53 

“Kyle….” I warned in a low tone. 

He rolled his eyes and let out a deep breath. “Yeah, yeah, it’s none of my business. 

“I know you would like to believe that, but you make it all of our business every second you go without fully mating the luna and fulfilling the prophecy. 

“And when you walk around smelling so strongly of mating pheromones that I could choke on the fumes.” 

I wasn’t listening to him anymore, my attention stolen. 

I had just gotten a whiff of my favorite scent in the whole world. 


Belle was nearby. She was watching me. 

And, fuck, she was turned on. 

All of my focus was suddenly on this new development. Had she come to watch me work out? Did she need something? Was she lonely? Horny? 

My head snapped up and narrowed on the viewing deck overlooking the gym. It was one–way glass, so I couldn’t see her, but I knew she was there. 

And I knew she could see me. I would be able to pick out her gaze on me in a room of thousands. 

My naughty mate definitely knew she wasn’t supposed to be here. It was dangerous for her, a human, to be surrounded by bloodthirsty vampires. 

I had told her countless times that she wasn’t allowed outside our wing without the protection especially when Azazel was still out there. 


Azazel hadn’t caused any problems lately, but I almost would have preferred it if he would. Then would at least know what he was up to. He was quiet right now, too quiet. And it was making me 


“Oh, shit.” Kyle chuckled as he raised a hand to cover his nose. He shook his head with a smile. “The two of you are worse than teenagers, I swear.” 

Thankfully, he walked away before I had to beat him to death for smelling my mute. 

All of my prior thoughts about keeping a safe distance from my little mate went out the window as I 

Chapter 40 of 59: Chapter 40. 

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