I took my time putting the fancy underwear on, not sparing Grayson a single glance although I was dying to look at him. Was he watching me? My heart rate escalated. My palms started to sweat.

Oh, G od, what was I doing? This was so stu pid. I should’ve known that nothing would come of it.

I walked past him and over to the full-length mirror on the other side of the room. I studied myself, running my hands over my sides in a way that I could only hope looked enticing.

Even I couldn’t deny the fact that I looked good. Well, at least I hoped I did. I could only hope I was getting Grayson’s attention.

He hadn’t shown any signs of liking-or even noticing-the little show I was putting on for him.

A gust of wind ruffled my hair. I smiled. Grayson’s sparky hands gripped my waist from behind, then abruptly slammed me into his front.

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He started to purr, the sound coming from deep within his chest and vibrating through my back, making my entire body feel warm and languid.

Something long and hard pressed against my lower back, and I had to hold in my excitement.

“Are you trying to kill me?” he groaned in my ear, his voice pained and desperate.

I turned in his arms, blinking up at him innocently. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Grayson’s eyes traveled over my lace-encased breasts, darkening significantly. His hands tightened around my waist, purring starting to swell from his chest, automatically making me melt further into his embrace.

“Where the f uck did you even get this?” he asked, his voice coming out all rumbly.

I smirked, wrapping my arms around his neck and digging my fingers into his silk, dark hair. “Minnie went out shopping the other day.”

His eyes narrowed. “So you got this just to torture me?”

Well…if the shoe fits…

One of his hands traveled over my rib cage and then ever so lightly over my breast, right where my covered nipple was.

I sucked in a breath. The space between my legs pulsed. “I needed new underwear.”

“You have two drawers full of underwear in our closet.” His eyes unashamedly zoned in on my almost-visible nipple, licking his lips with a hungry expression.

“Not the kind I wanted,” I breathed out. “I read somewhere that women can feel more empowered by wearing se xy lingerie under their everyday clothes.”

Grayson growled and leaned in, his lips skimming against the shell of my ear, inhaling deeply. “Absolutely not. You will not be wearing this today.”

“And why not?””

“You think I’ll be able to make it through the day when I know you’ve got this on?” he asked, kissing my car and then the side of my neck, right above my mark. “You think I won’t go f ucking insane?”

I grabbed his chin and forced him to look at me, then lifted onto my tiptoes and just barely skimmed my lips over his.

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He groaned.

“Then it will be doing its job,” I whispered against his mouth

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Without warning, I was swept off my feet and placed on the bed in under a second, Grayson on top of me. His mouth slammed onto mine, claiming me, dominating me.

I kissed him back eagerly, pulling him closer to me by his hair. My entire body lit up at his touch, begging for more.

I pulled back even as Grayson continued kissing me. His lips traveled along my jaw and down my throat, paying extra close attention to my mark. I whimpered.

“Grayson,” I whispered.

His tongue slipped out and ran over my mark-thoroughly lapping over it and driving me mad- before he responded. “What is it, baby? What do you need?”

“You,” I replied breathlessly. “I need you. Please.”

“I’m right here, beautiful girl. I’m right here,” he said, never taking his lips off of me.

His hands roamed along my body but never went near unhooking my bra or touching my thong. I let out a frustrated huff.

“No, Grayson, that’s not what I meant. I-I mean I…want you to want me.”

Grayson’s body froze on top of mine. He moved back so he could look at me with his pitch-black


“Want you? Belle… Are you still worried about our conversation from the other day? I thought I made it clear how much I want you. I want you too much.”

“I know…I just…Then why haven’t you…” I swallowed, my checks turning bright pink. Was I really about to be this girl? “Why haven’t you…made love to me yet?”

“Sh it, Belle…,” he responded, his head dropping.

“Please, Grayson,” I said, not even caring that I was begging or what he might think of me.

“I can’t take it anymore. I need you to take me. I need to be connected to you. I need to”-I swallowed, feeling my face bloom with heat-“feel you inside of me.”

Grayson growled so loudly that the bed shook. “F uck. F uck, you can’t say things like that to me,

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072% 11.51 He groaned, dropping his head into my neck, breathing deeply, growls coming from his chest with

each intake of air.

Sensing his resolve breaking, I kissed his shoulder, then licked up to the spot that I knew would be where I would mark him if I were a werewolf like him.

I sucked on the spot and then bit down gently. He let out a violent string of curses.

“I need you inside me, Grayson,” I repeated, whispering into his ear while I continued to kiss and lick the side of his neck, attempting to mimic the way I had seen werewolves kiss their mates.

I pressed my core up against his hard erection. “I need you deep inside of me, thrusting in and out, over and over again, until you come deep inside. I need you to mate me. Please.”

Grayson was turning savage above me. His hips were thrusting viciously against me, causing stars to= dance in my vision. His purring was louder than I had ever heard it before.

The sound was unbelievably intoxicating. It was causing copious amounts of wetness to pool from my pu ssy, completely soaking my panties.

Without warning, Grayson snarled and his clongated claws tore through the front of my lacy bra, completely tearing it from my body.

I would have scolded him for ruining my new underwear but didn’t get the chance because a second. later, his mouth was latched onto my nipple.

I cried out in bliss. My back arched into his touch and my hands gripped his hair, pulling him impossibly closer. His masculine scent was driving me crazy, making my mouth water.

What I wouldn’t give to have his coc k-the same one that he was still thrusting into my swollen cl it over and over again-in my mouth, shooting his cu m down my throat. I was desperate for it.

But not as desperate as I was for him to f uck me.

Grayson seemed to be feeling a similar way to me. He left open-mouthed kisses down my body until he reached my panties and then tore them from my body.

“Yes,” I panted, opening my legs for him. Any modesty that I had flew out the window the moment. his crimson eyes took in my dripping p ussy. “F uck me, Grayson. Please, f uck me.”

Grayson’s growl shook the walls and bed. “I need to taste you first, mate. I need my needy mate to come on my tongue.”

Now, it wasn’t that I didn’t want that. He could lick my pu ssy for the rest of eternity, and I would

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When he got started, it usually took begging him to stop to finally make him come up for air. But as incredible as that was, I needed more right now.”

If he didn’t slam his huge c ock into me in the next two minutes, I would most definitely explode.

I opened my mouth to protest but was immediately silenced when he swiped his tongue up the slit of my p ussy.

Okay, so maybe one orga sm from his mouth wouldn’t be so bad…

“Oh,” I moaned, “Ohh…”

I was so on edge that it only took minutes to reach my peak, screaming his name while thrashed back and forth against the pillow.

“What are you doing?”



“Shh, my needy mate,” Grayson said. He sucked my cli t into his mouth, swirling his tongue around.


My head fell back. “Grayson.” I whimpered his name while my hips ground against his sinful


As good as it felt, we both knew it wasn’t what I wanted. “Grayson. I need your co ck. Now. Please.”

He groaned. “I can’t take it when you beg.”


He peered up at me from the juncture between my legs. He made intense eye contact with me as he lapped at my cl it, once, twice, three times. It was the most erotic thing I had ever seen in my life.

“Just let me take care of you, Belle,” he said. His voice was so deep and smooth. It sounded like silk as it traveled through my ears.

He kissed my tingling bud with his glistening lips. “Let me make you feel so good, you forget about everything else.”

I stiffened, finally understanding what he meant. He was distracting me so he wouldn’t have to have

sex with me.

I sat up on my elbows. “Stop, Grayson.” I pushed at his head. “I mean it, stop.”

Grayson’s tongue slowed to a stop and he lifted from me. His eyes immediately zeroed in on my lips.

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which were rolled into my mouth in an effort not to cry.

“Belle…,” he said. His hand cupped my face. “Did I do something? Did I hurt you?”

072% 11:51 Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I shook my head. Tears were pooling in the corners of my eyes, which just infuriated me. Why did I always have to cry?

I grabbed a blanket and wrapped it tightly around myself. I didn’t look at him as I spoke. I’m just going to say it. “I need you to tell me why you don’t want to have sex with me.”

“I do want-

“I need you

to tell me why you don’t want to have sex with me without lying because as of recently, I’ve been thinking it’s because you don’t love me anymore or something.”

I laughed nervously, which ended up sounding like a teary snort. “Which is ridiculous because we’re mates, and it would probably take a lot for your mate to fall out of love with you, right?”

Grayson tried to respond, but now that I had started, there was no stopping my tangent.

“It’s just that, before everything happened, you could barely keep your hands off of me. You couldn’t stop talking about how much you wanted to sleep with me.

“But now…I know you’re under a lot of stress and everything, but I just thought…I know there’s something going on.

“You’ve been avoiding me, working constantly, and you haven’t made love to me yet, which I know has been killing your wolf. I can see your inner battle every time I’m with you.

“What aren’t you telling me? Has something changed? Do you not want me like that anymore? Are you not…attracted to me anymore?”

Grayson looked like he was in the worst possible physical pain when I was done. Meanwhile, I was hiccuping, my chest making big jumps with the effort not to start sobbing.

He pulled me to him. I wanted to fight against his hold, but he started to purr before I could, and all of my fight left my body.

He tucked me into him, my back against his front, his arms wrapped around me. I knew what he was doing.

From this position, his purrs vibrated throughout my entire form, drowning me in the calming thrumming. My tears slowed to a stop and soothing tranquility filled me.

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“Better?” he asked me after a minute.

As if he didn’t know the effect his st upid purrs had on me.

“I hate it when you do that,” I murmured.

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He kissed my forehead, brushing my hair out of my face with gentle, loving fingers. “No, you don’t.”


I sighed. He was right. I didn’t.

“You’re right,” he said quietly. “There’s something I have been keeping from you.”

I silently waited for him to continue.

“Do you remember the portrait of the former queen of the supernatural?” he asked.

I had no idea what, that had to do with anything, but I nodded anyway. “Evangeline. The woman I met at the diner.”

During my

first few days spent in Zaweth, Grayson had taken me on a tour of the castle.

On that tour, he showed me the portraits of every past king and queen-vampire, werewolf, and everything in between-and I was shocked to find that I actually recognized one of the portraits.

I had met the beautiful blonde woman in the painting, even though Grayson claimed it had been painted hundreds of years ago.

It was Evangeline. Evangeline Viotto, the woman I’d met at the diner the night before Adalee attacked me.

When I told Grayson about this encounter, he didn’t believe me.

Well, he didn’t not believe me-at least, he didn’t say those exact words, but he definitely thought the story was a little crazy and far-fetched.

But I knew what I saw. I knew it was her. I wasn’t sure how or why…but the former queen of the supernatural had definitely come to visit me that night.

“Yes, Queen Evangeline.” He ignored my other comment. “Do you know why she was considered to be such an important and influential queen?”

I shook my head.

Grayson took in a deep breath. “She was a fairy, Belle. The last of her kind.”

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I turned around in his lap so I could look at him. He gripped my waist firmly.

“A fairy…,” I repeated. “Like T inker Bell or something?”

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The corner of his lips turned up. “I believe you’re thinking of a pixie, although I can remember T inker Bell commonly being referred to as both in the cartoons.

“Pixies are small, like Ti nker Bell. Fairies are human-sized.”

I nodded. “Okay…,” I said, prompting him to continue.

I could see the worry in his expression. He was nervous to be talking to me about this. Why?

“Evangeline Viotto was a member of the Fac, one of the most dangerous and powerful creatures of all time,” Grayson continued. “So powerful that she was hunted and abused most of her life.

“She was taken advantage of and enslaved until her mate found her and made her queen. Many say that is why she made a fair and good ruler. She had compassion for her people.

“She cared for them because she knew what it was like to truly suffer.”

I swallowed thickly. It made sense, really. It was how she was able to take my pain away that night back at the diner. She had powers.

“I have a lot to live up to,” I replied quietly. I leaned into the sound of his purring, seeking the comfort it gave me.

“You are a wonderful queen. It is not my goal to make you feel inadequate. They say that all queens. of the supernatural have known suffering.

“It is what makes them so compassionate and kind toward their people. You will make an amazing queen. But I never want you to be persecuted the way she was for her powers.”

“It’s a good thing I’m just a human then,” I said, giving him a reassuring smile. “No one will care about me, right?”

Grayson’s lips thinned into a deep frown. My heart squeezed in my chest.

“What?” I asked him. I massaged his shoulders, trying to calm him, noticing for the first time they were slightly bigger than usual. His eyes were black.

I hadn’t realized how close to the surface his wolf was. I was just becoming so accustomed to his eyes changing colors.

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Something was really bothering him.

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“Talk to me, Grayson,” I begged, feeling a little panicked now. “Why are you telling me all of this?””

When he still didn’t respond to me, I did the only thing I could think of. I leaned in and pressed my lips to his. It only took a second for him to groan and pull me closer, deepening the kiss.

His tongue thrust into my mouth, mating with mine in long, teasing strokes that made my stomach flutter and tighten.

His hands ran from my waist to cup my bottom, kneading it with a low growl. The movement only made me shift against him, my hips starting to thrust just slightly.

I could feel his hard length beneath me, long and thick and desperate. I gasped.

“F uck, I want you,. Belle,” he groaned against my lips, leading my hips over his in a way that was driving me crazy. “I want you so f ucking bad.”

“You can have me,” I whispered back, just barely brushing my lips to his as I spoke. “What are you waiting for?”

I squeaked in surprise when I was suddenly flipped around, so I was lying on my back.

I looked up at Grayson with wide eyes as he gently spread my legs and settled his massive form between them, supporting himself with his hands on either side of my head.

His lips slammed back down onto mine in a desperate, passionate kiss. I moaned.

But then he pulled away. He stared down at me for several long seconds before saying, “Come with


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